Misadventures Of Michelle And Her Friends: Children Of The Corn

Summary: Michelle and Her friends are on a cross country trip when they have a little accident. When trying to find help they, instead, get stuck in Gatlin and are being forced to join the cult or die. Michelle and her friends are in for a wild ride as they learn to deal with this new and difficult way of living. [Rate M for Sexual themes, Violence, and terrible cursing.]

This is my first COTC fan fiction but now that I have improved in writing, I have decided to continue on with this! Hurrah! Please review, follow, and/or favorite! This fan fic is based off the original short story and 2009 Scifi movie. This new version is slightly more detail, and I'm trying to fix spelling mistakes too. Anyways Enjoy!

-Michelle Lacie Kat

Why we decided on doing this cross country road trip was beyond me, if anything just going to the beach in Monterey should have been enough but no. Zenin wanted to go on the road to new sights and this was our punishment, we were freaking lost. I love my friends but we have a time limit until we start snapping at each other and three days on the road, driving through god-knows-where is past our limits.

"This is your fault Zenin!" My short dirty blonde friend, Dylan, yelled from the seat behind the passenger. "I told you to stop at the last town for directions and now look! I hate you!"

"Will you shut up you obnoxious pipsqueak!" Zenin growled as she stomped a bit on the gas.

"Hey slow down will ya!" My overweight Hispanic friend, Jackie, cried from the passenger seat, "We might wreak or get a ticket or-"

"We're in the middle of fucking Nowhere!" Zenin looked away from the road and growled, "And what are we going to crash into huh? There's nothing but corn everywhere!" That was true, for the past several miles corn dominated the sides of the roads. At one point we did find a town, small and dependent of their yellow crops. They had told us that this summer was a bad drought, some ears of corn survived but a great vast majority didn't. Luckily they weren't isolated by much, their neighboring city, Hemmingford, was able to ship food to the little farming community.

I ignored their bickering and watched the road from my window. I was never one for adventures through places that are deserted or seemingly deserted but somehow I got talked into this. I know for a fact I'll be regretting this trip. I closed my eyes, hoping that I could take a nap even with their excessively loud arguing but then suddenly they all screamed and the SUV jumped like we hit something.

"What the..?" I jerked up as Zenin screeched to a stop, swerving like a roller coaster until the vehicle final stopped. They were all wide eyed and panting; Dylan was ready to cry as her blue eyes were already watering. "What'd you hit Z?"

"I-I-I" she stuttered nervously while neither Jackie nor Dylan wouldn't say a freaking word at all. Honestly, they looked like they had just killed someone by complete accident.

Confused at their nervousness, I sighed and got out of the car to inspect. I looked toward the way we came and saw a body lying on the ground. It was a small boy, younger that us. I hate it when I'm right...

"Holy shit." I whispered as I reached into duffel bag of the floor of the SUV and pulled out my beloved sword. Even though it was illegal for me to have it I still carried it with me. My older brother also armed us with guns (two pistols and a shotgun) but we tried to avoid using them since we had a limited supply of ammo. Yes, we're all roughly sixteen and armed, a stupid but wise concept. Even though only I knew how to fight, my friends only knew the basic punch and kick method.

"Yo," I called to Zenin, "Back the car up a bit while I go check it out." I unsheathed my sword and cautiously walked toward the body. I knew that chances were that the kid was dead but hey, there's nothing wrong with being prepared.

Once I reached the kid, I slightly nudged the body just in case before I knelled beside the body and pushed him onto his back. No response and a slit throat. His overalls and dark button up shirt was drenched in blood and his pale hand also was covering in the warm liquid. Someone scrapped this poor kid! I heard the car doors open and I turned to see my friends getting out of the car.

"Is he dead?" Jackie asked softly.

"Yeah but," I looked at the body and then dropped my head, "he was dying anyways."

Zenin stepped closer and gasped, "You've got to be kidding!" she backed away, turning so she wouldn't have to look at the poor boy's murdered corpse.

