Ralph numbly suited up in his armor, ignoring the friendly banter of the other marines. The third time Vanellope had lost her ring he decided she needed something a little more permanent, so here he was. And he could probably use a ring too, now that he thought about it.
The first and second times it happened weren't her fault! The first time was a week after he had proposed; Vanellope was one of the available avatars and things were going great, but one of the more observant gamers noticed her ring and pointed it out to her friend. Vanellope had panicked and quickly taken it off. She thought she had slipped it into her hoodie pocket but it was nowhere to be found. The poor girl had cried for hours after the arcade closed.
The second time Candlehead wanted to see it so Vanellope took it off to pass it to her. Unfortunately, Gloyd, thinking he was being funny, ran up and stole it. He tripped, the ring went flying, and… Well, let's just say that Gloyd spent the rest of the night in the Fungeon.
The third time they were able to laugh about. Mostly. Vanellope had slept in and was running late. She had also slept on her hand wrong so it was numb. These two factors contributed to her forgetting that she had her ring on still. She had splashed water on her face and scrubbed to wake up. When she looked in the mirror she had a streak of red on her cheek from her dissolving jewelry. She didn't cry this time, but she did have a bruise from banging her head on the sink in frustration.
"You ready to go, Wreck-It?" Kohut asked as he slapped the Bad Guy's shoulder. Ralph shook his head to clear his thoughts and grunted. They walked down the corridor leading to the entrance of Hero's Duty to meet up with the rest of the squad. The men were all standing around, and there were some playful scuffles here and there, but when that side door opened and Sarge came out they were all business.
"Alright, Ladies," she barked. "We have one job today: Get this joker to the top of the tower alive." She pointed at Ralph. "Preferably in one piece." They all grinned, except for the 'joker', who was trying not to panic.
"You get to stay behind. Someone needs to be here to take out the First Person Shooter in case we need to end the game early." Markowski tried really hard not to seem relieved, but instead saluted and stared at a point just above her head. "Sir! Thank you, sir!" Tamora smiled and turned on her heel to take her place at the front. "Don't thank me, soldier. Wreck-It thought you were just the man for this particular job." The cowardly soldier blinked and stared at the back of the wrecker's head, stunned, and smiled. He saluted again and went to the back of the corridor where the little robot was already waiting.
Calhoun pulled out her gun and cocked it. "Are you sure you don't want a gun, Junkpile?" she asked slightly less gruffly. "I'm sure," he squeaked. "If I don't have a gun cy-bugs can't eat it and shoot back."
She shrugged, opened up the hidden panel by the door, and identified herself. "Command: run game-play. Execute: open door." The gate opened and the woman smirked. "You ready, Wreck-It?" she asked rhetorically. "Let's find out!" The wrecker turned on his stealth mode and the group of soldiers charged, firing their weapons. Ralph screamed but ran on, punching anything unlucky enough to get in range.
It seemed like an eternity had passed when they finally reached the top of the tower, even when you take the levels they had skipped into account. The villain had tactfully asked to skip the levels that would play the cut scenes about Calhoun's past. He knew about her lost love, Brad, but he also knew she was reminded enough during arcade hours. The dynamite woman had teased him about being a coward but she appreciated his kindness nonetheless.
They did a headcount just outside the medal room and saw that only about half the men had made it. Ralph vowed to take the fallen soldiers out for a drink when they respawned to make up for getting them killed on their day off. He quickly went up the steps, let the medal be placed around his neck, and left without hearing the rest of the victory speech.
When asked about it, he shook his head and smiled. "I know what they say in there and I'm not doing this to be a hero. I just need the metal and I wanted to earn it fair and square."
He placed the last piece of armor in the storage locker Smith had set up for him in R&D and shut the door. "Thanks, guys," he said heartily, saluted, and hopped on the train to Game Central Station. He needed to talk to a certain blue hedgehog and evil genius about making a ring or two.
