



"You can do it onee!" a silver-eyed girl said while clenching her fists.

"Hanabi's right sweetheart, you have to do it today." a woman around the age of fourty said with the same enthusiasm.

A fifteen-years-old girl was blushing as the other two girls looked at her. "M-Mom, H-Habani-oneechan.. I-I-I can't do it.." she said holding her school-bag tighter.

"You have to do it Hinata-onee, it's now or never!" Hanabi said as someone knocked on the door.

Hinata's heart skipped a bit. "I-I-I-I can do this!"

"Naruto-chan, come in, come in!" Hinata heard her mother saying.

A tall, blonde guy entered in the kitchen. His bright-blue eyes looked right into Hinata's grey ones. Her cheeks painted in red as they made eye-contact. Naruto smiled brightly pulling Hinata into a hug.

"Morning Hinata-chan!" he said happy.

Hinata was burning like a volcano. "G-G-Good m-m-morning Naruto-k-kun."

He relased her and turned his head towards the little girl next to Hinata. "Morning Hanabi-chan." he catched Hinata's hand and turned around. "Well.. we gotta go. Goodbye Hanabi-chan, obaa-chan." he said while walking out of the house.

Hinata saw her mother and sister giving her a thumb up as they left the house.

'I have to confess my love today, I have to do it.' Hinata told herself mentally as she looked at Naruto's back.

"Hurry up and take it off." a girl whispered in her boyfriend's ear before she started kissing him roughly.

He put his hands on her back and slowly moved them up until he reached her bra. He hesistated and broke the kiss. "Someone will catch us."

She put a finger on his lips. "And do you want me to stop?" the girl moved her finger from his lips, down to his neck until she reached that spot.

The chicken-ass-haired boy moaned. "Sakura.."

Sakura was above him, her bra and her panties were the only clothes she was wearing while her boyfriend also had his pants on, though, he had no shirt. They were excited, hard and fast breaths covered the empty classroom they were in. The P.E. class is gonna end soon.

"So.. want me to stop, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked smirking, she moved her hands slowly and exciting, Sasuke could feel the pleasure more intense than anytime though she still had his pants on.

"You're gonna drive me crazy." he said while trying to think of a way to stop. She was being reckles, she has always been. That's why he loves her.

"The bell is gonna ring in ten minutes." she said, which only made him more excited.

He crashed his lips onto hers. "Then let's do this quickly."

The four teenagers were all going to the same high school; Konoha High School. Enjoying the careless and beautiful teenage years. At the young age of eighteen, neither one of them could have possibly guess what was going to happen.

Sasuke and Sakura were walking on the hallways holding hands, everyone was looking at them with jealousy. Sakura was the most beautiful and desired girl from this high school and Sasuke was the handsome captain of football team. Though everyone hated to admit it, they were meant for each other. They have a relationship of two years already and it was obvious that they aren't gonna break up any time soon.

As the two of them were heading towards their classroom, Naruto approached to them leaving Hinata behind. Too shy to follow him and face the two stars of her high school, Hinata decided to go to her class. She lowered her head and passed by the three of them, Naruto didn't even notice being too captivated by Sakura. Even so, Sasuke saw her passing by them and wondered why did Naruto left her like this.

"Sakura-chan, why is your neck purple here?" the blonde asked as he pointed to Sakura's neck.

Sakura fast covered the purple place and tried to fake a smile. "A bug.. Yeah, a bug bit me."

Naruto smiled, he tried hard to act like the stupid person everyone thinks he is. "I.. I have to go to the class now. See ya later Sakura-chan!" remembering Sasuke was also there, Naruto sneaked out his tongue at him before running to his class where Hinata was waiting for him.

A vein popped on Sasuke's forehead but Sakura's suddenly kiss woke him up. He saw her smirking.

"Let's go to our class." she said and they left hand in hand.

The classes passed by in the same way; slow and painful, but finally, the day was over. Naruto met with Sasuke and Sakura and the three of them decided to go home together; Hinata already left earlier being too shy to stay with Sasuke and Sakura.

"Naruto, where is that girl that always stays with you?" Sakura asked as they walked downstairs, it seemed like they were the last ones to leave school.

