AN: Last Chapter!

It was so amazing writing this and I'm so happy with all the reviews and fallows and favorites. Hope you like this ending!

I will translate my other stories, I'll publish the translated summaries on my tumblr (tenteitudonadadeu. tumblr. com), feel free to PM me if there's any one in particular that you would like to read..

- For the record, without all the drama regarding Quinn's pregnancy and all that jazz, the Glee Club is somewhat a little less problematic..


Part 4/4 – And Everything was Music


Age, 16. – A couple months later.

A few months had passed after the little encounter between them and Sam and despite being neighbors, the two girls barely managed to see each other after that. Rachel was involved with the Glee Club, which oddly enough, was able to collect the minimal number of members to compete at Sectionals. Quinn, meanwhile, had enrolled in a school program to help her peers that had trouble learning English and was also taking extra arts lessons. All for the sake of a good resume. She wanted to get into a good university, preferably in NY, where she knew her best friend would be.

The very few moments they shared, however, were as amazing as ever. The familiarity one found in the other was reassuring in chaotic times and they just liked to talk, or rock in Rachel's swing and even walk through the mall (without Sam). Quinn only mentioned her friend once, briefly, to say he had serious trouble remembering the order of letters when writing.

But now it had been three weeks since they last talked and Rachel missed Quinn like crazy.

She came home at the end of a particularly grueling Tuesday and knocked on the door of the Fabray's house, being answered by Quinn, who mysteriously had 'heard' the doorbell ring.

Behind her stood a Judy with freshly done nails, which solved the mystery. She smiled and hugged the blonde(one of that hugs where your body relax completely against the other), without letting herself into the house, knowing that if she entered, would not be able to leave (and she really had a lot to do).

"Rachel, honey.. Why don't you come inside?"

"Not today, aunt Juds... I just came to say hi and get a hug."

"Too busy with school? Quinn told me about your little glee club."

"Yes, we have Sectionals this Thursday." She said, translating for Quinn at the same time.

"Oh.. I'm sure you'll be great, dear!" She proclaimed, before disappearing into the large house, leaving the girls alone.

"So soon?" Quinn asked. She knew that her friend was going to perform, but didn't realize it would be that early in the school year, much less that it would be on a weekday. Her eyes scanned the little brunette's features carefully. "Nervous?"

Rachel bit on her lower lip and nodded.

"Don't be..." She began to sign, but the brunette stopped her hands.

"I know you have the English program on Thursdays afternoon, but I'd really love if were there for me." Quinn stared deeply into her eyes, but Rachel knew she also paid attention to her hands. "There will be a deaf choir competing against us."

"Hoverbrook?" Lima had two schools for deaf kids, Helen Keller School for the Deaf, where the blonde attended and Hoverbrook.


"Well, of course you will win then... Your Club would have to be really awful too lose to a bunch of deaf kids..."

"Quinn" Rachel yelped, punching her shoulder lightly, unable to contain a snicker. "Don't be mean!" She spoke as signed.

"But it's true!"


Thursday - Sectionals.

Hours and hours of rehearsing for nothing! Rachel thought, smashing the sectional's program and throwing it violently on a trash bin, snorting when the crumbled paper failed to fall into the basket. The two songs they had so carefully prepared had been stolen by their rivals and she couldn't be more frustrated.

"Ok, Mercedes, do you have any other ballad on your repertoire?" She asked, trying to keep her cool.

"No." Mercedes answered from her place on the couch. "The deal was that I would be singing 'And I Am Telling You'..."

"Yes, but that's obviously out of question right now and we..."

"The truth, Rachel," Kurt cut her off, sounding unsure about what he was going to say. "Is that you are our best singer."


"Come on, Rach, I know you got the perfect ballad on your sleeve..." Intruded Noah, standing up by her side with his arms crossed.

Rachel smiled against her will. "Well, there's something I've been working on since I was four..."

"Great, so we have a solo. Now we just have to find a group number." Artie clapped his hands together, trying to sound confident.

