A/N: Hi there. I know its been a long time since I last updated this story. Well... its finally time to pick up where I left off. Looking at the whole fic now, it could be said that Chapters 1 to 23 marked one part of the story, and 24 to 40 another one (The Repopulation Act, and then the Noble society). And now its time for us to embark on the third part – The Wizarding Civil War. As always I´ve got a ton of ideas, and more just keep popping-up. I´m not sure at what pace I´ll be able to write new chapters though, since there´s a lot going on in my personal life now, but I promise to do my best. And not to worry – I´ll surely be continuing My Green Eyed Mystery.

Chapter 41: Cold War( for now...)

The small town looked nothing short of a war-zone.
The darkness of night was being disrupted by an astonishing number of variously coloured lights, that were flashing in every possible direction.
Spells, jinxes and curses were flying everywhere; windows, various objects and even pieces of pavement were being literally blown apart.
People were screaming; some (mostly small children and their mothers) in fear, while others in anger - rushing into the fight.

In all of the confusion, no one could possibly notice a small rat with a silver paw, running through the war-torn street for its dear life.

Dashing around the corner, where it was relatively quiet, the rat transformed into a man.
"Oh... oh dear..." Peter Pettigrew breathed, clutching his heart and taking several quick breaths to steady himself.

He suddenly heard a small snort behind him and quickly whirled around, his hand instantly reaching for his wand.

"Don't you DARE, Wormtail!" came the menacing snarl, in a voice he easily recognised.

He instantly lowered his wand and almost breathed a sigh of relief, as a woman in a large black cloak came forward, still keeping her hood up.

"Sorry, Bellatrix... have to be careful, you know..."

Bellatrix Lestrange grumbled, and even in the dim light with her hood up, Wormtail could easily see her rolling eyes.

"Idiot." she muttered, moving closer to the corner and taking a peek at the street.

Wormtail watched her for a moment, saying nothing. Moments went by, during which only the various sounds of the ongoing battle could be heard.

"They're really having a go at it tonight." noted Wormtail, as several screams rocked the street yet again.

It was the very reason, why he could easily transform back from his rat form on the street - with so much going on, he was completely safe from being detected.

Bellatrix gave a small grumble in reply, but said nothing.

"By far, the biggest fight since all of this started." added Wormtail, wanting to brag a little bit.

It was true - and well... he should know.
Since the start of the Wizarding Civil War (on clear orders from Barty), he used his animagus ability and spied on each and every battle, that took place between the members of Magical Law Enforcement, more often than not assisted by a great number of Reinforcement Act Patrol members and even Gilderoy Lockhart at times; and the Incompliable.

Contrary to what he expected, Bellatrix let out a menacing growl.

"So... our little Miss Perfect's plan is going along nicely..."

Wormtail almost jumped in shock.
He knew full-well, who Bellatrix's phrase was referring to. But... it was simply impossible!
Only the Dark Lord, he and Barty knew, that the Incompliables' War was Daphne's plan!
The Dark Lord himself assured his Death Eaters, that the plan was his, and no one had until now questioned it...!
And both Barty and him had made a promise to the Dark Lord, not to reveal the truth...

"B-Bellatrix... don't you mean, the Dark Lord's plan?" he asked tentatively.

Bellatrix sniffed derisively and fixed him a look.

"Oh please, Wormtail. As if the Dark Lord would see any reason to deploy these... commoners... Quite unneccessary if you ask me. Thanks to the mirrors, we could have him back soon without any fuss - without any need for this... this... foolishness. This is HER plan - I had known it since the New Year's Party!"

Wormtail gulped - whatever misguided logic she used, she was right on the mark.

He shook his head quickly, but knew it was no use - Bellatrix looked positively adamant in her belief, as she was in everything else.

Turning around again, she viewed the street again.

"I have no idea, what she's playing at... her grand plan and everything... but I will show her... I will show her..."

Wormtail quirked an eyebrow, as Bellatrix muttered more and more venomously - it didn't look like she was playing any attention to him at all.

"Only ONE Noble Lady can ever have a place beside the Dark Lord. And that Lady is ME...!"

Wormtail almost flinched; there was something positively dangerous in her voice. The little suspicion he'd had since the New Year's Party - when it was up to Bellatrix to weaken Lockhart with the Mirror (something she probably did NOT do), came back with a vengeance.

He opened his mouth to say something, but at that moment several very powerful explosions rocked the street. Both had to step back a bit and perform a speedy Shield Charm, since one of those explosions was too close to their position.

"Okay... that one was a little too much." breathed Wormtail, at once transforming into his rat form and out of sight.

Bellatrix rolled her eyes in sheer disgust.

"Cowardly little rat..." she muttered and turned her attention back to the street.

As she watched she couldn't help but (though begrudgingly) marvel at the mayhem that was taking place. It reminded her, loosely of something that she had merely heard stories about as a young girl - the 1920's attacks of Gellert Grindelwald and his first followers.

Another wave of bangs along with an all-mighty battle cry rang from somewhere afar.

Bellatrix peeked from the side to see, that the Incompliable reinforcements have arrived, led by Reeves himself.

The battle, that seemed to be fairly equally matched instantly turned to a one-sided one.
Recognising the situation, Bellatrix swiftly cast a non-verbal Disillusionment Charm on herself and prepared herself to block any spell, that could stray her way.

Giving the street her fullest attention, she spotted that several of the combatants seemed to have fallen to the ground unconscious, and a strange gleam could be seen behind them – seemingly out of thin air, and only for a moment before disappearing.

Bellatrix knew full-well what that meant – she and Wormtail were not the only Death Eaters present on the streets.
She wondered for a moment, if it was Dolohov, Macnair, or perhaps even Barty himself, running around invisible with the mirror, collecting magic from the unsuspecting combatants.
"Subtle... really subtle..." she muttered to herself, narrowing her eyes.

She could tell, that quite like at the New Year's party, only a small portion of magic was being sapped from the victims – enough to weaken (and tip the Incompliable's odds in their favour), but not enough to harm them.
Amidst the numerous battles, it was virtually undetectable. More so, the process could be repeated with every battle. A much subtler way, than draining large portions and killing these Mudbloods doing it.

"She's smart... I'll give her that." she muttered to herself, as the image of Daphne Greengrass took form in her mind.

The plan was brilliant and it was for the Dark Lord... but...

"She overstepped the one line I shall NOT tolerate."

She gripped her wand in her hand, as a dark growl escaped her.

"And she will pay the price for it."

A large cheer erupted from the street with a final small bang.
Bellatrix peeked from the side to see that the battle was over. The Incompliable cheered, relishing their victory. Some instantly waved their wands at the few nearby walls that weren't too much damaged – their symbol appearing in an instant.

"Bloody copycats." she muttered in mild annoyance.

It was quite like the way the Death Eaters left the Dark Mark. But unlike them… this only seemed to be a way of signing their handiwork as it were…
An egotistical way of showing their supposed superiority, instead of something with a purpose… like striking fear.
And she was fairly sure, that Daphne positively encouraged this – a thought that only fuelled her disgust.

