The two teams entered the room to see the two Robins fighting. The YJ Robin was throwing exploding disks at his colorful counterpart. TT Robin was skillfully dodging them. He flipped backwards and swung his staff as YJ Robin ran forward, throwing punches. He swatted the younger teen's hands away, before stabbing his stomach with the staff.
"Robin, stand down now!" Aqualad ordered. YJ Robin glanced at him before putting his hands up to block a kick that TT Robin had aimed.
"Guess they're both into the fight now," Beast Boy muttered. YJ Robin bent backwards into a handstand, in which he swung his legs up, kicking TT Robin's chin. The older teen leaned backwards, dodging it. They both flipped backwards, standing upright. They both raised their fists and ran at each other.
"M'gann, separate them," Kaldur ordered. M'gann nodded and stepped forward, her eyes glowing. She threw her arms out and the two Robins flew away from each other, floating in mid air.
"Separated, and their movement is constricted," M'gann announced.
"Put me done! We were in the middle of something!" the two Robins shouted.
"That is so weird," Kid Flash muttered.
"Robin, we will put you both down once you agree to stop fighting," Kaldur told them. "Both of you," he added once he remembered they were both called 'Robin'.
"Fine," YJ Robin huffed.
"Yeah, I'll stop too," TT Robin agreed. M'gann lowered her arms and set the two down. Kid Flash rushed over to his friend, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
"You okay Rob?" Kid Flash asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Robin huffed, crossing his arms.
"Friend Robin, you are unhurt, yes?" Starfire asked.
"Yeah, Star, perfectly fine," TT Robin smiled.
"Robin," Kaldur scolded. "You should not have attacked him. You know that his team is here until they find a way-"
"Back to their dimension, I know," YJ Robin smirked. Kaldur's eyes widened and he looked at the young boy in shock.
"You knew?" Wally asked, looking down at him. "You knew that he was from another dimension and not here to replace you?"
"Yeah, unlike you guys, Bats actually told me that the team was from another dimension and that they had a Robin of their own," YJ Robin confirmed. "Remember that mysterious call I got from him during breakfast. That's what it was about." Wally stared at him in shock.
"Wait, if you knew that, then why did you attack him?" Artemis asked.
"He didn't attack me, we were training," TT Robin asked.
"You little shit," Wally said, looking at the younger Robin.
"God damnit," Artemis growled. "You're such a little troll!"
"Of course I am!" YJ Robin beamed. "Haven't you learned anything?"
"I am going to kill you for making me worry like that!" Artemis shouted.
"So you and little Robin were just training?" Starfire asked.
"Yeah, he knew who I was immediately and decided that we would have a fight and when someone came to break it up, we would ignore them," TT Robin nodded. "I couldn't say 'no' for some reason."
"Hypnotism," Conner stated.
"What are you talking about?" Cyborg asked.
"Our Robin can manipulate and basically hypnotize anyone he wants, much like Queen Bee," Conner stated.
"It's my superpower," YJ Robin smiled.
"You have a superpower! That's so cool," Beast Boy smiled.
"No, he doesn't have a superpower," Wally chuckled, pulling YJ Robin against him. "He's just an adorable little shit that you can't say 'no' to." He kissed the top of Robin's head, causing the young bird to giggle.
"Like I said, that's my superpower," he laughed.
"Okay, so, since that's settled, why don't we go to the living room and have some fun," Artemis suggested.
"Pass, I have to take Wolf for a walk," Conner said, walking out of the room.
"I've wanted to try a new cookie recipe," M'gann confessed.
"Oh, may I join you?" Starfire requested.
"Sure," M'gann smiled. "Robin, do you want to join us and make cookies?" The alien asked, turning to the young bird. Said boy froze as his remaining teammates turned to look at him. Wally was pouting and on his knees silently begging. YJ Robin looked around, and flinched, noticing that even Kaldur looked a bit pleading.
"Fine! I'll make some cookies!" He caved.
"Yes!" Wally cheered, hugging him. "I love you!" Wally kissed his cheek and YJ Robin smirked, pushing him away.
"Can you make them chocolate chip?" Artemis asked.
"Sure," YJ Robin sighed.
"Oh, I love you too," Artemis smiled, kissing his other cheek.
"I can't believe that I'm being pressured to cook," YJ Robin sighed. "Why did I even let you guys know that I could cook?"
