Such Strange Things Chapter One

First JohnLock ever! Hope you enjoy.



Summary:AU John Hamish Watson always believed that he would end up living a dull normal life; wake up, eat, work, sleep, then repeat. Until one day, fate decided to throw such a strange thing into his life.

Some OOC during sex scenes

Disclaimer: I don't own Sherlock nor do I own the characters!



John Watson's chest was pressed up against the kitchen refrigerator while the one and only Sherlock Holmes hammered into him from the back. The cold door of the fridge did nothing to cool down John's heated body. If anything, the low hum that vibrated the fridge ever so softly against John's perked nipples, drove him deeper into the realm of ecstasy.

"Oohh...Sherlock~" John breathily moaned out. Too far into the pleasure to give a damn about how he must sound like a female in heat right now. "Aahh...yes...oh feels so Good!" His moans steadily growing louder with every thrust.

He hears a low growl from behind him before he feels Sherlock's chest press flush against his sweaty back and long hair drape around him. There's another growl but this time it's in his ear and John can feel it rumble from Sherlock's chest. A warm breath ghost over his ear before a toungue darts out and licks the shell of it. Then slightly sharpened teeth gently nibble on his earlobe before that same tounge comes back to soothe the slight sting. These minastrations cause John's arousal to spike even higher and his eyes to roll towards the back of his head.

"Mmmnn...yes...Sherlock...more!" John whines. Sherlock grips John's hips tighter.

"Spread your legs...uhn...wider for me. And remember, don't even think about touching yourself." Sherlock grunts into John's ear, nipping the spot just below John's earlobe that drives the man below him wild.

That sexy voice in his ear along with a nip to his special spot makes John comply completely with no hesitation at all. He spreads his legs so wide that he believes he might end up doing a split right then and there. Sherlock stands back up straight, chest no longer pressing up against John's back, and continues to thrust fast into the shorter man.

"AAHH...RIGHT THERE!" John screams. He's almost certain that Mrs Hudson can hear him by now. But with his legs spread wide like this, he's pulling Sherlock in more deep, allowing the demon to hit his prostate dead on. So how can anyone blame him for screaming out in pleasure? It's not his fault that sex with Sherlock feels so good.

"SHERLOCK! Faster...harder...ah..MORE!" And Sherlock is more then willing to satisfy the plea that came from his beautiful human's full, redden lips. John feels like he is in heaven. He's becoming numb with pleasure and it feels extraordinary.

Sherlock is rocking John so hard the refrigerator is beginning to shake violently, but neither of them take notice. John can feel the heat begin to coil in his lower belly and grips the fridge tighter. Sherlock can tell that John is close by the way the blonde's legs are trembling and how he is speaking broken nonsense.

" you so this so much...ah!" John arches his back, forcing his whole front to be pressed against the fridge. "Ah make me feel so good~. I need to come now. Make me...ah...come, love."

Sherlock can feel his climax building up and clawing its way up to the surface. He wants to draw this out longer to see just how far he can push John. He slows down to an almost stop and slowly keeps thrusting inside John. The demon's lips curl into a smirk when he hears a groan come from the ex-army doctor. He knows John is close to breaking, just a few mor thrust and...

"PLEASE!" John screams. The blunt head of Sherlock's cock is steadily rubbing against John's abused prostate and driving him insane! He doesn't think he'll be able to stand much longer or conscious for that matter if he doesn't find relief soon. Since he can't touch himself, he resorts to something else; begging.

"Please Sherlock...ugh... please, please make me come. I can't take it any longer. Touch something...ANYTHING! Just please...let me come!" John all but sobbed. He was trapped between the borders of pain and pleasure and wasn't enjoying it very much anymore.

Sherlock decided to take pity on his beloved human and allow him release. The black haired demon reached down and took John's weeping cock in his and began to stroke hard.

When Sherlock's hand touched his cock, John saw was white then warm long arms wrap around his body before his vision was filled with black.


John woke up to the feel of fingers running through his hair. He cracked his eyes open to have stealy grey ones peering back at him. He had to blink a couple of times before realizing that those eyes belong to Sherlock, whose arms he was in, while they're both in...bed?

Why was he in bed with Sherlock craddling him? How did they end up here? And why does Sherlock look so worried? And...oh.

