Chapter 1

Biffy was rummaging around his locker for his math book for next period. He pulled out the heavy text book along with his algebra home work, he really hated math class. The thought of hafting to sit through a long, drawn out lesson on mathematical equations made him mutter an irritated growl. He needed a serious pick-me-up. Biffy glanced around the hall; the bell was about to ring in the next couple of minutes so the hall was almost empty. He pulled out his phone and flipped through his pictures till he came to image he was looking for. There, frozen perfectly was Lee, laughing so hard he was close to tears and doubled over at his locker. Biffy had managed to secretly take the picture; it was his little bright spot during his dreary school days. He needed something to keep him going between the morning bell and his detention banter with his favorite fellow inmate. Biffy had said once he 'tolerated' Lee, but that was far from the truth, the truth that he, Bifford T. Goldstien was in love with Lee Ping.

He gave a sigh; it was so sad the way he pined over a friend that would never be anything more than just that. A friend.

"Oh! Happy, happy picture time! Is a good picture of the Lee friend, ja?" Biffy was so surprised by the interruption he dropped his phone. The owner of the voice that had broken his thoughts was none other than the foreign nut ball Holger. He happily scooped up the phone and held it out to Biffy who quickly snatched it away and shoved it into his pants pocket. He glared at the blond, who suddenly had a puzzled look on his face, "Why does the Biffy have a picture of Lee?"

"Uhhh . . . it's none of your business!" Biffy shouted hoping to scare the other boy off. But Holger didn't seem to be swayed as he continued to stare at the taller teen. Suddenly his face got bright and he started doing a bizarre little dance, greatly confusing Biffy (although at this point he learned to just go with the strange whims of Lee's friends).

"You have the lovey-love for the Lee friend! He make your heart go kaflufen!" Holger threw his arms wide in excitement at his newly discovered news, while Biffy stared at him in shock. How could he have figured it out!? Holger was smarter and more observant than he gave him credit for, "Holger must tell! So all of friends can be happy at the school friends love dove" this snapped Biffy to attention.

"You're not saying to anyone blonde!" he cracked his knuckles menacingly as he towered over the exchange student. Holger backed up to the lockers holding his hands up in front of him, "This conversation never happened, understand? And if you breath one word of this to Lee or anyone else, I'll make sure you never breath another word to anyone!" he put as much menace into his voice as hw could, "Understand?" Holger nodded furiously.

"Holger cross his lips and sip his heart. He no tell Lee Biffy be wanting to make the smooching with him," his comment made Biffy both irritated and embarrassed; to hear it out loud, it just made his situation sound all the more pathetic. He made an irritated growl and stomped off toward his next class, this was not good. Even if Holger had given his word, he had a bad habit of blurting out things that are suppose to stay secret. As Biffy entered the class room he was handed a late slip and told to report to detention, as he took his seat he couldn't help thinking this was very, very bad.

This is my first fanfic! I'm very excited about this, even though this chapter is pretty short, but I think it turned out well. There will be more chapters to this but I haven't decided how many, I'll just write as it comes. Please comment! I want to know where I need to improve! I hope to see you in the next chapter.