after what has been over a year i have returned! basically i really hate this entire fic up to like three chapters prior, so every time i come to write i cringe and just can't do it lol. So I will be attempting to rewrite this whole thing once i go on summer holiday (which is December for me) but for now here is a chapter! Also, a BIG thank you to those very sweet and kind people that commented randomly urging me to update, i love you guys!
It wasn't until about a week later that their schedules allowed them to both have the day off for the first time since the semester had started. Despite living together, it was a rarity for them spend a decent amount of time with one another. Before Tony was even awake, Loki would leave to go and train with Natasha and/or someone else in his class at the gym, and Tony would work late nights in the lab. Even on weekends Loki would often have overnight training exercises, and the frequency of these only increased as the weeks went on.
Fortunately, this week's exercise was cancelled due to bad weather, much to Loki's entire class's relief. It was getting to the point where their bodies would barely have enough time to recover from the previous weekend's exercise before going on the next one. The class size was already beginning to decrease, with five people leaving within the month that had passed since the semester had started.
Tony's plan for the day was to sleep-in, watch a movie, eat, and make out with his boyfriend. Loki's plan was pretty much the same, give or take the sleeping part.
As per usual, he woke up before Tony. He stayed in bed for awhile just enjoying the fact that he didn't have to be anywhere except next to Tony, before carefully getting out of bed, pulling on one of Tony' shirts, and heading into the kitchen to make some coffee for the pair of them.
He was signaled back into the bedroom by a confused sounding "Babe?" so he poured a cup for Tony and re-entered the bedroom.
"Well, if it isn't sleeping beauty, awake at last." Loki said sarcastically, setting Tony's coffee down on the bedside table.
Tony, rolling his eyes, pushed himself up into a sitting position. "Jesus, it's not even nine o'clock and you're already being sarcastic." Yawning, he took a sip of his coffee. "Mm, you make good coffee though, so I can't complain."
Smiling, Loki climbed back into bed. "We haven't spent this much time together in awhile, maybe you'll realize that my coffee is the only thing you like about me." Loki laughed at Tony's offended expression and moved in to kiss it off him.
"Only because I love everything else." Tony set his cup down with a smirk, using his now-free hand to cup Loki's face as he kissed him again.
"Oh, that was smooth." Loki remarked, moving so that he was now straddling Tony's lap. "But I bet you say that to all the guys."
"Only the hot ones that can kick ass and make great coffee." Tony responded. "So really, just you."
Loki raised his eyebrows and smirked playfully. "Prove it."
Tony's next response was muted by Loki laying his lips on his again. The situation, though familiar, still gave them sparks of heat that echoed around their bodies. Any sleepiness that remained disappeared immediately, and was replaced by a hungry energy.
Tony didn't know which he preferred – sex or making out. Sex was great and all, always had been and always will be, but making out with Loki was a novelty he hadn't gotten to experience with any of his previous partners, even Pepper. Making out always used to bore him, but with Loki, it - like everything else - was different. Every kiss, every touch, every sound had an effect on him. All he wanted was to be closer, every kiss to be deeper, every touch to last longer.
His hands found their way to Loki's waist, causing his shirt to ride up slightly and expose a nasty scar on his left hip. Loki's class had recently upgraded from paintball guns to pellet guns and his body was certainly suffering from the change. Although they were forbidden from making headshots and they wore chest armour, the pellets still hurt like a bitch and left permanent scars. Tony didn't even want to think about if it had been an actual bullet. On the bright side, the scar tissue was ridiculously sensitive and Tony had had his fair share of fun finding out just how sensitive it was with his tongue.
For now, though, he was content to idly trace patterns on his boyfriend's hips whilst Loki's mouth did its thing.
And god, was that thing good.
Tony couldn't stop himself from moaning into the kiss. Loki's tongue had snaked past his lips and was doing all sorts of things, whilst one hand was clasping Tony's neck and the other was tangled in his hair. He could feel Loki smiling against his lips in response and barely had enough time to kiss his smile away before Loki pressed his hips down and ground against him, causing him to let out another moan.
But Tony would be damned if he went down without a fight. In one smooth move, he managed to push Loki off of him and onto the free bed space next to him, before immediately rolling on top of him so that Loki was now the one being straddled.
Tony grinned down at him and pulled off the singlet he was wearing. "Sorry, couldn't help myself."
Loki let out a breathless laugh. "I'm not complaining."
The grin on Tony's face changed to a knowing smirk. "True, but how about I get you begging instead?"
Loki's eyes widened. "Oh no, I know that look. I swear to god, Anthony Edward Stark, if you do what I think you're about to do – oh my god."
There was this spot, Tony had recently discovered, between Loki's neck and collarbone that for some reason or another was extremely sensitive when sucked, licked or bitten and it reduced Loki to a writhing, dysfunctional mess.
Arching his back both out of pleasure and need to create friction between his dick and something, Loki let out a string of expletives, with Tony's name thrown in there a few times. "Please." he managed to get out. "It's too much, oh my god, Tony, please-"
Tony detached his mouth. "Are you seriously begging me to stop because I'm causing you too much pleasure?"
Giving himself a few seconds to catch his breath, Loki replied. "Uh… yeah?"
Laughing, Tony straightened up. "At least I got you begging, right?"
Loki looked less than impressed. "Shut up."
"Don't worry," Tony kissed him lightly. "I won't tell anyone."
