Welcome to the fourth season of SkyShorts! Starting from this story episode, I will be accepting ideas in reviews from each one of my readers, stating what the characters should do in the next episode. If you can't review, then just mail me at PM. Reviews are accepted, criticisms will not be tolerated.

This season will take a step back into humor, comedy, and misadventures, starring the famous Minecraft Youtubers and many more to come, as well as accepted OC's.

Here is a list below of characters:
-Butter Golem

Accepted OC's
-Alix (Alexander Kreof)
-Kitty (KxF and BxF)
-Crystal (CrysNinjaOfWater)
-Rex (AwesomeKing13)
-Snowy (SnowyGlitter)
-Flame (Minecrafter12321)

So, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, the fourth season of SkyShorts will now begin!

(Note: Any more late OC's will be accepted as will. Just be warned; your OC may be used only once, twice, or triple. That's as far as I'm going. No exceptions).

Ep. 1: Bashur The Teacher

(Note: Based off of one of Bashur's videos, the one where he is the teacher, LOL so hard at it).

(Sometimes, a person can take a game way too seriously. In the early morning in Minecraftia, located about 5 miles from GeoCity is a large building in the middle of a desolate place. However, this building was meant to represent a school, where a couple of Minecrafters are getting ready to play a game of 'Teacher', where they try and escape the school. Inside, Sky is seen inside a classroom with Dawn, Deadlox, Jerome, and HuskyMudkipz, waiting for one of their friends to enter the classroom as the teacher).

-Sky: This game is gonna be awesome!

-Deadlox: Yeah! School is basically like prison. They're places we dread to go to, and the food is practically disgusting.

-Jerome: I just wonder who the teacher will be...

-HuskyMudkipz: It can be anyone, just as long as they aren't completely insane and don't take this game too far.

(Suddenly, bursting out of the door into the classroom is Bashur).

-Bashur: HEY!

(Everyone is startled out of their skins. Husky falls backwards on the seat he is sitting in).


(Everyone scrambles around and find a desk to sit in. Husky struggles to get back up as Bashur preaches loudly at the competitors).

-Bashur: All of you are little slobs and your parents just sent you to my boot camp called Summer School!

-Sky: Bashur, you do realize that this is just a game, right?

-Bashur: SHUT UP! Did I give you permission to speak to your teacher?


-Bashur: NO, I DIDN'T! Now, everybody outside before I force you all out with this ruler stick!

(Everyone terrifyingly escape from their seats and run out of the classroom door. All except Husky, who is still seen struggling to get up).


-HuskyMudkipz: (angrily) I'm not a fish! I'm an amphibian, you prick!

(The Pokemon Minecrafter eventually gets up and makes it out to the hallway. A while later, everyone is lined up at the basketball court, where Bashur continues on with his sergeant-like attitude).

-Bashur: Listen up! You all have been sent here because you are out of shape, uneducated, and downright overweight!

-Dawn: Did you just call me stupid and fat?

-Sky: Bashur, this is a mini-game, not the military.

-Bashur: I play this game the way I wanna play it because I'm the teacher!

-HuskyMudkipz: (whispering to Jerome) The only person who is out of shape, uneducated, and overweight is him.

-Bashur: (towards HuskyMudkipz) WHAT WAS THAT!?

-HuskyMudkipz: Nothing! I was just...uh...telling Jerome that his...uh...fur is looking more...fluffier than ever.

(Bashur glares at the Mudkip, who slightly cowers back a bit. Then, Bashur believes what he told him).

-Bashur: Very well, then. But I've got my eyes on you. Now, we're going to start gym class with some sprints. And just to make sure that you all get in shape faster, I'm gonna spawn all these spiders to go and chase you.

-Everyone except Bashur: WHAT!?

(Bashur takes out a spider spawn egg and rapidly starts spawning Spiders. The spiders hiss and start chasing the Minecrafters, who in response, start screaming and running away. They all run together around the basketball court as a large gang of Spiders chase after them. During all this, Bashur is seen trying to encourage the competitors).

-Bashur: Feel the burn, guys! Feel the burn! Don't let the mobs lead you! You lead them!

-Sky: Bashur, you're fucking crazy!

-Deadlox: What does this have to do with what we're pretending to learn!?

-Bashur: Running from the most dangerous mobs will make you more aware of your surroundings and heighten your abilities!

-Jerome: Ow! One of them bit me!

-Bashur: Also, not to get bitten in places where you should NEVER get bit in!

(While the gang is running, Deadlox stops for a split second to check the chest next to a basketball hoop. He pulls out a fire charge and runs back to the others. When he the others reach the far side of the court, he accidentally trips over and lets go of the fire charge, igniting a fire on the wooden floor).

-Deadlox: Oops.

(The others stop running and only watch as the fire spreads. The group of Spiders stop in their tracks and run away from the spreading fire).

-Sky: Oh my Notch! Deadlox, you dumbass!

(Sky tries to take out the fire by stepping on it, but it only catches his shoe on fire).

-Sky: Ahh! Teacher, help! Teacher, HELP!

(Bashur panics and runs over to the fire. He steps furiously on the blazing inferno).

(4 hours later...)

(Half of the court is gone. Bashur is seen stepping on the last fire before it finally goes out. He pants, then glances over to the others).

-Bashur: Which one of you let the school on fire!?

-Jerome: Okay, I can say that with all honesty, it was definitely not Deadlox.

-Bashur:...It was Deadlox, wasn't it?

-Jerome: (defeated) It was.

(5 minutes later, Deadlox is seen in the detention room with Bashur. The others are standing outside of the detention room, listening to the conversation from the fence-covered windows).

-Bashur: Deadlox, listen. You lit the school on fire. That's a no-no.

