Welcome everyone to the last and final chapter for Yokai Z!

Now note, I want you to get a special song.

Another theme for when it happens for a special someone.

This chapter will be quite a long one and a couple of special messages at the end.

Don't just skip everything to get to the end.

Let it build up please.

Now, review, follow and favorite.


The Other Side Of Good

Ch. 14

"Ugh… Man… Rrrr!" Ontakot growled as he got up and took a stance while Akuto was still on the ground, unconscious. "Akuto? Come on, get up… We need to fuse again."

"Akuto?" His friends said as Ura bent down and held him in her arms.

"Is he breathing?" Ontakot asked.

Ura checked his heart pulse to notice that it's barely beating. He's chest slowly moved up and down as Ura stopped checking his pulse.

"He's heart barely beating and his breathing is slow and light. I think I'll have to do it." Ura said.

Everyone blushed as Ontakot gave her a surprised face. Vegeta also seemed surprised.

"Are-are you kidding me right now?" Tsukune asked. "Now's not the time for that!"

"That's not what I meant idiot! Know your place human!" Ura shouted as she let go of Akuto's unconscious body and dashed to kick Tsukune that sent him flying.

"Are we going to fight now?" Sukon asked as Ontakot and Vegeta turned to him.

"Ura… Can you figure out a way to get Akuto back up again?" Ontakot asked as he kept his stance.

"Yeah… I think I know a way. I need some time though. Mizore! Kurumu! Yukari! Omote! I need you to cover for me while those two defend us!" Ura ordered.

"Got it!" The girls shouted as they got all got into a defensive position around Akuto.

(Bring in DmC-Buried Alive. Find it on Youtube. Should be 3:38 long.)

"Alright Vegeta. You ready?" Ontakot asked as he transformed into his Super Saiyan state.

"How will we be able to beat him?" Vegeta asked.

"We just need to hold out until Akuto get's up." Ontakot replied.

"Damn it Apurikotto." Vegeta said as he charged up as much as he could. "Let's go."

"Yeah." Ontakot said as he and Vegeta dashed towards Sukon.

Ontakot and Vegeta both somehow worked together and made huge shockwave combos of punches and kicks all over Sukon's body. Ontakot was laying down some bits of damage while Vegeta was just barely making any scratches. While shockwaves of fists clashing and flesh being bruised or torn, Ura was doing something to Akuto.

Ura bit down on Akuto's neck slowly, giving some of her blood into his veins.

"What're you doing?" Yukari asked as she left her position and bent down next to Ura.

"She's giving Akuto her blood." Omote said.

"But, wait… Akuto's a Saiyan… Not human… How will Saiyan blood and Vampire blood work?" Yukari asked.

"Doesn't matter." Kurumu said as she left her position as well.

"Because we know that Akuto would only go after Sukon in rage from the vampire blood." Omote said.

"We just have to wait and see what will happen next." Mizore said as she kept her eye on the battle.

"Shuruma! Shuruma. Wake up!" Tsuyoi said as she shook Shuruma up.

"Is it breakfast now?" Shuruma asked as she slowly stood and rubbed her eyes.

"No… That." Tsuyoi said as she pointed to Ontakot and Vegeta clashing with Sukon, both trying to hold their own.

"Vegeta! We need to go help them." Shuruma said.

"I agree one hundred percent. Let's go." Tsuyoi said as she and Shuruma charged themselves up and dashed towards them.

Tsuyoi and Shuruma both dashed towards Sukon and started to help out as Ontakot and Vegeta noticed.

"Why are… You two here? The prince of Saiyans and this piece of legend don't need your guys help." Vegeta said as he dodged Sukon's launching fist. "Rah!"

Vegeta kneed Sukon's chin as he threw a punch towards his face.

"Ha! You have nothing on me Sukon. Get ready to face… My… Super… Saiyan… Wra-OH!" Vegeta said as he got punched in the face. "Gah! Goh! Guoah!"

Sukon repeatedly punched Vegeta in the face.

"Rah!" Ontakot shouted as he lunged towards Sukon.

"HAHAHAHA!" Sukon laughed evilly as he grabbed both Vegeta's skull and Ontakot's.

Sukon slammed them both together and threw them across the air. While both of them were in the air, Sukon charged two green ki blasts in his hands.


