Ok so here it is the first chapter of Into Yesterday. It is the after story of my previous story Beauty Of Hawaii, so yeah I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kickin it

3… 2… 1… ACTION

~Kim's P.O.V~

"Now, where were we?" I asked him whilst bitting my lip.

"I believe we were right here" he said whilst kissing me. After a while he let go and looked me in the eye.

"You're so beautiful Kim" he said and I blushed.

"No I'm not" I replied whilst looking down at the ground. He got a hand under my chin and looked up at me.

"Yes you are Kim, you're the beauty of Hawaii"

BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. I reached over and slammed my hand down on my alarm clock.

"Uhhh" I groaned as I sat up. It was 5:30 on a Sunday morning. Why am I waking up this early you ask? I don't bloody know. Actually I do, apparently according to my manager Grace that if I am going to keep being on the Roxy team I have to keep practicing for surfing which means getting up this early so then I can do it when school starts tomorrow. Uh, school. Well at least it is a new school. You know since I transferred here to Seaford. I finally got up and sat on the edge of my bed rubbing my eyes. There was a knock at my door. I looked up to see my idiot of a boyfriend standing there. Did I mention he was in on it too? No. well you know.

"How is my beautiful girlfriend this fine morning?" he asked as he came and sat next to me on my bed.

"Horrible, how can you have this much energy, it is 5:30 IN THE MORNING" I said groggily as I got up and walked to the bathroom with jack following me close behind.

"Because I know I get the pleasure to see you every morning" he said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and pecked him on the lips before turning around and walking into my bathroom.

"We both know that is a lie because I am horrible when I get up in the morning" I say groan over my shoulder as I start brushing my hair. Then jacks arms make their way around my waist and he rests his head on my shoulder and I give up brushing my hair so I lean into him closing my eyes.

"You're so beautiful Kim" he said. I smiled and turned around keeping my eyes closed and put my head on his chest.

"Mmhhmm" I replied. I was too tired to say anything else. We just stood there, jack kissing my forehead ever now and then. After at least 5 minutes I opened my eyes and looked up at him. "What did I ever do to deserve you Jack?" I asked. I saw the heat rise to his cheeks and he kissed me on the forehead.

"If anything I should be asking you that" he said as I stepped away and walked to my draws not more awake.

"Ha ha, hilarious Jack, now if you excuse me, I am getting changed into my bikini so we can go surfing" I said as I walked to the bathroom. I went in and closed the door. I started lifting up my shirt when I heard a voice.

"Before you go any further you should know I'm in here" said jack. I jumped like 5 feet in the air and turned around to see him. I picked up my bikini top and started hitting him with it. "Ha ha, Ow, Ow Kimmy stop!" he cried. I then stopped and he was laughing.

"Jesus Christ jack! You almost gave me a heart attack! Now get out!" I said and he ran out laughing I then closed the door and locked it then finished getting changed. I then went out to see jack sitting on my bed looking at the picture I have on my bed side table. It was a picture of me and him the day of the Rip Curl surf competition a few weeks ago. I got the first couple weeks off school for the move and Jack helped to but he still went to school. The picture was of us kissing under the palm trees. It was a really nice picture and I kept it there always. I smiled at him and cleared my throat. He then looked up and smiled. I then walked over to him and pushed him onto his back so I could straddle his waist. Once I was on top I smiled.

"So you like boing on top her Kimmy" he said with a wink. I groan and got off him but he then pulled me back down. "I was just joking Kimmy" he said and I sighed.

"You ready to go for a surf now?" I asked. His face lit up and I got up off him. He walked out of my room but stopped at the door and turned around.

"Would you like a piggy back ride princess Kimmy?" he asked in an English accent. I giggles and nodded my head. I then jumped onto his back and we headed down the stairs. Once we got down there I hopped off and grabbed my board and we walked to the front door where he left his and we headed off to the beach, which luckily for me was just across the road. And fortunately for jack he lives a couple of houses up the road. We walked hand in hand across the beach and we got our spot and we both jumped in. we paddled out and sat there.

"Jack?" I asked. He turned to look at me.

"Yeah?" he asked worriedly. I looked down and sighed at the thought that has been following me for a while. I didn't ask him just in case he laughed in my face, but I trusted him so I guess I may as well ask.

"Jack, you'll never leave me right?" I asked and looked at him in the eye. He then paddled over to me and smiled.

"Never" he said and then he kissed me. I smiled knowing that he meant it. I then turned towards the water and waited for an ok wave to roll in. Soon in arrived and I dropped in. I did the usual. Board grabs, fly out's, my 360 spin. That kind of stuff. I then repeated it for what was an hour according to Jack's childish calculations from the sun so we headed in and laid on the beach for a while. I had my head on his beautifully toned stomach and he was playing with my hair. It was quiet and peaceful.

"You know, sometimes I pinch myself just to make sure this isn't a dream or something" I said smiling. I heard him chuckle.