"How about 'Somebody to Love'?" Tina suggested. "It's a real crowd pleaser."

"Right..." Puck muttered sardonically.

"I think I have a solution..." Finn interjected, entering the room with a stack of sheet music in his hand.

"And where were you?" Asked Santana, who hadn't even noticed the absence of her more than spacious friend.

"I broke into the judges' room to print this..." He smiled crookedly at his friends, especially to Rachel, throwing the sheets on the table. "We can win this thing, guys."


And they did.

Rachel sang like never before, putting all her soul into the song. Her flawless performance plus the spontaneity of the group number had them winning first place with ease. They received the trophy and exchanged hugs on stage under a shower of tiny slips of silver paper. It was nice to win for a change... Almost magical..

The group split to change clothes after the presentation and it was determined that they would meet by the bus in one hour. Rachel dressed with no hurries, buttoning up the front of her plaid dress and thinking about stopping at Quinn's house to tell the news when she got back to Lima.

She picked up her red coat with one arm and her purse with the other, leaving the dressing room to bump into the person who had her thoughts.

"Quinn.." She breathed in surprise. Her friend was leaning against the wall, facing the dressing room's door. She was beautiful as always, with her hair up in a neat ponytail and wearing a pale brown sweater with golden threads that shone lazily in the low light above them. "You're here! I didn't see you in the audience.." She signed, melting in her best friend's warm embrace.

"Of course I'm here, it's your special day and you're special to me..." She smiled and Rachel hugged her again, unable to contain her need for contact.

"Thank you."

Quinn hummed softly "Actually, I just came for the deaf choir." She made the sign of sarcasm when finished talking and Rachel stuck a pink tongue in her direction.

They walked slowly to the glass doors. "So what did you think?"

"It was cool." Quinn walked sideways in order to see her better. "You were so beautiful! I just didn't like the song choice."

"Why not?" Rachel asked loudly as she signed. Quinn didn't answer, only raised an eyebrow and the brunette's eyes widened, realizing the irony in her statement. Quinn was always making little jokes about being deaf and always took Rachel some time to get them (it was very hard to recognize sarcasm without a voice variation to help). Sometimes she would still forget that her friend couldn't hear.

"There's something I want to ask you.." Quinn stated, looking a little anxious.

Rachel answered with a curious glance.

"Is that freakishly tall guy your boyfriend?"

"Finn?" She giggled quietly "No! But I think he would like to be."

"And would you like that?"

The brunette thought she had seen a shadow cross her friend's hazel eyes, but it was probably just her imagination playing tricks again. (It happened often, especially when she was near Quinn.)

Rachel stopped to consider that. She liked Finn, he was a good friend, among other things. And they had gone out together twice and he had kissed her, how one would expect to happen, but she felt nothing. At least not what she thought it would feel like when she kissed the love of her life for the first time.

For some reason she had failed to tell Quinn about all that "All the girls like him. He is popular, cute and nice too..."

Quinn was starting to sign another question - because Rachel hadn't really clarified anything with her answer - when the topic of the conversation literally cut her line of thought.

"Hey, Rach! I thought you were already in the bus!"

"Not yet... This is my friend, Quinn." She introduced them and Finn turned to the blonde, acknowledging her for the first time and offering her a smile that he considered to be charming before turning back to Rachel.

"Listen, I was thinking, that day at the bowling alley was pretty great and I wanted... Do you want to go there again tonight?" He asked, with a boyish grin.

The brunette examined his face before casting a glance to her friend, who stared at the back of Finn's head with a look so cold that actually got her shivering. How could the boy not notice the power of Quinn's glare was a mystery to her.

"Sorry, Finn, but I already have plans with Quinn tonight." She lied without knowing exactly why (she never seemed to find the whys when it came to the blonde). She was glad that her friend had crossed the city just to watch her perform, and would really like to spend the rest of the day with her, but nothing was actually planned.

"Oh ..." His shoulders slumped and he scratched his neck "Maybe another time then, right?"

