Quick AN: I apologizes for any glaring mistakes in canon, characters, and grammar or spelling. This chapter has not been beta-checked and there is only so much my brain and eyes can catch. I've added some cameos, and I hope I got them right, fingers crossed! Enjoy the reading, sorry for the wait (explanation at the end) and again sorry for the mistakes!

Chapter 11 Friendly Competition


The arrow drove into the center of the target yet again, surrounded by the other arrows that stuck out from the red circle. Warm afternoon light heated his dark tunic as the young dwarf notched another arrow from his quiver. Drawing back the string, his muscles stretched as the feathered fletch tickled his cheek. As he released his breath he let the arrow fly, watching as it landed dangerously close to the previous one.

Fili let out a long whistle. "Impressive, little brother!"

"Impressive indeed, Master Dwarf!" A jolly voice said as his brother went to retrieve the arrows. Kili turned around and flashed a grin toward the two dark haired elves behind him. He gave a short bow and the elves clapped, their chests lifting from amused laughter.

Earlier that morning, the two elves had found the Company lazily lying around and bored out of their minds. Those who did not burry themselves in the mass of books in the impressive library, soon found themselves whacking away at each other with wooden practice weapons in the elves' training yard. The trees here were tall but sparse. Archery targets stood at strategic places around the cleared area along with training dummies for combat. No sooner had they arrived did Kili and the elves take to the targets.

"Whatever made you want to take up archery?" One of the elves asked as the other took a place before the target. Fili returned to Kili and handed him the arrows that he had retrieved.

"I wanted to be different. I didn't want to follow in my brother or uncle's footsteps." Kili said, placing the arrows back into his quiver.

Fili snorted and clapped his brother hard on the back. "That and you could not best me with swords!"

The elf laughed as Kili mockingly crossed his arms over his chest, turning his back to watch the other elf shoot. Two arrows already stuck out from the colored fabric, both in the center. The young male elf drew back the arrow, his grey eyes narrowing as he focused on the target. Kili watched as he released the arrow, the dwarf's arms falling to his sides as the arrow landed between the other two arrows. Fili let out another loud, long whistle as the other elf applauded.

"Elrohir, I think you are showing off too much for our guests!" The elf chuckled as Kili recovered.

"I can't expect anything less!" Kili grinned back at the other twin as Fili shoke his head in astonishment. While Elrohir retrieved his arrows a sharp cry pierced the air above them and a dark shadow flew overhead. The elven brothers looked up to the sky, seeing the white, black speckled underside of a predatory bird. The creature circled around the training yard again before flying out of sight. Catching the other's eye, the brothers shared a knowing look as a small smirk formed.

"That was an odd bird." Kili mumbled beside Fili, the familiar sight of the creature tickling and teasing his mind.

"Would not a bird of that color be better suited for the snow?" Fili questioned as he stroked his small beard.

"Very clever deduction, Master Dwarf!" Elladan smiled as his brother returned with the arrows. "The white feathers would be a better advantage in snowier climates."

"Yes, that's why gyrfalcons are usually found at higher altitudes, especially in the mountains in the North." Elrohir nodded. "Though, there is an exception to every rule."

Fili aligned himself in front of the target as his brother stared up at the sky. Grabbing one of his visible daggers, he rested his right elbow on his extended left arm. His rough hand held the dagger by the very end of the hilt, the blade facing away from the cloth covered target. He closed one eye and aimed, moving his arm back and forth.

"So graceful!" Kili said in awe as his brother released the dagger. "It would make for a wonderful hunting companion."


"Indeed, a bird with sharp eyes like a gyrfalcon would make for a good hunting bird." Elladan nodded his head with a small smile.

A sharp cry brought Maeve's eyes away from the mirror in front of her. Getting up from the chair, she smiled as her familiar flapped her beautiful wings in the sunlit window. Beaming at the bird, Maeve strode forward. "Sorcha! My lovely lass, my friend!"

Sorcha chirped in greeting, flapping her wings as she jumped from the sill to the outstretched leather covered arm. Maeve laughed as the bird rubbed her feathered head against her cheek. "I'm glad ye found me!"

Sorcha screeched and lifted her wings out slightly. Maeve frowned and ran her fingers over the bird's feathers. "I know, 'n I'm sorry. No hard feelings, eh?"

