Materializing on the transporter pad back aboard the Enterprise, Kirk gave a sigh of relief. He loved exploring new worlds and meeting new people and races. He was an adventure addict. But sometimes what he loved didn't agree with him, especially when it came to alien foods. He didn't have a weak stomach by any means, but the human digestive system is still evolving to include the ability to digest alien cuisine.

The Drogoan ceremony he had just been attending had no shortage of entertainment with their cultures version of belly dancing (much to Jims delight) but the platters of freshly slaughtered lanister (a type of feral, scaled lion) made even Jim hesitant to accept the offering, especially when he was informed it was an honour to eat the still beating heart that was as big as his hand and still oozing the foul smelling purple blood-like substance. Since he was there on a mission to assess the Drogoan as potential members of the federation he graciously accepted his 'meal' and ate it while the gathering all watched on. This was the first time an outsider had been given such an honour and Kirk was absolutely going to treat the ceremony with the respect it deserved. His only reprieve being that it was near the end of the ceremony so he only had to hang in for about another hour before they could beam up.

Despite priding himself on being able to handle almost any situation, injury or illness he found himself lasting only 45 minutes before faking an on-board situation that required his attention and making his apologies for an early exit. Spock, thankfully, had agreed to remain on board the ship in the event that something was to happen to the captain then Spock could get the ship and the crew safely back into federation space. The Drogoans are a volatile, superstitious race by nature, not unworthy of becoming members of the federation but still a race not to be underestimated. It had been requested that the captain attend the ceremony alone but they had negotiated to allow two security officers to accompany him. Right now Kirk was glad for that because he highly doubted Spock would have backed his play at an early exit without any questions or creating a 'scene'.

Back on the transporter pad and Kirk was adamant he was absolutely not going to throw up in front of any member of his crew, except maybe Bones but he wasn't here so I digress. He took a deep breath to settle his stomach before attempting to speak and move. Turning to the two security officers "gentleman return to your stations" he said as he walked off while opening his communicator, "Kirk to Spock – I have returned from the ceremony. You have the bridge, plot a course back to federation space." He couldn't think of an excuse as to why he was not returning to the bridge, but thankfully it was only 30minutes before he was off duty anyway so the Vulcan should have no reason to question why the captain was not returning to his post after coming back from an away mission.

He felt his cheeks flush with anxiety as he rounded the corner to enter his room. As he entered the security of his quarters he felt himself relax a little and his stomach ease. He stood there for another moment making sure the feeling was indeed passing before making his way to the bathroom and having a shower. At times like these he had no issues spending the extra credits to have a proper shower with real water, not those sonic vibrations. Still feeling a little uneasy, but much better than he had felt he dried himself and got changed into his civilian clothes. He decided to begin his report on his mission to the Drogoan planet, no reason to sit around and waste time he thought. Unfortunately his body had other ideas. Half way through his report he began to get stomach cramps, a dull ache at first but it grew into the sensation of hot metal drilling into the centre of his gut, just below his diaphragm, causing him to double over in pain and pant in an attempt to keep breathing. Then the room started spinning, this is not good. He didn't know how long he had been there for, time wasn't exactly something he was focussing on right now, instead he was focussing on trying to breathe and not pass out or vomit, and especially avoiding doing both at the same time. He didn't notice the door open, and someone come inside.

To Be Continued...

Authors Note: I had to update this chapter because it has been a while since I have published anything I forgot to add the 'to be cont' at the bottom to let people know the story isn't finished yet. Oops!

Cookies to anyone who can figure out some of my references.

Reviews greatly appreciated. It has been a while since I have written anything so feedback helps build my confidence. Hope you enjoy :)