"We'll see, Finn..." She gave him a closed lip smile and he nodded sadly before leaving.

Quinn followed him with her eyes. "Asshole ..." She vocalized quietly, taking Rachel by surprise and making her laugh with the comment. The blonde joined her with a soft giggle and Rachel sighed contently. She loved that sound.

They resumed walking. "So, what did he want?"

"To ask me out." She sighed.

The blonde blinked a few times and looked down. "Sorry if got in the way."

"You didn't. I didn't want to go out with him in the first place."

"Ahh .." The sound escaped the blonde's lips, who couldn't help but smile. She didn't like this this Finn guy very much. .

"Berry..." Santana nodded when they passed by her in their way out of the theater. "What's with the Barbie?"

"Santana, this is Quinn."

The cheerleader arched her eyebrows. "Woah.. She is real... That's new."

Rachel rolled her eyes, used to that kind of remark coming from the other brunette. Quinn nudged her shoulder lightly.

"What is she saying?"

Rachel quickly translated to the blonde, who threw Santana the same death glare she had directed to Finn a few seconds before.

"Wait, she's deaf?" Santana laughed scornfully. "That explains why she's your friend. Only a deaf person to put up with your endless rants... "

The little singer scowled at her teammate and translated for Quinn what she had just heard.

The blonde gave the latin girl a once over, her eyes scrutinized her from head to toes so coldly that un uncomfortable shudder crossed Santana's body. "She's only jealous because you're a better singer." Quinn signed. "And also because, somehow, you manage to be taller than her..."

Rachel could not contain a chuckle and stood on her tiptoes to place a grateful kiss on Quinn's cheek.

"Why are you laughing? What'd she say? "

"It's none of your business, Lopez." The brunette replied, waving briefly before grabbing Quinn's hand and pulling her toward the parking lot. "How did you get here?"

The blonde pointed to her red New Beatle (birthday present from her parents), parked a few feet from where they stood. "And you?"


The blonde bit her lip, pushing back some blond strands that had escaped her ponytail. "Want a ride home?"

"I'd love that." Rachel answered without thinking twice.

"Sup, Babe, who's your girlfriend?"

Rachel felt a knot form in her stomach at the word 'girlfriend'. She glanced over her shoulder to find Puck pushing Artie's empty chair toward the bus. For a second she wanted to ask where the owner of said chair was, but then decided it was probably better not.

"Hello Noah..." She smiled brilliantly. Rachel liked him, he was a good friend. "This is Quinn." She introduced the blonde briefly.

"She's hot..."

Rachel translated and Quinn wrinkled her nose. "He is disgusting..."

The brunette cleared her throat. She was so not going say that to her friend. "She said thank you..."

"You got my number, right, Berry?"

"Yes, why?"

"You tell your girlfriend to call me sometime ..." He winked at Quinn and Rachel sighed while translating.

The blonde grimaced, shaking her head in confusion. "Why would I want to do that?"

Rachel bit her lip to keep from smiling. "She said she'll text you ..."

That earned her a smug grin from him.

"Noah, could you please inform Miss. Pillsbury that I'll take a ride home with Quinn?"

"Maybe... What's in it for me?"

"I'll give her your number. What else do you want?" She asked, not even starting to feel bad about lying to him. Never in a million years, she would give Noah's number to her best friend, and it was comforting to know that even if she did, Quinn would never use it.

"Hmm, sounds fair..." He nodded, waving for them before proceeding to cross the parking lot.

Rachel laced her fingers with Quinn's happily. "Shall we?"


The drive back to Lima was quiet, since Quinn couldn't sign and drive at the same time and also had no radio in the car, but Rachel didn't mind the silence. She was still so glad by the fact that her best friend had come to see her and that they had actually won first place.

They fell back into conversation at the Fabray's house, sitting side by side on the living room couch.

"What does it feels like? Singing for an audience like that?"

