I shouldn't even be uploading this. I'm supposed to be working on my other fanfics. BUT I WAS JUST DYING TO Do THIS! This has been stuck in my head for so long. I had to. I just had to! Don't worry, the chapters WILL get longer. This is just the prologue. Anyway, PLEASE REVIEW and tell me what you think after you're done reading. By the way, this is a yaoi. So, no like no read. Please don't flame.

The Dolly Hotel


The woman stared at him with wide, eager eyes. Her attention was completely on him. He usually loved being the center of attention. But right now, he just wanted to sink into a crevice and die. The boy next to him was just as uncomfortable as he was. That was to be expected, they got themselves into this horrible situation together.

Ellen DeGenenres, star of The Ellen Show, waited patiently for a response. Austin inwardly cringed under her gaze. The worst part, she wasn't the only person watching him. He was stuck on the set of her show, being watched by an audience and the whole world. All of them wanted to know. All of them were dying to know the crazy truth behind the situation that Austin got himself involved in. He looked over to his side. Trent, who was sitting next to him, looked like he was about to hurl. They got themselves into this mess and now they whole world wanted to know all about it. Every bit of it.

"Well," Ellen said. "The world wants to know, boys." Austin grimaced. Yeah, they really wanted to know. They wanted to know everything. They wanted to know every little detail. Every single dirty detail. They wanted to know all of it and that's why Austin and Trent were sitting on a couch on The Ellen Show, cameras aimed at them, waiting for the full story of how all of this happened.

Honestly, Austin knew. He knew that everyone would be hanging on every word that he and Trent spoke when they were forced to tell the whole world every detail. They had every right to be. The situation, the story, was beyond juicy. The media would be eating it up for years.

Austin felt so miserable. He always had a crazy life. Nothing normal ever happened to him. Something crazy was bound blow up around him. The set of The Ellen Show was destroyed the last time he was here. But this situation, this really took the cake. His friends couldn't back him up on this one. His only support for the situation was Trent and he was in just as deep as Austin was. This was just as much his fault as it was Austin's.

But how does one explain a situation like this to a million people? This was so uncomfortable, embarrassing, exposing, and humiliating. Not a single person in the entire world would've liked to have been in the same situation as Trent and Austin were. Of course they wouldn't, this whole thing was a very private subject. But here he was, sitting next Trent on The Ellen Show, expected to tell the whole world this crazy and incredibly personal story.

Never in his entire life did Austin so deeply regret doing something as he did now. He was filled with so much regret and despair. The emotional turmoil that Austin had suffered through this whole ordeal was so overwhelming. It felt like it was going to crush him. Had he and Trent never had gone to that hotel for the concert they were forced to share, none of this would have ever happened. He nearly destroyed his relationship with Ally, Dez, and Trish. Austin hated thinking about the time that he had to sit them down and explain everything to them. It was so humiliating. But Austin couldn't undo what had already been done. He had to face it all head on and Trent had to too. This was just as big as his mess as it was Austin's. He had suffered the consequences of his actions just as much as Austin had.

If only. If only they had never stayed at that hotel and done what they did. Then maybe, just maybe, they wouldn't be sitting here. They wouldn't have to explain to the world about how Austin Moon and T-fame, sworn enemies, had somehow ended up deeply, uncontrollably, intimately, and unbelievably…in love with each other.

. Trent took a deep breath and began to explain. How many times had Trent and Austin already explained this their loved ones? How many times would they have to explain it again? Everyone hung on Trent's every word as he started to tell the story from the very beginning.

They had so much explaining to do.

Damn the Dolly Hotel.