Was the sound being made as Sukon launched it at the two.

"Ah!" Both of them screamed as they both got blasted towards the cave with an explosion coming after it.

"Vegeta! Ontakot!" Shuruma shouted.

"You'll pay for that!" Tsuyoi shouted as she dashed towards Sukon with a blinding blood rage.

Even though Sukon dodged easily, every hit she made with the air or the ground sent shockwaves and made craters.

"Look at you! HAHA! Using your full strength and you can't even lay a scratch on me!" Sukon said as he grabbed her launching fist and squeezed it really hard.

"AH!" Tsuyoi screamed as Sukon threw her towards Ura and the rest.

Shuruma flew towards the rest while Kurumu held Tsuyoi in her arms.

"I'll try to hold out as much as I can." Shuruma said in a serious tone as she took a stance.

"What's going on?" Ura asked as she stopped giving her blood and noticed a very dark red aura surrounding Akuto.

(Stop reading for now, take a break and get ready… You back? Haha. Now. There will be a couple of gory parts so, if you can't handle it. You may skip but, for now, Bring in Nightmare by A7X.)


Ontakot flew out of the rubble and flew towards to Shuruma. He landed next to her and also took a stance. Then, a red light shined towards the sky.

"What's… What's happening!" Ontakot shouted as his body started to take form of a bright light.

His body formed into a small white orb and started to go towards Akuto's mind.

"What is happening?" Tsukune asked as everyone surrounded him, trying to figure out what's going on.

"Is he… Is he turning… Into a… Vampire?" Yukari said fearfully.

"I… I don't know." Ura said surprised.

(Beat comes in \m/.)

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Akuto laughed evilly as his eyes opened and a ginormous shockwave exploded and sent his friends around him flying.

Everyone recovered as Sukon wondered what was happening.

"What's going on?" Sukon asked he charged up his ki.

Akuto was floating, facing Sukon. He opened his eyes to show crimson blood red irises and slitted pupils. He also had silver hair in his Super Saiyan form to show off with as it glowed in the night of the sky and the moon with the color of blood.

"Now your nightmare… Comes to life. HAHAHAHA!" Akuto said as he flew right towards Sukon and started to land shockwave punches all over his body.

"Gah! Guoah!" Sukon grunted as he coughed up a little blood.

"Rah!" Akuto shouted as he brought his fist back and his aura dispersed.

He launched it and sent Sukon flying all across the red ocean. "HAHAHAHA! Come on Sukon!"

Akuto had an evil smile on his face as he dashed towards Sukon. Sukon recovered in midair and launched himself straight at Akuto.

"RAH! HA!" Both of them screamed as they brought their fists towards each other's face.

Akuto's fist landed a direct hit against Sukon while Sukon's fist did the same.

"HA!" Akuto shouted as his eyes dilated and he forced himself forward against Sukon.

Akuto found an opening and punched Sukon's stomach as hard as he could that made him cough up blood. He then grabbed Sukon's fist that was still in his face with his left hand and twirled it to bend around. Akuto is now behind Sukon with his left arm being bent backwards.

"AHH!" Sukon screamed in pain as Akuto grabbed his other arm and started to pull it back.

Akuto laughed evilly as Ura and the others looked in complete shock to see that the Akuto they know would never do such a thing to anyone.

"HAHAHA! Say goodbye to your goddamn arms!" Akuto shouted as he pulled them fully towards with two of his feet planted in Sukon's back.

Sukon's arms tore off and blood gushed out. Akuto laughed as he dropped his arms and teleported underneath Sukon. He threw him all the way towards to where his friends were. Tsuyoi woke up as Vegeta got out of the rubble and flew next to Tsuyoi.

"What's going on? Augh. Damn." Vegeta said as he looked to see Sukon on the ground, unconscious. "Did… Apurikotto do that?"

"Unfortunately… Yes." Ura answered. "From what I can see, his Saiyan and my Vampire blood are clashing against each other, making his mind extremely unstable… If we don't at least knock him out now or wear out his stamina, then he could kill all of us."

All of a sudden, a bright light appeared in front of them to reveal Ontakot, looking really angry and in his Super Saiyan form.

"Time to get extremely serious." Ontakot said.

(Solo, Extreme battle.)