Sonic waved at the retreating figure of the giant wrecker and when he was gone took off to Eggman's after-hours lair.
"Hey, Eggman! You in here?"
"Back here," a muffled voice replied.
The mustachioed villain was in his workshop soldering some wires together for a gadget. "What can I do for you, Sonic?" he asked when he took off his welding helmet. The hedgehog pulled out Ralph's medal and a notebook with some scribbles in it. "Wreck-It Ralph was just here and he asked me to ask you to do him a favor. The big guy needs a couple of rings."
The villain laughed. "Rings, you say? I take it these are special rings, right?" The spiny hero snickered. "Right. Did he tell you that his fiancé melted her last one when she forgot she was wearing it and washed her face? I guess she had a candy ring or something." Eggman rolled his eyes good naturedly, took the notebook, and looked it over. "There's going to be a lot of extra material," he mused aloud.
"He said he also wanted some necklaces to put the rings on, if that's alright."
The man sighed and shook his head. "I can try, but making a necklace is different than casting a ring." Sonic put his hand up to his mouth as he thought, and snapped his fingers when he had an idea. "Hey, you still have that shrink ray, right?"
"Yes. Why?"
"I think I just solved this problem and came up with a wedding present to boot!"
The day of the wedding arrived and Ralph was convinced he was going to die before closing time, if the butterflies in his stomach were any indication. He and Vanellope had decided to wed on a Saturday but when the arcade closed no one seemed to need his help setting up anything. It wouldn't take long to change into his suit so he went to Root Beer Tapper to hopefully get a drink and calm his nerves. If the barman hadn't already left to get ready himself, anyway.
He was disappointed to find that the bar was empty, but strangely enough there were two mugs of soda on the bar with a note.
[Ralph, I'm sure you're nervous, but it'll all be okay. Have a couple of sodas. They're my treat. –Tapper]
The Bad Guy laughed. He really did have the best of friends, didn't he? He finished the sodas and, when he was sure he wasn't going to puke, went to go get dressed. Vanellope would kill him if he was late. Brutally.
Vanellope was dealing with her own butterflies in her room in the castle. "Tell me again why I have to wear make-up?" she groused to Calhoun. "Because," was the short reply, "you'll look nicer on camera. It's just some foundation and eyeliner so shut up and hold still." The young woman sighed in exasperation but did as she was told. She wasn't too pleased about being on camera, but it was the best solution they could think of: there were too many candy citizens to fit in the throne room for the ceremony so the race technicians were going to broadcast it on the jumbo-trons so everyone would get the chance to see her and Ralph exchange vows.
She stared out the window, thinking of her beloved. "I wish this was over and we were married already. I haven't seen Ralph in two days," she muttered. Tammy chuckled, "Three more hours and you will be."
It was finally time.
Ralph stood in the little alcove where the throne used to be reminding himself that he needed to breathe.
One of the avatars from Guitar Hero started playing the 'Wedding March' on his keyboard and everyone turned to the opening doors at the back. In walked Felix and Calhoun, as best man and maid of honor, followed by Zangief, Tapper, Taffyta, and Candlehead as the ushers and bridesmaids. When they were in place Vanellope walked in, looking like a dream in a veil and white dress that glittered like spun sugar (which they probably were). Her ebony hair had white Tic Tacs arranged in a line in it instead of her usual scattered candies. She was escorted by Sour Bill. The steward helped her up to the platform and took his seat.
The minister from the Fix-It's wedding subtly nodded and Ralph lifted Vanellope's veil. He looked into her beautiful hazel eyes and all his fears and worries melted away. This was the woman he loved; what was there to worry about?
The ceremony flew by and suddenly he found himself saying, "I do." Vanellope responded likewise, they exchanged rings, and kissed. Vanellope was slightly taken aback by the gold rings Sonic held up (he was the ring-bearer), but Ralph mouthed, "I'll tell you later."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: Mr. and Mrs. Wreck-It."
