Chapter 45


Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas

Frea walked through the strengthening sunlight as the sun rose over Magnolia, Gajeel and PantherLily were walking to her left as Erza walked to her left. They had all met up with each other after getting back from Edolas, and going home to get changed. Frea had taken off the torn and tattered Edola's clothes and wrapped up her arm and shoulder. She was now wearing simple dark jeans with her combat boots and an off-the-shoulder grey shirt, with her hair pulled back into a loose pony-tail. Elfman, Mira, and Lisanna were walking ahead of them as they headed away to Fairy Tail.

As soon as they entered, everyone fell silent and stared at Lisanna, who only smiled back. "Hey Everyone!" Lisanna smiled. All at once everyone in the hall jumped forward and yelled her name, tears streaming from their eyes. But just before they could dog-pile on Lisanna, Elfman stepped forward and knocked them all away.

Frea chuckled a little and slipped away from the growing crowd around Lisanna to sit at the bar and lean with her elbows against the countertop. She closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh. She listened silently to Master talk with Lisanna and she smiled a little wider when she heard the white-haired Mage start crying. Before long the Guild erupted in laughter, as they threw one of their famous parties for Lisanna.

She tilted her head slightly as she heard at least two people sit down next to her, though she didn't bother to open her eyes. Her nose was telling her it was Gildarts and Master Makarov.

"Long time no see eh, Gildarts?" Frea murmured as she opened her eyes and glanced his way.

"Hey..." He replied and she sighed.

"You forget my name?" She asked and he gave her a sheepish smile.

"Sorry..." He mumbled.

"Frea," She reminded him and he perked up.

"Oh right! I remember now, I hear you've been up to a lot lately." Gildarts replied and Frea sweatdropped a little.

"You could say that..." She mumbled.

"So your a Dragon Slayer?" Gildarts asked and she nodded.


"And you 'died' but came back?"


"And you didn't tell the Guild you were dying a second time?"

Frea paused, even without looking at him, she could hear the anger in the man's voice. Frea sighed and looked at the floor, "Go ahead and hit me, lecture me, I don't care, I've already heard it from everybody else..." She muttered and glanced up when he laughed. "What's with the laughing?" She asked and he smiled at her.

"I'm not gonna hit or lecture you, I get why you didn't say anything, and in all honesty I don't think it matters as long as your still here." He replied and Frea blinked slowly, before smiling.

"Did you here what happened in Edolas already?" She asked, changing the subject and both Master and Gildarts nodded.

"Erza explained all she could," Master explained.

"Too bad about Mystogan though." Gildarts murmured.

"I hope everything is going well for him..." Master said quietly and both Frea and Gildarts smiled.

"I'm sure he's fine." Frea told the old man.

"He was raised in this Family after all." Gildarts told Makarov, and the old man smiled. They all glanced over as brawling erupted in the middle of the hall, as it was started by Natsu.

"Natsu!" Master called and Natsu walked over. "What was the Edolas me like?" Master asked and Natsu thought about it.

"I actually think he was the King..." Natsu murmured and Frea looked away, she hadn't come to that conclusion.

"What the Edolas me like?" Gildarts asked and Natsu chuckled a little.

"Actually your name didn't come up Gildarts." Natsu explained. "You could have been a fish... or a bird." Natsu said as he trailed off to think about it. Frea chuckled as Gildarts face fell at his words.

"Get your ass back over here Flame-Head!" Gray yelled at Natsu who all to happily sprang at the Ice-Mage. Frea swept her gaze over the battling Guild Members until she noticed that Juvia was sulking in a corner with rain falling over her, Lucy was happily talking away with Wendy, and Gajeel jumped to his feet.

"Salamander, Girl! Lets have a fight between my PantherLily and the blue and white cat!" Gajeel yelled. Wendy sweatdropped at the idea, but Natsu jumped at the suggestion.

"All right!" Natsu exclaimed.

Frea turned her attention away from the three Dragon's and glanced at the request board. There was no doubt in her mind that this party would last into the night, where almost all the members would probably pass out until they woke up in the morning. Frea knew for a fact she wouldn't be one of those people, she never had, and never would drink any alcohol. She hated it, the taste, the smell...

She let out a soft sigh and listened to her Family celebrate around her. And she smiled at the noise, this is where she loved to be.

Fairy Tail.

Last Chapter and now this story is done! I know, but please check back to read the next one I will be posting. It'll still have Frea and I am planning on adding a few OC's into the fray along with her. SO if you've been reading this, I thank you so much for it, and please read my next story when I get it up. Please write a review to what you thought about this story, and hopefully you'll see more of my writing later!

Edit: Aww... thanks so much for the awesome reviews guys! But please don't worry, Frea's story isn't ending at this, no no! I wouldn't just leave it off like this, so don't panic, you can still read what happens next! The next part of Frea's Story has already started! Just go to my Profile Page and look for my new story, "Energy Magic", hope you like it as much as you guys liked this one!

