Demona's Crash Down

Chapter 1

One night in New York City a young man of average build and height, with brown hair and brown eyes was walking past an allay-way sighing and muttering to himself "Can't believe I forgot to get some milk, after I "came back" from the store, jeez my head's not in it today." while rubbing the back of his head. Suddenly "CRASH" the sound made the man jump a little, because he knew how New York is with muggers and all. But instead of leaving he went into the ally to have a look and what he saw made his eyes open wide. On the ground next to a couple of trash cans and boxes was a creature he never saw before. He knew by the looks of it that it was a female but she had purple skin with red hair and wigs out her back, with talon-like feet and claw-like hands. He couldn't believe his eyes as much as he wanted to look away he was fixed on her until he noticed a gash on the side of her stomach. He didn't stop to think about what would happen if he tried to help her, all he could think about was that she needed help. As he went to her carefully think he might spook her she opened her eyes and looked at the man and hissed "What do you want!?" The man stopped and simply said to her "I just want to help." As the man said that, she stared at him and hissed "Really, you want to help me, and what take me to a lab or sale me to a freak show..." As she kept talking at him he inched closer and closer to her until "BANG!" As he stood their he looked down at his feet and saw next to them a freshly made hole with smoke coming out of it. He looked towards her and saw she had a tech gun in her hand and hissed "Try coming near me again and I'll put one between your eyes!" The man stood their and looked at the gun and then looked at her honestly and said to her "I'm coming near you, if you want to shoot me then go ahead, but I really want to help you, even if you don't want it. After all I can't just leave someone with that kind of injury." As she looked at him, she heard no hesitation in his voice or distrust in his eyes. She didn't know what to do, she didn't care much about her gash, because by morning it would've healed, but until then she knew that she was in a vulnerable state and for the time being. So she sighed and said "Fine, but I'm not taking my eye off of you!" The young man just says to her "Alright, alright, you can hit me all you want at my place when you're healed, but first I need to find something to cover you up with first, don't want people to get spooked or scared and call the cops or something." As he looked around she continued to stare at him, watching his every move and thought to herself 'Why is he doing this for someone he doesn't know let alone a Gargoyle of all thing, he didn't even look scared of me, he probably thinks I'm too injured to do any harm to him. But he still came towards me even with my gun pointed at him, sign, I don't know what to think.' She was then startled by a voice saying with ease "Here we go." As the man said that he pulled out of a dumpster a large blanket and went back to her and said with a smile "This should do it, come on lean on me." As he helped her up and placed his hand on the wound to stop it from bleeding he then said "By the way I'm James, I just moved here from England." The female Gargoyle looked at him and said to the side "I'm Demona."