Feeling that there was no real point hanging around, she turned on her heel and with a last look over her shoulder, she Disapparated.

She was none the wiser however (as was everyone else on the street), that she was not the only secret observer of the battle.

For standing on the roof of a building, enjoying a clear view of the entire street was another person… perfectly concealed under an Invisibility Cloak.

His face (although a bit unnecessarily to be honest) was concealed beneath a deep-green mask, that was hiding a look of absolute attention.
Green eyes from beneath it were scanning the Incompliable below, as they were rejoicing for their victory. They instantly recognised Brian Reeves positively encircled by his followers… but not just him.

He also spied three Incompliable, who were dressed in the same black sleeveless vest as Reeves.

He now knew that that vest was a way of showing one's status among the Incompliable – a leadership status to be exact.
It wasn't hard to deduce, that those who wear them belong to Reeves' inner-circle.

"Bingo." he muttered to himself.

Familiar with one of them – Ambrose Gillis, he now saw two more he hadn't seen in the previous fights.

"So… that brings the total up to… six…" he muttered for himself – counting in his mind.

Having what he needed for the moment, he turned and Disapparated as well, while the cheers of the Incompliable still rang trough the damaged street.


"Have a nice day in school, Mistress." said Apricie cheerfully.

Ginny could not help but give the family House-elf a warm smile.

"Thanks, Apricie. And thank you very much for Apparating me to school."

Apricie bowed slightly, returning it.

"It was Apricies pleasure. Mistress Ginny can call Apricie to come home too…when she wishes."

At Ginny's nod, Apricie Disapparated.
Alone now, she instantly heaved a long sigh.

"I hope it will be a nice day…" she muttered to herself and began walking to the Entrance Hall.

As usual, there was a small line in front of it, composed of students who like her spent their nights and afternoons at home. These students were checked by two Aurors before being admitted inside the school. It was a classic safety precaution that no one really minded.
Although… the morning lines have been getting smaller since the New Year… since the Incompliables´ declaration of war.

And that only made some of the Aurors a little unpleasant – fussingly double and triple checking everyone and making the standing in line all the more irritating.

Luckily, Demelza was standing right in front of her in line – a little girl-chat making the standing in line much more pleasant.

"Can't wait to be old enough to get Apparition licence. You're sooo lucky, Ginny… Having a family house-elf Apparate you to school like that. I use the floo in The Three Broomsticks, and I'm definitely not the only one. Ralph wishes I didn't… said he'd rather Apparate me, but I said no. Poor dear has enough, working night-shifts this week."

"So much for pleasant." thought Ginny sighing again.

It wasn't Demelza's talking of her husband that made Ginny frown… but it made her think about something else that was bothering her lately.

Luckily Demelza didn't notice and Ginny changed the subject immediately.

"Less chatter there, you two. You're next." said one of the Aurors at the door rather rudely.

Ginny raised her eyebrow at him, definitely NOT in the best of moods this morning.

"Excuse me?!" she asked politely, but shooting the Auror a glare.

The Auror instantly gulped, recognising who she was.

"Very sorry, Madam Potter… I… I meant…" he stuttered, making Ginny roll her eyes exasperatedly.

"Oh, just… get on with it."

The Auror performed the security spells and check on her and Demelza at top speed, allowing them passage… even wishing her to "have a nice day" as they passed.

Ginny gave an exasperated huff, but Demelza giggled.

"Ah, the perks of being a Top Noble Lady." she commented with humour.

Smirking a little at that, she followed her friend to the Great Hall, where breakfast was currently being served. She instantly spied her brother and sister-in-law, sitting at the half-full Gryffindor Table.

She picked up her pace, trying to ignore the unpleasant staring and muttering of other students she attracted lately.

"Good morning." she greeted, sitting down beside Hermione.

"What's so good about it, sis?!" replied Ron grumpily, and Ginny could instantly see why.

The pair of them looked absolutely exhausted.
Ron barely touched his breakfast – a sure sign that something was wrong, and was pouring himself a mug of coffee.

"Ron… you've had six already. Its not healthy to drink so much at once!" Hermione remarked, but Ginny noticed how different from usual her tone was… almost as though she was too exhausted to argue properly.

Ron merely shrugged and grumbled, but started to drink it regardless.

"Long night?" asked Ginny tentatively, already having an inkling what the problem might be.

Since the start of the New Year, the Prefects – naturally coordinated by the Head Boy and Head Girl had an increase of responsibilities. One of which naturally was patrolling the corridors during night.
Ginny knew full-well, that since The Incompliables´ declaration of war, Fudge was once more becoming paranoid about the going-ons at Hogwarts.
What many did not know (and some did not even care) was, that his calling for another school Inquisitor (the man obviously did NOT learn his lesson) had swiftly been checked and outvoted by one of the current governing bodies – The Grand Noble Opposition.
Although that meant, that certain precautions had to be negotiated with the school governors and of course, the Headmaster.
Nevertheless, the basic patrolling and policing the school was left in the hands of the Professors, who were heavily assisted by the Prefects, Head Boy and Head Girl.
Several new rules had also been made – the rule of Professors not discussing the Incompliable with the students (all of them did not want to choose sides in the matter anyway); the banning of the Incompliable symbol (which turned out to be trickier than expected); and of course increased check-ups (starting with those who were arriving to school each morning).

It was apparent, that despite Professor Dumbledore announcing these rules personally, once all students returned from the holidays, that these new rules were not as easily accepted as it appeared when the Headmaster explained the situation.

And it was certainly taking its toll on both the staff and their helpers.

"Long night, Ginny?! You have NO idea." moaned Ron, finishing his coffee and at once pouring himself another mug, disregarding Hermione's sound of protest.

"We've been up ALL NIGHT! Not a wink of sleep."

Ginny was fully aware, that for a Weasley (their love of sleep was legendary) such a thing was quite the problem. She suddenly felt a little guilty for having a good night´s sleep in the warm, cozy bed at Potter Cottage.

"And…? Was there any trouble?" Ginny asked conversationally.

Luckily Hermione shook her head, managing a small smile.

"Just a few cheeky third-years messing around the Trophy Room… and a snogging fourth-year couple in a broom closet on the sixth floor."

Ginny returned the smile, relieved a little.

Last week, someone had made the Incompliable symbol on the wall near Moaning Myrtle's bathroom (eerily, it was not far from the place where The Heir of Slytherin had once left his messages), and the school was in a state of uproar for three days.
Though the perpetrator was caught quite quickly by none other than the Head Boy and Girl (and punished – the said second-year had certainly learnt his lesson), it was surely only a matter of time before someone tried something again.

"Most of the Prefects looked up to us - since we had caught most of the troublemakers."

Hermione's comment managed to get out a small giggle from Ginny. She knew the secret of their success – Alice and Neville had leant them The Marauders' Map, which gave them quite the edge.

"Well… I'm sure all the Professors really appreciate your help." she said gently, knowing that she was right.

"I'm not sure I appreciate it, Gin. I'm totally spent – patrolling all night and a whole day of classes ahead of us." grumbled Ron, once more refilling his mug.