Naruto thought for a moment. "I think Hinata-chan left earlier, it's weird.."

Sasuke was sick of his best friend's stupidness, wasn't it obvious that that girl likes him?

"Listen here dobe" he begun but couldn't finish the sentence.

As soon as Naruto opened the door, someone catched the three of them from behind and injected something in each's right arm. In the next moment, neither one could keep their eyes open.

Sasuke opened his eyes slowly, his head was hurting like hell. He was sitting on the floor in a small room with white walls. As he blinked a few times, he managed to see the persons around him. Nine persons. He only recognized three figures: Sakura, who was resting her head on his shoulder, Naruto and the girl who liked Naruto. It seemed that he was the only one awake.

"Are you ok?" he turned to Sakura and shook her shoulders slowly.

Sakura managed to open her eyes as well. She narrowed her eyebrows in pain and put a hand on her forehead.

"My head hurts .." Sasuke looked around and saw that everybody was asleep or uncounscious. "Where are we?" the pink-haired girl asked looking around.

Each person started waking up and Sasuke observed that most of them had head-pains, just like him and Sakura.

"I don't know.." he answered to Sakura's earlier question.

Hinata looked around trembling. She was scared, panicked. Naruto was confused but even a dense person like him could tell nothing good will come out of it. Seeing how Hinata was embracing herself and the scare from her eyes, he fast grabbed her shoulders and embraced her.

"It's ok Hinata-chan, don't be scared. I'm here." not even he was sure if everything is gonna be alright, but he was sure he's gonna protect Hinata.

Hinata's fears suddenly faded away, like magic. She smiled unsusprised by this, because Naruto could always make her fears, sadness and worries disappear just like this.

Sasuke got up and analyzed each person. There were four girls and five boys, all of them were teenagers. Besides Sakura, Naruto and the other girl from their high school, he observed that none of the others knew each other.

"What the heck is going on here?" a girl with brown hair tied in two buns asked getting up. She had an angry and suspicious expression. "Who are you?" she asked Sasuke looking at him with anger.

The raven-haired boy thought he asked him and nobody else because he was the only one who got up from the floor.

"Uchiha Sasuke." he answered, though he was not sure if he should trust her.

"That was not the answer I was searching for. Did you bring me here?" she asked again.

Sakura was watching the scene from the floor, she knew Sasuke could handle the situation so she did not interfere, she trusted him.

"No, I am in the same situation as you. We all are, as I observe." he said looking around at the other persons.

A blonde girl also got up from the floor rubbing her head. She was dressed in some short skirt and a strapless top, her long hair was tied in a long pony-tail. She put a hand on her waist and looked at Sasuke intensly.

"Well, hello there dear," she begun flirting with him.

Sasuke looked at her with a blank face, he tried to hide his disgust as she approached him.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Oh, a blunt one. My name's Yamanaka Ino hon." she answered putting a hand on his shoulder. "And you're.."

"Uchiha Sasuke." he said about to take her hand off of his shoulder.

"And single, I hope."

Sakura couldn't handle this anymore and even though she didn't show how mad she was, she approached her boyfriend and with a calm and confident atitude, she slapped away the blonde's hand.

"Unfortunately, not." she answered looking right into her eyes.

Ino was surprised for a moment but then she looked back at Sakura with a smirk. "What a waste,"

Sakura only glared at her back, she was way too good to argue with such persons.

"Will you explain us what's going on here too?" a voice asked.

Sasuke looked at the person who spoke, it was a boy with long, black hair. His eyes were grey and he was as confused as everyone else. Behind him were other two boys, a red-head and a boy who's hair was tied.

"We don't know." Sasuke asnwered.

The boy got up and grabbed Sasuke by his collar. "Don't joke with me brat, I said I want to know who and why did bring me here!" he glared at Sasuke.

"Hold on—" Sakura wanted to interfere but Sasuke stopped her.

"I'm fine Sakura, don't worry." he said looking at the black-haired boy with the same blank expression.

"There is no use fighting," the red-head behind spoke.

"Do you know anything?" the angry boy asked.

