Hi there, it's me chombit5 :) This is just some rambling inside my head that won't leave me alone...

Anyway, to those who know my story "Only For You", I'm sorry for not updating since April. I just forgot about it

a little, but I promise I'll get back on it this weekend. So for now, it's AT's time for a story :)

PS: I don't own any characters from Adventure Time (though I wish I did... ~_~)



Candy Kingdom, Afternoon

As the sun was streaking on the sky, a certain princess was bathing in it's warm light. 'Well, it has been a few weeks after Christmas...' she thought. True to her word, it was exactly three weeks after the celebration of Christmas and it was only getting colder by the day. 'It would be a waste to ignore the sun's warmth on a cold day like this' she told herself. Normally, she would be inside her castle walls doing experiments or royal duties but since it was so cold inside, she went outside to replenish her lost warmth inside her body. Well, she's still a living being that needs it's share of sunlight.

Then she was abruptly interrupted by a soft creaking of the door behind her. The one who emerged from the biscuit doors was none other than her ever-so loyal butler, Peppermint Butler. "Princess Bubblegum? I apologize for the abruptness but I must inform you that you've got to sign a few more papers that were sent by the 'Council of Princesses'" the mint in suit said "No, it's alright Peppermint Butler. I was just on my way inside, thanks for informing me though" she said to him smiling "Then I shall be on my way Princess" he replied after bowing then walked inside the castle.

As she was just gonna get inside her castle, she heard faint shouts and groans from the grasslands. Her thoughts immediately snapped up to her heroes, 'Finn and Jake'. She walked over to her previous position on the railings then peered for any sign of the boy and his companion. After a few seconds of squinting, she immediately saw the boy and the dog, fighting something that appears to be a twin-headed troll. Though the brute physique of the troll was truly no match for the teamwork of the dynamic duo. Just as the troll was about to crush Finn with his big club, Jake immediately extended his arm,wrapped it on Finn's waist then pulled him towards safety.

She heard Finn shout something at Jake, which he received a nod from the magical dog. Once again, he wrapped his arms around the boy then slinged him towards the trolls' body, who appears to be dislodging it's club from the ground. With a quick pull of his sword, Finn swiftly stabbed his demon sword on the trolls' chest, which earned them a groan of pain then the troll fell to the ground and turned to dust. She then heard Finn shout again, though he shouted one out of victory and this time he was joined by his magical companion, Jake.

"Your Highness?" she heard the soft voice again of Peppermint Butler. She turned around then replied "Ah, yes. I'll be right there in a few moments. I was just contemplating about my latest experiment.". She didn't like lying to her people but the scene she just witnessed, stirred something inside her regarding the heroic boy she just saw and she wouldn't want to talk about it with her butler since he would just tell here that she was starting to...like-like the young hero. That was the last thing she wanted since she new that immersing in a romantic relationship with the hero would just result in creating complications between their relationship. Just as she was walking inside her castle, her thoughts immediately recalled the thought of being with the heroic boy.

'But maybe... being with him...won't be so bad...' she thought. 'No, Bonnie! Stop thinking like that. He's too young for you.' her intellectual side told her. 'Too young yet he's the one whose always there for me and the one that's my knight in shining armor.' her compassionate side countered. 'Sure he's your hero but is that worth risking for a relationship that's above more than friends?' her other side told her again. 'Friends...' she thought again. She always used the excuse that he was either 'Too young' or 'We're just friends' but something struck her heart when she recalled her words of excuses. She remembered that she would only use those words to the young boy,Finn. Everytime that he would try to show a romantic act towards that princess, she would always use the crush ploy on him, which would result in a crestfallen expression on the boy's face. Though, he would try to cover his sadness with a smile, she could see the real emotions of Finn when he wouldn't meet her eye.

Her thoughts were shaken away when she bumped on her desk which had a lot of papers stacked on it. Immediately, she took her seat beside the table and tried to read through the paper's contents. With a quick shake of her head, she made a resolution that she would think about her personal feelings later. Right now, she needed to finish this paperwork then she took her quill then scribbled away...

Well, that's it for this chapter! :) Hope you like it and I promise I'll Update faster next time

And don't worry about "Only For You" I didn't completely abandoned it, so I'll try to update

it sooner.

~Chombit5, out.