Random idea while roaming around a mall. I don't know if I will continue this story because so fars theres no plot line. Maybe this will just be my fun writing.
Chapter 1: The Good Life
"Misaki!" Sakura squealed. "You have to get this bag,"
Misaki examined the bag. "I really don't need another Louis Vuitton bag..." she said.
"Of course you do," Ruri said. "I'm having a pool party this month and this would make a great tote bag."
"Is your pool done?" Sakura asked.
Ruri nodded. "The Igarashi Pool 2.0," she proudly announced. "I can't wait for all you guys to come check it out."
"Are we actually going to swim...?" Sakura asked.
Ruri thought about it. "Maybe not at the party but definitely come over and swim another time!"
"We should get an outfit for your party," Sakura decided.
Ruri nodded. She picked up her new bag and called for the sales lady to go ring it up. "Misaki," she said. "Just get the bag in blue. You don't have Louis Vuitton in blue yet,"
"Fine..." Misaki said handing the bag to the sales lady along with her Gold Card.
"I will have them ready for you at the front door," the lady said.
Sakura nodded. "Thank you,"
"Do we have to keep shopping?" Misaki asked. There were bags all around them. So far Misaki had bought the blue Louis Vuitton bag, Jimmy Choo Belle sandals, Jimmy Choo Stella bracelet for her sister Suzana, and a pair of Manolo Blahnik 'Sedaraby' Open Toe d'Orsay Pumps. The three girls now had matching pumps to wear if one ever needed matching shoes.
"You don't want a dress for Ruri's party?" Sakura asked.
"Well, I still have brand new dresses in my closet..." Misaki said. This was a losing battle and Misaki knew she was going to be trying on more clothes. The girls decided to go to Express and buy simple dresses.
Misaki bought the first one she tried on. It was knee length and color blocked. It was a white dress with black and red panels. Misaki fingered the belt. The studded belt was actually really cute.
"Will this be all, Mrs. Walker?" the sales lady asked.
Misaki nodded and yet again handed over her Gold Card.
Misaki has now officially become "Mrs. Walker" for barely a year. She still wasn't use to the lavish lifestyle that Sakura and Ruri had adapted to. Takumi was now the CEO of Walker Corporations and Misaki wasn't sure what to do with her degree in law. Takumi wouldn't let her work no matter what she tried to argue. Ironic because she was a lawyer...
Sakura has been married to Kuuga for about two years now. The band, UxMishi, had simply become more and more famous each year. And you guessed it, Ruri is the beautiful wife of Tora Igarashi. The three families spent a lot of time together, especially the women. The three, Sakura, Ruri and Misaki didn't work despite all having excellent degrees. They often joked that they were a club... The Housewife Club.
"Okay let's drop these bags off in my car," Ruri said.
Misaki nodded and picked up all five of her bags. They walked out into the warm parking lot and put away their purchases.
"Anyone hungry...?" Sakura asked. "Bubble tea on me!"
Their favorite cafe ever would probably be "Rose Latte." It wasn't a very expensive cafe but the food was delicious and the environment there was peaceful. Plus they were regular customers.
"Welcome," the hostess said. "Your favorite table has been kept empty."
"Why thank you," Sakura said. The girls went to the table with stools by the window. Misaki sat on her stool and dropped her bag beside her.
"What will it be?" the hostess asked.
"Coconut bubble tea and a slice of peanut butter chocolate cake," Misaki told her.
"Mango bubble tea and a fruit salad," Sakura said.
"I'll take a strawberry bubble tea and a Caesar salad, hold the cheese and nonfat dressing please," Ruri said.
"Very well, your meals will be out shortly," the hostess said leaving them.
Misaki didn't even have to look at the menu anymore. She probably had had everything on it too.
"Wow, Misaki," Ruri teased. "Cake..."
"Misaki, you're so lucky. I have to watch everything I eat," Sakura said with a sigh.
"Well I do exercise a lot," Misaki said.