The bird looked at her for a few moments before lifting a wing, picking at the feathers there. Maeve laughed, throwing back her head and freshly done braids, her chest shaking. A few hindered breaths passed before the woman recovered, moving her head side to side as her bird chirped.

"A'right, lass, let's get out of here," Maeve said as she moved through the room. Spotting her bow and full quiver, she smiled as an idea came to mind. "Come on, let's head to the trainin' grounds!"

Maeve swung her bow and quiver over her other shoulder as Sorcha repositioned herself on the leather bracer. Sorcha rested on Maeve's arm as they walked out of the room and around to the staircase. As they descended, a voice cleared behind them. Maeve stopped and turned, finding her healer standing atop the landing with a slight frown on her pale face. "And where do you think you are going?"

Maeve's lips pulled to the left as she sensed the ruse, so she played along. "'Tis been two days and I'm itchin' to shoot somethin'!"

"I have yet to clear you." Isénia's arms crossed over her chest, her feet stepping down the stairs to meet the young woman. "And as your healer, it is my duty to make sure you are fit to leave the House of Healing."

"But I'm a'most out! What are yea-" Maeve was interrupted by a light backhanded smack on her healing thigh. The impact stung, making her muscle flinch on impulse but not much pan followed. Her mouth fell open slightly as she stared up at the tall elf woman.

Isénia chuckled at Maeve's shocked expression, bringing her thin hand up to cover her lips. Maeve recovered from the shock, a large grin to spreading across her face as her shoulders shook from her own laughter. The two women laughed for a few moments, and even Sorcha joined in with chirps of her own.

"Men claim elf folk don' have a sense of humor," Maeve said, her voice breathy. "But you lot sure prove them wrong!"

Isénia lowered her hand folded them before her, recovering her breath faster than the other. "Elves tend to have a more professional face around most 'folk', but we loosen up around those we…care for."

Maeve chuckled. "Aye, that ain't a bad tactic!"

"Indeed." The healer said as she smoothed some of Sorcha's feathers. "I checked your leg earlier, when you were still out cold. It should be fine, but I would still be careful."

"Thank you." Maeve bowed her head slightly, the palm of her hand resting over her heart.

Isénia smiled as she repeated the gesture. "It is always my pleasure, mellon."

Maeve bowed her head again, her beads clinking together with the motion. "I'll be sure to well when I return."

"Good; I do adore seeing you, even more so when you are not bloody!" Bright white teeth poked through her smile. "Now, I should be getting back to work. Be safe."

"Aye, I will!" Maeve nodded before turning forward, her feet carrying her down the rest of the light marble stairs. When she reached the bottom, Maeve turned back and looked up the top of the stairs. Isénia stood there, her blonde hair glowing in the afternoon light of the sun as she waved. Maeve brought her right hand to her forehead, and with two figures gave the healer a lazy solute.

Outside of the Healing House, the warm summer sun shone overhead, casting the valley in bright, brilliant light. The breeze leisurely made its way through the trees and Maeve's red braids, swirling leaves and loose strands. Maeve took a big breath of the warm, moist air, her lungs expanding as far as her leather corset would allow. Releasing it all, she looked to Sorcha. "Ready to go, love?"

The gyrfalcon chirped in response and launched off her leather bracer. Maeve watched in continued awe as her friend flew around the small courtyard, just outside the Healing House. Sorcha flew about the courtyard a few times before heading out toward the training yard. Maeve laughed and ran after the swift bird. "Oy! Hol' up!"

When Maeve arrived at the training yard Sorcha had left her to find some food in the valley below. The woman smiled as she watched her companion dive down like a sleek, white blur. Shaking her head, she walked to the entrance and paused. Inside the yard some of the dwarves were whacking away at each other with wooden practice weapons, while some were near the targets. Leaning against the cool stone of the entrance, Maeve watched the dwarves swing, dodge, whack, block and fire. She could hear their exerted grunts and growls, and their laughter as they bested one another. Seeing them safe after being ambushed by such a large number of orcs made her smile.