"It was.. I don't know.. I'm not sure I can put into words..." Rachel shrugged. "I felt as if nothing else existed, just me and the music and the heat from the stage lights. As if suddenly, my body no longer existed, I was just sound... "

Quinn loved seeing Rachel talk about music, she was always so passionate and Quinn felt as if for a moment, she could understand and share the feelings music evoked to those who could really hear.

"You sang Don't Rain on my Parade, right?"

Rachel raised her eyebrows. "How do you know that?"

"I was listening..." Quinn winked with a smirk. "It's your favorite song, I've seen you singing it a thousand times... And you always have the same look when you sing." Explained the blonde.

Rachel smiled up at her.

"Can you translate the other one for me?"

The brunette nodded. "You Can't Always Get What You Want by the Rolling Stones."

"Rolling Stones." Quinn frowned. "I don't get it... Why would anyone name a band 'rolling stones'?"

Rachel sat up to respond when realized that she didn't have an answer for that. "It's a good question." she muttered, more to herself than for Quinn, who seemed to read her lips.

"Sing to me." The blonde signed, shifting a little closer to her friend and hesitating for a moment before placing a soft hand on Rachel's cheek, like she always did when she wanted to feel the vibrations of her voice.

Rachel smiled and started singing softly as she signed the lyrics to Quinn.


The blonde had a different smile on her face, more expressive than usual, even though Rachel couldn't say exactly what it expressed. The greenish orbs stared at her with such intensity that the diva was sure if she stopped signing, Quinn wouldn't even notice.

And that's what she did, her hands stopped moving in the middle of chorus and her voice trembled, ceasing shortly after. She blinked a few times and moistened her lips, feeling her mouth dry all of a sudden. Then, without even realizing what she was doing, she leaned forward. A spark of gold ran through her friend's eyes, and Quinn moved her thumb against Rachel's cheek, leaning in and closing the space between them with a gentle kiss.

Rachel didn't respond at first, too shocked to control her own body. Quinn's lips were so soft and sweet and she found herself completely dumbfounded until the blonde started to pull away and then Rachel jumped out of her trance. She brought a hand to her neck, releasing her ponytail in order to see just how soft Quinn's golden locks felt against her fingers, extending the kiss, and making the blond whimper.

Rachel's body shuddered when she felt Quinn's tongue caress her own for a brief moment and a low moan escaped her throat. The blond smiled against her lips and she was sure her friend had noticed the noise.

They broke apart, both panting for air after a few minutes and Quinn rested her temple against the brunette's.

"Rachel..." She whispered, making the singer's heart stop beating. Quinn had never said her name out loud before. She knew her friend had a voice, but also knew how much she hated to use it, once she had trouble controlling volume and intensity. Either way, Quinn's voice had never sounded so beautiful.

They shared another kiss, deeper and that much tender, and Rachel felt a lump form in her throat, realizing for how long she had wanted to feel exactly that: the butterflies, the light head, the tiny explosions of color that appeared to be happening in her brain, the goose bumps all over her body and most of all, the steady beat of Quinn's heart against her own chest. She had never noticed how strong her feelings for Quinn were until that moment, all she wanted to do was kiss her and hold her and never let go...

But then she heard the sound of the front door being unlocked and broke the kiss abruptly, her heart shattered with the pained look that went through the blonde's eyes when they parted.

"Your parents are here." She was quick to explain, sitting a little further back on the couch.

Quinn shrugged, as if to say 'So what?'

"They would see us kissing."

Again, the blonde shrugged. She really didn't care if her parents saw them, mostly because she planned on kissing Rachel many other times now that the first kiss had happened.

Rachel, however, didn't know how to react. "Remember how angry your dad got when we were eight and he caught Fran kissing that boy after prom?"

"It's different, they like you..."

"I don't think they would if they saw what we were doing..."

"Rachel!" Russell's voice came from behind her and she slowly turned around, trying not to look so guilty. "I thought Quinn was alone..."

"Hi, Mr. Fabray... Do you need help with the groceries?"

"No, dear... I've got this..." Judy waked past him, hanging the car keys on the hook above the phone and taking a bag from his hands. The entire time, Rachel could feel Quinn's gaze on her face.