"I should get Kuuga to get me a treadmill or something," Sakura said.
"You have a gym membership," Misaki reminded Sakura.
"Oh right..."
Ruri laughed. "I remember when we all got those gym memberships during the holidays. It looks like only Misaki uses it,"
"Those are expensive!" Misaki said in defense of herself. "Such a waste not to use them."
"Here are your orders," the hostess said motioning for a waitress to set out the food. "Please enjoy. If anything seems off please don't hesitate to notify me."
"Thank you!" the girls said.
Misaki sipped her bubble tea and listened to Ruri and Sakura talk about cars. Apparently Sakura was getting a new car and had no idea what kind she wanted.
"Get a Lamborghini like Misaki," Ruri suggested.
Misaki gave a nervous smile. Yes...she had a silver Lamborghini. Takumi surprised her with it a few months after they got married. He called it his wedding present to her despite all the money he already spent.
"Would you recommend it?" Sakura asked.
Misaki twirled her straw around in the cup. "It drives beautifully but mine only has two seats. Its hardly practical."
"Well it is a sports car," Ruri said.
"Exactly," Misaki said. "Why would I want a sports car?"
"You don't want your Lamborghini?!" Sakura exclaimed.
Misaki laughed. "I wouldn't tell Takumi that but its really impractical. For example I can't ever take you girls shopping."
"Psh, I got the shopping covered," Ruri said. "That way you two can't secretly go shopping without me,"
"So should I get a jaguar too then?" Sakura asked.
Ruri thought about it. "Get a Lexus," she suggested. "Those are pretty cool."
Misaki took a bite of her cake. The smooth creamy peanut butter was mouth watering. She quickly took another bite and savored the taste. The cool bubble tea was refreshing too.
Someone's phone rang. All three girls dug into their purses to see who it was.
"Its Takumi," Misaki said digging out her phone. "Hello?" she asked, answering the phone.
"Hey sweetheart," Takumi said. "Are you still out?"
"Yeah, we're at Rose Latte right now," Misaki told him.
"I can come pick you up," Takumi said. "I'm finished with work for the day. Oh Kuuga said he's picking up Sakura too."
"What about Ruri?" Misaki asked. She didn't want to leave her friend here by herself.
"Tora says he'll pick her up now too,"
"But Ruri drove her car here," Misaki said.
"They got a chauffeur," Takumi reminded her. "Don't worry about them."
"Alright," Misaki said. "See you soon."
"I love you"
"I love you too..." Misaki said softly.
"Aww..." Sakura said after Misaki hung up. "Is he coming to get you?"
Misaki nodded. "Looks like all our husbands are picking us up."
"Oh yay!" Sakura said, finishing the last bite of her fruit salad.
"Is Tora coming...?" Ruri asked.
Misaki smiled. "Don't worry," she reassured her. "He's coming to join us too."
Misaki knew Sakura since high school but Ruri was a new friend. Misaki didn't know her until she married Takumi and they moved to the big city. Ruri could be a sweet angel or a sassy diva. She had these large innocent brown eyes but no one pushed her around, not even Tora.
Sakura's phone buzzed and she looked at it. Sakura rolled her eyes. "I wish Kuuga could be more romantic sometimes. He just sent me a text..." she said sliding the phone for Misaki and Ruri to see.
Kuuga: Comin 2 pik u up. C u soon. TTYL :)
"Well he did add a smiley face..." Misaki said. Misaki felt someone cover her eyes.
"Guess who!" a familiar voice asked.
"Hello Takumi," Misaki said pulling his hands off her face. Takumi smiled and kissed her on the cheek.
"How was your day?" he asked, taking the chair next to her.
"Exhausting," Misaki told him. "Spending money is a lot of work..." she joked.
Takumi laughed. "So sorry to put you in that position..." he said, winking.
"Alright, love birds... we're in public," someone called.
"Kuuga!" Sakura exclaimed. Kuuga hugged Sakura and kissed the top of her head.
