The touch of Prometheus

Disclaimer: The characters of Stargate Universe belong to MGM. The characters of the Four Orders are entirely my own.

AU/SGU/FO: The crew of Destiny comes out of stasis. Their first concern is Eli but he is not onboard and neither are his remains. When they check their position they discover the ship has travelled a greater distance than anticipated. A tantalizing mystery awaits them laced with unforeseen outcomes.

Chapter 6

Infinite Diversity Part III: New Path


The gate activated and they went silent. The first to cross was Simeon. He came in looking around with a devilish smile. Poor devil, David thought, wait until it hits you. The others joined him soon after. They were about to spread when they saw themselves surrounded by the Destiny's crew.

"It sucks when the tables turn, doesn't it, Simeon? Everett said stepping slightly forward with his P90 pointed at him.

Simeon did not find this change of situation pleasant. He had no idea how they survived the blast or how they were in control but he was not about to just give up. His fingers tightened his grip around the gun he held. His eyes narrowed….

And now:

"Give it up, Simeon, you can't win."

Simeon stood surprised of the person to whom the voice belonged. It was Varo. Behind him he noticed some of his own men standing side by side with the enemy. The situation was worse. The only good thing was the absence of Keeva.

"Did you kill her?" He asked.

"No, she is still alive." David replied and stepped forward. "She has a choice and so do you."

"Yeah, right," Simeon mocked. His grip tightened around his holster. "Surrender and be left on some world, or killed. I will take neither. You ruined everything. We had the ship. Finally, some reprieve from Earth's dominance over everything Ancient..."

"It is not that simple, Simeon."

"But he has a point,"

Everyone looked for the source of that voice and found it. Simeon was mostly surprised of it. It belonged to one of his men. The only problem was Simeon thought he had killed him before they left for Destiny. How did he miss him? And why was he defending him now? It would seem in the rush of things he did not spot him on the planet with him otherwise he would have shot him again.

The reason he shot him the first time around was because he was a spy for another Lucian Alliance's cell. What was he up to?

"Who are you?" David asked. He remembered everyone on the base but did not recall this man.

"You wouldn't know him." Simeon replied instead. "Didn't I kill you before we came here?"

"I suppose the universe has different plans for me, Simeon."

"Why would you kill him?"David asked intrigued.

"He works for another Lucian Alliance cell and was sent to our camp to spy." Simeon replied.

"Is that true?" David turned to that person.

"The council was concerned with Keeva's actions. The need to understand her motivation was paramount."

"And you killed him because you did not enjoy the council giving you orders?" David asked Simeon.

"The council? What council? The council of the Lucian Alliance is dead. Mostly thanks to SG1! Our alliance was no more. We are left on our own. And Earth has too much power already." Simeon replied angrily. "He is a spy for another clan. And he had to die for it. It is as simple as that."

"I never said I did not serve another, Simeon. But at the time, you were not so concerned with previous employment." The person said.

"But you did not correct him either." Varo noticed.

"Why should I? It is as Simeon says you have to look out for number one."

"What did you mean earlier?" Everett asked returning the conversation to its original track.

"Well, Simeon has a point, Colonel. Earth has amassed way too much power. And it is not sharing."

"Well, we found it first and we bled for it. Where was the Lucian Alliance then?"

"You think you are the only the ones who fought the Goa'uld? The only ones who helped free the galaxy from them? Your ego has grown, Colonel. Our fight with them began long before you knew they existed.

You think that a handful of people, like your SG teams, and a few Jaffa were what defeated them. You think no one else fought this battle. You are out of your mind.

The Lucian Alliance was formed with that thought. Free the human worlds from the tyranny of the Goa'uld and that of their pets the Jaffa."

"That may be true," David said. "But you did not exactly replace that rule with something better. Your alliance is made of warlords and crime lords. You conscript farmers and others without their consent. You have shown yourselves not better than the Goa'uld."

"That may appear to outsiders this way, Colonel Telford." The answer was. "But we needed to establish order in a chaotic world and that was the best option. What you think you would have done better? And you have such lovely control over your own planet? Most of your people do not even know of the Stargate's existence or the slavery of its people for millennia, or of aliens' existence, period."

"What's your point?"

"Our point, however, is very simple. The Lucian Alliance sought to take the leftovers of the Ancients by force and that backfired." He replied. "We assembled to find a different way and then we learnt of Destiny. Yet another spoil of war, Earth has claimed. And then we heard rumours of Keeva's actions. So I was sent to find out what she is up to. We did not want to start a war with Earth."

"You attempted to blow us up on a few occasions and you still have such plans."

"Rash actions, yes, we are guilty as charged. But as I said, we thought of a different approach and we did not want Keeva to spoil them."

"What different approach is there?" Simeon asked.

"Well, for one, we could share." He replied.

"Share? Share what?"

"Well, Simeon, whatever they find. Regardless of what has transpired so far, they would need people to study these new finds and most importantly – protect them. Where in the galaxy would you find a better force than the Lucian Alliance? They can no longer count on the Jaffa as they have decided to go their way and do things their way.

It is obvious that Earth finds artefacts and spoils much easier than anyone else. They have access to Atlantis and to the database of the Ancients. But they have also made dangerous enemies. I'm talking about the Wraith.

Once they are done with Earth, Simeon, these creatures will turn their gaze on us. Well, we'd rather this doesn't get this far."

"Are you suggesting an alliance?" Everett asked.

"Yes, we all can benefit from the finds you make. As we said, you haven't told your planet's population yet. That would be a dangerous move as it could backfire, which is probably why you have not risked telling them.

We recognize the danger. One wrong move on your side, and everyone could lose Atlantis, and thus anything that could potentially benefit anyone. Hell, colonel, our people can mingle so easily with yours. We are all human...