As they reached the apartment they entered the building, the entrance wasn't much but a small walk way and a desk with a man reading a newspaper on the other side, next to some stairs on the left. On the right was two lifts. As they moved towards the elevator and pressed the button the man at the front desk looked from his paper and said jokingly "What's this, I thought you went for some milk, but instead you came back with a woman, man I wish I had your luck." Then James looked at the man and said as a counter "But aren't you already married hah ha." The man at the desk just laughed and said "Don't remind me, see you later buddy." and continued reading the paper and James quickly said "Yeah, later." They then both entered the elevator and James pressed the button for number twelve. Demona looked at the man and said in a huff "You're pretty chummy with the front desk aren't you." James looked towards her and realized that Demona was getting bored and said "Kinda, me and him talk now and again. One time he had a black eye." Demona looked at James in surprise and said "Why did that happen, was he mugged or something?" James looked and said "Huh, no no, his wife saw him looking at another girl who was wearing tight jeans and lets just say his wife wasn't too pleased at that." As Demona heard the story she said with disgust "That's what I expected of humans, always doing things to upset others." As James heard that he replied "Well yeah there are some people out there that do upset others, but in his case they made up soon after, I think it's kinda sweet because those two are married for about 12 years and they still get jealous and protective of each other." As he said those words Demona just looked at him as he watched for the elevator to hit 12. Suddenly "Ding" Demona realized what was going on and James just says "Here we go, my room is this way." They continued on not saying a word as they make their way down the corridor and reached a door with the number 57 on. James reached into his right pocket and pulled out a set of keys, he puts the key into the door and opens it. As they enter Demona has a little look around seeing what was in view. In the room was a T.V and a bed in one room and a shower and sink in another. It might not have been big like Demona's home or anything but it was still a nice place. As they walked towards the bed. As James sat Demona on the bed he says to her "Ok, I'm gonna look for the first aid box, just keep pressure on that wound." As James grabs Demona's hand with his right hand and quickly swaps his left hand for hers, he went into the bathroom to look for the first aid box. As he was looking Demona sat on the bed thinking 'What's going on and why and how did this happen.' For a moment she was in deep thought until she heard "CRASH! BANG! WHAT THE? HEY, GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE, WOAH." With a look of concern on her face she gets up and looks in the bathroom and shouts "Is everything alright?" As she looked in, she saw James head over Heel in the bathtub with half a shower-cap over his head and right eye saying in a daze "I'm alright, eh he, just a little pest problem thats all." As she looked down towards the sink she saw a little bug. She then looked at the man and said "You made all that noise because of one little bug?" As she said that the bug flew up into the air and like a flash she grabbed the bug and crushed it in her hand. James just looked at her and said with a chuckle "Ur, yeah I guess so, anyway thanks for that, I really appreciate it." He then got up from the bath and Demona just said "Whatever, just hurry up and find the first aid." After she said that he realized and says "oh right." She then left trying to hide a smile from James and left him alone to sit on the bed and quickly placed her hand on her mouth to suppress her chuckle trying not to be load. As that was happening James took the shower cap off and continued looking for the first aid, he then opened a couple of cupboards and found the first aid box. He then walked out and before he saw Demona laughing see straightened herself up and sat where she was before while he was saying "Ok, here we are, I'm gonna have to disinfect the wound and... what's going on?" When he finished looking at the box as he was talking, he saw the bed sheets a mess and all over the place. Demona looked away from him and said "What do you mean, I don't see anything different." As James was looking around shrugged his shoulders and continued towards the bed. All the while Demona realizes that she was getting comfortable with him, she didn't know how it happened or way, as she was thinking she felt as though he was walking towards her in slow-motion when their eyes met she suddenly heard a 'Thumb! Thumb!' She then felt her cheeks flare up. That thump was so deafening she thought to herself 'What's happening, what's going on, it's like theirs a pressure in my chest that's trying to get out, but why?' As James sat beside her she kept on looking at him not hearing a word he was saying "... Hey, Demona, are you listening?" Shocked from the sudden question she stutters "W-what?" James sighs and then says to her "lift up your arm and wings so I can put the disinfectant on you, then bandage you up." She looks in his hands and saw that he was wearing gloves and holding a cotton swab in one hand and the disinfectant in the other and says "O-oh ok." As she lifts her arm and wing James says to her "Ok, I'm not sure if this will work for you, being what you are and all, even though I don't know what you are, but here's hoping that it will help heal you." As he gets ready to apply the disinfectant coved swab to her he the said "This may sting a little but please bear with it ok." Demona looks at him and he looks at her with a little sweat dripping down his face and she then nodded and braced herself as he applies the swab to the wound. She grips the bed sides tightly trying to endure the pain, as soon as he was finished she relaxed and was breathing heavy. James then said "Ok thats the end of that, now for the bandages, please lift both your arms and wings this time." As she lifted them she watched as he wrapped the bandages around her wound and stomach tightly, she winced for a second and he flinched and stopped wrapping and asked in a worried way "Sorry, are you ok, I didn't hurt you did I?" She looked at him and saw the worried look on his face and said slightly "N-no, I'm fine, your fingers just brushed against the wound a little nothing more." As she said that she glanced at him and he said with relief "Thank god, I was worried there for a second, heh heh." As he finished his sentence he gave her a smile and continued with the wrapping. As he continued she looked at him and everything was in slow motion again, then before she realized their eyes met again for a split second and suddenly 'Thumb! Thumb!" her cheeks felt flushed again and she quickly looks away and thinks to herself 'Theirs that feeling again, what is that? It happens every-time I look into his eyes, what's going on with me?' She looks at him confusedly and started thinking 'Oh no, don't tell me I'm growing attached to this human, not me, not the human hating Demona, but why, why him of all things, this is just like Goliath and that police human, why what's so interesting about them?' She then heard "There all done." It was James, She looked at her stomach and saw how neat and clean it was. He then said "Feel free to take my bed for the night, I'll sleep on the two-seater over near the window." As he went towards the cupboard to get the spear blanket a pillow she says to him, hiding her disappointment "Oh ok, good night." Then she grabbed the covers and turned over. James went to the two-seater and spread out his blanket and pillow and fell asleep. As James was laying on the two-seater asleep Demona wasn't able to sleep. As she laid in bed looking towards the place James was, she thought to herself 'How can he be so trusting, he helped me, a creature thats not even human, but why, what will he gain from this?' As those thoughts played in her head she kept looking at James, who was facing inwards of the two-seater. She stared at him, not looking away, trying to work out what his angle was. Until his face came into view as he turned over, looking as though he was in no danger. Demona then got up and went towards James she didn't know what she was gonna do. She stood still looking at James' face, until she reached down and picked him up and carried him carefully trying not to wake him up and moved towards the bed and gently placed him on the bed under the blanket. She then walked to the other-side sat down on the bed with her wings folded across her chest and placed her face into her hands. Then lifted her head to look into her hands and whispered to herself as quiet as she can "What am I doing, he's a human, all humans are disgusting things that shouldn't even be here, but why is he different, it's like he doesn't care what I am or what he is to me, it's like he's treating me as an equal?" With each words she lifted her head up and looks at the man sleeping with his back turned. When he turns over, not knowing he's facing Demona. The moment she saw his sleeping face she felt a strange feeling come over her. not realizing, she leaned in closer and closer towards him. Her face was only inches away from his face and she whispers in his ear "It's not fair, why did you want to save me?" The man turned towards the ceiling and said in his sleep "Mmm, Because, yawn, it... wasss... th... righttttttt... thing... to... do...mmmmm." As he said those words she jumped up in shock hands clasped her mouth, not wanting to wake him up. Before she realized it, tears started streaming slowly from her eyes. She looked at her hands as drops of water fell into them and she said quietly "H-huh,
w-why am I crying, is it, is it because of him, he is the first one to ever say such things to me." She leaned in again after her tears have subsided and whispers "T-thank you, you are so kindhearted and warm, even to me." she leaned in more and placed her lips on his warm cheeks. After she pulled away with a heart warming smile, as though her heart has finally melted after so long. She then laid down and started closing her eyes and before she knew it she drifted into a nice warm sleep she hadn't felt in a long time.

End of Chapter 1

Gargoyles Characters Greg Weisman