"Ronald! That's your tenth mug of coffee!" exclaimed Hermione, looking both angry and scared.

And Ginny couldn't argue her point – all that coffee definitely couldn't do well for someone. As if to prove her point, Ron shuddered as he took another sip, still looking drowsy regardless.

"And it still doesn't work! Seriously, I'll have to ask Harry for some of that Energy Potion of his…"

"DON'T YOU DARE!" exclaimed both Hermione and Ginny, shuddering at the very thought.


All three of them turned to see Edward Harkwood – a fifth-year muggle-born and the current Gryffindor Prefect – standing behind them, a small grin on his face.
Unlike Ron and Hermione though, Harkwood certainly looked much more rested than the pair of them were.

"Sorry to disturb you, but have you finished your breakfast?" he asked Ron politely.

"Pretty much." Ron replied, despite the fact that his plate was still half-full.

"Well… if you're finished… Professor McGonnagal told me to send you to her office."

Ron instantly groaned, looking at the Staff table for good measure – sure enough, their Head of House was absent.

"Bloody hell… what is it NOW?!" he remarked to no one in particular, and given the state of things, even Hermione did not scold him for the moody comment.

Harkwood shrugged.

"She didn't tell me. She just asked me to send you to her office and said that I should take your place for the morning's check-up."

Finishing his mug of coffee, Ron stood up.

"This better not be about that Transfiguration Essay…" he muttered before walking away, a chuckling Harkwood following.

Both Hermione and Ginny tracked the pair of them with their eyes, watching them leave through the Great Hall's door.
As soon as they did, Ginny quirked an eyebrow at her sister-in-law.

"Transfiguration Essay?" she asked slyly, having a wild guess.

One that was confirmed, when Hermione's cheeks turned pink.

"Oh, all right… I took pity on him and did the last Transfiguration essay for the both of us. It shouldn't be that much of a problem though – he and Neville have been copying my notes since our first-year anyway."

Her explanation was instantly followed by a mutinous look – as though daring Ginny to try and tell her off for this.
Ginny of course did nothing of the sort.

"I'm not saying anything." she said with a grin, raising her hands in a mild-surrender for good measure.

They dug into their breakfast for a bit, seeing that Neville had walked in, hand-in-hand with Hannah – both absolutely ignoring the stares and muttering of the other students. They spotted them and sat down facing them, wishing them a good morning.

Ginny grinned at the pair of them.

"Well, good morning. Took the two of you long enough. I thought you got up earlier than me." she teased, once more finding her mark judging by Hannahs deep-red blush and Nevilles "innocent" look.

"We'll let you think, what you like…" he said airily, seizing a plate and loading some breakfast for the pair of them.

The four of them shared a laugh.
Ginny was happy that despite the current predicament, Neville seemed to be as bright and calm as the he used to be.
Although that look changed a little, when the Daily Prophet arrived.

The four of them scanned it together and shared a frown – the paper bore no important news whatsoever. As it became usual lately.

"They haven't even reported yesterday's battle with the Incompliable." muttered Hannah.

"Can you blame them? They LOST afterall." snorted Ginny.

Hermione looked a little surprised, but curious. The three of them wasted no time in telling her, what they knew about yesterday's events – the little they knew, anyway.

"So they took out another RAP recruiting station – it seems as though that's their only target for now." summarised Hermione.

She took an uneasy look around them – at most of the students who were eagerly talking during their breakfast.
She wondered, whether the news of the latest Incompliables' victory had reached the student body already – despite the absence of news from the Daily Prophet. If it had… it was certainly not good news for the situation.

"You know… this absence of actual information can only serve to feed the Incompliables legend."

Ginny, Neville and Hannah only nodded. They knew that most of the students were in awed by them. Though the opinions varied, there was no denying that their New Year's exploits – managing a breakout from Azkaban as well as the Declaration of War on the Ministry had made them into the stuff of legend. Not to mention… during the first week back, all everyone talked about (albeit quietly) was the duel between Gilderoy Lockhart and Brian Reeves – especially its explosive finish.
It came to poor Professor Flitwick to explain, but the whole week he had done so to virtually every class he taught – everyone in the school now knew, what Similis Potentia (also known as Equal Power effect) is.
The fact that the leader of the Incompliable not only held his own against the Ministry's most famous hero (even if he was actually losing most of the duel), as well as performed the extremely rare magical phenomenon that proved he was equally powerful in magic as his famous opponent, made Reeves into a kind of a legend.

A legend, that showed its might when a group of second-years started to duel, intent on recreating the rare phenomenon.

"I know what you mean, Mione. There are already so many stupid rumours flying around." said Hannah, who certainly heard a fair amount of gossip among the Hufflepuff girls.

Neville snorted in amused laughter.

"I've been composing a list of Top 10, you know. Some are very amusing indeed. But my definite number one came just yesterday – that Brian is actually The Masked Wizard."

Both Hermione and Ginny laughed earnestly at that, but for a slightly different reason than Neville and Hannah.

"Harry asked me and Alice about him you know… after the Declaration of War…" confessed Neville, bringing all laughter to an end.

"Asked about pretty ordinary things, really. His background, hobbies… love interests… just curious I guess. Well, you know how Harry is when he's curious."

Ginny felt Hermione stiffen beside her, but she betrayed none of that on her face – it seemed she had learnt something from the Slytherin Squad, even if she didn't want to.

"And… what did you tell him…?" she asked conversationally.

Neville only shrugged, still eating his breakfast.

"Most of what I knew. Harry also asked me yesterday, if I thought that if it came to it, if Brian would agree to a cease-fire."

This caught both Hermione and Hannah off-guard. Ginny however knew what this was about.

"Luna told me, that Blaise wants to persuade whoever he can among the Traditionalists AND the Ministry to try and start some kind of negotiations. He wants to try and stop the fighting and solve this with diplomacy."

Hermione smiled a tiny smile.

"Bless him. But I'm not sure it will be THAT easy."

"All the same – it is nice that at least someone in power is thinking among those lines. Unlike certain other people in there." said Neville.

Ginny however frowned.

"Luna is worried for him though. It doesn't seem to be that easy at all. Right now, the Opposition is having a hard time just trying to block every crackpot idea Fudge is coming up with. And no one around here even has a clue about THAT." she said huffing angrily.

She cast a look at a particular corner of the Slytherin table, where the five infamous Slytherins used to sit.
Now, however… there were only two.
Astoria Malfoy could be seen chatting with Susan Lennox, who was sitting besides her husband Angus.

Neville, Hannah, Hermione and Ginny knew the reason – the former three refrained from discussing it (especially in front of Ginny), if they could help it… knowing it was a touchy subject.

Most of the student body had been extremely surprised during the first week at the news of Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter withdrawing from Hogwarts.
While being able to understand this in the instance of Blaise and Draco (one being the leader of the Vigilante Task Force, the other leading The Grand Noble Opposition), they were a lot more inventive when Harry was concerned. Once again, Harry Potter became the subject of numerous wild rumours. Something that was even more supported of the fact, that there was so little official information regarding the Grand Noble Opposition's various doings in the government.