"How did you come out?" Omote asked.

"I took the first chance I got. I'll explain later. As for now… I'll wear Akuto down." Ontakot said seriously as he flew after Akuto.

Ontakot dashed towards Akuto and he did the same. When both of them clashed, an enormous shockwave appeared and the both of them clashed fists against fist. Ontakot and Akuto were going in circles, while slowly getting higher and higher in the air. With Akuto's eyes still dilated, he laughed evilly as he teleported and tried to attack Ontakot from behind, Ontakot countered by doing the same as what Akuto did.

"Rrr!" Akuto said frustrated as he did an afterimage going after Ontakot.

Ontakot fell for it and Akuto took his chance on the opening. He laid amazing fast and powerful combos of twirly kicks and punches. Ontakot coughed up some blood. He was bent forward. Akuto had some of Ontakot's blood on his as he laughed evilly and brought his hands together over his head.

Ontakot looked up to see a double clenched fist pound right into his face, sending him flying towards to where Sukon lay. Ontakot was laying on top of Sukon while Akuto floated down towards him.

"I've had ENOUGH!" Kuyo shouted extremely angrily.

Akuto landed and looked at Kuyo in confusion, but gave him a sinister, evil smile.

"Then bring it you little fox. Show me what you're made of… Or should I destroy you where you stand." Akuto said as he raised up his hand and a red ki ball formed in his hand.

"Ha! I don't give a damn what you did to that Nokus… Sukon whatever. Bring it." Kuyo said with a proud smile but, was shaking and trembling badly.

"Then so be it. You're pain and death is what I only desire. HAHAHA!" Akuto laughed as he launched the red ki ball towards Kuyo.

Kuyo thought he was a god to withstand it but, he instantly disintegrated to ashes in mere seconds.

"Mouthy little bastard… Now, for you eleven of you… Prepare to die." Akuto said as he slowly walked forward towards them all. "HAHAHAHA!"

Sukon slowly stood up with blood still coming out.

"You think… You can kill me!" Sukon shouted as he charged him.

"Hmph." Akuto said with an evil smile as he dashed past him, both of them standing still.

In a couple of seconds, Sukon's head came off and blood gushed out of the neck. His body going to the ground as his head made a thud. Everyone as of now was scared to anything beyond their beliefs.

"Master. No!" Hogosha shouted as a little tiger with a flamed tail came running up next to Ura. "You can't do this. The real Akuto I know wouldn't even dare hurt his friends. AKUTO! YOU HAVE TO FIGHT BACK!"

Ura stood up while everyone else did the same.

"Come on Akuto! Fight this monster… This demon!" Ura and the rest said.

Vegeta teleported to pick up Ontakot and teleported back quickly.

'Argh! The voices… They hurt… So damn much.' Akuto thought as he was in his mindscape.

'Let the voices fill your head Akuto… It's only natural.' Another voice said.

Akuto turned around to see another him. In his base form but with red irises, slitted pupils and silver hair.

(Echo of the end. Song's over. Yay… Get ready for one LAST one that will end it all. Just… Not now.)

'Me?' Akuto thought. 'What do you want?'

'Well… I am you but, a different form.' Vampire Akuto said.

'Different form? What the Piccolo are you talking about?' Akuto asked.

'I am a different you… You're your own thing… A saiyan… And I am me… A you but, a Vampire. You and I are going to clash… Right here and now in reality' Vampire Akuto said as everything turned white.

'What… The… Hell!' Akuto screamed as he covered his face.

*In reality* (Now bring in the final song. Welcome to the Family by A7X. Thank you for your cooperation to this.)

"Argh! AHHH!" Akuto screamed as his hair kept going from silver to gold and vice versa.

His eyes also kept going from red to blue and his slits going to circles and back.

"ARGH! Haaaa… AHH!" Akuto screamed more as he grabbed his head tightly while on his knees.

Everyone ran towards him and bent down. Ontakot woke up while Vegeta dropped him.

"Augh! What the hell Vegeta!?" Ontakot shouted as he stood up, cracking his neck, wrists and knuckle bones.

"Helping you until you woke up. That's all." Vegeta said as he crossed his arms. "Anyway… What's going with this imbecile?"

