Chombit5: Hey guys! Chombit5 here, bringing you a new chapter of Fubblegumness. Btw, if you're wondering what happened to Finn and PB well... *Looks behind* they ate so much today that they stuffed themselves until they couldn't move *sweatdrops*

Finn: zzzzZZzzzzz...

PB: zzzzZZZZzzzz... hrrrmmmm... Finn...

Chombit5: hmm... sleeping after stuffing themselves, they're just like cats. Anyway, as a replacement for tonight and taking their place so I don't get lonely, the Vampire Queen, Marceline!

Marceline: *flies inside the room* Hey there shorty, hope you packed some grub 'cause I won't babysit Finny and Bonnie here with my stomach empty.

Chombit5: Oh yeah sure... here *puts out a box of apples* enjoy.

Marceline: *her eyes lights up* Oh! Thanks shorty, now go on with your story, I'll keep watch on the two sleepy heads.

Chombit5: Well... I also called you here to do the disclaimer and stuff so...

Marceline: Eh? Can't you do it yourself? I mean c'mon, you can say it to right?

Chombit5: Well... it's because it's fun for the readers I mean... it's fanservice? XD Anyway, please do it Marcy *looks at Marceline with puppy eyes*

Marceline: O-oh alright! *looks at the readers* Chombit5 does not own any characters of AT nor AT itself, just the story. *looks at Chombit5* There, you happy now?

Chombit5: Yes! Thanks Marcy, now on with the story!


Princess Bubblegum

Ice Kingdom

Once again, Ice King is flying towards the Ice Kingdom with me in his hands. Don't get me wrong I'm not casually saying this because I like it, it's just because I'm used to it so I don't react much to it anymore. Anyway, I gave up struggling around half way through the Ice Kingdom because I know he won't be letting me off that easily, so I just sighed and waited until we got to the ice Kingdom just so Finn can kick his butt and get me out of here.

"Hmm... What's this? You finally gave up struggling?" then the Ice King's face lit up with excitement.

"Does this mean you like me?" then the Ice King's face turned into a creepy grin to which I instantly retorted.

"Wha-? No! It's just a waste of energy if I struggle because you wouldn't even let me go if I want to!"

"Well, eventually you'll start to like me." then he giggled creepily.

'Oh boy... this is gonna be a long day.'

After we arrived in the Ice King's castle, he instantly put me inside the usual cage as expected. As I Ice King went to one of his icy chambers to get... whatever it is he uses for his weird princess nabbing hobbies, I sat in silence waiting for rescue. I hated being helpless but I can't help it if I get caught off guard at times because I usually get lost in my duties and experiments. Anyway, as I was lost in thoughts, I noticed movement on one of the Ice King's windows and/or entrance. What I saw was an arm reaching for the ledge of the window. After a few moments of struggling, the figure finally popped it's head upward and what I saw instantly made my heart flutter in happiness. It was Finn, who saw me and flashed a cheeky grin. Seeing the Ice King was nowhere in sight, he lifted his whole body up and let himself in the castle. He immediately went toward me and did a little bow.

"May I have the pleasure of saving this princess?"

I giggled at his sweet joke.

"Yes you may." I smiled at him.

"Very well then. Stand back Peebles."

As I stepped back a little, he readied his sword and slashed the icy bars cleanly, making way out of the prison. He held his hand out to me to help me get out. Usually I dismiss these kinds of signs of affection but i just simply blushed and took his hand. As I went out the cage, the Ice King emerged from one of the many ice caves in his castle.

"I'm back princess! So what shou- Finn?! What are you doing here and why is the princess out of her cage?!" his face contorted into anger.

"Sorry man, but I'm taking the princess back." he went into a ready stance.

As they were weighing each other's movements, I quickly took a look around to see what we could use to quickly escape. I didn't want to stay around the Ice Kingdom for much longer so the best way was to just simply run away. After looking around, I saw an object that seems to be a sled used by the Ice King, I don't know what for though. I tapped on Finn's shoulder and pointed at the sled. He immediately nodded. Understanding what I wanted to happen, he picked up a nearby icicle and threw it towards the Ice King.

"Hey Ice King! Catch!"



He cancelled out the projectile by forming another projectile and shooting it against the icicle.

"Hah! How you like them apples now, Finn! Wait wha-?"

While the Ice King was distracted, we dashed for the sled and used our momentum to push ourselves forward.

"Oh no you don't!"

The Ice King screamed and shot another blast of ice at us, thankfully Finn was quick on his feet and kicked the ground which pushed one side of the sled upward then the shot of ice struck the ground beneath the side of the sled which pushed us further upward and shot us out of the window of the Ice King's Castle.

"Oh Yeah! That was flipping awesome!"

Once again the young adventurer in front of me showed his childish side to me. I also joined Finn in his little celebration and laughed out loud. Then we hit an unknown object which threw us off balance and off the sled. We tumbled toward the snowy plains beneath us. As we reached the bottom, we instinctively locked eyes with each other and laughed out loud some more.

"Ahahaha! W-why are we laughing Peebles? Hahahaha!" he said while chuckling

"I-I don't know! Hahahaha!"

As we calmed down, Finn offered his hand toward me once again and pulled me on my feet.

"Well Princess, it's time to get you home."

"Thank you Finn, for saving me again."

"Nah, it's nothing Princess. A hero's gotta do what a hero's gotta do. Now let's go."

He said while smiling. I blushed slightly because of his bright smile, I didn't know why but I didn't hate it and I didn't want to deny it so I just smiled at him embarrassingly.

'Oohhh... I hope he doesn't notice me blushing!'

With that thought in mind, we walked toward the Candy Kingdom.


Chombit5: Well that's all for now for this chapter, I hope you had fun on this chap and I wish you all a goodnight.

Marceline: W-wait wait wait! That's all? Don't you want me to say anything?

Chombit5: Hmm? Well yes that's all, I wouldn't want to hold them up for much longer don't I? Did you have something you want to say Marcy?

Marceline: Well... no, but...

Chombit5: C'mon, you clearly want to say something. *grins annoyingly*

Marceline: All right all right I get it! *turns to the readers* I want to thank everybody who followed and still follows this story, we promise to update sooner. That's all from me. *turns to Chombit5* now it's your turn.

Chombit5: Ok ok, first I would like to give a special shoutout to our readers: Roberto who has been following this story from the start until now, Karenanzora90, dbzgtfan2004 and Creepinator234 who are my fellow Fubblegum shippers (btw, thanks for the shoutout Creepinator :D) and flameprincess6 who, despite loves Flame Princess, likes my Fubblegum story (I'll make a Flinn story later :D) Well that's all from Chombit5-

Marceline: And Marceline the Vampire Queen, stay tuned. Peace out y'all!