"Because the rest of us were going to burn the kitchen down because M'gann was off with Martian Manhunter," Artemis answered.
"Ah yes, now I remember," YJ Robin nodded. "It was the day that Wally broke all the microwaves."
"I said sorry," Wally muttered.
"Little Robin, you can cook?" Starfire asked.
"And bake," Wally added. "And he makes the best food ever!"
"Well, since I'm here, I'm going to train while I wait," Artemis announced.
"I shall be in the library," Kaldur smiled.
"I'll join you," Raven sighed, floating over to him.
"Got any video games?" Beast Boy asked.
"Duh," Wally smirked. "We've got a ton of multiplayer games to choose from."
"Awesome," Cyborg smiled.
"Friend Robin, what are you going to do?" Starfire asked.
"I guess I can train with Artemis," TT Robin shrugged.
"Great, well, then, let's get going," M'gann cheered.
Mount Justice
October 6 8:52
"Friends~! We have finished making the cookies! Do you want to try some?" Starfire smiled, flying into the living room eagerly. M'gann and Robin were behind her, each of them holding a tray of cookies as well. She held out the plate of treats for her friends who looked at the plate nervously.
"Um…the last time you made something, Speedy's skin turned purple and his hair was yellow," Beast Boy reminded her.
"Oh yes, friend Speedy was very mad at me," Starfire nodded sadly. "But friend M'gann and Little Robin showed me how to do it step by step! Please try one!" Her eyes widened and she pouted slightly. Not surprisingly TT Robin was the first to cave, taking a cookie with a nervous smile.
"Dude, it's just a cookie," Wally snickered. "It's not like the thing's going to bite you."
"The last time she made a cookie, they could be used as hockey pucks," Cyborg told them.
"And the last time she made something, it growled. Speedy and Aqualad can testify to it. Her food fucking growled," Beast Boy told them quietly.
"Is that the same dish that turned Speedy different colors?" YJ Robin asked.
"Yeah," Beast Boy nodded. "Turns out it was a dish from her home planet and she had added an alien ingredient that Speedy was also allergic to, that's what made him turn colors. Aqualad simply got a stomachache, and passed out."
"You still let her cook?" Wally and Robin asked in shock.
"Well, I'm great at baking cookies!" M'gann assured. "I showed her how to do everything correctly!"
"Don't you always burn the food you make?" YJ Robin asked, raising an eyebrow behind his glasses.
"Well, they've been burning less and less lately," M'gann told him sheepishly.
"It is an improvement," Wally smiled, reaching for a cookie.
"Baywatch! Let the rest of us have one first," Artemis growled, pulling his hair and grabbing a cookie. The other teens grabbed a cookie and M'gann smiled, handing the tray over to the eager red head. Wally finished them rather quickly and looked at YJ Robin who smiled and sat in his lap, holding the plate of cookies up. Wally kissed his cheek and took one of the cookies, eating it happily.
"So, how're Starfire's cookies?" M'gann asked, turning to the titans.
"Not bad," Robin replied. Cyborg and Beast Boy shrugged and took a cookie, tasting it. They gave out hums of approval and the two boys finished the batch while Robin declined to have another.
"See, I told you I was good," M'gann nodded in satisfaction.
"Miss Martian, Superboy, and Aqualad, suit up and report to the mission room in five," Batman's voice echoed throughout the room and said teens stood up bidding farewell as they left.
"You guys aren't going with them?" TT Robin asked in confusion.
"Don't need to," Artemis shrugged, taking the remote and turning on the TV.
"There are some missions we're suited for and some we're not, it all just depends," YJ Robin answered. "No biggie. We can still feel the aster here."
"What does a flower have to do with anything?" Cyborg asked.
"Flower?" YJ Robin muttered, looking at him in confusion.
"An aster is a type of flower, similar to daisies," Cyborg explained. "It is also the name of a star shaped structure in a cell."
"Wait a minute, you mean he's been saying a real word all this time?" Wally asked in shock.
"Cool," YJ Robin smiled. "Too bad it doesn't have my definition. That would have been beyond astrous."
"You aren't using that word right," Raven huffed.
"Yes I am," YJ Robin pouted, crossing his arms.
"Rob hates prefixes," Wally chuckled, pulling the younger boy close. "'Aster' is the opposite of disaster. Instead of things going wrong, things go right." Wally smiled and nuzzled against the brooding boy's cheek. Robin smiled and wrapped his arms around Wally's neck, giving him a quick kiss. YJ Robin let out a happy sigh and cuddled into Wally.