After a few moments, Maeve stepped away from the shadow of the overhanging entrance and walked into the courtyard. She smiled and waved at the company as she made her way to the end, some of them returning the greeting. At the far end of the courtyard were a row of targets set up in front of a tall wall. As Maeve got closer, she recognized the dwarf boys and Elrond's sons positioned in front of the targets. With their backs turned to her, they didn't hear her approach as they cheered and congratulated Kili's shooting.

Maeve watched as Kili took another arrow from his quiver, notching it and pulling the string back to his cheek. His muscles flexed with the motion, tightening like the bow string before he released. The arrow zipped through the air, landing so close to the others in the center of the target that the ones closest wobbled at the impact. Fili slapped his brother hard on the back, "Damn, Kili! What a shot!"

"Aye! Damn good shot it was!" Maeve called from behind them, clapping her small hands together as the dwarf brothers flinched.

"Ah! Dear Maeve, I see that they have released you from the Healing House." Elladan said as he turned to face her, unfazed by her sudden appearance.

"Or she snuck away again." Elrohir smirked as he leaned on his brother's shoulder.

Maeve pursed her lips, her eyes narrowing as her hands went to her hips. "I did no such thing. She let me out!"

"This time!" Elrohir quipped back, earning a mock glare from the fiery red-head. The three laughed at a shared memory while Fili and Kili stood off to the side, a little more than slightly confused.

"It's good to see you well again." Elladan smiled as they clasped arms like old war comrades.

"Yes, it's good to see that they had not extinguished your spark!" Elrohir nodded as they repeated the same gesture.

"It would do more than an arrow to 'extinguish my spark'!" Maeve grinned, her tongue poking out slightly between her teeth. The men laughed at her fire, causing her lips to stretch higher. When the mirth died, Maeve looked at the target and noticed that the arrows were arranged in a cross-like pattern. Smirking, Maeve turned to the dark haired dwarf. "I see you got bored just shootin' at the target?"

Kili and his brother laughed. "Shootin' targets are easy; we just wanted to do something!"

"Well, if they're too easy for you, why not make things harder?" She asked, looking at the elf twins. They knew what the young maiden meant and they nodded their consent, confusing the other brothers. Maeve grinned as she let out a sharp whistle that cut through the summer air. "Then let's play a game!"

"What kind of game, lass?" Fili asked as Kili went to retrieve his arrows.

"A game of speed, accuracy, and skill!" Maeve answered as a cry echoed from the valley below. Kili stopped in his steps to watch a white bird fly up from the valley and circle around the training yard. His mouth fell open as the creature landed on Maeve's outstretched arm.

"Have ye gotten yer fill, girl?" Maeve asked the bird, who rubbed its feather head against her other hand. The bird chirped and trilled in reply, flicking its wings slightly.

"That creature's yours?" Kili asked, bringing his arrows back to stand not far from the girl.

"'That creature' is named Sorcha. And yes, she is my companion." Maeve corrected him with a pointed look.

Kili flinched at the fire in her eyes, and waved his hands in front of him. "I'm sorry! I meant no disrespect!"

Maeve's eyes remained narrowed for a breath or two more before her face relaxed and a chuckle escaped her lips. "Tis' a'right, lad, no harm done!"

Kili sighed while his brother laughed and shook his head. "So lass, how will we play this game?"

Maeve held up her finger to the brothers, before she began whispering to Sorcha. Kili and Fili watched in amazement as the woman spoke to the bird, who seemed to comprehend her words. After a few instructions, Maeve threw her arm into the air and Sorcha took flight. "A'right lads, here's the game: We'll go one at a time. The person shootin' will keep their eyes closed until they hear Sorcha cry. When you hear the signal, you'll open them and search for your target and shoot it before it lands. Understood?"

"Why don't you demonstrate for us?" Kili asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"With pleasure!" Maeve smirked and turned her back toward the valley. Taking her bow, she notched an arrow and waited to hear the signal. A few breaths went by before Sorcha started flying around the courtyard with something in her talons. She flew around for a few beats, and then to the far right of courtyard she let out sharp cry. Maeve's eyes snapped open, searching for her target. When she found it, she pulled back the string and let loose the arrow. The object was still a few feet in the air when the arrow struck it, causing it to land in a bush.

Turning back to the dwarves, Maeve asked. "Any questions?"

"Can we join?" Elladan asked.

Maeve smiled. "Of course you can!"