Ginny pushed her plate away, not feeling hungry any more.

"I'll see you at lunch, I suppose." she said calmly, betraying no emotion while getting up.

Neville and Hannah nodded and continued eating, but Hermione got up as well. Ginny caught the small look she gave her and blinked her eyes in agreement.

The two girls exited the Great Hall, once more walking towards a line of students. This time it were the Prefects – one of each House, checking the students' belongings before allowing them passage.

"Excuse me. Make way, please." asked Hermione, leading Ginny after her.

Several students scoffed, but all recognised the Head Girl and Ginny Potter. That of course meant a fresh new wave of muttering. This time however, Ginny ignored it completely as the two of them passed to the Prefects, who only nodded and let her pass.

As soon as the pair of them moved through the empty corridor, Ginny directed her to a secret passage she knew about, instantly pulling her wand out and performing a few spells to ensure that they were alone and would not be overheard.

"You've really become good at this." noted Hermione with a small smile.

"Thanks. What do you want to ask about?" Ginny replied, summoning a serious look on her face.

Hermione shrugged, adopting an equally serious look.

"Well… the going-ons at Hogwarts kept me and Ron occupied for a while now… and we haven't heard much besides the stupid rumours. So what's the situation really like?"

Ginny took a small breath, but still retained the serious look.

"Well… the Ministry is trying and failing to contain the Incompliables' attacks and round them up. The Traditionalists also seem to be playing their game of politics – only supporting some of Fudge's ideas. And, as you've heard… our side is trying to somehow find a peaceful way to end this Civil War. James and others from the Order or the Phoenix are out most of the time, keeping an eye out for Death Eater activity – so far, and that's disturbing… there seems to be none."

Hermione bit her lip. The latter news certainly couldn't be good.

"They must be biding their time… I can't believe that they would just sit this one out and simply hide somewhere."

Ginny nodded.

"That's certainly what the others believe. James also told me, that Harry asked Dumbledore to focus the Order's activity on the Death Eaters and pay no attention to the Civil War at all."

Hermione nodded, remembering Ginny telling her, that Dumbledore had made one last approach on Brian before all this started, confirming that none of the Incompliable were under the Imperius Curse.

"Draco and the Task Force were also called in for some of the fights sometimes, but he made it clear that their mission to find and catch the Masked Wizard hadn't changed. And the Task Force is under the Opposition's jurisdiction now – the Opposition's Noble families made sure of that."

Hermione pondered on it for a while.

"You know… apart from that new rumour… there hadn't been any mention of The Masked Wizard since the Civil war began."

Ginny closed her eyes for a moment before continuing.

"That's because they're doing stuff in secret now. Harry, Angus and Torie are taking turns observing the Incompliable and compiling information about them."

Hermione bit her lip.

"That definitely seems like something they would do. And how far have they gone?"

"They were identifying the leaders of the Incompliable – Reeves' inner-circle as Harry called it." said Ginny, recalling yesterday night in her mind's eye.

Harry had returned home late, through the trap-door in their room. For a moment, she simply watched him take off his mask and robes, putting them away along with the Invisibility Cloak. Then, while debating with herself to simply ask, Harry (once again using that bloody Legilimency of his) obliged and called her to the kitchen where he told her everything while they sipped some Butterbeer he summoned.
It was the first time in weeks the pair of them actually sat and talked about the issue since New Year's.

"And... um... have you two... er... made-up?" asked Hermione tentatively.

Ginny sighed.
When she told him in front of that barrier in Diagon Alley, that she did not agree with how The Slytherin Squad stood by and allowed the Incompliable to declare war, she was definitely NOT joking.
She still can not shake the feeling, that they were somehow intent on using this situation to do a thorough political house-cleaning – fighting Kellen's fire with fire of their own.

That was exactly what sparked off her own little "cold war" with her husband – one that was still not over. Needless to say, that everyone in the extended Potter-Weasley family knew, and everyone was simply keeping themselves out of it.
Although Hermione knew (from the usual letter from home to Ron), that Molly had a small, calm discussion with Harry on the subject just last week.

"No, Mione – we have NOT. Harry gave me his reasons when it began, and while I DO agree with some of his arguments, I still say that they could've gone about this in another way." she said firmly.

Hermione shook her head sadly.

"Sorry, Ginny... but this is ridiculous. I don't agree with their way either and I certainly do not approve – even if the situation was inevitable – with how they are using it. But even so... Hadn't this gone on for long enough?" she asked sincerely, knowing full-well that Ginny had not even talked to him for the first few days of their argument, and that Harry responded by tripling his working pace, barely sleeping.

Ginny closed her eyes, balling her wand-free hand into a fist.

"He needs to know, he overstepped a line I refuse to tolerate."

"Doesn't he know that already?" asked Hermione, rolling her eyes.

Ginny bit her lip again.
Truth be told – he DOES. Yesterday's talk in the kitchen certainly proved that.
He even said a final "sorry" to her before summoning his materials from their room and once again retreated into the Cottage's library for the night.

"I was not the only one angry with him for this, you know."

Hermione rolled her eyes and looked at her seriously.

"Cheap argument, Gin - and you know it. Lily being angry with him - for withdrawing from school is quite different. And understandable."

Hermione's tone wasn't accusational, but ran thick with truth.
Lily Potter, Callidora Zabini and Narcissa Malfoy all took their sons' decision to withdraw from school rather angrily – being concerned over their well-being and future. Neither could stop it, given that all three young Slytherins are now Heads of their respective families. And all three were able to reason it with them sufficiently.
Although Lily was still feeling hurt by the fact, that Harry had withdrawn from school, she accepted his decision after a while. He promised her, that he would sit the formal NEWTs and finish his education, which served to defuse her anger with him. Since then, Lily was carefully avoiding the subject, clearly still disagreeing about it, but was once more sweet and caring to her precious son.

"I realise, that you're trying to teach him to respect your feelings on matters and not act on his own all the time..."

"Hermione, it's NOT about that at all!" exclaimed Ginny in frustration.

Hermione took it with interest.

"He DOES respect my feelings. Otherwise he wouldn't be sleeping in the library since this whole mess began. And NO - I didn't kick him out of our room!" she added, seeing her sister-in-law's surprised face.

"I know he is fully aware that I am angry with him, and that he knows WHY! I also know, that he is intelligent enough to realise, that this is not a lesson about respect or trust. But about something equally important."

Ginny knew, that her voice was rising but she did not care.
She was finally letting out some of the frustration that had been bottling up.
In the darkest moments of the entire argument, she found herself positively wishing for Harry to shout back at her instead of taking it all with acceptance. She would not even mind the pair of them screaming at each other, so that the whole of Godric's Hollow could hear it. Because then, it would mean that they could make-up...

"What is it about then?" Hermione asked, happy that she was getting to the roots of the problem.

"Morality." said Ginny very seriously.

Hermione's jaw dropped and she was clearly confused for a moment.