The recent events flood his brain so fast that he can't stop the blush that rises to he face quick enough. He remembers begging Sherlock for release then coming and then, nothing. This could only mean one of two things; either everything that happened was just a dream and he must have gotten too loud in his sleep that Sherlock came to check on him or...he passed out after he came.

By the state he's in; cleaned up, in his sleep wear, not sweaty or out of breath, and a dull ache in his lower back, clearly means its the latter of the two. Upon realizing this, John notices that Sherlock is clearly waiting for him to say something. So he says the first thing that comes to mind.


"That's it?" Sherlock ask with one eyebrow raised.

"Umm...what else would I say?"

Sherlock rolls his eyes before flopping John back onto the bed and standing up. John sits up, rubbing his head from where it hit the head board, and stares at the retreating form of Sherlock.

"Ow! What the bloody hell was that for?" Sherlock pauses in the doorway before speaking.

"You were unconscious for 2 hours, 43 minutes, and 17 seconds. During that time in which I cleaned us both up, dressed us both in our sleep wear, cleaned the mess we made in the kitchen up, apologized to Mrs. Hudson when she came upstairs to complain about our "rough housing", and after all that, you still wasn't awake." He doesn't turn around even after he has said all if this.

"Ok? I still don't see why you dropped me the way you just did? I'm getting a headache now." John frowns, still rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh poor you." Sherlock says with indifference.

"What's gotten into you all of a sudden?" John starts as he begins to climb out of the bed, careful of his sore backside. "I thought we were doing fine. Was I wrong?" He stands up and makes his way towards his lover. But before he can even take one step closer to Sherlock, the demon whips around to stare John in the eyes. The movement was so fast and unexpected that it startled the human into falling back onto the bed.

"Really John? Really?" Sherlock sneers. "'What's gotten into me?' What about you? What's gotten into you?" A look of confusion crosses John's features causing Shelock to close his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. "John, how would you feel if the one closest to your heart passed out after sex and didn't show any signs of regaining consciousness for several hours and then once they do awaken the brush it off as if nothing happened?"

John opens his mouth then closes it again to think about what Sherlock had just said. He looks up at Sherlock and notices a lot. He notices that once long hair is now back to its mop of curls and that sharp nails are back to blunt ones. He looks into the demon's eyes and sees that stealy grey eyes are in place on shiny silver ones. And in those eyes, he sees unshedded tears and worry.

"Oh Sherlock, I'm so sorry." John says while shaking his head. "Come here love. Let me make it up to you for being so heartless." He scoots back against the headboard and opens his arms to Sherlock.

Sherlock's face softens slightly before he strides to John's opened arms. He settles in between the blonde's legs, resting his back against the well built chest of the doctor. He lets out a content sigh when he feels John curl his arms around his shoulders and rest his chin on top of his curls. He's about to close his eyes when he hears John let out a sigh.

"I cannot see your face when in this position, so I cannot tell why it is you are sighing. So do me the honors?"

John lets out a soft chuckle that swells Sherlock's heart. "I hardly see what's so funny." He smiles softly.

"Sorry love. It's just, I was thinking about how we met and everything we've been through." John says with a fond smile. Sherlock makes a sound of acknowledgement and John takes as a sign to continue. "Do you remember it all Sherlock?"

The curly head demon snorts. "Of course I remember everything. If I recall correctly, it all started with me waking up in your bed." He smirks.

"No, that's when you regained consciousness. I had found you in an ally after I got off of work, fighting a group of thugs." John corrects.

Sherlock squints his eyes in concentration. "I don't quite remember that part. Are you sure you are not mistaken? Because I am certain that did not happen."

"We'll you were hurt pretty badly and half delusional with exhaustion by that point, but you still managed to beat all of those thugs near death. It's a good thing I came in time."

"John I don't believe-"

"Sherlock! Don't try to prove me wrong when it's clear that I'm right." John huffs.

"Fine then, tell me how we have arrive to this point in time then, since you seem to be the genius here." Sherlock snaps back softly.

"Gladly! Now...where to begin." John says more to himself than to Sherlock as he gets comfortable behind the taller being.

To Be Continue


Author's notes

I decided to upload this again because I just didn't like the way I had set it up...but it's back now.

So I hope you all like the story so far.

As you can tell, John is a human in this story who has a demon named Sherlock as his lover. next chapter is the actual start of there back story of how they came to be in this relationship.

I'll try to update regularly since school is finally over! Let me know your thoughts on this and yea...there will be more to come. :)