Within seconds, they were back to their heavy, half-naked, make out session, with Loki soon pulling his own shirt off. He was alternating between nibbling on Tony's bottom lip and dipping his tongue into his mouth, and Tony's hands were skimming and brushing over Loki's skin whilst his hips simultaneously ground into Loki's own and provided them both with the friction they desperately needed. Tony broke away from the kiss eventually, but only to kiss a path down to Loki's neck where he went about working on it with a combination of teeth, tongue and lips.
Loki tilted his head to the side, his signal to Tony to continue, and contentedly lay there, letting out moans and sighs of pleasure whenever a particular ministration went straight to his crotch.
"God, I love you." he sighed.
Tony paused and smiled softly. "I know." He punctuated his statement with a gentle kiss to Loki's lips. "Now, are we gonna fuck or wha-"
And then someone knocked on the front door.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Tony swore, reluctantly allowing Loki to push him off as he got out of the bed. "You're not seriously going to answer it, are you?'
Loki sighed, and pulled Tony's MIT hoodie on over his bare chest. "I'm just going to check to see who it is. If it's anyone in the group I'll leave it, okay?"
"Fine." Tony grumbled and rolled over to check his phone.
Rolling his eyes, Loki walked the short distance to the front door and peered through the peephole. He was expecting it to be Natasha or Clint, or maybe even Thor.
He was not expecting it to be his mother.
Panicking, Loki flew away from the door and raced into what was technically his bedroom, but him and Tony basically shared it. "Out! Get into your bedroom, now!"
"Loki, what the-"
"It's my mother." He explained.
Tony's eyes widened. "Oh, shit." He threw the sheets off and scrambled out of the bed, almost knocking Loki over in his haste to exit the room.
Loki quickly thanked god for giving him such an understanding boyfriend.
Taking a deep breath, he swung open the door. "Mother!" Loki declared.
"Loki!" She replied, and instantly enveloped him in a hug. "Would it kill you pick up the phone and call me every now and then?"
"Sorry, I've been busy." It was a pathetic excuse, and he knew it. Frigga let it go, though, she was so thrilled at seeing Loki again that she didn't care about the lack of contact over the past few weeks. "What are you doing here?" He asked, after he was finally freed from her embrace.
"One of my friends is having her 50th birthday tomorrow, and she lives in Tribeca so I thought it would be nice if I came and surprised you and your brother while I was up here!" Frigga smiled at him so brilliantly that he couldn't help but return it.
"And what a lovely surprise it is. Please, come in." He gestured for her to enter the dorm, quickly glancing around for any telling signs that him and his roommate were more than just roommates as he followed her down the hallway. "Have you seen Thor yet?"
She shook her head. "No, I figured that out of the two of you, you would be more likely to be awake than him. Besides, I speak to him every few days. He can wait." Frigga waved her hand flippantly.
Loki was only just starting to recover from the shock of seeing his mother when she glanced down at the hoodie covering his chest, frowned at him and said "Since when did you attend MIT?" and his heart started racing again.
Fortunately, Tony decided that was the perfect time to enter the room, nodding at Loki as he walked in. "Hey, I was woken up by voices." His eyes found Frigga as he turned the corner.
"Mother, this is my roommate Tony. Tony, this is my mother, Frigga." Loki introduced politely.
Tony's first reaction was holy shit, it's a female Thor. They had the same shaped facial features, the same exact hair colour, matching blue eyes, and identical, friendly smiles . The similarities between mother and son were ridiculous. Even the way Frigga carried herself was akin to Thor - regal, yet humble and good-natured. It wasn't hard to see that Loki stood out. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Odinson." Tony greeted warmly, shaking her hand.
"Please, it's Frigga." She smiled at him, and Tony was suddenly hit by a wave of longing for his own mother. Frigga radiated maternal warmth, and Tony hadn't felt that in a long time. "You're the unlucky student that has to live with this one?" She teased, and Tony laughed.
"Trust me, he's just as unlucky for being stuck with me." Tony grinned, and quickly winked at Loki when Frigga wasn't looking. "Now, can I get you a cup of tea, maybe a coffee?" He suggested.
"That's very kind of you, especially since my own son didn't even offer." Loki quietly muttered an apology . "But I was thinking that Loki and I could go out for brunch?"
"Only if you pay." Loki smirked, and Frigga rolled her eyes. "Look, why don't you go and see Thor while I get ready? I'll meet you at his dorm in twenty, okay?"
"See you then." She pecked Tony on the cheek. "It was lovely meeting you, Tony."
"You too." He smiled, waiting for the door to close before turning to Loki. "I like your mum."
"Hm, she likes you too." Loki attempted a smile, but it fell short.
"Hey," Tony wrapped his arms around Loki' waist. "You okay?"
Loki let out a long sigh and rested his head on Tony's chest. "I don't know." He mumbled into Tony's jumper. "Should I tell her?"
"You know that's not my decision to make."
"But would you prefer it if I did?"
"I'd prefer anything that would make you happier." Tony responded, and smiled when Loki groaned in frustration at his answer. "I'm not going to tell you what to do, Loki."
"Why not?" Loki grumbled, and Tony laughed.
"Because you hate being told what to do, remember?" Loki had to laugh at that. "Hey, you don't have to decide now. But can I just say that I don't think she's the type of person that judges. She loves you, Loki. I don't think she'll mind that I do too."
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