
Harry stumbled and blinked.

"What the?" he muttered as he glanced around the shower cubicle. "Oww.." he uttered as the movement of his head send stabbing pains through his skull. He reached up as he turned to the mirror and felt the blood on his forehead the same time as he saw it. On the opposite side to his famous scar was a nasty scrape. Fresh blood beaded from the torn skin and he guessed he had only a few moments before it started dripping into his eyes.

Muttering the worst obscenities he could think off, nothing too special sadly, he quickly finished getting dressed and, holding a flannel to his forehead left the bathroom, almost bumping into a pyjama carrying Neville.

"What happened Harry?" he asked.

"Bumped my head." Harry gritted out. The pain was getting worse. "Heading to Pomfrey."

Neville nodded, "I'll help." Harry wasn't going to argue. It was hurting just to think.

After a few seconds so Neville could chuck his pyjamas onto his bed Harry found himself escorted quickly through and out of the common room. Neville uttered a few answers to questions but Harry barely paid attention. Too busy wondering how hard he must have hit his head to have it hurt so much.

The hospital wing was surprisingly crowded, the reason for which he learned soon after Madam Pomfrey finished healing his head wound and he found himself once again able to focus on what was around him.

"I demand you question him under Veritaserum. We already know he's a murderer and a powerful wizard. I tell you my son wouldn't have fallen to anyone weaker." screamed a tall mean looking man.

"I'm going to have to agree. Administer the potion Dawlish."

Dumbledore protested against calling the accidental deaths of a students murder and and the administring of the potion once more but it seemed that Harry was no longer a minor and the minister had the authority to demand it. Not even Dumbledore could argue that. Dumbledore did however make sure that the questions Harry would be asked would be jointly agreed upon then written out in full first and the questioner sworn to only ask those. A selective silencing charm was cast on Harry so he could only hear the questioner, preventing him from not only answering other questions but also hearing them deciding which questions to ask and discussing the answers.

"What is your name?"

"Harry James Potter"

"When was the last time you saw Theodore Nott?"

"During potions just after lunch."

There was a pause after that one.

"Did you kill Theodore Nott?"


A longer pause.

"Were you involved in his murder?"


"What do you know about his murder?"

"Nothing. I wasn't aware he had been murdered. I only know that I wasn't involved."

A very long pause and Harry started to feel his mind slowly begin to clear though it wasn't clear enough that he could avoid answering the final question.

"What is your involvement in the deaths of Lucas Avery, Joseph Gibbon, Randolph Grech, Pansy Parkinson and Cassius Warrington."

"I had no involvement in any of their deaths."

Another long pause and the potion had fully worn off before the silencing spell and binding spells holding him to the chair were released.

Dumbledore was quick to lead him out whilst Mr. Nott, as the minister referred to him as, was still complaining that not enough was being down to find his son's murderer.

Harry couldn't help but feel slightly satisfied that yet another junior death eater was dead. Whoever was killing them off had balanced the numbers again. For every muggleborn that mysteriously disappeared or died within Hogwarts two junior death eaters were found dead. If it wasn't for the suspicion continually falling on him he'd wished he could have helped.

Back in the common room there was quite a gathering of people waiting for his return.

"Is it true? Nott this time?" asked Ron.

Harry nodded, "Yep. They questioned me under Veritaserum this time."

"What!" screeched Hermione. "They can't do that. You're a minor!"

Harry shook his head and the sudden commotion his words had started quietened as he replied, "Nope. It seems that the minister approved my emancipation purely so he could dose me with the potion."

"So they still don't know who's doing it then. Well good on them. Nott certainly won't be missed after what he did to that third year Hufflepuff."

Harry nodded, "Just hope whoever is doing it keeps being careful."

People chatted about it for a bit longer, careful to not actually speak their guesses about the identity of the killer or killers aloud in case they got it right and assisted the authorities in their hunt.

Harry went back into the bathroom, he'd didn't seem to need another shower but after dealing with the minister and his Death Eater supporters he felt dirty.

Entering his regular shower cubicle he tapped his wand on the taps to start the hot water flowing and put his head under it. It felt really good.

There was a faint click and Harry quickly grasped his wand and spun around to face the wall, only to find no threat but rather a small previously hidden cupboard standing open. A thick book stood next to a rack of small vials and three unfamiliar wands. A large note was pinned to the front of the book.

'Hi Me. Imagine if you will a way to commit a murder in a place where people can and depend on the ability to read minds and force people to tell the truth. One way to get around that is to not remember the murder. If you are reading this right before bed I suggest you obviate the last few minutes with the rosewood wand and get a good nights rest. There is already a charm to return the wand and close the cupboard after the spell is cast. If you have some time to prepare and plan then the journal contains our last thoughts and the list of targets plus more lengthy instructions on recovering and protecting your memories. I wish us the best of luck, Harry James Potter. P.S. If you are currently panicking that someone might find this letter and learn all this, like I always tend to do, don't worry, it's keyed so that only you can read it. Details within the journal of course.'

Harry blinked in surprise then a wide grin spread across his face as he reached out and took the rosewood wand.