"Oh my god, you two need to stop being adorable," Artemis groaned.
"Never," YJ Robin teased, sticking out his tongue.
"Dude, what exactly is your relationship?" Beast Boy asked nervously.
"Bromance," Wally answered.
"I'm calling bullshit on that one!" Artemis protested. "You two are way too lovey-dovey and cuddly for that word to have a 'b'!"
"Anyone else would be, but we're not," YJ Robin smiled.
"Yeah," Wally nodded. "In case you haven't noticed, Rob is a very lovey-dovey, cuddly, touchy-feely person!"
"Can't argue with that," Artemis muttered in agreement.
"Wait, what kinda person is he?" Beast Boy asked.
"He's like a toddler," Artemis answered. "He needs attention and affection every moment of the day, and if you're touching him, all the better." The Titans looked over at the younger Robin, who continued to cuddle with Wally, happily nuzzling into the older boy's shoulder. Wally smiled and wrapped his arms around his friend, pulling him even closer.
"Uncle Barry once joked about turning Rob's cuteness into a weapon," Wally chuckled. "Batman nearly killed him for that one. Then Robin met the female members of the League and they melted just at the sight of him. The other guys then seriously considered Barry's suggestion."
"Like I said, manipulation is my power," Robin chuckled.
"Oh, you are so adorable," Starfire giggled.
"Dude, I could never imagine our Robin being so cutesy," Beast Boy snickered.
"Well our Rob is younger," Wally informed them.
"How much younger?" TT Robin asked.
"I'm 14," YJ Robin told them.
"Which that is why you and Baywatch probably haven't taken your relationship a step further," Artemis muttered, not taking her eyes off the TV.
"Artemis," YJ Robin sighed. "Does everything you say that concerns us have to be about how romantic we are?"
"Yep," Artemis answered with a smirk. "I have ex-girlfriend rights."
"Ugh, I hate ex-girlfriend rights," Wally groaned.
"You can't complain, she gained those rights because you broke up with her," YJ Robin reminded him.
"This is true," Artemis laughed.
"You two used to date?" Cyborg asked.
"Yeah, it didn't work out though," Artemis shrugged. "He figured out he was gay."
"I am not gay!" Wally growled. "I'm bisexual…there is a difference."
"Yeah, but no matter what you are, you still love Robin," Artemis smirked.
"Artemis, stop teasing him," Robin sighed.
"Fine, "Artemis huffed. "You take away all my fun."
"Do you want some cupcakes for lunch tomorrow," YJ Robin smiled.
"And suddenly I don't hate you anymore," Artemis smiled. "Can they be those new orange creamsicle cupcakes?"
"Sure!" YJ Robin smiled. "I hate using store made mixes, but I will if you want me to."
"Yay," Artemis cheered, pumping her fists into the air.
"Wait, you're making cupcakes for her, but not for me?" Wally pouted. YJ Robin smiled and kissed Wally's nose.
"I cook and bake for you all the time," he reminded the redhead. "Plus you're probably going to be eating dinner at my place again, and I'm going to help make dinner!"
"Oh, I love dinner at your place," Wally smiled, giving him a quick kiss. YJ Robin smiled and wrapped his arms around Wally's neck, pulling him in for another kiss.
"Dude…this is like so weird to see," Beast Boy muttered.
"Hey, how do you think I feel?" TT Robin muttered. Wally and Robin pulled away and their lips met once more for a quick kiss.
"God, you two are so adorable," Artemis groaned. "Can you ever not be cute?" YJ Robin opened his mouth to respond when his phone went off.
"Hello?" He asked, placing the device next to his ear. "Yeah, we can be there in a few minutes. Okay, see you soon. Bye."
"What was that about?" Raven asked.
"Agent A wants both Robins in the Batcave, don't know why, but he just does," YJ Robin shrugged. He climbed out of Wally's lap and went over to Artemis. "I'll see you tomorrow with the cupcakes," he smiled, giving her a kiss.
"Mmkay, see you tomorrow cutie," Artemis smiled, hugging him.
"Alright, let's go," YJ Robin smiled, leading his counterpart towards the zeta beams.
"Arty, when have you ever known Robin to not be cute?" Wally asked with a smirk.
"Touché," the archer muttered, flipping the channel.
"You're right, he is touchy-feely and adorable..." Beast Boy muttered.