As soon as they entered the kitchen, the blonde's fingers touched her chin, forcing her to look up.

"Why do you think they would stop liking you?"

"You're Catholic, isn't that a little obvious?"

Again she shrugged. "I've never paid attention to the sermon, the ASL translator was terrible."

"Well, your religion says being gay is a sin." Rachel felt very hypocritical when she realized what had just come out of her mouth (or hands).

They stared at each other for a long minute.

Quinn's eyes were soft. "Are you scared?"

Rachel sighed and the blonde tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear. Judy decided to emerge from the kitchen at that moment and the little diva tugged her arm down before nodding, her eyes were filled with tears.

"Please, don't be scared... I like you so much..."

"I like you too.. Quinn..." She replied, feeling a sudden wave of despair. "I don't... I can't lose you."

"Will you stay for dinner, Rachel, sweetheart?"

She lifted her head to find Russell's blue eyes. "Not today, I have... things." Rachel bit her tongue and stood up, grabbing her bag.

Quinn stood up too. "Rachel... No..." She spoke out loud again, earning a surprised look from her parents. The petite brunette hugged her, pressing a lingering kiss to the corner of her mouth, away from Russell's eyes. She signed 'later' with her thumb against her palm before leaving the house in a hurry.


Judy opened the door to her daughter's room cautiously, it had been 40 minutes she and Russell had seen Rachel leave and Quinn had run upstairs. She sat on the bed next to the blonde, who lied on her stomach with her face buried in the pillow.

Russell showed up a few seconds later to find his wife stroking Quinn's back, trying to make her flip up. Quinn always did that when something was bothering her, since she was a child. She closed her eyes and literally shut down the whole world.

He tugged at her foot until she turned up, with red eyes and a murderous look on her face.

"What happened?" He asked, folding his arms and sitting beside his wife.

"You and Rachel are fighting?" Judy asked, running a hand through her messy hair fondly.

Quinn's lower lip trembled and her eyes became impossibly sad. Judy hugged her tightly and allowed her to cry before asking again what had happened.

"I like Rachel. A lot." She said, still crying, but a little calmer.

"What did she do to make you so sad?" Russell asked, genuinely concerned. The only time he had seen his daughter cry like that was when she fell off the swing when she was 5 and was startled by the amount of blood that came out of the gash on her forehead.

"She said you wouldn't like her anymore if you saw us."

The two Fabray's exchanged a puzzled look. .

"I think she likes me too, but she is afraid that you'll be mad." She sniffled, wiping her tears with the back of her hand and blowing her nose on the handkerchief her mother handed her before continuing to sign. "She said you'd think is a sin."

"What is a sin, Quinnie?" Judy felt like she knew the answer, but had to ask anyway.

"Being gay."

She and Russell exchanged yet another look, partly shocked, partly lost. Quinn had never shown signs that she could be interested in other girls. Although she also never showed any interest in boys.

Only Rachel.

Always Rachel.

"This is a really serious thing to say, Quinn... Are you sure?" Mr. Fabray ducked a bit, trying to catch his daughter's eyes

Quinn breathed shakily, but her response was unwavering. "Yes."

"You have been friends since forever... Isn't whatever you feel for Rachel... Can't it be just friendship?" He continued questioning, wanting to clarify the situation before intervening in an exaggerated way.

"I feel friendship. And love as well." She wiped her bloodshot eyes once more. "I feel jealous when she's around boys, like the one who sang with her today. And I felt my heart ache when we kissed, but the pain was good."

"Oh, dear ..." Judy mumbled, not knowing what else to say.

Quinn blew her nose again. "Do you think it's wrong?" She looked directly at her dad, feeling that his opinion would be much more important than her mother's (he could always influence Judy, one way or another).

Russell took a deep breath, feeling millions of contradictory things at the same time. Part of him wanted to say yes, it was wrong, that was not normal, but then again, how could it be wrong? Rachel had two dads. Hiram and Leroy were one of the most stable couples he had ever met. And Quinn...

