Author's Note: I do not own these characters. Stephenie Meyer owns these amazing characters! Also this is a new story so if you read it and like it, please REVIEW – the more reviews I get the story was still continue and updates will come on faster! SO REVIEW! Thanks! Here it is: Sightless Wonder. In Bella Swan's Point of view.

Sightless Wonder

Chapter 1

Bella POV

"Bella, honey, I'm leaving for work," Dad said. I opened my eyes to the forever darkness. "Okay," I mumbled still feeling tired. I heard him go down the stairs and then go out the door. I sat up out of my bed and stood on the floor. "Yogi!" I yelled. I heard a bark. He was sitting on the floor next to my feet. Yogi is my pure german shepherd guide dog. You are probably thinking why does she need a guide dog? Well I am completely blind. I have never seen anything before. I was born blind. I have heard the colors orange, red, and blue but I don't know what they look like. All I see is darkness. To get around at my home in Phoenix, Arizona I have the house memorized. I can find the stairs easily and walk through doorways and go up and down steps without using touch. Right now though I am in Forks, Washington. I come here in the summer to visit my dad, Charlie Swan. He is the chief police of Forks.

I don't have his house memorized quite yet. I have only been here a couple weeks. Yogi helps me do what I have to do around the house. Yogi honestly is the most amazing dog ever. I know he is trained to help me but jesus everyone should have a dog like this. I grabbed a hold of the pole that connects to Yogi's body and he led me to the bathroom. I could feel Dad already left a towel on the sink for me so I told Yogi he could relax and then I took my shower.

After my shower I decided to let my hair air dry. I am told that I have brown (whatever that color looks like!) colored hair and that my eyes should be brown but because I am blind that are just a completely cloudy grey. I put on some warm sweatshirt from my closet and a pair of jeans. I grabbed the pole attached to Yogi's vest again and told him we should go for a walk. I got a happy sounding bark as a reply. So Yogi led me to my coat, my scarf, and my boots. I put them on quickly. Then I heard something drop and could tell it was the sound of my sunglasses. Yogi brought them to me. I reached down and put them over my eyes. Not that it matters for me but sometimes it's nice not to have someone come up to you every minute to stare at your eyes or try to wave their hand in front of your face.

Yogi and I were now off. Yogi is my best friend. He needs to be. I trust him completely. We need that relationship between us for him to do his job and for me to trust him leading me. Yogi and I met when we were both very young. He was just a puppy and I turned twelve. My parents finally decided to let me have a dog instead of using the walking stick all the time. Now at the present I am seventeen and he is five years old.

We went to the park first where we both just sat and relaxed. I listened to people talking and to the birds chirping. We stayed there so long that Yogi starting pulling away telling me it was time to go. "Alright Yogi," I said. We started down the sidewalk and we got to an intersection. Yogi stopped so I stopped. We waited and then when Yogi started to pull me I walked.

Suddenly though I heard all at once a horn beeping and getting closer, wheels screeching, and someone yelling. Yogi all of a sudden pulled me hard like there was a car coming but for some reason I didn't move. I felt myself let go of the pole connected to Yogi's vest as the car hit my legs and made me fall. I felt the extreme pain and I felt my head slam into the windshield. I smelled the blood and heard the screams and the vulgar language and then I heard no more.

I hope everyone loved it! Please help me out on upcoming chapters! PLEASE REVIEW!

Love Always, Vanessa

(Vanessa Cullen 17)