"Harry has to learn, that among all his plans and schemes there is a FINE line he cannot cross. You've seen, how far they've come as the Slytherin Squad through that diary of his. I KNOW, he has good intentions every time, but someday... there may come a time, when he is going to cross it. I want him to learn, that certain tactics have certain consequences."

It took a moment for her sister-in-law to understand her reasoning, nodding finally.

"I see..." she muttered almost dumbly.

Ginny closed her eyes for a moment again, as though trying to compose herself.

"Albus once told me, that he was afraid that Harry's powers could dominate over his heart. I'm am NOT going to stand idly by, and watch something like that happen. I want him to learn that there is a limit." she said, knowing perfectly that she was right – it was the only thing, that kept her going trough this cold war.

Hermione nodded, accepting her reasons.
Nevertheless, she frowned at her again.

"I understand and agree. But its time for this to end and for the two of you to make up." she said in a tone of finality.

Ginny raised an eyebrow at her and folded her arms.

"Since when have you become an advocate for my husband?!"

Hermione shook her head and once more gave her a serious look.

"I'm not advocating for anyone. I'm just concerned, because you're not just my friend, but also my family. I've seen you all this time at school, Ginny. And Ron also told me his bit from your Quidditch practices. You're absolutely miserable – don't pretend you're not. And I'm pretty sure, that Harry is equally miserable about this little war of yours."

It was another comment that ran thick with truth.
Ginny had certainly been miserable.
She missed him.
She missed being around him for more than the few fair minutes, they now spent at home on a daily basis – hardly even talking…
She missed having him around, working on things together with him – their Patronus project, that had been put on hold for instance.
She missed joking with him, having fun with him… even sitting comfortably in front of the Telli-vision (oh, who CARES what the damn Muggle contraption was called?!) watching movies or his favourite cartoons.
She missed his laugh, his gentle smile, his mischievous boyish look…
She missed his affectionate touches, him holding her hand (always gentle yet firm), not to mention the warm feeling of being held in his arms.
She incredibly missed him beside her during the night in their bed – the bed that now felt to be missing a great part of its warm comfort.
And she completely missed his beautiful green eyes. She missed seeing them shine with love and affection when they looked into hers.
Because nowadays, she saw them for only the briefest of moments before he looked away. But during those brief moments when they locked eyes, she could see hurt reflected in them – she could easily tell, that he was as miserable as her.
It's a sight that breaks her heart every time. And it was taking all her will-power NOT to forget this entire argument… NOT to run up to him and grab him in a rib-cracking hug… NOT to kiss him for the first time in almost a month…

"I'm pretty sure that he had learnt his lesson by now, Ginny." added Hermione, giving her a small smile.

Ginny closed her eyes again.
She replayed yesterday's scene in the kitchen again – the first real, sincere talk they'd had in weeks.
She KNEW he had learnt his lesson.

"No. Not just yet. A few more days at least." she said firmly.

Hermione groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Ginny! Seriously… You're more stubborn than Ron sometimes."

That comment made Ginny crack a smile.

"I beg to differ." she said playfully.

The pair of them shared a small chuckle, but Hermione looked at her seriously again.

"Speaking of Ron… You've said, that the snakies are compiling information about the Incompliable. Neville's comment during breakfast… about Harry asking for details on Brian. Ginny… do you think…that…?"

Ginny did not need her to finish that question. She knew perfectly, what was the issue.

"As far as I know, Harry only asked Neville and Alice. You and I are the only ones who know about… that…"

Hermione nodded, breathing a long sigh of relief.

"I'm glad. You know, I've been worried about it recently."

Ginny nodded in full understanding.

"Don't worry. My lips are sealed. No one will hear about it from me."

Hermione gave her a grateful smile.

"Thanks. But come on – we've been here long enough. We do have lessons to get to."

Ginny nodded.

"Yes… Potions…" she said, her face falling at once.

Not only because the test Severus had promised her class… but also because she knew, who helped her prepare for her last one.


Blaise Zabini watched, as the results of the vote flashed themselves in the great circular meeting room of the Ministry.

Today, as it became common lately, was a yet another emergency meeting of the ruling government.
And, as it became common, the Ministry (led by Fudge) had proposed a yet another ridiculous proposition, growing quite unnerved about the Incompliable's last battle.
Voting was mostly a tense issue during the past few times – always being quite close, and until the final result came, not one of the governing parties could be sure of the outcome.

The issue of security at Hogwarts School for instance… that was definitely a close one… almost too close.
Or on the subject of the press in the country, specifically the running of the Daily Prophet, which served as the main source of the news among the Wizarding population – he was still disappointed, that they'd lost that one.

Today's vote however was one, Fudge could not even hope to win.
And no wonder – even some of the Traditionalists thought, that deploying Dementors to assist the Magical Law Enforcement in the battles with the Incompliable was a step, far too extreme.

"Not to mention – pointless." he thought, recalling the remark of Eldritch Macmillan made, as he argued their case.
And most in the room certainly agreed.
After all, if the Incompliable were skilled enough to engineer a break-out from Azkaban, adding Dementors into the battles would certainly do more harm than good.

"Very well… Very well." muttered Fudge, as the results flashed and several claps from the room (coming from members of all three governing parties for a change) rang through the room.

"This emergency meeting is adjourned, then. I would like to once again remind everyone in the room, that in my opinion, the sooner we are finished with Reeves and his group of criminals, the better off this country will be."

But, even as he was finishing, most of the room's occupants were standing up and heading for the door. Scarcely anyone was listening to him anymore.

Blaise was, as always these days, followed by the representatives of the Grand Noble Opposition Party, as well as the Heads of the Departments that now fell under their jurisdiction.

"Well… the old boy certainly seems to be losing his head." he remarked to no one in particular, but several chuckles around him could be heard.

"You say it, like it's a surprise." chortled Draco, who was walking right beside him.

"But this was too extreme even for Fudge." noted Eldritch.

"Not really. He just wants this Civil War over and done with - no matter the cost." said Arthur Weasley, his tone bitter and disgusted.

There were several murmurs of agreement, even as the entire group entered another meeting room – one reserved for the Grand Noble Opposition.

As soon as they sat down comfortably, Blaise let the silence linger for a moment, taking a small sigh before talking.

"I am still firmly convinced that a diplomatic solution is the only way to end this war."

There were several nods of agreement, but he could see that there was some scepticism as well.

"But are you sure, that the Incompliable would even WANT a diplomatic solution?" asked Daniel Fawley, looking quite uneasy.

"Well… so far, they only attacked the Reinforcement Act Patrol's recruitment and training centres – effectively paralysing the program." said Amelia Black musingly.

But the program has already gone far enough. They already have a decent number of RAPs." said Draco, and he should know – his Task Force had already assisted them enough times to know the details.

"All the same – for the moment, there will not be any new recruits." said Hector Slughorn analytically.

There was a small moment of silence, before Blaise broke it again.

"Well… be that as it may… So far, only the RAP program has been targeted and despite the numerous battles, though there have been injuries, there have been no casualties."

His other companions nodded, knowing that this would definitely serve as one the first arguments, that he would like to present when proposing his diplomatic solution on some other Emergency Meeting.

