(Phantom is still hiding in the closet, everyone else is staring at the glowing figure)
Mac (Gulping)- Um...who are you?
(The figure walks forward showing a tan girl with yellow eyes, teal green hair, wearing a long white dress and shoes)
Girl (In a sugar voice)- My name is Ceres.
(Ceres walked up to the closet door and knocked softly)
Ceres- Phantom, come on out. Please.
(Phantom walks out in a black tank top and converse, and red skinny jeans)
Ceres- See that wasn't so hard.
Mac- Um...Phantom, who is this?
Phantom (Leaning on Ceres)- You will find out soon, oh and disclaimer. I don't own Foster's Home.
(Ceres looks at Phantom and vise versa, each with an evil look in their eyes)
Bloo- I don't like this.
Chapter 3
An Eye Twitch
Mac just stared at the girl, "What do you mean?"
Alice raised an eyebrow, "What part don't you get, I told you age is a number. That's all. Why is it so important?"
Mac just shook his head, then Frankie walked in, "Hey guys."
"Hey Frankie," Mac replied, "What do you need."
Frankie laughed awkwardly, "Well, actually, Alice, Madam Foster, the owner of Foster's wants to see you."
Alice gulped, "W-w-w-w-wh-why?"
Frankie shrugged, "I guess because we usually only rescue imaginary friends not, girls. Hm, by the way how old are you."
Alice's eye slightly twitched and Mac looked at the girl, Alice stated as she did before, "Age is only a number, why do you need to know?"
Frankie was about to retort when a knock was placed on the door, causing Alice to jump under her covers. Mac could see the sheets trembling slightly.
At the door was Madam Foster, along with Wilt, Bloo, and Coco. Madam Foster walked towards Mac and Frankie.
"Now, Mac and Frankie, where is this troubling girl you found?" Madam Foster asked in a sugary sweet voice.
Both Mac and Frankie pointed at the still slightly shaking sheets. So Madam Foster walked up to the bed and stepped on a chair and gently put her hand on the shuddering blanket.
Alice's eyes peered out of the top again, and once she saw Madam Foster she slowly lowered the blanket and sat up.
Madam Foster smiled, "Why hello there little girl, I want you know right now that you can trust me. Do you understand?"
Alice looked away, but nodded slightly; Madam Foster smiled and continued, "Now, how old are you?"
Mac smirked knowing she wouldn't answer, but then she held up her hands; one forming a 1 the other quickly forming a 3.
MF nodded, "So your 13. That's one year younger than our Mac."
Mac and Frankie were both dumb founded, why had she answered MF but not themselves. They pondered this for a bit before Madam F snapped her figures to get their attention
"Well everyone it's the final test," Madam Foster said. Mac knew what she meant, testing the imagination.
So Madam Foster leaned forward and tried to look in Alice's eyes, but the girl wouldn't make eye contact. Eventually though Mac got fed up with waiting so he called out, "Hey Alice."
She fell for it and looked forward, and once Madam Foster's and Alice's eyes meet, Alice was frozen for a second. Then Madam Foster screamed, and fell back, Frankie caught her though. Everyone was staring at Alice who had complete fear in her eyes.
"Madam Foster, what's wrong?!" Mac almost screamed.
Madam Foster trembled, "H-h-he-her i-i-im-imag-imagination. S-so, d-da-dark and c-c-c-co-cold. Its, its, u-un-unreal."
Mac didn't know what to think, "What do you mean."
All of the sudden Madam Foster leaped up and looked at the girl, who only looked to the side, "Alright missy, look in my eye, Right now, or we will take you to a hospital."
"NO!" Alice screamed, and then looked Madam Foster directly in the eye.
MF stepped back, rubbing her chin, "Hm, so strange I thought I saw a dark, cold, and unreal imagination. But I guess I was mistaken; your imagination is perfectly fine."
Mac got excited, "So she can stay?!"
Madam Foster nodded and everyone jumped up happy. But when they turned back to Alice, they saw she had fallen back asleep. Frankie smiled and shooed everyone else from the room, leaving the girl to sleep, in the careful arms of the dream world.
Ceres- Hey Phan, could you have the others join us?
Phantom (Pulling out keyboard)- Of course Ceres.
(Phantom types and the others change. Frankie has her hair pulled up, and is in a sleeveless blue dress with matching boots and necklace. Mac is in a tux and short top hat and Bloo is wearing a black bow tie)
Mac- Why are we dressed like this?
Phantom and Ceres (Leaning back to back)- Easy, were having a tea party.
Bloo and Mac- A WHAT?!
Phantom- You heard us.
Frankie- But why?
Ceres- Well Phantom WAS supposed to come to my house for it, but she was late so you all have to now.
Phantom- Well review and stuff, I guess...
Bloo- HELP ME!