For the next few hours, each took a turn at the game. Fili used his knives while the others used their arrows. Most of the objects that Sorcha dropped were fruits and vegetables, sometimes even loaves of bread. She dropped the targets from varying heights and locations, though when it was Fili's turn she dropped them in the courtyard so he could retrieve his weapons. The other times the objects dropped into the valley below, onto the surrounding roofs or in the other courtyards around them. As the game went on, some of the dwarves had produce dropped on them while others stopped to watch. Soon they began to bet on who would hit the most objects/ While some were loyal to Kili and placing their money on him, some of the others had their gold on one of the elf twins.

Several rounds went by before Sorcha grew tired, ending the game. She landed on a wooden weapons stand as they tallied up the scores. Maeve stretched her shoulders and popped her neck, her muscles feeling a little sore but well used.

"Elrohir won!" A dwarf with a long white beard proclaimed, causing many of the others to groan in defeat. Elrohir chuckled as the dwarves gave their money to one with a star shaped hair style.

Maeve laughed and patted Kili on the back. "You did well, lad, and you too Fili!"

"I had no hope of beating those brothers," Fili said with a smile. "They have far more years and experience than I."

"Even so! You did very well." Elladan reassured the dwarves. "And I do believe that Sorcha gave you some tough targets, Kili."

Kili jokingly crossed his arms like a pouty child. "That blasted bird did it on purpose!"

Maeve chuckled, throwing back her braided mane. "Aye, lad. She may be an animal, but she's more intelligent than ye think! This just means she likes ya."

Sorcha chirped and flapped her wings, gliding over to Maeve's outstretched arm. When she landed, she looked at the dark haired dwarf and chirped again. The others laughed as Kili showed the bird his leathered palm. Sorcha pecked at it and flapped her wings, causing Kili to laugh as well. Fili chuckled, "See baby brother, it looks like you might make a new friend."

"A'right, lass. Go on and get some dinner." Maeve told the gyrfalcon before launching her into the air. Sorcha gave another chirp before descending into the valley below. Turning back to Kili she smiled, "Ye had an impressive aim! Why don' you and ye brother join us on our huntin' trip, if that's a'right?"

"Yes, another few experienced hands will help us very much!" Elladan nodded and stretched out his hands as he addressed the other dwarves. "In fact, if there is anyone else who would like to join us, we could use all the help we can get."

"A hunting trip?" Fili asked.

"Aye, two days from the morrow, we will descend into the valley to hunt some game for the feast!" Maeve answered as she was met by confused looks from the Company. "We'll need fresh meat for the Midsummer's Eve celebration! Ye'll be here that long, aye?"

"Aye, lass." The dwarf with the long white beard, Balin, answered. "I'm sure some of us will be willing to help, right lads?"

"We'll go!" Kili grinned as he volunteered his brother as well.

"And me and Bifur will join ya!" A dwarf with a funny hat stepped forward with another, Bifur. "My brother Bombur isn't much of a hunter, but I'm sure he'll want to help with the cooking."

Maeve grinned, happy to see that some of the dwarves weren't as resistant to the elves as the others. She understood their reluctance, for she had much of her own when she was younger, but she had grown to trust and love some of the ones that her people had feared all their lives. Clapping her hands together excitedly, the evening sun caught her blue-grey eyes, making them shine. "Great! We'll leave before dawn, two days after the morrow!"

AN: I am terribly sorry for the horribly long wait! This semester has kicked my ass royally and I survived, but had barely enough time to breath and sleep, let alone write. I've had this chapter written for a while, and I've been trying to get it posted for a while too, but unfortunately I haven't heard back from my beta in months so I can only expect the worst seeing as we had little outside contact. I hope that she comes back, but in the mean time I need a new beta and will be looking for one in the coming weeks, and if anyone would like to volunteer that would be freaking awesome! Some good news: I have the next chapter half way written and will hopefully finish it when I get back from Balticon after this weekend, though I can't promise a speedy update after the con is over. I will say this, I am not giving up on this story and I will finish it at some point, hopefully I will get to the end of movie one before the summer ends, again no promises. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed, favorited, and followed this story, every message I get makes me smile and inspires me to write faster! And thank you to everyone who has stuck with me from the beginning!

~Haru Eclipse