"So far, mate." Draco noted in a grave voice.

He could feel, that everybody around him were thinking among the same lines.

"We've managed to be the voice of reason, Blaise. But if the Incompliable escalate their campaign… perhaps even attack the Ministry building itself, any idea of diplomacy will most certainly be out of the question." said Eldritch uneasily.

"All the more reason to try diplomacy NOW – while there is still a chance." he said calmly.

"We would have to get a majority vote… to even attempt to negotiate with the Incompliable." said Amelia, emphasising the word with a raised finger.

"And that sure as hell won't be easy. As far as I can say, there is no one among the Traditionalists who would agree to such a thing. Why would they have wanted Birthright Powers in the first place, if they were to – as they would say – bow their heads to commoners." added Daniel with an ugly scowl.

"Not to mention – very few in the government have any idea of exactly what we are dealing with. Apart from the obvious, we know little to nothing about the Incompliable." said Hector.

"And there are already stories, rumours and even small legends going around. My son and daughter-in-law at Hogwarts reported several of them to me. And more are certainly to come." Arthur reported.

"At the moment, our side has someone looking into the matter of the Incompliable." he said in his calm voice.

Arthur caught the small wink he'd shared with Draco, and judging by the ghost of a smile that appeared on his face, it was apparent that he knew full well that "someone" was meant as The Slytherin Squad… or the remaining three members of it.

The remainder of the room murmured in interest, but Blaise only waved his hand airly.

"There is no need to speak more about this at the moment. As soon as we have the information necessary, we will be able to use them to support our argument, I am sure."

He was met with understanding nods, and a small wave of silence gripped the room again. Only this time (and he could tell), it was one filled with careful thinking.

"I suppose the only way for us to win the necessary votes would be to convince those among the Ministry's governing body."

However, there were a few humourless chuckles at the statement.

"Good one, Blaise. I'd say that's about as easy as getting the Traditionalists to our side." remarked Daniel with a pat on Eldritch's shoulder.

"Fudge has a strong hold on those representing his government. And McLaggen and Thicknesse sure don't make things any easier." said Amelia, who should know, retaining her Ministry contacts, knowing them personally.

"The Ministry is de facto in Traditionalists' power and influence. Since the handing of the Birthright powers, its as though democracy in our system had practically ceased to exist." Hector added, and judging by the small sad nods of some, Blaise could tell that he had put to words something that was slowly becoming a public-secret.

Something he would positively NOT stand for.

"No, Hector…" he said, his tone firm but not aggressive.

"I do not believe such a thing. Democracy will cease to exist, only if we allow it to do so. And I am certain, that I'm not the only one who thinks that."

He could feel some of that uneasiness in the room evaporate, small smiles appearing on several faces.

"Hear, hear – leader." piped up Draco, giving him a mock-salute.

"I see what you're getting at, Blaise." said Eldritch with renewed vigour.

"Though the Birthright powers HAVE been passed, the tri-government STILL functions on a democratical system."

Blaise nodded with a smile, not really blaming those amongst his party that had forgotten this. Especially in the light of recent events.

"Not just that. Though the Traditionalists function as anything BUT – adhering to Hyperion Greengrass, who is firmly allied with Athena Kellen… our Party is not the only one, which functions as a democracy." said Draco, catching on to what Blaise was getting at.

Blaise grinned at his fellow-snake-squad member, as the room experienced something that Harry and Angus so fondly called "eureka – moment".

It was something, both he and Dray had only seen when amongst their famous (or infamous) group, but he (and he could tell that Dray too) felt that all-too familiar rush he always felt in such moments.

"The Ministry's government." breathed Hector.

"Fudge IS its leader, but even HE has to have a majority in his party." Arthur finished, his smile growing and instantly being directed at both him and Draco.

"And his position is weakening. Has been for years, really." added Amelia.

"Surely there must be quite the few of those in the Ministry who oppose his leadership. And those, who could be persuaded to see reason and assist us."

"There is a problem with that, Blaise." warned Eldritch at once.

He, along with everyone fixed Eldritch their fullest attention, although Blaise (and probably everyone else as well) had a pretty good idea what he meant.

"We cannot approach or discuss such issues openly with members of the other two Parties. Voting and proposing solutions is to be an inner-party business ONLY. You yourself had proposed that, when we were forming the Tri-Party Government rules."

"In order to assure the spirit of fair-play." Blaise explained brightly.

"Knowing full-well, there were ways of by-passing that rule." snickered Draco.

"And knowing just as well, that Fudge and Kellen WILL by-pass them at the first opportunity." grinned Arthur.

Blaise suppressed the urge to try to imitate that cartoon-snicker that Harry, Torie and Angus like to use in such situations.

Instead, he settled for a charming, innocent smile while showing his open hands to everyone.

"So they can hardly complain if we try to… er… tweak the circumstances of such an important vote."

The room rang with a shared chuckle, the easy, bright atmosphere returning.

"Question is how are we going to go about this…?" asked Eldritch, once more thoughtful but with an eager tone in his voice.

"Well… Hogwarts and its Professors are out of the question. Hogwarts is to remain impartial and uninfluenced – again something we fought for." said Amelia, also in deep thought.

"Well… we've got someone like that on our side, who used to be a Professor." said Hector, and another "eureka – moment" followed.

"Horace Slughorn." breathed Arthur with a bright smile.

He is on our side, but NOT a member of the Party!" Draco added unnecessarily.

"The Slug Club – many people in all three parties are members." breathed Daniel, and he should know – being one himself.

"Brilliant." exclaimed Draco, sharing a hi-five with Blaise.

"There are also others. Like Ted Tonks – I must speak with Sirius about that." said an elated Amelia.

"And Bathilda Bagshot – the Potters can contact her." added Arthur.

Everyone at the table had no problem in suggesting numerous people who were not members of the Grand Noble Opposition Party, were well-liked and respected, and were connected enough to assist them in this endeavour.

Towards the end of the planning, Blaise could not help but laugh at a heavy irony.

"You know… a lot of these connections, including what helped us form the Grand Noble Opposition in the first place would not have been possible, if not for the Repopulation Act."

He was not alone in laughing and appreciating the irony, even as they all stood up.

"The same is true for the Reformation Act. Fudge and Kellen have practically handed us all the weapons we need." said Draco brightly.

"Settle down, boys. We´re not quite there yet." said Amelia with a small giggle, patting both Draco and Blaise on the shoulder with clear affection.

Blaise watched smilingly, as everyone started to exit the room.
One person however remained, and approached him.

"I've been thinking, Blaise… There is another way how to make the Ministry assist our side." said Arthur.

Blaise looked at him with bright curiosity, gesturing to the two chairs nearby – ones, that arranged themselves into position at the casual wave of his hand.

Arthur smiled in appreciation, sitting down and faced Blaise.

"As you so rightly pointed out, the Ministry still functions as a democracy. The common-folk, if they're united CAN make them vote in our favour and force them to assist us with the negotiations."

Blaise smiled and nodded.

