This is a new story that I came up with, which is very similar, in a way, to The Awesomer's story"The Battle of the Sky Army and the Squid Army: Parts 1 & 2". Go and read it, because I do get the Squid Army part of it from her/his (The Awesomer doesn't really clarify if they are a girl or a guy) story. Hope you enjoy! (Also, there will be no cussing, as Sky normally does swear, but I do not write about swearing. I will just say that now)

I do not own anything Minecraft. :)

Adrian's POV-

"There was once peace in this world. There were no zombies, skeletons, creepers, or spiders, nothing that could cause harm to this paradise. Waterfalls as clear as diamonds poured into beautiful pristine lakes, and the leaves on the trees would sing the twinkling songs of freedom. The blocky sun and moon would rise and fall with precise accuracy, the balance between the two forces in equilibrium. Everything was perfect, except for one thing. The only thing missing to make this world perfect was one thing: people.

"So, Notch created man. Each person was different, ranging from average humans to furry creatures to living food. They all got unique names and each person had unique personalities that could not be seen in one other person. This world started only with a couple people, but soon, millions appeared. Everything was fine with the world. Everyone loved Notch's plan, all except one: the cursed Herobrine.

"Herobrine was Notch's brother, a mistake that was never supposed to exist, and he did not like to see his brother being better than him. Herobrine wanted power and control. He did not wish to see so much happiness in this world. If he got his way, chaos would run the world, and no one would be able to have any free will. The people did not want Herobrine ruling them, and so, by the power of Notch, they banished him to the fiery depths of the Nether, where he could not return to the real world. But Herobrine could not be stopped completely. While stuck in the Nether, he began to create an army. This army consisted of every horrible mob that ever existed. Herobrine became King of the Nether, and at his control, he had millions of Zombies, Skeletons, Creepers, Spiders, Ghasts, Blazes, Silver Fish, Slime, Magma Cubes, Zombie Pigmen, Endermen, Witches, Cave Spiders, and more hostile mobs in his army.

"Soon, Herobrine managed to build a Nether portal, and with it he was able to send his undead army to the real world. A war began between Notch's creations and Herobrine's creations. This war still ravages on today. Every day, hundreds of people are killed, while thousands of the mobs get destroyed. We are winning the war. We have been winning the war since the beginning. And because of that, Herobrine is becoming angrier and finally resorts to fighting himself.

"People say that Herobrine is still alive, haunting those who have the most capability of leading our side to victory. He still wants to exact his revenge on us for sending him to die in the Nether. And if you are not careful…"

"Herobrine can get you!" Sky cried out, jumping from his high spot on the chair, and jumping into the air. He held a small wooden sword in hand, and he fell onto his brother's back, crying a mini battle cry as he did so. The two boys went tumbling onto the ground, laughing.

I chuckled, and then I closed the story book, setting it down on the night stand next to me. "OK, Ocean, Sky, time for bed," I then said, picking up Ocean and placing him on his bed.

"Awww, but come on, Mom. We're not even tired yet!" Ocean cried out, folding his small arms across his chest and giving me a pouty look.

"Can't we wait until Dad gets back to go to bed?" Sky asked, placing his hands together in a pleading matter.

"What did I hear about waiting for Dad to get home?" I then heard a familiar voice ask behind me.

"Dad!" Both Ocean and Sky cried out, and then they ran from where they were a moment ago and tackled their father in a quick hug.

Bryan chuckled, and then he picked up Sky in his arms. "Hey, sports. Did you guys have fun today?" Bryan asked, looking at Sky and then to Ocean.

"Yeah, Mom told us a story about Herobrine and Notch!" Sky then cried out, and then he swung his sword and began to make fighting noises with his mouth.

I chuckled, and then I stood up. Bryan looked over to me questioningly, and then I shrugged. "They begged me to tell it to them," I then said before I leaned up to give my husband a quick kiss.

"I'm going to fight against Herobrine someday," Sky then said, jumping down from Bryan's arms and then hopping onto his bed.

"And when you do, Herobrine will be shaking in his boots in terror. But for now, you will have to fight him in your dreams. Your mother told you it was bed time, so it is time for our little soldiers to go to bed," Bryan then said, and then Ocean and Sky hopped under their covers and into bed.

I tucked them in, and then I gave each of them a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight, my little warriors," I then said, turning off the redstone lamp next to their beds.

"'Night, Mom," I heard Sky and Ocean mumble quietly before I closed their bedroom door. Then, I turned around, and walked into my own bedroom. Bryan was sitting on the bed, and he looked up to me as I then walked in.

"So, why exactly did you tell them that Herobrine story again, Adrian?" Bryan asked as I then sat down next to him on the bed.

I laughed. "They wanted to hear it again."

"You know they are going to have nightmares about it now, don't you?"

"Yeah, I know. But they love to believe that they can defeat Herobrine themselves when I tell it to them."

Bryan laughed then. "Our boys have wild imaginations, that is for sure."

We then fell silent. Finally, I then quietly asked, "What if they actually fight against Herobrine someday?"

My husband then took me into his arms. "Let's hope that they don't. We don't want them to get hurt by anyone, much less Herobrine. If anything, that will be far in the future. Sky is only five, and Ocean is three! We have all that time to raise them into the strong boys that we know they will be when they grow up."

I nodded, and then I hid under my covers. "Well, goodnight, Bryan," I then said, turning off the lamp next to my bed.

"Goodnight, Adrian."

Sorry that the prologue was very short, but I really didn't know what to do for the prologue. Once I got the main idea out, I was ready to write the rest of the story. The only person that is actually real is Sky, or SkyDoesMinecraft, while the rest of his family I made up.

If you guys want an OC in this story, I am willing to accept ideas!

Please leave a review! :) :)
