Set mid-season 2, before they start dating but after Patricia finds out about his dad. Patricia has her voice in this, but Eddie didn't confront her about when he overheard her talking to Joy, he just knows about it.

Prompted by- DesiredHOA1: Joy walks in on them talking and assumes they're secretly dating.

Disclaimer: I don't own House of Anubis.

"You and I walk a fragile line

I have known it all this time,

Just never thought I'd live to see it break."

-Taylor Swift; Haunted; Speak Now

Eddie walked into the kitchen and glanced to see who was in the common room, to see Patricia sitting on the couch, leaning against the armrest, a notebook in her lap, but her mind was obviously elsewhere. He sighed and quietly made his way over to her, "Look, Patricia, just hear me out okay?" Eddie sat down on the couch placing a firm hand on her notebook so she couldn't get up.

"Eddie... I told you, I'm not going to tell anyone your secret. Can you please leave me alone now?" She shot him a look, but it was clear she wasn't angry, if anything, she sounded upset.

"Just listen, okay?" He asked, moving his hand from her notebook, sucking in a breath.

Patricia sighed, but gave in, "okay..."

Eddie exhaled, thankful she'd given him a chance, "For starters, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my dad, you're right, I could've trusted you, but I didn't. And I'm really sorry," Eddie told her, leaning in a bit, which made her uncomfortable because for once, she wasn't in control. His voice became softer as he started his next sentence, "and I know you said we can't be friends, but, I'd really like to try. I like you, Patricia, as much more than a friend. And I don't know if you like me too but-"

"I do." Her tone was quiet, but she sounded confident and sure, which surprised them both. She gasped and raised her hand to her mouth, not believing she'd just admitted her feelings aloud.

Eddie completely took advantage of her confession by grinning and scooting closer, so that their knees were brushing, and he placed an arm on the armrest of the couch, basically trapping her, "So you do..." Eddie wiggled his eyebrows, leaning in closer so his breath was on her face.

"Woah!" Someone remarked, from the doorway. Quickly, Patricia and Eddie turned their heads to face the door and Eddie completely backed off, eyeing the doorway. The petite brunette had a smile stretched on her face causing her best friend to shoot her a look that said, 'We're kind of in the middle of something' and Eddie just chuckled, ducking his head. "Patricia, Nina and Amber are looking for you, but I mean if you're too busy..." She trailed off, raising her eyebrows at the pair.

"N-no! I'm coming!" She scrambled away from Eddie and dashed up the stairs, her boots clanking up behind her, a slight smile still on her face.

Dinner was awful, well, only to Patricia, but still. Amber was laughing at something Alfie had said, Nina was saying something to Mara since Joy was absolutely absorbed in Fabian, Jerome was shooting secret glances at Mara just as Eddie was doing the same to Patricia, but she was completely focused on her spaghetti. Jerome finally took notice that Patricia was more quiet than usual and coughed, catching everyone's attention, "What's up Trixie? Nothing mean to say to anyone today?" He scoffed, twirling spaghetti on his fork.

Joy immediately butt in, a grin sprawled across her face, "She's just mad I found out about her secret relationship with Eddie," Joy teased, nudging Patricia.

"There is no secret relationship." Patricia growled, as she blushed furiously, she was really hoping Joy wouldn't bring up her almost kiss with Eddie, especially not in front of all of their housemates. Jerome snickered and Alfie muttered something along the lines of 'You are good.' while patting Eddie on the back.

Joy giggled, "Oh, I'm sorry, so you didn't kiss him, he was just getting a closer look at your face to see if there was something in your eye earlier?"

"Oh my goossshh!" Amber squealed, "I always knew you were perfect for eachother! Ever since that carrot fight!"

Patricia just pushed her plate towards the middle of the table and buried her face in her hands. Jerome and Alfie high fived, and Fabian added, "Technically, Joy, they're not in a relationship till he asks her to step out." Which caused Amber and Joy to squeal.

"Ugh I hate you, all of you! Especially you, weasel." Patricia said, recollecting herself and glaring at Eddie who raised his hands in mock surrender, she picked up her plate and walked over to the sink, beginning to wash it, while Eddie crept up behind her, a hand secured on the counter on either side of her, leaning over her. "I'm not washing your plate, Eddie." She retorted coolly, although, she was quite nervous because of his proximity, and the fact that all of her housemates eyes were on her didn't help either.

"Hmm, I was actually thinking of something else..." He said as she turned around.

Patricia tilted her head, acting innocent, "And what ever would that be?"

"Go out with me," he shrugged gently pressing his lips to hers, causing a squeal from Amber and Jerome and Alfie to erupt in cheers.

She pulled away and looked into his eyes, "I guess I can do that, Slimeball."

WOWOW SO THAT TURNED OUT WEIRDER THAN EXPECTED... Anyways, I think I'll be leaving this story because I don't get many reviews or anything but yeah. Also, I promised a chapter of Full Of Surprises this week but I don't think I'll have it done till later sorry.

Until Next Time, Though,