"I HAVE given thought of that, Arthur. However, as you know, the Ministry is now in full control of the Daily Prophet and is keeping an eye on other journals, making sure that most of the information regarding the Civil war will be blocked."

Both could easily recall the Vote about the matter. Their loss was a real disappointment, and had certainly been responsible for quite a few political set-backs since then.

"Yes, I know. However, I'm not sure if you've read the Prophet lately… but Lockhart appears in most of the articles regarding what's going on."

This struck Blaise as somewhat of a surprise.
In all honesty, since the recent few issues that needed to be voted on, he had absolutely failed to have a look at the Daily Prophet.
Although that was in part due to the fact, that his beloved Luna, and now also his Mother, absolutely despised the said newspaper.
The lost vote had also resulted in the close watch that was now being exercised over his father-in-law's (in)famous magazine. Needless to say, that Luna was certainly NOT pleased about this, and very much disappointed that even he – the Head of the Grand Noble Opposition could do nothing about it.
It is the main reason, why Blaise did not even dare to mention the word "newspaper" around Zabini Manor anymore.
After all… he would very much hate to get into a "cold war" with his precious moonbeam… he'd seen on Harry that such a thing was definitely not a laughing matter.

"Fudge is using Lockhart to keep assuring people, that the Incompliable do not stand a chance at challenging the Ministry. But since the Incompliable have WON the recent battles, there are so many rumours going about and…"

Blaise nodded, knowing what Arthur was getting at.

"The common-folk could definitely use some official approach - I agree, Arthur… However, at the moment, our hands as the Grand Noble Opposition are tied in this matter. Right now, I believe, we have to do what we can with the options we have available."

Arthur nodded slowly, flashing Blaise an understanding smile.

"I thank you for bringing this to my attention, Arthur. Perhaps once the circumstances allow it, we will be able to try and reverse the vote on the Daily Prophet. But for the moment, trying to engage a diplomatic solution is the Grand Noble Opposition's highest priority."


"… and I want the essay on the Strengthening Solution on Monday – NO exceptions."

Professor Severus Snape was once more greeted by groans of his class – fifth-years, who were already starting to pack their belongings into their schoolbags, the moment he announced the end of the lesson.

And, as it was common in this class, the groans were coming from it's Gryffindor part.

"Give us a break, Professor."

Severus refrained from rolling his eyes. How natural – his Slytherins took the demand without question, and a Gryffindor (a prefect nonetheless) was still complaining.
Not too mention… the sentence reminded him all too much of another Gryffindor, that had once shared Potions class with him, when he was still a student.

"Five points from Gryffindor, Harkwood." he said smoothly, taking quite the pleasure that it certainly did the trick, the boy instantly receiving a few glares from his house-mates.

"You never WERE able to shut your mouth, Harkwood." muttered a certain short-haired Gryffindor, instantly drawing the glares from his house-mates on himself.

"Shut up, McLaggen." said Harkwood.

The boy smirked and turned his back on the lot of them.

"Kellen, Harkwood. My surname is Kellen now." he said easily, moving to the door and exiting first.

The other Gryffindors sneered and followed out of the class, clearly more disgruntled than about their new addition on their already busy workload.

Severus found himself shaking his head, and judging by the fact that his Slytherins took their time and waited for the Gryffindors to clear out, he could tell that they shared his feelings.

"Bertram Shafiq… a word." he called, as the Slytherin students started to exit.

Bertram Shafiq stood back obediently, but he was not the only one who returned into the classroom.

Severus suppressed a smile.
As it was common with many at Hogwarts, Bertram definitely could not be separated from his group of friends – in this case his best friend Marvolo Flint, Flora and Hestia Carrow, Rebecca Davis and Astoria Malfoy.
He did not mind – in fact, from what he knew, it will actually serve its purpose.

"Yes, Professor Snape?" asked Bertram, still looking a little tired, a shiny badge gleaming on his robes.

"I realise, that your new Prefect position has added on your schedule, however I must warn you, that your performance in Potions has been slipping dangerously."

Bertram hung his head and his friends instantly moved closer to him.

"I am aware, that Potions were never your best subject, however I need scarcely remind you that your OWLs are fast approaching."

It may seem (and many students definitely saw it as such) as though he was favouring the students of his House, but Severus knew that not one of his colleagues would like to see their respective students fail their OWLs – House or no House.
Not to mention, that just like his other colleagues (even if Minerva pretended otherwise), there are some students you cannot help but become fond of. And as such, you take great care to ensure that they will not fail.

"I'm sorry, Professor. I promise to double my efforts." said Bertram quite earnestly.

Severus nodded, honestly believing him even if he wasn't using Legilimency (force of habit).

"I shall assist him, Professor Snape." said Hestia, instantly taking Bertram´s hand, making the said boy's cheeks redden.

"We will help as well." Marvolo instantly added, hand-in-hand with Flora who nodded.

"We won't let Bert fail." nodded Rebecca.

"Or shame our beloved Head of House." added Astoria with a small wink at him.

Severus was really tempted to return the wink and add a small smile in return. Keeping reign on his emotions however, he only gave a curt nod.

"Appreciated, Astoria - but I assure you, that my reputation will not suffer in the slightest in contrast to Bertram's school record."

The six Slytherins nodded and fixed him smiles.

"Not to worry, Professor. We have this firmly in hand." said Marvolo brightly and confidently.

"Especially Hes." offered Astoria slyly.

Hestia and Bertram instantly let go of another's hands, hiding them behind their back in an identical movement and sporting a spectacular blush while glaring at their smirking friend.

"L-lay off, Torie." muttered Bertram, as their friends shared a laugh.

Severus, though smirking was quite enjoying watching this play-by-play and was tempted to chuckle as Torie stuck her tongue out in a snake-like fashion mischievously in return.

Severus knew the gesture by heart – a signature gesture of the Slytherin Squad, born no doubt from Harry's and Angus' love of muggle cartoons.

"I expect results." he said coolly, pointing to the door.

"Yes, Professor Snape." replied all six of them politely, taking their cue and exiting the door.

Severus turned and pulled out his wand, summoning the few Potion supplies that were left after some of his slobbier students and banishing them into the supply cabinet with another lazy flick.

"I saw that, you know." came a voice from the doorway.

He turned to see none other than his wife and Hogwarts Muggle Studies Professor, Charity Snape who was fixing him a soft, loving smile.

He raised his eyebrow and tried to retain his infamous Slytherin poker-face, but like always, with Charity it was somehow harder to do.
He could feel his cheeks redden as she came up to him, pecking him on the lips – she had become very fond of doing that… and though he would never admit it to anyone (except maybe Lily)… he had become fond of it as well.

"You Slytherins… must you always pretend to be so strict and formal?" she asked teasingly.

His blush intensified, knowing that she must have witnessed the entire scene with his students and that she read between the lines perfectly.

"Well, we can't all wear our hearts on our sleeves like Gryffindors… or be kind, fair and warm like Hufflepuffs." he muttered, not meeting her eyes and growing even redder.

Charity instantly beamed at him, her smile positively radiant as she read between the lines yet again – specifically the allusion to her old House.

