A.N: Hello everyone, this is a new story as a peace offering for not updating my others recently. I'll be updating this every Monday and Thursday.
Her mother's hand crashed into Beca's face. "Take your stuff! And when you sleep over at your friend's house tonight, don't bother coming back!" Without another word, Beca picked up her bag of clothes and walked out the front door, but not before raising her middle finger to the woman whom genetics forced her to be called "mom". The tears didn't start spilling down her cheeks until the door slammed, but even that didn't stop her walking away with vehement determination. It was about an hour's walk to Chloe's house but it was worth it.
The two of them went to the same high school and had been best friends ever since Chloe had imposed herself on Beca's life, and neither of them regretted it. She pulled her phone out from her pocket and dialled, and after what seemed like forever Chloe finally answered. "There's a slight problem with me staying over yours tonight," Beca began. In response to her friend asking why she replied, "Because my mom doesn't exactly want me to come home afterwards, and I think she means it."
Chloe listened to Beca explain how her mom was fed up of everything she did and was generally sick of the sight of her. Ever since the divorce, she had found herself despising her own daughter who was unfortunately the spitting image of the very man she was trying so hard to forget. Hastily, Chloe hanged up the phone and after briefly running downstairs to speak to her mom about it, she rang Beca back and gave her the news that she was allowed to stay at their place for as long as she liked.
The tears of sadness and anger had stopped and new ones of relief began falling down Beca's face. It would only take another ten minutes for her to walk to Chloe's house, but they were the longest ten minutes of her life. When she finally reached the top of her driveway, Chloe's front door swung open and she came sprinting out, nearly knocking Beca over with the force of her hug. Both were so happy to see each other, and so Beca willingly allowed Chloe to take her by the hand and lead her indoors.
Sarah - Chloe's mom, was just on her way to work her night-shift at the hospital, but on her way out she told Beca that she was to treat the house like it was her own home. It was nine at night and as Beca walked into Chloe's large, luxurious house she couldn't help but smile. She put her bag down, took off her shoes and wandered into the living room after being instructed to sit down and relax. Chloe headed into the kitchen to make two large cups of hot chocolate whilst Beca sat down on the soft carpet, feeling some sort of weight lift from her shoulders.
They talked for hours about everything that had happened, and by midnight the game of Truth or Dare was suggested as something to take their minds off the earlier events of the day. "How will we play it with just the two of us?" Beca asked. Chloe pulled out her iPhone and explained, "There's this app on my phone that comes up with the questions, so we just take it in turns."
Within twenty minutes they had explored in detail different truths about one another (most of them they already knew, but there was always one juicy detail that was new and exciting to learn). Chloe had been dared to wave her bra out the window at the next person who walked by the house, and Beca had confessed that although Chloe knew her first kiss was with James Capone on the bleachers, she had kept secret that it was interrupted by a volleyball to the face. It went on in this way for a while, and then as Chloe clicked on 'dare' for her next go the lines came up: "Kiss the person opposite you." Both girls saw it at the same time. Neither of them would mind for it to happen, but didn't want to make it awkward. "What's the forfeit?" Beca asked. Chloe clicked on the forfeit button and the screen flashed up: "Ring up an ex and tell them you still love them."
"There is no way I can ring up any of my exes – there's a good reason why I'm not with any of them anymore," Chloe said. Beca smiled nervously and looked at the floor. "If you prefer the other one, I won't tell if you won't." Chloe nodded, and moved forward until she was sitting in front of Beca. She took her head in her hands, and their lips met. Without realising, Beca placed her hands on Chloe's waist as Chloe ran her fingers through her tousled brown hair. Neither of them knew how long it had been when they pulled away, but without a flicker of hesitation on her face Chloe stood up and said, "Do you want some more hot chocolate? Or maybe a coffee?"
As she walked out into the kitchen she raised two fingers to her lips and touched them at the exact same time that Beca did the exact same thing in the living room. "Erm, tea please." They both snapped back to their senses as the kettle started boiling noisily, but they couldn't deny the fact that they still felt something after that kiss. Chloe walked into the living room and sat back down opposite Beca. "What just happened?" she asked. Beca shook her head, for she too had no idea. "I don't know. But it can't happen again."
"Do you mean it just didn't feel right?" Chloe asked, trying not to give away that it felt right to her. Beca's silence said enough and Chloe guessed that she wasn't alone in thinking how right it felt. "It doesn't matter. It can't happen again. I'm not… I'm not… gay." Beca said defiantly. Chloe looked into Beca's eyes and said, "So stop me," as she leant in and made their lips meet. And of course, Beca didn't stop her.
At first they were kissing softly with Chloe's hands resting on Beca's shoulders and Beca's hands on Chloe's waist again. Eventually, Chloe began to lean forward, edging Beca to lie down. She did, and Chloe placed her legs on either side of Beca's as they kept kissing. After a while, they stopped and Chloe moved to lie down on the floor next to her. She entwined her fingers with Beca's, but the brunette pulled away. "What's wrong?" Chloe asked.
"This can't happen," Beca replied defiantly.
"Look, I know. The way that I'm feeling about you right now scares the shit out of me… but we both know that if one of us was a guy then there wouldn't be a problem."
"Trust me, I've thought a lot about what would happen if me and you got together and not once have I pictured myself turning you away."
"Wait," Chloe began, "So you liked me before all of this?"
"Yeah… kinda," Beca replied sheepishly.
"I liked you too." They both smiled weakly at each other before Chloe continued, "Look, we're both in our pyjamas and I'm tired. Let's just go straight to bed and we can sort this all out tomorrow."
Both girls stood up and went upstairs. As they entered Chloe's bedroom, Beca stopped in her tracks and stared at the double bed. Chloe realised what she was looking at and said, "If it helps, just forget everything happened. Don't worry; I'm not going to pounce on you in the middle of the night." They climbed into bed and began to drift off to sleep. When Beca could hear Chloe breathing deeply next to her, her collarbone tingled exactly where Chloe had held her. "I don't like her that way… I don't like her that way…" she kept repeating over and over in her head. She went to sleep with thoughts so determined that she did not have any more feelings than normal for her friend, but as she fell into a deeper sleep she began to dream. No kissing, no hugging, just Chloe.
She was all that Beca dreamt about; holding hands with Chloe, and just being together. When she woke up and saw the clock showing 4am, Beca realised that she felt a strange sense of confidence after her dream - confidence that she didn't care about anyone else. At the same time she became aware of Chloe's hand resting on her hip, which had probably been placed there unintentionally in her sleep. Beca took in a deep breath, and then place her hand gently on top of Chloe's. This time, she fell asleep with contented warmth surrounding her heart.