Hey everyone I've decided to make this the final chapter of the story « Psycho love « I'm sorry to all the story fans. I have received a lot of PM's about not continuing the story and being late with the updates, but I want to finish one of the stories so I decided to make it this one.
But hey PM me or review if you want idk a sequel or something. I'm not sure if I will make one but it's possible for me to change my mind...maybe
« GET BACK HERE SQUIRT! « shouted Brick as he was doing his best to catch a flying Beverly. She was actually having a lot of fun. Brick has always been one of her favorite uncles. Unlike her uncle Boomer who just can't resist not telling her a bed time story, Brick doesn't treat her as a little baby girl, he treats her like he treats the rest of the people.
But there is one problem...Beverly had no idea that her uncles used to be vilians.
Beverly knew about crime and she hated vilians, she wants to continue the mission of her mother and aunties.
Nobody actually planned on telling her that Brick and Boomer were once the most wanted vilians in town, but since they got good and everyone got used to have them around, there was no point in telling anything.
As Brick and Beverly reached to the house, Brick stopped Beverly from entering inside.
« Uncle Brick what are you doing? « she asked with a soft tone. Her tone wasn't exactly like Buttercups when she was a kid, Beverly's voice could be cold and angered, but also sweet and nice. It was hard to believe that it was possible at all.
« Ring a bell instead, it's rude to enter the house like that « said Brick with a smile
« Rude? Uncle Brick what's got into you? I always enter the house like this because its where I live « explained Beverly.
Brick hated that she could be a smartass. It reminded her about Blossom.
It's not that he hates her, in fact he loves Blossom to death but the smartass attitude is annoying, and Blossom got Beverly adicted to reading and that's why she's becoming the minny of everyone.
Minny Bubbles with the voice and the nicey attitude.
Minny Blossom with her smartass attitude
Minny Buttercup because she can be viscious in need.
« Beverly? Weren't you guys training? « asked Blossom as she opened the door.
« We were, but then we got hungry « said Beverly as she happily got inside the house and flew in the arms of her mother who was setting up the baloons.
« Hey Bev how did the training go birthday girl? « asked Buttercup as she ruffled her daughters hair. Beverly giggled and did the same hair ruffle to Buttercup.
« I beated uncle Brick! « exclaimed Beverly as she took one of the baloons.
« No you didn't you just took my hat as a distraction « defended Brick but in a sort of sarcastic way
« Distraction? I didn't took your hat as a distraction, your hat is always a distraction « added Beverly
« Nerd « muttered Brick under his breath but he got elbowed by Blossom
« Come on Beverly! Your friends are waiting outside in the back yard « said Bubbles as she carried sweets for the kids
Beverly squealed and flew outside, leaving everyone laughing behind her
« Who would even guess that she's a daughter of ' All mighty Buttercup ' « said Boomer as he took the birthday cake and headed outside
« Who would've guessed that she's a daughter of psycho Butch « said Blossom in a low tone but Buttercup and Brick still heared her.
« Bloss calm down, Butch hasn't showed up in three years. I'm sure he won't show up any sooner either « comforted Brick and took his girl outside with the kids.
Now Buttercup was left alone and from the window she watched her daughter play with the rest of the kids. She sighed as she turned around to face a pair of green eyes looking directly into her lime.
« Who would've guessed that we would have such a wonderful kid « she said as she looked at her daughter, but not alone now.
« And she's got a lot stronger for a little girl. You've done a good job BC « said a man next to her
« Did you even doubt Butchie boy? «
He smirked before saying anything.
He put his arms around Buttercup's waist and pulled her closer
« Not a chance « he whispered before pulling her into a deep kiss.