"I don't know. He just started to scream and grabbed his head." Omote said with everyone staring at Akuto hunched forward, his hair and eyes still changing back and forth.

"Master?" Hogosha asked as she inched her way towards him.

"Akuto?" Ontakot and Ura both said as they did the same.

"On… Ontakot… Get ready to… To… Fuse… AGH!" Akuto screamed extremely loudly as a bright light came out of him and formed across from everyone.

Everyone looked to see another Akuto in his Super Saiyan form but, something was different. He had silver hair, red irises and slitted pupils. It wasn't that… It was that he looked cool… calm… Collected. Then, they paid their attention to the original Akuto. He had his golden spiked Super Saiyan formed hair and teal blue eyes.

"Haaa. Better. Now… Let's see who is more powerful… Saiyan?... Or Vampire." Vampiric Akuto said in a cool tone.

"Ontakot. Now." Akuto said as he got into position.

"Sure." Ontakot said as he turned Super Saiyan and took the same position.

"Fu…. Sion…. HA!" Both of them shouted as their fingers touched to the tip and a white light appeared.

This revealed the fusionized warrior… Otuko.

"Let's go." Otuko said as he the ground started to shake. "RAH!"

Otuko finally showed his Super Saiyan form. Each huge lock of hair was spiked up but only two were going down on each side of his face.

"Akuto! I know a part of you is in their… Ya mind we say what I told you when Ura's blood came inside you?" Vampiric Akuto asked nicely.

"Sure." Otuko said.

"Coming for you… And all mankind. I lost my mind. Psychotic. Rabid dementia… I won't be fine." Both of them whispered as they teleported.

Millions of shockwaves all around the area. No one could keep up with what was going on. Finally, Otuko and Vampiric Akuto teleported to the ground.

"That was fun… Now. Serious combat." Vamp Akuto said as he dashed forward.

"Hmph." Otuko said as he did the same.

Both of their fists clashed that sent a shockwave strong enough for the both of them to be sent flying.

"Ha!... Know to finish this. Kame-" Vamp Akuto said as he bent his legs and cupped his hands.

"Hmph. Soul-" Otuko said as he raised his hand to the sky and a rainbow glittered orb formed.

"Hame-" He said as a dark red orb formed.

"Destroyer." The orb then turned white.

"HA!" Vampiric Akuto shouted as he lunged his hands forward.

"HA!" Otuko shouted as he threw it towards the incoming red Kamehameha.

The Soul Destroyer plowed right through the red Kamehameha. The beam dispersed as the white orb went into Vamp Akuto.

"You bastard! I'll kill you." Vampiric Akuto said as he ran towards Otuko. "RAH!"

Vamp Akuto's fist met with Otuko's face. Otuko didn't flinch an inch, nor did he even budge.

"Ha… How do you like that!?" Vampiric Akuto asked.

"It's very nice." Otuko said as he smiled.

"What the… Oh crap baskets." Vampiric Akuto said.

Vamp Akuto's body slowly started to fade away.

"Wait a minute… Akuto… Here's a little gift from me to you." Vamp Akuto said as half of his body went away. 'Tenere dentro, dove nulla va bene. Ho perso la mia mente. Lei non è invitato, così passo da parte.'

(Song pretty much ends here.)

A red aura unleashed into Otuko's mind.

"Ah! What was that? What did you do to me?" Otuko asked as Vampiric Akuto dispersed into nothing but air. "What did he say to me? What language was that?"

"Otuko!" Everyone ran towards him and surrounded.

"What was that?" Yukari asked.

"I don't know but, I feel weak. It's about time I go. See ya." Otuko said as he dispersed and only Akuto appeared.

"Akuto!" Hogosha shouted as she jumped into Akuto's arms, purred and rubbed her head into his chest.

"It's amazing to see you too… Augh!" Akuto said as he came down on his knees.

"What's happening now?" Kurumu asked.

"It's just one thing after another." Tsukune said.

"What the hell is that?" Mizore said cooly.

A type of tattoo started to form on Akuto's right upper arm. It looked spiky in different directions and completely black.

"Is this… The gift he meant?" Akuto asked out loud.

"What gift?" Omote asked.

"Before the different me dispersed, he left me a gift and he spoke in a different language." Akuto said.

"Do you remember the words he said exactly? Can you say them for me?" Yukari asked as Akuto let Hogosha down.