"My god!" Dylan backed away as well, she looked like she was going to puke.

Jackie came closer and knelled next to me, "What do we do?"

I sighed, "I think we should just go. Who knows what happened and we could get involved into something bad." With such a deep wound, whoever did this wanted this kid dead and we could be next if we weren't careful.

"But that's not right!" Dylan exclaimed, absolutely horrified that I would suggest such a thing. "We should take his body somewhere else so that no one else runs him over."

We all looked at Dylan, Dylan had a sweet side to her weird and extremely depressing personality but it likes to come out during the most unnecessary times. And just my luck, since Jackie and Zenin felt guilty about running him over, they agreed with Dylan.

"We should at least do him that much." they argued.

"Fine." I hissed as Jackie returned to the car to fetch a blanket to wrap the body in. This is so against my better judgment.

I didn't help with wrapping the body, I merely stood and watched them shove it into the already full trunk. When they were done, we piled back into the SUV, with me driving this time. Zenin wasn't up to operating a vehicle and that was fine by me.

"So," I asked as I started the car, "Where to?"

Jackie pulled out the map and, after much arguing with Zenin, said, "The nearest town is Gatlin."

"Alright then." I sighed, "We'll drop off the body there and then we are leaving. Understood?"

They all nodded as we drove away, I had Jackie read me the directions while Zenin and Dylan sat in silence, occasionally glancing at the dead body in the back. I could tell they were upset, they weren't sure that this was a good idea but their conscious got the better of them. I, on the other hand, knew that there was trouble ahead for us and we had every opportunity to just toss the kid's body onto the side of the road and just leave but of course we weren't going to.

"How much farther?" Dylan whined.

Jackie glanced at the map, "We should be entering Gatlin soon."

"Ugh." Zenin threw her head back against the seat. "This is taking forever."

"This was your guys' idea." I mumbled darkly.

"Shut up!" Zenin barked.

"Hey!" Jackie pointed toward an old sign the read Gatlin but the L was falling off. "We're here."

"Aren't they suppose to take care of the signs?" Dylan asked, "Or can they do that?"

"I think they're suppose to care for them." I replied, unsure myself. "Maybe no one's aware it's like that."

"Yes and we're not going to be the ones to tell them." Zenin insisted, "Let's drop the body off and leave."

I ignored her as we finally drove into the town. The place was a ghost town. I stopped at the stoplight, which was dead, and I poked my head out the window.

"Where is everyone?" Dylan asked timidly as I opened my door to get out. "Michelle? What are you doing?"

"Taking a better look." I said, taking a few steps away from the car. The buildings were old and uncared for, from here I could tell that anything electrical was no longer usable judging from the wires that appeared to have been cut at some point. Also, any window of displays looked fogged with mold and dirt.

"Whatcha see?" Zenin asked while getting out of the car as well. She must have been focused on me to not see what I was looking at,

"I hope no one needs a phone." I replied while still looking at the cut wires, "Look." I pointed at them and Zenin didn't take the idea of no electricity well. To be honest, I'm sure none of us would be fine with this, we all were in love with our electronics.

"So if some shit goes down we're fuck?" It was more of a statement than a question but I still replied nonetheless.

"Pretty much. We should go." we started to turn toward the car but the Dylan locked it, trapping herself and Jackie inside. "That little bitch!"

"Dylan!" Zenin started pounding on the window until I forced her to stop. The vehicle was, for one, a rental and secondly, my dad would kill me if anything happened to it since he was paying for it.

"Go find help!" Dylan shouted from inside, "then I'll let you in."

"Dylan," I leaned one the car with one hand, "at least let me get my sword, I'll go look for a resident but let me have it."

"No, then they'll think we're crazy!" If anyone was here they would have already come out to either welcome us or shoo us away! I mentally shouted at her but certainly if we haven't drawn attention to ourselves yet I would want to keep it that way.