My point is we could share. True, we will have to come up with a suitable compromise for all concerned but it can work. The sad truth is you do not have enough people to deal with these new finds. Your people are also not the only ones with expertise. We can share and do so amicably."

"And bygones be bygones, forget the past?" David asked.

"Colonel Telford, in the lines of your duty, I'm sure you have done things you are not proud of. Why take this on us? We have been slaves for over five thousand years. We have been abused by the Jaffa. I think when we took matters in our hands and did to them the very things they did to us; you are somehow offended by it?"

"Well, you did to us too."

"Collateral damage, it is to be expected. You do not really think you can roam the galaxy thinking all answer to you. You are not the only ones there. Everyone has different agenda.

And it is best seen when you attempted to form an alliance with the Jaffa and the Tok'Ra, until both sides noticed your dominance. It was like they served you. And when they did not share their plans with you, you would get upset and in the end it backfired.

Why are you so surprised that the rest of the humans in the galaxy do not feel for you? You think your point of view is the only point view. Well, surprise, colonel, there are other points of view. And..."

"And you wonder why I killed him?" Simeon interrupted. He remembered now why he really did it. That one had one of hell of a political view over the galaxy and the way it should be run. And it annoyed him.

"I begin to see why." David said. This one was annoying and manipulative, if left unchecked though he did raise some valid points. But it was not for the military to make these decisions.

"Well, try and listen to that crap every day," Simeon added.

"It must have been torture." Varo noted with a smile. He had never liked Simeon but he disliked this one too. It was not the valid points he raised but the way he spoke.

"You are all fools. We could have accomplished great things together. Believe me, Colonel Young, the universe will come to collect and then you would have wished you had found a better way."

"When that the time comes, we will deal with it." Everett said. "And had the Lucian Alliance actually made that offer instead of trying to blow us up, we might have considered it. But now it seems to be too late. Your people made a play for this ship without asking.

And if what you say is true that means that the rest of the Alliance just let it happen. See how it goes. But since, it will not go your way, I'd imagine they would simply find another way to sugar-coat their next attempt and then disguise it as another offense to the Alliance and another excuse to conscript more people against their will and make another play for something that the SGC has obtained through hard work.

Your alliance wants to have a play without the hard work. Have it delivered to you on a platter so then you can claim it. Well, sorry, it doesn't work that way. We have sacrificed a lot to be here today and I'm not going to apologize for that."

"Well, it seems you have made your mind." He replied. Having noticed Varo's attempts to draw closer to the young girl he knew as Jin it was time to take action. This time he got his chance to seed doubt in people's minds about their goals and orders. It was time to exit graciously this scene of life and head for the next adventure.

He wondered though whom to shoot first – Simeon, the girl or Varo, or perhaps Young. He wanted to exit with a bang, not just one shot and the scene ends but a fire fight. Shooting Simeon will get the people behind kill only him? Shooting the girl will get Varo to shoot him but shooting Young will get the SG personnel end him and possibly everyone around him.

Or perhaps he could shoot Telford. He knew no one really liked him, not even his own people. Varo has displayed some affection for the poor sod though. Ending one's life is not as simple as it may appear. It forces one to live even harder for every moment of breath. It forces you to review your life like an open book.

He has lived a full life. He had a few regrets but then who hasn't. He was part of the original council of the Lucian Alliance. Those were the good days when they took everything from the Goa'uld and killed every single Jaffa under their command. And then they imposed their will across the stars. It was his idea to conscript people against their will. It is the way to build an army. It is the only way.

He remembered dying at the hand of that fool Simeon. Pathetic! Somehow, the universe gave him another chance to make his point across the stars. And now, he could see it in the eyes of all, the seed of doubt, doubt of the righteousness of their quest. It was all he needed.

"Long live the Lucian Alliance. May the blood of Mrs. Rush and our enemies adorn the gates of ..." He did not finish that sentence. He had turned his gun at Jin and fired but at the same time Everett shot him.

At that time, Simeon took his shot too. He fired at Everett and Varo shot him. The rest fired at Varo and a fire fight began. It lasted several minutes before the SG personnel were victorious...

"How is Varo?" Everett asked.

"He will live." David replied. "But we need to take him to Tamara."

The fire fight had left several SG people injured though nothing too serious. Varo was shot at the beginning of the fight but again nothing that can't be fixed. Simeon was dead and so was the odd Lucian Alliance man who spoke and all of Simeon's people were dead as well.

"That could have gone better." David observed.

"I know." Everett said. "How is Jin?"

"She's lucky. He missed her heart by an inch but she has lost a lot of blood." Sgt. Grier replied. "Lt. Johansen suggests we collect as much blood as possible from those we killed. Their blood can still be useful for a limited time whatever that means."

"Get on with it then," Everett said. He was angry. Their one job was to protect Jin. They needed her to find Eli. Now, it was not so sure she would make it despite being lucky of not getting shot in the heart. Who was that man? And how did he know about Jin? He called her Mrs. Rush. How did he know given he did not make it to the ship or that point in time where she would give her body to Dr. Perry?

Was it possible the universe wanted Jin dead anyway? They screwed up with time and now time was punishing them. Nah, Everett shook head. No way. They will not give in. They will survive this. But truth was they did alter the established events. He understood all too well why Tamara chose not to relive that horrible moment but in doing so she may have made things worse.

Time, it was a fickle thing. Now, the future they knew was no more. They were at the starting point of a new time line. Some things may still happen the way they did before but one thing was certain it was a different time line. Or perhaps, their actions have not changed anything at all and all things would happen exactly as they did before with just a few alterations. Was destiny unavoidable? They were about to see.

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