"It was… Um…" Akuto said as he tried to think.

"Come on Apurikotto. You're a Saiyan… Things like this should be easy for you." Vegeta said with arms crossed.

"Yeah. Come on. You can figure it out." Tsuyoi said.

"We're right by your side." Shuruma said as she bent down next to him.

Ura started to blush and get jealous as Mizore had the same feeling.

"What're you doing next to my Akuto!?" Both of them said.

Ura blushed even redder after just saying what she just said. But, as for Mizore, she went on the other side of Akuto and started to wrap her arms around his right arm.

"You can do Akuto. I know you can." Mizore said as she looked into his eyes.

"Its… Its… T-" Akuto said as he got punched in the face by Ura.

"Just say it already." Ura said in a serious tone as she walked towards him, picked him up and set him on the ground. "Lunch is ready!"

Akuto instantly woke up from that and ran around the group.

"Really? Where? Where!? Don't lie to me Ura!" Akuto said as he was in her face basically.

She blushed as everyone around them laughed.

"Okay… Haha… For real though. What was the last words he said before he… Died." Kurumu said.

"Tenere dentro... Dove nulla va bene… Ho perso la mia mente… Lei non è invitato… Così passo da parte." Akuto said with a bad accent.

"Italian?" Yukari asked.

"Do you know the translation?" Omote asked.

"Keep inside, where nothing's fine. I've lost my mind. You're not invited, so step aside." Yukari said. "Could be something with his new tattoo?"

"Maybe. We don't know. We'll figure it out later." Tsukune answered.

"Yeah… For the mean time… Lets handle Sukon." Akuto said as he raised his hand.

"What're you doing?" Shuruma asked.

"Disposing the body. It's dishonorable and I don't a dead corpse just laying there." Akuto said as he turned Sukon's laying body parts to ashes. "There we go. That's-"

Akuto passed out on the ground.


The last thing he heard before he passed out.

*Last day of Yokai Academy*

Today's the last day of Yokai Academy. Akuto and Tsukune are about to part ways from there friends. A bus pulls up, waiting for Akuto and Tsukune.

"Tsukune! Don't leave!" Kurumu shouted as she grabbed Tsukune and lunged him towards her big fun bags.

"Kurumu! Let him go! He can't breathe!" Yukari shouted as she grabbed Tsukune and Omote did the same.

"I'll see you later… My dear Akuto." Mizore said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Akuto just blushed as he didn't know what to do next.

"Heh… Idiot." Vegeta said as he faced the ocean with arms crossed.

"See ya later Akuto." Shuruma said as she gave Akuto a hug.

"See ya." Tsuyoi said as she did the same.

"I'll wait for you here Akuto. See ya in a couple of months." Ura said as she held back some tears. "And when you come back. I want to challenge you to a duel. Just you and me. At full strength."

"Haha. Sure. Here… You won't be having this for quite a while." Akuto said as he bent his neck one way.

"Thank you." Ura said as she bit down on his neck and slowly sucked his blood.

After a couple of seconds, Ura retreated to herself.

"See ya later… Come on Tsukune!" Akuto shouted as he yanked him from Omote.

"Hey!" Omote pouted.

"We'll be back. Don't worry…. Whoa Tsukune! You don't look all that well." Akuto said worringly.

"Don't worry Akuto… The pancakes in the air are just doing just fine." Tsukune said as he passed out.

Everyone laughed as Akuto threw Tsukune and his things on the bus.

"Anyway… See you guys in a couple of months!" Akuto shouted as he waved goodbye and got onto the bus.

The bus pulled off back into the cave. One by one, each member of Akuto's friends went back to the school. Until only one was standing. Ura… Only one tear came down from her cheek.

"See ya too… In a couple of months." Ura said smiling as she wiped her tear and ran back towards the school.


Well ladies and gentleman…

How did you like the final ending chapter?

Awesome huh? I think it was.


Now for the special messages.

Do you want a second season of Yokai Z?

Do you wanna see Akuto fight Freeza?

Leave your opinions and answers in the review section.

I really hope you answer these questions.


I do not own DB, DBZ, DBGT, R+V, DmC OST and A7X.

None of them.

They all belong to their respectful owners.

Remember to review, follow and favorite!