-Deadlox: No! You're suspended!

-Bashur: Okay. Until you can admit your mistake, you're staying in this room.

(Bashur walks out the room and shuts the door, controlled by a lever on the side. Bashur starts walking away).

-Bashur: Come on! Let's move on to the next subject.

(The others follows Bashur, carefully trudging around the damaged hole in the court. However, Sky stays behind and reassures his friend).

-Sky: Don't worry, I'll get you out of there, buddy. Time is running out for you.

-Deadlox: Dude, what are you talking about?

-Sky: It's okay, Deadlox. It's okay. You were innocent and Bashur had to put you in that room.

-Deadlox: Sky, I'm fine. I'm not dying or anything.

-Sky: Yeah, but it feels like it.

(A while later, everyone is seen in the library, looking at different bookshelves. Bashur stands guard at the entrance of the room. Sky and Dawn are seen, sitting in seats that are surrounded by bookshelves. Dawn is reading a book while Sky sighs frustratingly from time to time).

-Dawn: What's wrong, Sky?

-Sky: I don't read. It's so boring. I just know Bashur has something planned for all of us.

(Suddenly, Bashur steps up to one of the bookshelves and lights it on fire. Husky looks over, drops a book he had in his hands, and panics).

-HuskyMudkipz: Dude, what the heck!?

-Bashur: This is the next part of your lesson; learning how to escape from a situation without dying!

(Bashur laughs like a mad scientist and backs away as the blaze spreads to the other bookshelves. Everyone gets up from their seat and make a break for the entrance. Suddenly, a section of the bookshelves falls over, blocking the entrance with fire. Everyone scatters by the blocked entrance, thinking how are they going to escape. Then, Sky makes a brave move and leaps over the bookshelves. The fire is only an inch above his stomach as he flies over. He gets to the other side, not seriously hurt. He gets up and encourages his friends to jump over).

-Sky: Guys, come on! Jump over! You can do it!

(On the other side, Husky work up enough determination and jump over. He makes it to the other side. The only people left is Dawn and Jerome).

-Jerome: Go on, Dawn. I'll follow last.

-Dawn: Um...okay.

(Dawn takes a step back, then jumps over the burning shelf. She hits the other side on her side. Luckily, Sky is there to help her).

-Sky: Are you okay, Dawny?

-Dawn: I'm fine, Sky. But what about Jerome?

(The others look anxiously in the burning room. A grueling few minutes pass, then Jerome is seen flying over the bookshelf. He gets to the other side safety. The gang breathe a sigh a relief. Then, they all turn to Bashur, who is seen standing awkwardly at them).

-Bashur: (chuckles nervously) Ha, Ha...I may have gone a little too far with that one.

-Sky: Ya think!? Oh, and by the way, someone's in the bathroom, eating your babies.

-Bashur: WHAT!?

(Bashur turns towards the bathroom' doors and runs toward them).

-Bashur: Hey! You eat my babies, you die, son!

-Dawn: (towards Sky) Who's eating his babies?

-Sky: No one. I just did that so we have enough time to free Deadlox and get the Nether OUT OF HERE!

(Sky dashes across the court, leaps over the burnt hole, and frees Deadlox. Sky leads everyone out of the court. Seconds later, Bashur appears out of the bathroom).

-Bashur: Well, no one's eating my babies in there, so-

(Bashur looks up to see the entire gang is gone. Then, he realizes a few minutes later that he was tricked).

-Bashur: Dang it!

(Meanwhile, Sky and Jerome are seen racing for the principal's office while Dawn, Deadlox, and Husky run to the back room of the cafeteria. Jerome steps in front of the office door and it swings open. Sky rushes past Jerome and stands on a pressure plate, behind the principal's desk. The action unlocks the doors behind the counter. Dawn and the others run past through the doors. On the way, Dawn flips a switch, which unlocks the door besides Sky. He and Jerome dash out of the office and catch up with the others. They climb up two sets of ladders and reach freedom).


(The others cheer happily as Bashur is seen crawling out of the escape hole of the school).

-Bashur: Dang it!

(Bashur sighs in defeat as he rises to his feet and meets the others face-to-face).

-Sky: Well, Bashur, I hope you learned something from all this.

-Bashur: I have...playing 'Teacher' is both physically and mentally exhausting and that I just unleashed a whole group of Spiders that are still loose in the school.

-Sky: Well that, but most importantly, this was the intense game of 'Teacher' ever and you're never going to be the teacher again.

-Bashur: I think I can live with that. Come on, let's go do something.

(The second Bashur turns around, he is hit in the back of the head by a spitball).

-Bashur: OW! EW! Who launched this at me!?

(Jerome is just seen whistling causally, behind his back is a load of spitballs. He blames Deadlox).

-Jerome: Deadlox did.

-Deadlox: Um...Bashur, I just want you to know...thank you. You didn't suspend me after I lit the school on fire.

-Sky: Dude, that is just terrible. Deadlox is the only person in existence who would light a school on fire.

-HuskyMudkipz: Yeah, what the heck happened?

-Deadlox: I stole the fire charge in the chest and I...tripped over and it lit on fire.

-Jerome: Well, at least the school is still standing.

(All of a sudden, the Minecrafters hear a whole lot of hissing. They all slowly turn towards the school. Multiple groups of Spiders are seen crawling everywhere on the school, leaving cobwebs in every part of the school).

-Bashur: You know we're going to get in a lot of trouble if the guy who made this mini-game founds out that we did it?

-Sky: It's okay...we'll just slowly back away from the school and pretend we never saw this.

(Everyone backs away, then take off in the other direction, away from the spider-infested school, hoping that no one would ever find out that they were the ones who caused it).