He simply couldn't stand seeing all that pain inside Quinn's hazel eyes. "No, it is not wrong." He spoke out loud, holding her hands in his and watching her follow the movement of his lips.

The youngest blonde hugged him before he could say anything else.

Judy hesitated for a second, trying to digest the news that had just been thrown at her. She ran a hand through Quinn's shoulders, causing her to let go of Russell and look up. "I could never be mad at you for loving someone.. Especially Rachel." She signed, pulling her daughter into her lap, exchanging a quivering smile with her husband before softly kissing her forehead.



"What's wrong with you tonight? You're too quiet. Isn't she quiet, honey?" Hiram stated, pointing his fork in his daughter direction, who sat silently in front of them, toying with the food on her plate.

"Yes .. I guess I've never seen her so quiet..." Leroy agreed with a frown.

"Do you think it might be the shock from winning Sectionals even after being sabotaged?"

"It's a possibility." He nodded. "But she seemed excited when she called me earlier."

Rachel looked up, feeling tired and upset and angry with her fathers. "I'm sitting right here!" She exclaimed, pushing the plate forward and crossing her arms over the table.

"Then please, explain your bad mood." Leroy requested, sounding concerned. The girl in front of him looked like a completely different Rachel... She had grown so fast ... He thought, resting his chin on a closed fist.

Rachel crumpled and then smoothed her napkin in a kind of nervous twitch. She wanted to talk to her dads about what happened with Quinn, but was afraid they would be disappointed on her for falling in love with another girl, and not just any girl, but her best friend.

"You know you can talk to us, don't you, little star?" Hiram reached for her hand across the table and she sighed.

"Something happened today and..." She covered her eyes with one hand. "I don't know what to do..."

"What happened, Princess?" Leroy questioned softly when noticed the bright trail of tears that had appeared on her cheeks.

"Quinn, she... We..." The doorbell chose that moment to ring and Rachel winced at the sound. She swallowed the words and stood up. "I'll get it." She would do anything to delay that conversation and she was not proud of it.

She gulped when the door opened. Her insides seemed to melt and she felt extremely nauseous. Russell and Judy Fabray stared at her strangely and a red nosed Quinn was right beside them.

Rachel opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out, she ran a hand over her face realizing that her tears were still fresh when Leroy's voice came from the hallway.

"Who is it, Rach?" The brunette glanced at him. She was trapped. "Russell, Judy? Something happened?" He asked, stopping by her side .

"Yes," Judy said in one breath.

"I think we need to talk, Rachel..." Russell said, looking directly at her with a look that Rachel interpreted as intimidating.

Leroy looked at his daughter and saw guilt in her deep brown eyes. "Rachel, what did you do?"


Living room (without Quinn)

Rachel felt absurdly small under the stare of the Fabrays. She was sitting in the loveseat while they faced her from the couch. No one had spoken so far and she was not sure whether to do the first move or not. Her nature said she should apologize, but her instincts disagreed with that.

So she remained silent, wishing that Quinn had stayed downstairs with them. She needed to see the blonde more than anything. Maybe seeing her would help to clarify what was going on in her head.

"So, Rachel..." Russell broke the silence, squeezing his wife's hand. "We just had a conversation with Quinn and she told us."

The brunette felt her face grow hot and her eyes flew to her own parents, who were standing by the piano, following the conversation. She wished they were anywhere else.

"I honestly don't know how to proceed here." Continued Mr. Fabray. "She... Our daughter... She..."

"She really likes you, Rachel." Judy completed in a low voice. "That's why we're here."

Rachel looked from one to the other, trying to ignore the confused expression on her daddy's face.

"We're not angry, Rachel."

"And we'll not stop loving you, or forbid you in our home because of what happened."

Rachel pursed her lips, breathing through her nose for the first time since she had answered the door. "You... won't?" She cleared her throat. "And you really know what happened?"

Russell nodded.

"Quinn kissed me." She clarified a bit skeptical, Hiram gasped in surprise. She averted her eyes before continuing. "And I kissed her back."

