Jade's POV
It's been five years since all that happened. Things have moved on since then, things have developed since five years ago.
Things have been better. Things have been good. Anything was good compared to what we went through. Beck and I managed to make enough money to buy our own place, a rather large apartment with lots of space.
Will needed a big space, for years he has been in a wheelchair, he couldn't walk and could hardly even talk. Brain damage can do that to you.

Luke had to pay for therapy classes for Will to learn how to do the most basic things, it was tough on him which made it even as tough on me to make him do it over and over again even though he begged me not to because it was too hard. My daddy dearest certainly left a shit load of mess since he was locked up.
Justice was certainly done for him, after domestic abuse and attempted murder on three people plus kidnap. You can guess how long he got. And if you can't guess because you don't have a very large mind span it was 24 long years. Long enough for him finding it almost impossible for him to find us again.
As horrible as it sounds, Luke visited him in jail, he didn't want to but it was necessary for him to give him information. You can guess what my dad asked first.

What happened to William.

Luke told him the biggest lie that would ruin his life. He told John Robert West, that he had killed his son. Yes, he said Will had died. And that broke him into tiny little pieces. I don't regret a thing. I don't regret agreeing with Luke to tell John this. It's better off he thinks Wills dead. Then he defiantly would leave us alone. If he thinks it's just me thats left he won't bother, which is what we all want. Now he's sitting in his cell. Rotting. Dripping with guilt. Just like he deserves. May sound drastic to you but to me, it's just desserts.
But Will has defiantly improved, it's took time yes. But he can walk finally, he needs help up the stairs from time to time but he has it sorted, he walks with a limp now as he finds it more secure and he feels more safe, he finds it hard to do sports in school now which upsets him from time to time because he wanted to play professional soccer. He's still young though, 15 infact. He still has loads of options that he'll be open to do in his future. Beck suggested acting but Will laughed in his face and said that wasn't for him.
Fair enough, Will now has an act for surfing, he can do it fine and he's getting really good at it.

But anyway-

Hey, did you talk about me yet?

Why would I do that?

Because I was shot!

It's already been explained that you were fine

You should have more consideration for your boyfriend who took a bullet for you, babe

You're not my boyfriend anymore

Ah yeah that's right...I'm your husband

Its rather concerning that you keep forgetting that, Beck

I just tease you

You're such a liar, go on, go back to your video game with Will

Are you just trying to get rid of me?

No of course not, now beat it...love you

Yeah, okay, love you too

Okay sorry about that. So yeah, I'm not a married women, Beck asked me to marry him on the 22nd November. We then got married on the 29th March. And no I am not pregnant, not yet anyway. Beck now has an act of explain how he took a bullet for me. Literally. He does to every new 'friends' we meet. The man never lets it go.
But then again, neither does Will as he also took a bullet for me, so frankly I feel like damsel in distress when I am far from being exactly that.

"Hey sis, can I got surfing tomorrow with Jane?" Sorry hold on a moment.

"Who the hell is Jane?"

"This girl that I've been-"

"Do not say dating, do NOT say dating"

"Okay I won't say it, but can I?" This is the struggle with raising my brother you see, I'm turning into my mother. I'll be a better one than mine was. Harsh but very true, I loved her but the women was always a wreck.
"Depends what time"


"When will you be back"

"Probably 10"

"Will you kiss her"

"Most likely"


"Get used to it, sis" I really don't want to get used to this, oh god I'm a mother. Ew, that's a strange feeling, I promised myself I wouldn't be the typical mother person who is over protective. Still I'm that kind of sister.

"Okay fine"

"Love you"

"You only say that when you get your way"

"So do you" Okay I can't deny that one, I just did it then with Beck what can I say. I mean I do tell him I love a lot of the time make no mistake but when I boss him about I add the little 'I love you' to make me sound even less bossy.

What are out careers life like? Aren't you being a little nosey? Well if you must know, I took my career of acting to the stage, I travel to New York and back to do broadway shows and do some here too. I also am I writer. Pretty successful one too.
As for Beck, yes he made it as an actor too. He's got his own tv show. It's actually really good, if it wasn't I'd say because I can hardly tell him if his show was crap now can I? Exactly. We all also agreed to never speak about what happened to us to anyone, ever. It made it into the news yeah but when reporters came knocking, so did Luke opening opening our door and flashing his cop badge. That scared them away easily. Plus Luke is still hulk cop.
As for the 'gang' they all got what they wished for.

Andre is like some massive music producer and goes on tour with his own music.

Cat is a fashion designer and has her own new range that's getting more popular by the day.

Robbie is now a designer for apple.

And Tori actually made it as singer. I know. I was shock too. Kind of I mean her singing isn't terrible.

Has been shit up until now. Many people have had it worse than we have. But shit non the less. All that matters in my life now is my real family now, sure we miss mom. But like I said she was a wreck I doubt she could handle it all even now. She was pretty screwed up by him. But some people aren't strong enough, we're lucky I suppose that we are.
Beck is starting a fundraiser for kids/young adults who go through the abuse I went through, of course I am helping. It was partly my idea.

Life has gotten better and thank god it has.

I'm Jade West. And this has been my story from hell. That was meant to sound less dramatic but hey, what can I say? I'm all for drama as it seems.

So that's it! This was a hard chapter to round off for but I really wanted to do Jade speaking so yeah. So THANK YOU for everyone who has followed this story is meant a lot to me! Leave thoughts/reviews of what you thought of the whole thing I'd love to hear :)