Okay so I know I probably shouldn't be starting a new story while I'm still working on the others, but this popped into my head at work last night and I had to get it out!

Thus, without further ado, I give you, my faithful readers and new readers, The Equivalent Exchange!

A black haired boy with round rimmed glasses looked around him in pure awe, his emerald green eyes taking in every sight that he could. He was wearing a flannel shirt over a plain green shirt, along with pants far too large for him held up by a worn leather belt. On his feet was a pair of old trainers that looked like they had seen better days about five years ago. Next to the young man was what could only be described as a giant of a man. He easily stood eight feet tall, and had black hair with a beard that hid most of his face, only allowing his beetle black eyes, nose, and mouth visible.

The young boy was walking down a zigzagging alley that was filled with men and women wearing what some people would call odd dress. They all wore robes and hats and boots that looked like they had been in style during the medieval times. The shops around him were different as well. One shop had owls and other avian creatures sitting on perches. Another had barrels of what was advertised as dragon dung fertilizer and bat livers with a woman standing in front of it while muttering to herself. "Six sickles a pound? That's outrageous."

This young man was Harry Potter, the giant of a man was Rubeus Hagrid, and they were walking along Diagon Alley.

Hagrid looked down at the young boy and couldn't help but chuckle at the look of awe on his face, remembering what it was like when he saw the Alley for the first time himself. "Come along now, Harry. We need to head to Gringotts to get your money."

The younger male looked up in confusion at hearing what he said. "But Hagrid, I don't have any money. And what's Gringotts?"

Remembering that this was the first time that Harry was experiencing the magical world, Hagrid mentally berated himself for not explaining himself. "Gringotts is the bank of the wizarding world. It's run by goblins as a way for our two races to get along after the wars."

Harry looked surprised that goblins actually existed, but then berated himself for thinking that when he heard from Hagrid just earlier that morning that dragons, of all things, actually existed.

Following the giant of a man, the two headed toward the marble doors of the wizarding bank.


Hours after his trip to the wizarding bank and finding out about his trust fund that had been set up by his parents, Harry walked into the book store where he could get the books that he needed to start off his school year called Flourish and Blotts.

Seeing all the books, Harry couldn't help but grin. He had always loved reading it was one of the things he could use to pass the time that his aunt and uncle never minded since it kept him quiet and away from them. Hagrid chuckled and looked at his pocket watch for a moment before coming to a decision. "Well Harry, we seem to have a bit of spare time, why don't you look around for a bit to see if there's any books you might want that aren't on the list?"

Harry's grin, if it was possible, got even bigger. He only nodded before rushing off to peruse the shelves to find anything that might appeal to him. Hagrid couldn't help the laugh that escaped him before grinning fondly at the boy and going to the counter to get the books that the emerald eyed boy needed for his classes.


As Harry walked through the aisles of bookshelves he couldn't help but be in awe at some of the subject matter. He continued on his search for something that made him freeze mid-step. He couldn't believe that it actually existed. As he read the title of the book, he walked toward it before picking it up with shaking hands.

The Basics of Alchemy


A six year old Harry Potter walked into the bookstore a few streets away from his aunt and uncle's house with a smile on his face. Today was the day he looked forward to every month: Delivery day. This was the day that the bookstore got new books delivered. Some books were just to stay stocked on them; others were new releases that just came out.

As he walked through the door, a bell rang somewhere in the shop. A moment later a young woman in her early twenties walked out of the back room. She had blonde hair with a blue streak in her bangs that came down between her eyes that made her sapphire colored eyes stand out even more. Her face was heart shaped and was currently split with a wide grin that showed perfectly straight and white teeth. Above that smile was an adorable button nose with a light dusting of freckles over it. She had a slender build but was very…er… gifted. She had C-cup breasts that were slightly more than a handful, her rear wasn't flat but nor was it overly large. It was a perfect size that would have most men drooling. Her legs were hidden in a pair of skin tight blue jeans that showed how shapely they were. Her torso was covered with a black band shirt that had the logo of some rock band that the young lad didn't know. All in all, the woman was gorgeous.