The couple turned to face the cheering audience, walked down the aisle arm in arm with the biggest smiles on their faces, and made their way to the ballroom where the reception would take place.
Everyone in the arcade came to wish them well so they hardly had a moment to speak to each other.
"So what's with the gold ring, Ralph?" the bride asked between visitors. "I thought the candy rings were just fine!"
"That's just it," he replied. "You kept losing or destroying the candy ones so I thought a metal ring would be better."
"Where did you even get the material from? Don't tell me you stole it from Sarge's game!"
"I didn't steal it!" he said, pretending to be offended. "I won it fair and square!"
Vanellope sighed. "I appreciate the thought, but if a candy ring sticks out to the players, dontcha think a gold ring definitely will?" Ralph smiled and pulled out a long, thin box from his suit jacket. He shook it and it rattled. "Gotcha covered. I asked Sonic to make us a couple of necklaces, too."
When the last well wisher had been greeted they cut the cake. The Fix-Its had warned them against smashing the cake in each other's faces, telling them it was a terrible way to start a marriage, but Vanellope just couldn't stop herself from dabbing a little bit of frosting on the end of Ralph's nose. "I'm not me if I'm not obnoxious," she said sheepishly. His only response was to smile and give her an Eskimo kiss, frosting and all.
Everyone danced the night away until about 3 A.M. when Vanellope was practically falling asleep on her feet and Ralph was having trouble seeing straight. The villain pulled Felix and Calhoun aside so they could hear him. "Hey, I think we're gonna high-tail it outta here. I'm pretty bushed and Vanellope can barely stand." The handyman nodded and motioned for him to lean in while Calhoun went to talk to Vanellope. "Congrats again, brother. I just wanna give you some advice before you go."
He said his piece and Ralph rolled his eyes at the cheesiness, but smiled and thanked him. They walked over to where their wives were and Felix asked Ralph to hold him up in the air. "Ladies and gentlemen," he shouted over the music, "the bride and groom are callin' it a night but you are more than welcome to stay! Let's give 'em a proper sendoff!"
The whole ballroom exploded into applause as the Wreck-Its exited.
The soldier woman pulled her husband off to a quieter spot and kissed his cheek, causing him to blush.
"So, what did you tell Junkpile?"
"Just some life advice. What did you tell Vanellope?"
She batted his hat bill down and whispered something in his ear. Felix's face turned the brightest red and he stared at her, absolutely appalled. "Oh, Tammy," he gasped, "you didn't!" She just chuckled and pulled a box out from it's hiding spot in a potted lollipop tree. "I know it's Ralph and Vanellope's special day, but I got tired of waiting to give this to you. Open it." He did so and pulled out a coffee mug. When he read the front he fainted.
It read '#1 Dad'.
Ralph held Vanellope in his arms as he eased himself into the too tiny cart of the Fix-It Felix, Jr. tram. She was asleep and he hoped that she stayed that way. The train started moving and she woke up. "Whazgoinon?" she mumbled. The man smiled and kissed her forehead. "We're goin' home, that's all."
"Oh. Okay. Hey, what were you talking to Felix about?" Ralph looked away as he blushed and scratched a cheek. "Oh, y'know," he said offhandedly, "cheesy advice. Stuff like that."
"Like what?"
He sighed, knowing she would pester him until he caved. "He said, and I quote, 'Life is a dance and Vanellope's your partner. Never let anything cut in.'" Vanellope snickered, "Yer right: that is cheesy!" She stretched up and kissed the corner of his mouth. "But it's also true." She settled back down next to his chest, enjoying his warmth.
"So, uh… What did Calhoun tell you?" He didn't know it, but Vanellope smirked wickedly.
"Let's just call it a dance move, Twinkle Toes."
Thank you everyone for joining me on this wild ride! Good heavens, this thing got huge...
I'd also like to personally thank Rocky Rooster and LexisTexas2000 for being my biggest supporters. You guys are awesome! :D