"Then let her take a fucking gun!" Zenin barked, her face started to turn red.

"Zenin calm down." I soothed, "Dylan, I'm not leaving without a form of protection. Please?"

Dylan glanced at Jackie, who nodded, and finally unlocked the car. "Fine." she mumbled.

"Thanks now," I reached into the glove compartment and pulled out both pistols and the extra ammo. "Alright, here's what we'll do. I'll look around, you guys stay here and if anyone tries anything, start up the car and start driving to wherever you last see me."

"If we can't find you?" Jackie asked, scared of what my answer will be.

"If you can't find me, then leave. I don't care how, just leave." I looked at Zenin and nudge her, "If you can wait for me then that's your choice."

Zenin smiled, "You're coming back bitch, I ain't letting you die on me yet."

I laughed, "I'll say the same for you." I pushed myself off the car, letting them close the doors after Zenin crawled into the Driver's seat. I gave them a nod and started toward the seemingly abandoned town. I had to admit, this place was freaking creepy and I would much rather just toss the kid's body onto a curb and high-tail it outta here. Unfortunately, Dylan would never let me do that.

I walked into some of the shops, noticing that the places were full of cobwebs and dust. These building must not have been touched in years and if they are still being used then someone needed to do some serious spring cleaning. In one shop, which looked like it was once a diner judging by the booths and stools, I saw foot prints in the dust on the floor. Small foot prints, a kid probably of the age of six.

Maybe there are people still here. I followed the trail until I found myself in the kitchen in the place. The trail had been hastily dusted away so I had no real trail anymore. However, I heard some scuffling that sounded like someone was trying to hid. "Hello?" I called, feeling incredibly stupid. I have seen enough horror movies to know that you do not call out in a place that could become your grave.

A pot fell, causing me to jump and turn. A small boy, probably like eight, stood behind me with two other little ones who were younger than him. "Hi." he smiled a little bit. He was a cute kid, round baby face with lite freckles dusting his face, scruffy light brown hair with matching brown eyes. His clothes reminded me of Amish and Quakers sort of combined in a weird way.

"H-hi." I stuttered back, "Um, who are you?"

"My name is Noah." he answered, "These two are my friends, Joseph and William." the other two boys came out from hiding and took slow steps toward me. They were cute and obviously identical twins, messy black hair, fair skin, and wide, green eyes. His friends shared the same style of attire as him. Button up shirts, black pants, one had suspenders. I returned the pistol in my hand to it's holster and knelled before them.

"I'm Michelle." I said softly so as to not scare them, "My friends and I needed some help."

One of the little boys came closer and touched my face. Gatlin was hot like an oven turned on to it's maximum heat yet this boy's hand was cold like he had spent the entire day in freezing weather. "How old are you?"

A random question but, to avoid them getting upset, I replied, "Sixteen."

They relaxed, I hadn't noticed that they were tense, and Noah smiled brightly, "Isaac and Malachai won't hurt you since you're under the Age of Favor!"

"Age of Favor?" Something's not right, I know this for a fact and now I'm starting to think that I need to get to my friends. "I-I'm sorry but I need to get to my friends."

Noah grabbed my hand, his friends shadowed my legs, and he replied, "Sure, we'll take you to them." He lead me out of the diner and I saw a large group of kids, mixed ages but definitely none were over eighteen, surrounding our SUV.

"We don't like Outlanders." Noah explained quietly, "But you're sixteen, they might let you off."

I was hoping the let me off meant let us leave this godforsaken town but a disgusting feeling in my gut said that was a dream far out of my reach. Very far out of my reach.

"Ow, hey!" I heard Zenin snap from the other side of people. I could also see where they were getting ready to slice someone's throat, I'm assuming Zenin since she's causing more trouble than the small Dylan and easily disabled Jackie.

"Ah!" I tried to run toward my friends but Noah tightened his grip and shook his head. For a small kid, he was strong and that's exactly comforting

"Let me handle this." he smiled before calling out, "Malachai!"