"Well if it is a dream I never want to wake up" he said and I chuckled.

"Hey Jack what time is it?" I asked knowing that we were going to the dojo today and the mall with the gang.

"Well judging by the sun and how it is there" he said pointing to the sky, I chuckled at his childish actions. "I would say around 7am" he said. I looked at my watch and it was 7:30. "How close was I?" he asked.

"You were half an hour off. It is 7:30, but I'll give you credit, you're getting better" I said.

"YES!" he said and I laughed and got up.

"Come on lover boy, we have to go back and get ready for the dojo" I said whilst getting my board. I heard him groan but he got up and followed me. I waited for him to catch up and we walked back hand in hand. We went out the back and used the hose to rinse our boards off. I just finished mine and I gave the hose to Jack and put my board against the fence. I then turned around only to be squirted by the hose.

"Oh you're so dead Brewer!" I said. I then started chasing him and I jumped on him so I was straddling his waist. I then stole the hose and but put a kink in it so no water came out. I aimed it at his face.

"Please Kim not the face!" he said and then I got an idea.

"Fine, but with a condition" I said whilst smirking.

"Ok, ok, I'll do anything!" he cried. I smirked mischievously and his smile fell.

"You are going to be my slave for the day" I said happily but he scoffed.

"I'm your slave everyday" he said with a smirk.

"Well then you won't have a problem doing to for the rest of the week" I said but his smirk didn't falter.

"KIMM…Fine I'll do it" he said. I smiled then smirked and unkinked the hose so it went on his face. I then got up and ran inside the house knowing he was going to get me back. I ran into my room and hid under my bed. I saw his feet as he came into my room. "Come out Kimmy" he said as he walked towards me. my breathing hitched when he stopped right next to me. But he then walked back to the door and I heard it close. I released the breath I forgot I was holding and got out from my hiding spot only to be picked up and put on the bed with Jack straddling me.

"Oh no" I said as I looked at him and he smirked.

"Oh yes" he said with an evil smirk. I looked at him horrified knowing what he was about to do. He then started to tickle me and I couldn't stop laughing. I was laughing so hard I felt a six pack coming on.

"j-j-j-jack s-stop haha please haha s- hahaha stop!" I said whilst laughing. He finally stopped and got off me and I gasped for air. "Oh thank god that is over" I said and he looked at me with a smile. I then walked to my draws and got a pair of clothes for the day before going to have a shower. After I washed my hair and got changed I came out to see jack lying on the floor asleep. Aw he looks so cute. I thought to myself. I then walked over to him and was about to jump on him when he grabbed my foot with his eyes still closed.

"Don't think about it Kimmy" he said with his eyes still closed. I pouted and he opened one eye and smiled at me. I smiled and walked to my balcony and put my bikinis on the railing. I turned around and walked back in to hear the water running and the bathroom door closed. I smiled and sat down on my bed and looked at the photo. Jack pretty much lives here. He has a draw that's full of his stuff here. I have been to his house once but I haven't met his mum yet, but I hopefully will soon. I was interrupted by the bathroom door opening to see a shirtless Jack wearing a pair of black jeans, I looked at his abs and he smirked. "Like what you see Kimmy?" he asked with a smirk.

"No, I mean come on, look at yourself" I said with a smile. He gasped and I laughed.

"Hurtful Kimmy that really hurt" he said. "In here" he finished pointing to his heart and I scoffed and kept looking at the picture. He then walked over to his draw and looked through it for something. After a minute he stopped. "Kimmy have you seen my" he said but then when he saw me he stopped. I was wearing one of his white v neck t-shirts with some denim shorts and my flip flops. I smiled knowing he wanted to wear it.

"Oh you mean this?" I asked pointing to my shirt. He just chuckled and went back to looking for a shirt.

"Aha!" he said as he found another one and he slipped that on. I pouted because I couldn't see his abs anymore and he walked over to me.

"Aw is Kimmy sad because she can't see Jackie's sexy abs anymore?" he said and I nodded. He chuckled and pecked my lips. He then leaned in and whispered in my ear. "You can see them whenever you want, all you have to do is ask" he said and I hit his arm.

"You perv" I said whilst laughing. I looked over at my clock and realised it was 9. I looked at jack. "Come on, time to go" I said with a smile. He got up and grabbed his keys from my desk and I grabbed my wallet and phone and we walked downstairs. Once we arrived down there I saw my uncle was in the kitchen. "Morning Rikki" I said as I walked out, I saw jack wave and we closed the door and walked to his car. He had a really nice mustang that he got from his dad when he died. He ran to it and skidded over the bonnet and jumped in and opened the door for me.

"M'lady" he said and I giggled.

"Why thank you kind sir" I said as I hopped into the car. Today is going to be a good day.

There it is people! I hope you all like it! Remember to review :) I loved writing this chapter I thought it was really cute. Anyway rock on and keep surfing! -Laurena