"Kind of," he answered and everyone waited for him to continue. "First of all, let go of him. You just waste strength and energy, he told the truth."

Even though the boy still didn't want to let go of Sasuke, he did. He didn't like the look on Sasuke's face and it made him angry.

"We can't escape, this place has no windows, no doors and no holes." he begun.

"Are you making fun of me?!" the boy got angry again.

"Will you stop getting angry and listen?" the other boy who's hair was tied in a high-tail spoke.

"Why should I trust him? I have no idea who he is, I have no idea who you all are, I have no idea why I am here and all I want is to get the fuck out of here!"

"Look around, we're all in the same situation." the boy looked around and saw scared looks on some girls' faces and confuse on the boys' faces. "Good. Let's tell our names first." nobody answered, they were suspicious. The boy sighed. "My name is Nara Shikamaru."

"Uchiha Sasuke." Sasuke said for the third time.

"Tenten." the brown-haired girl said.

"And your first name?" Shikamaru asked.

"I don't have one." she answered coldly.

Nobody commented and neither did they care why she seemed so weird.

"Yamanaka Ino." the blonde said again smiling flirtously at Shikamaru too.

"Sabakuno Gaara." the red-head answered.

"Uzumaki Naruto.." the blonde answered worried.

He was looking suspiciously at everyone—except the ones he knew—and was being very cautious. Hinata clung onto his arm tightly.

"Hyuuga H-Hinata." the shy girl said.

"Haruno Sakura." the pinkette answered confident.

"What a special name," Ino commented sarcastically, Sakura was actually a very common name.

Sakura decided to ignore her which pretty annoyed the blonde. Everyone looked at the boy who lost his temper easily, he was the only one who didn't tell his name.

"Hyuga Neji."

"Hyuga? Are you related to this guy, Hinata-chan?" Naruto asked turning his head towards the girl.

The girl shook her head furiously. "I-It is just a c-c-coincidence."

"I have been here for three days." Shikamaru begun. Everyone was standing up forming a circle.

"Me too." the red-head said.

"Me three." the blonde said raising her hand.

Those three were not confused or scared which Sasuke though as weird at first, but now he saw why they were so calm. They were used to it.

"I just woke up here in a morning and since then I did not leave this room. There would be food and water left here every morning."

"Same goes for me." the red-head answered.

"I was kidnapped." the blonde said relaxed. "Like, you know, I was.. taking a walk one night and the next morning I woke up here with them." she said pointing towards Shikamaru and Gaara.

"We were also kidnapped after we left school." Sasuke said pointing to Sakura and Naruto.

"I-I.." Hinata begun. She was about to cry as she tried to recall the moment but Naruto took her hand without anyone noticing and gave her courage. "I a-arrived a-at home a-a-and there was n-no one, n-n-no one answered m-me and.. I-I saw someone, s-someone dressed i-in black.. I do not r-remember a-anything else."

"Someone dressed in black? Did you see his face?" Tenten asked.

Suddenly, an unison of different sounds was heard. It was everyone's phone.

"A message." Sakura said. As soon as she and the others read the message, their faces showed the incredible fear they had. "Welcome to my game."

"You all should consider yourself blessed, you've been chosen to entertain me." Sasuke continued.

"The rules are simple." Ino said.

"One. You have twenty-four hours to kill one of you, it does not matter how." Shikamaru continued.

"Two. Don't tell anyone about the game." Gaara also read.

"Three. You must not leave this town from the moment the game starts." Neji continued.

"Four. If you will not kill at least one of you every twenty-four hours.." Tenten begun but could not continue.

"Y-Your l-l-loved ones w-will die.." she said horrified, covering her mouth with her hand.

"The last one to survive will be able to live on, the game starts now." Naruto ended.

A big and heavy silence fell over them. Nobody was able to say anything.

"What the heck.." Tenten said scared. "What the heck is this about?! Is it some kind of joke?"

"Hey, do you hear me?!" Naruto begun to scream looking at the ceiling. "Who are you and what do you want from us?!"

His answer was answered by a sudden black-out. The only bulb in the room broke and everyone collapsed losing counsciouness.




love, Aimii0.