Everyone turned toward us and I felt the need to run and check on my friends. I stood there as a boy with dirty blonde hair came forward. He had blood on him and a knife in his hand, he was dressed in all black which, oddly, gave me a sense of attraction toward him. Black was one of my favorite colors.

"Who is this girl Noah?" he asked, never taking his eyes off of me. I felt intimidated by his dark glare but I would show any weakness.

"She said her name is Michelle Malachai." he replied, "She's sixteen."

"And the other three?" he asked me.

I looked up at the sky and bit my lip for a minute before moving my glance toward my friends. "Sorry to ask this but, how old are you guys?" we were all born at different times so I honestly wasn't sure how old they were. I did know Dylan was older than me as was Jackie and Zenin was the youngest of all of us.

They all gasped and started yelling at me, the only one I couldn't understand was Jackie since she was yelling in Spanish. "We're all sixteen bitch!" Zenin barked finally when a fat kid threaten to slice her throat. In retaliation, she threaten to bite off his hand and use his scythe to cut off his dick if he even had on.

While everyone, even this Malachai, stared at her in disbelief I simply scratched my head and muttered, "More than what I bargained for."

"Malachai?" A small boy, about nine, stood in an alleyway. He was somewhat innocent looking but I could sense that he was dominant leader of this group. "What is the problem?"

"These girls are sixteen." he answered with the utmost respect, "Their fate rests with you, not me."

The boy nodded and pointed in the direction of a church that I barely noticed. "Take them to the church." Malachai nodded and roughly grabbed me arm.

"Ow!" I cringed as he drug me to the church. The boys who had my friends, minus the fat one, also pushed them toward the church while the boy was giving a speech. He's preaching to them, what kind of place is this?

"Hurry up." he growled as we stopped at the doors.

"Well maybe if I wasn't being tossed about like a sack of potatoes I'd be walking willingly." I hissed as I jerked my arm out of his grip and followed him into the church. Okay, I thought as I glanced around the place, definitely not your regular church. Hell, I don't think they worship the god I know. The place was filled, head to toe, with dead corn, corn husks, and corn stalks. The outside looked decent the inside looked like a hurricane hit it.

"Sit here." Malachai instructed coldly, I listened only to save my poor arm from another harsh tug. My friends soon were also sitting beside me, while we waited for whatever to happen.

"What's going on?" Dylan mouthed but cringed when one of the boys slapped the back of her head.

"Be quiet!" he ordered rudely, causing me to scowl and fight against a glare as I petted the spot he hit.

I didn't reply to her question other than shrugging and then turning my attention to Zenin, who looked like she wanted to beat the living shit outta someone. I'd let her too, had these boys not had weapons on them.

Suddenly, after a long and boring silence, the boy from earlier arrived. "Thank you for bringing them in one piece, you may leave." All the boys, minus Malachai, left and he boy greeted us. "My name is Isaac, this is Malachi."

We sat there and waited for him to continue but the Malachai said, "It's polite to give your name when someone introduces themselves."

Zenin opened her mouth but I gave her a hard glare. "Shut it Z." I growled before turning my gaze to Isaac. "My name is Michelle, these are my friends." I pointed at each of them as I introduced them. "This is Zenin, the brown one is Jackie and the small dirty blonde is Dylan."

He smiled lightly and asked, "Are you the leader of this group?"

That caught me off guard but Jackie replied, "In a weird way you can say that."

Isaac eyed me in a weird way that was starting to make me worry. He thinking about something and I could tell that I wasn't going to like it. "These girl are something new." he said after a moment, "Instead of sacrificing them, let them live among us."

I could feel the utter shock the fell from my friends, we barely dodged death today, isn't that a lovely thought. But the worst shock of all, I feel, has yet to come.

"Since you all are sixteen," he said, "you must wed soon, very soon."

Zenin stood up, I immediately followed to stop her from choking Isaac to death. "Are you kidding me?! We're still kids ourselves!"