"Hey Harry! Here to help with the new books that got delivered?" the young woman asked.

The young man grinned and nodded. "Of course Lizzie."

The now named woman, Lizzie, giggled and nodded. "Well, follow me to the back and we can get started. I got some books in from Japan that look pretty cool. They're called manga."

Intrigued, Harry followed the young woman into the storage room in the back of the store. Leading Harry to an open box, the dual haired woman handed it to him. "It's called Fullmetal Alchemist. It's pretty cool, it's loosely based on Germany though since the word Fuhrer is mentioned a couple times."

Harry took the book and began looking through it interestedly, before looking confused. "Um, Lizzie, the book is backwards."

Giggling, Lizzie took the book and opened it to what would be the front of the book for them. "Japanese people read right to left instead of left to right, which is what we do. So of course it would be backwards to you."

Harry nodded before going to the front of the book and starting to read. Within minutes, he was hooked. The science, or art if you prefer, that was alchemy seemed amazing to him. The antics of Ed and Winry made him laugh. Lizzie smiled at the little boy that she loved like a brother and left him to his reading, putting the books away herself while leaving a single copy of the other volumes that they had. Luckily, they only had three boxes of books delivered so it wouldn't take too long to stock the shelves.

As Harry was reading, he couldn't help but sympathize with Edward for wanting to try and bring his mother back. He also understood Alphonse's trepidation about the attempt of human transmutation. But one thought passed through his mind but he couldn't help the thought that passed through his mind as he went to help Lizzie with the books.

"If alchemy was real… I wonder if I would try and bring back my parents."

~Flashback End~

After finding the basic book on alchemy, the somehow even more eager black haired boy quickly gathered up the intermediate and expert level books and went back to the counter to pay for them.

Once Harry arrived back at the counter, he placed the books on it next to the stack of books that Hagrid had sitting next to him. "I'll take these, please."

Seeing the books that the young boy had gathered, the half giant had a look of surprise. "Alchemy, eh, Harry? You sure you want to get into that?"

Green eyes sparkling with happiness and excitement looked up toward Hagrid, followed by a beaming smile. "Yeah I'm sure Hagrid. I've read about alchemy in the muggle world and it really fascinates me."

Hagrid couldn't help but smile at the obviously excited young boy and nod towards him as the teller rang up his purchases. "Okay then Harry, if you think you can handle it. If you have any questions about it, there's a famous alchemist named Nicolas Flamel. He managed to make a Sorcerer's Stone and has been alive for centuries. He and Dumbledore managed to figure out twelve uses for dragon's blood together, now I think it."

Harry looked up at Hagrid with a look of shock before frowning with an angered look on his face. "Hagrid, if what I've read about alchemy is true; Nicolas Flamel is a terrible human being. Also, if the Headmaster knows how Flamel made the Stone, then he is no better."

Hagrid, along with the teller, looked shocked as Harry took his purchases and walked toward the door of the store. Quickly shaking himself to get his thoughts back in order, Hagrid followed the young boy out of the store and into the Alley. "W-what makes you say that Harry? Flamel is a great man, as well as Dumbledore! They've done nothing but help people all their lives. What have you read that could make you that angry towards them both without meeting them?"

Harry stopped in the middle of the Alley and looked back towards the half giant over his shoulder.

"What I've read, in all the books I could find about alchemy once I got interested in the art, is that to make a Philosopher's Stone… you have to sacrifice the lives of at least one hundred people."

Leaving Hagrid standing in the Alley in shock, Harry walked toward the shop that he needed to gather his writing supplies. A small smile wormed its way back onto his face as he walked through the door, hearing a chime echo from somewhere inside.

"I can't believe it… I can learn alchemy!"


Okay, so that was the first chapter of The Equivalent Exchange! Next chapter should be interesting for everyone! Also, could someone inform me as to what Nicolas' wife's name is? I can't remember it for the life of me. If you could be so kind as to leave a review, I would be very happy to see what you think!