"Did you buy everything you want?" he asked.
Sakura nodded. "I'll show you when we go home,"
"Where's Tora?" Kuuga asked. "Mustn't let a lady be stranded here"
"Which is why I'm here," Tora said coming in through the door. He was still in his business suit and always had that devilish grin on his face.
"Hi honey," Ruri said.
Tora kissed her on the hand. "Sorry to keep you waiting,"
"Oh the check!" Sakura said when they were ready to leave. "Check!" she called to the waitress.
The hostess and manager came over. "Its on the house," the manager assured them.
"Now we can't have that!" Takumi said. "I'll pay."
"No no!" Sakura said. "I took them out to eat. I'm paying!"
Tora handed a credit card to the manager. "I got it," he said.
The manager smiled. "Really, its on the house today. Think of it as our way of saying thank you, thank you for being such regular customers."
"Thats very kind of you," Misaki said. "Thank you,"
"Anything," the manager said nodding.
Misaki made sure to leave a good tip and they all walked out to the parking lot. Takumi went over to Ruri's car and grabbed her shopping bags.
Tora and Ruri's driver got out of Tora's car and into Ruri's. Tora helped Ruri into his car and now everyone was happily going home.
Misaki got into Takumi's car and slid on her sunglasses. She kicked off her shoes and moved her stiff toes around.
"How was work?" Misaki asked.
"Same as always. Boring, uneventful" Takumi said. "I'm glad to see you. I missed you."
Misaki blushed. "It was only half the day," she reminded him.
"Every second we are apart, I am missing you..."
Misaki snorted. "Really..."
"Really," Takumi promised.
Misaki smiled. "Oh," she said remembering. "Ruri's pool is done. I think she's throwing a party soon."
"Maybe we should get a pool," Takumi suggested.
Misaki shook her head. "They'd make me throw a pool party then..." she said in horror.
Back at home, Takumi made Misaki show him what she bought.
"This is the Louis Vuitton bag," Misaki said pulling it out of the shopping bag. "Apparently I need one in blue..."
"Like every woman should," Takumi said, loosening his tie.
"This is going to be my pool party dress," Misaki said holding it up to herself. "With the Manolo Blahnik pumps,"
"What about the bracelet?" Takumi asked.
"Thats for Suzana," Misaki said. "They said they will be visiting soon,"
Suzana and Hinata were currently on their honeymoon but they promised to stop by when they came back to Japan. They didn't live in a big city but instead preferred the quiet countryside.
"You didn't get any jewelry for yourself?"
"Please..." Misaki said. "I have more gold than a pirate..."
Takumi laughed. "I see, Pirate Misaki"
"And I got a pair of Jimmy Choo Belle sandals," Misaki said, showing her husband. "That's all for today, folks." she said shoving everything back into their bags/ boxes.
"Why don't you put them into your closet and I'll start dinner," Takumi suggested.
"Alright," Misaki said, giving him a peck on the mouth.
Takumi smirked. "Hurry up and leave or else I might have to keep you here..." he warned.
Misaki laughed and quickly grabbed her things and went upstairs. They had a large bedroom. Walk in closet, connecting bathroom, and four poster king sized bed with sheer curtains were just the beginning.
Misaki set the bracelet box on her vanity table and opened her walk in closet. She hung up the dress on a bar and smoothed it out.
"Here's another brand new dress..." Misaki said to herself. There was probably at least a dozen articles of clothing that still had the tag on them.
Misaki took out the shoes and put them on her shoe shelf. The shelves were made of mahogany and reached from the carpet to the just Misaki's arm reach. Not only that...but there were three whole shelves of just shoes.
The Louis Vuitton bag was hung up on a hook. Misaki examined the room. Her closet looked like an expensive boutique shop...
"The good life, huh?" Misaki marveled.
All clothing/ shoes are real and you could buy them. I would never buy $1000 shoes, buts its cool looking at them.