"Yes but here, you only live until you're nineteen." Isaac explained.

After I finally got Zenin caged, I'll apologize to Dylan and Jackie later since I had them hold her down, I asked, "Why would we only live until we're nineteen?"

"Because," Malachai answered for Isaac, "Nineteen is the Age of Favor, once you're of age, you must sacrifice yourself to He Who Walks Behind The Rows."

"He Who Walks Behind The Rows?" I knew they weren't worshiping a god I knew of. "So then, we have to marry so early...?"

"To have children who will carry on our legacy." Isaac stated firmly. "You don't really have a choice in this."

I swallowed and glanced at my friends before returning my gaze to Isaac and Malachai. "Alright, we can handle that."

"Good." Isaac walked up to the stage and pulled out four trinkets. "When you must ask for forgiveness or pray, use this. Everyone has one." I took the trinkets and handed one to each of them.

"Um, Isaac?" Dylan asked cautiously, "H-how does this marriage thing work?"

"He Who Walks Behind The Rows will pick your husbands, I will tell you who you will marry and when tomorrow." He glanced at one of the few windows and said, "It's almost night, Malachai. Take them to Noah's house since he and his friends are fond of Michelle already."

Malachi gave a sort bow/nod as he allowed my friends and I out of our seats. We followed him out of the church and to a decent sized house. He knocked on the door and Noah opened it timidly.

"Malachai?" He yawned? He probably took a nap or something.

"They will stay here for a while." He pushed me though the door before leaving. I really hated his rough treatment but I hid my dislike as I greeted Noah.

"Hey." I smiled sheepishly as he welcomed us into his house. "Sorry about intruding on you like this."

He laughed, "Don't worry, We are kind lonely here."

The other boys, Joseph and William, poked their heads from behind a wall and rushed out to greet me. "Michelle, Michelle!" Little ones always seem to get attached to me.

"Hey there boys!" I smiled while my friends settled on the couch. "So do you boys gotta a place for us to crash?"

I nearly giggled as they eagerly nodded and dragged us up the stairs where the bedrooms were. They had only three spare rooms so I suggested that Zenin and I share. Zenin was cool with it, so long as I didn't do anything to annoy her during the night.

"I won't" I promised as we settled into the room, Zenin claimed she'd prefer sleeping on the floor since the bed might have bugs. I, for one, was too tired to care and happily sunk into the bed.

"Whatever, do you think they're gonna feed us?" We hadn't a thing to eat since some time before we came to Gatlin.

"No," I shook my head, "I think they already had their dinner so let's just go to sleep. At least we're going to get breakfast." I knew that for a fact.

"I guess." she muttered softly.

"Hey," I said while whacking her head gently, "We ate all kinds already, we can miss a meal."

"Yeah, yeah." she sighed, "I still can't believe we're stuck here. This sucks."

I winced, knowing that this was her way of blaming me, "What choice did I have? Do you want to be sacrificed or live another three years?"

"Still." She moaned as she threw a blanket over her head, planning on ignoring me for the rest of the night. And I let her.

Hey there COTC fans! Miss me, probably not since I left you guys hanging for so fucking long. Either way, I've suddenly felt the urge to rewrite this story and for those who are reading my TCM fanfic, I will continue it over time. I just wanted to redo Misadventures since people actually do like it. I thought it was complete shit but apparently it's not. That makes me HAPPY!

Another note: since there will be changes, due to me realizing some mistakes and plus the real Zenin, Jackie, and Dylan have changed since I started this, a lot of what was originally will be removed. Mainly it's just their personalities and nothing totally major. Spelling is becoming my priority too so any mistakes please point them out so I can fix 'em!

Also just so you guys know:

Michelle is 16 year old (Born March 20)

Zenin has recently turned 16 (Born October 2)

Dylan turned 17 but I'm keeping her as 16 (Born July 26)

Jackie just turned 17 but again, she's staying 16 (Born February 3)