"She told us, dear..." Judy confirmed. Her green eyes were both sad and full of acceptance (which was the last thing Rachel expected to find in them).

"Rachel..." Russell called, his voice made her want to cry (she didn't know why). "We're not here to judge you, or Quinn. You two are practically adults. We can't control what you do, much less the way you feel..."

She ran a hand through her hair, she was shaking so hard. A small smile reached her eyes. Did that mean it was okay? She wanted it to be...

"You make her so happy, ever since you're little kids... You were the one person who learned a whole new language just to be friends with her." Judy murmured.

"She's always different when you're around, better, while still being our Quinn..." The smile on Russell's face made her own increase millimetrically. "I'm not saying you have to be with her, I don't even know if you like her that way, but if you do, we just wanted to say..." He exchanged a brief glance with his wife. "Well, you'll always have our approval, Rachel."

The petite brunette lost control of her smile, which expanded to full power. Some salty tears (new ones, because once again she had started to cry) entered her mouth and she chuckled nervously, not believing what she had just heard.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up, meeting Leroy's dark eyes.

"You know better than anyone that love will never be a sin.. At least not in our house."

Hiram agreed with him. "What do you feel for Quinn, little star?"

"I don't know... I think... I think I may have fallen in love with her." Her mind went back to a few months before, when she had realized that for the first time, in the mall trip where she met Sam, and then earlier, when she was only 10 and heard Quinn's laugh for the first time. Suddenly, she was lost in memories of intimate conversations and light touches and beautiful hazel eyes. Her heart jumped in her chest and she remembered that first day, ten years in the past, when her heart had done the exact same thing. Quinn had always made her heart beat faster. "In fact, I guess I've always loved her..."

Russell sighed loudly. "So I think you should tell her that ..."


Rachel's room.


The brunette's stomach was filled with butterflies again and her heart did a back flip when she was received in her own room by Quinn's voice. She would never get tired of hearing her own name in that voice.

The blonde got up from the bed and stared down at her with a wary expression. Greenish eyes insisted on crying even though she wanted them to stop. The tears seemed to accentuate the blend of colors in them and though devastated, Quinn had never looked so breathtakingly beautiful to Rachel.

The brunette said nothing, and didn't sign either. She had learned how important it was to respect the silence, and also, words were not needed. They met halfway in the middle of the room and Rachel caressed the light pink trail of tears that was visible in Quinn's porcelain skin with her thumb.

A charged look was exchanged between them and the brunette stretched up on her toes, joining their lips tentatively. The kiss was not awkward as it had been with Finn, neither superficial like Noah's, but rather delicate. Quinn didn't attempt to stick her tongue inside her mouth, or anything, only moved her lips gently on a series of small kisses.

And it was so intimate, in a way, because they gave themselves completely to each other and to the feelings they shared. And even if it wasn't the deepest of kisses, certainly was the most perfect. Rachel searched for Quinn's hands on her hips and played with her fingers, closing and opening them a few times without breaking the kiss.

It was only when they pulled away that Quinn noticed that Rachel had arranged them to form a sign and a wet laugh bubbled from her chest when she became aware of what it meant. She squeezed her waist and kissed Rachel again, still laughing against her lips before folding her best friend's fingers to match her own.

They looked at their hands for a moment, knowing that sign meant everything would be okay...

Rachel rested her head on Quinn's chest and smiled softly at their fingers.

To the sign that said: I love you.


If someone asked what it felt like to love Rachel, Quinn would say it was like music because she couldn't explain it, just feel. And it was all so intense, and sometimes she felt like crying (from happiness) or laughing at herself...

And she was so happy because she finally understood (in her own way) what music meant.

Music was Rachel.

And she loved music...


AN: The 'I love you' sign is universal, is the union of the letters 'I', 'L' and 'Y'. Consists in the pinky, thumb and forefinger up and the other two fingers folded against the palm of your hand. It has the same meaning everywhere, which I guess, means that love is also universal...

Please, review..