"Flatterer." she positively purred, before gathering him in her arms and locking their lips in a long, loving kiss.

"Bloody hormones!" he screamed inside his head.

Since becoming pregnant (not to mention that announcement at Potter Cottage and the fantastic amount of teasing he endured at the hands of James Potter and Sirius Black), Charity had definitely become much more affectionate with him than ever before…
And… as it became all-too common lately, (much in the same way as with this current kiss) he found it so much harder to resist… even though…

"Charity…" he muttered, finally finding the strength to separate them, even though their embrace was yet to be broken.

"You do realise, that this castle has more than enough teenagers without the pair of us snogging in a classroom?" he asked with a deadpan voice.

He pursed his lips sternly, but instantly realised that the effect was ruined by the monstrous blush he was sporting.
Something, he was proven correct when she fixed him another radiant smile.

"How in the HELL is this woman capable of reading me so well – without the use of Legilimency?!" he thought, once more asking himself the same question.

"Ah yes, of course. Our most dreaded teacher has a reputation to keep…" she said, adding a wink to the mix.

He was about to reply, when another giggle from the doorway almost made him jump.
To his absolute horror, he saw that it was none other than Minerva McGonnagal.
He instantly found himself wishing to evaporate on the spot.

Charity on the other hand turned to her and fixed her a happy smile, as if nothing had happened.

"Minerva. Come to give us detention?" she asked innocently.

Severus could tell by the way Minerva giggled almost uncharacteristically, that she had been standing in the doorway when he made his teenager comment. And Charity seemed to be aware of it herself.

"I daresay you deserve some lenience, Charity. Especially since I've caught you… er… what was the phrase, Severus…? Ah… snogging like teenagers – now that you are both NOT teenagers."

Severus could once more feel himself growing impossibly red, as his wife giggled beside him.

"Bloody Gryffindors and their bloody teasing – I should KNOW…" he grumbled in his mind.
What was even worse about this particular Gryffindor was the fact, that unlike James and Sirius, she was not only his colleague, but his former Professor – a double embarrassment!

"It's almost time. We should all get going into the Staff Room." said Minerva.

Severus remembered.
During breakfast, Dumbledore mentioned that they would all be having a special meeting in the staff room, once the final classes of the day were over.

He had wondered, and many times during the day when he allowed himself to, what could this meeting be about.

He was however, once more exasperated as he walked towards the staff room alongside Minerva and Charity. The pair of them were not even pondering on what the meeting might be about, or (thankfully) speaking about that embarrassing scene in the Potions classroom, but went right on discussing their views on the preparedness of their respective students for their OWLs as if nothing was going on.

"I CANNOT understand women!" he grumbled in his mind moodily, and for some reason had a small flash of Lily Potter winking at him mischievously at that statement.

They entered the staff room to find that everyone, including the Headmaster was there.
However there was also one more, well-known person there as well.

"Harry?!" breathed Severus in absolute surprise.

Sure enough, it was none other than his Godson, standing beside the Headmaster. He was wearing his casual but stylish black and green robes, many of the Professors had never seen him in.
But the style quite suited him, and Severus couldn't fight back a smile, seeing that the side of his robes near his heart had the Slytherin symbol sewn in – he may have withdrawn from school, but he made it quite clear, that he would always be a Slytherin.

"Good. We're all here." said Dumbledore brightly, calling for attention and offering the young Head of the Potter family a seat with a casual wave of his hand.

"What's going on, Albus? Harry?" asked Remus Lupin, confused and a little alarmed – something that was shared by many of the staff.

"Are you here on behalf of the Grand Noble Opposition, Potter?" asked Professor Flitwick.

Harry smilingly shook his head, and Dumbledore coughed.

"No, Filius. Harry came to Hogwarts for his usual Alchemy lesson. He may have withdrawn from school, but the same does not apply to my once-a-month Alchemy class." Dumbledore explained in a matter-of-fact voice.

"Nice excuse, you two." commented Severus despite himself, instantly seeing through the cover-story.

He could also tell that everyone else did so as well.

"So, why are you really here?" asked Professor Sprout giving Harry a small smile.

Harry settled in his chair, clearing his voice.

"I realise that Hogwarts and its Professors are to be impartial in this entire Civil war that's going on. AND that I can simply request the official school records. I would however, like to ask – discreetly I may add, your views and opinions on seven people I had become very much interested in."

Severus sighed.
He knew, along with everyone else WHO these seven people are likely to be.

"Isn't this a breach of the official rules set for the Tri-Party Government?" groaned Minerva, fixing both Harry and Dumbledore a stern look.

"Or the agreement on Hogwarts' neutrality?!" added Professor Sinistra.

Both however shared a smug smile before turning their sights on the lot of them.

"It most certainly ISN'T." said Harry his voice confident (not to mention pleased).

Dumbledore chuckled.

"You see… the agreement and rules do NOT prohibit the usage of official school records, which I had agreed to provide. And, while the agreement prohibits us teachers from discussing the Incompliable with the students, it does NOT prohibit us to discuss it with anyone else. Needless to say, despite his Alchemy lessons continuing, Harry is no longer a student of Hogwarts school."

Severus smirked.
How Slytherin this was indeed – finding loop-holes in agreements, and using them without hesitation.

And while he was certain, that this was not the reason why his Godson had withdrawn from school (privately, though he understood his choice, he could not help but feel a pang in his heart when he announced it), he could not deny that it did come in very handy in this case.

"To be clear, I am composing my own little investigation – nothing official." said Harry airly.

His expression however instantly changed from cheerful to serious.

"As Albus had said, he had agreed to provide me with official school records regarding these seven people. I am however much more interested in your input and opinions."

Severus saw most of the staff exchange questioning looks among themselves, while Dumbledore beamed at Harry.

"All of you taught at Hogwarts for quite some time now. I know that each and every year, one batch of students leaves and a fresh one comes. But I also know – personally I might add, that each of you Professors very well remember your students' youthful beginnings." said Harry, giving the staff a small bow of respect.

"I would like you to tell me, how you remember these seven particular students – some of you were their respective Heads of House after all. Whatever you can tell me about them – however insignificant it may seem."

Severus rolled his eyes, as Harry got up from his seat and conjured a small blackboard with a wave of his wand.

"Trying to compose a psychological profile, are you?" he asked in what others might misinterpret as a sneer.

And some certainly did.
He could tell though, that Charity, Minerva, Remus, Filius, Pomona and Dumbledore knew different.

"Just trying to familiarise myself with who we're up against. As I understand it, the Traditionalists do not believe in such methods and the Ministry does not even think of using them." said Harry, once more airily.

Quite a few chuckles rang across the staff room.
Harry cleared his throat again.

"All right, there are seven people I would like to ask about, and the sooner we start the better. Most of the students with the exception of Ambrose Gillis have only left Hogwarts in the recent years, so I'm sure that you will have no trouble remembering them. The said former-students are – Dean Thomas, Owen Shaw, Misty Ross, Ruth Easterbrooke, Oliver Wood and… Brian Reeves."

Severus had no trouble in most of them, and he could tell that his colleagues as well.