Please be gentle. This is my very first fanfiction on Darkest Powers. I've never been on the archive before, since I just finished reading the books three hours ago so I haven't seen any of the other stories as yet. This was an idea that my friend, Avery gave me while she was talking and I was reading my book.

Chloe's POV

I stared into the dark choppy water below the cliff. The wind blew my hair as I stood just at the cliff's edge, preparing myself to jump. This is it. The end of my life was so much more different than how I expected to be. I was never one of those angst ridden teenagers who thought they were worthless and deserved to die. Everything had been perfect in my life… until the witch showed up. The witch's name was Diane Enright. My dad had met her and was immediately bewitched. He married her just two months after they met. That was the time that my life went downhill. Diane abused me verbally everyday when my father wasn't around. I had thought that I could take it. But then, my dad disappeared. There was no trace that could be found about him. Everyone thought that he was dead. That was when the physical abuse started. It had begun small at first, hits here and there until it scaled up to a full beating with broken bones and bruises. I couldn't tell anyone. Diane took me out of school, and told everyone that I had run away. Everyone thought that Chloe Saunders was dead. But she kept me hidden in the house and when i tried to escape, she'd always somehow manage to stop me before I got to the door. And then the beating started all over again. But today, I managed to run away. I know that I should have gone to the police, but the witch had the police in her pocket. And besides, the world had already accepted the fact that I was long gone. I didn't know where i was. All I knew was that we had been moving from new York when I jumped off the truck yesterday night. I had run into the woods until I came up on the cliff. And here I was, ready to throw myself and accept whatever followed after life. I jumped on the balls of my feet, preparing to meet the water below. I counted aloud.

"One," Maybe, this was a bad idea.

"Two," This isn't right. I should go to the police.

"Three," It was too late to choose anything. Putting all caution into the wind, I jumped to meet the choppy water below. For a moment, it felt like I was flying. And then, it was over. I plummeted down into the water, welcoming the cold feeling on my skin. Then I saw a pair of green eyes staring into mine just before the water submerged me and everything turned black.

Derek's POV

I was about to hit home when I smelled a scent. The scent of a human. yes, I was a werewolf. I had supersonic hearing, a killer metabolism and a nose that could put a bloodhound to shame. I followed the scent, despite knowing that it was probably a bad idea. It also could have been nothing, just a hunter or an occasional lost person that found their way into the woods somehow. Still, I wasn't going to be careless and take my assumptions for granted, no matter how right I usually am. I followed the scent and I got closer to a rather high and steep cliff. There was a girl there, standing at the very edge, looking at the water below. Her hair was dyed red, and she was the source of the scent. I hid and watched as she slowly jumped on the balls of her feet. She counted aloud.

"One," she said and my heart started beating wildly. She was going to jump. I moved closer.

"Two," she said, and I moved closer and closer until I was just three centimeters away from her.

"Three," she said and jumped. She fell and then, just as she was about to hit the water, she hit a rock. I could hear the hit on her skull. I looked down… and stared into the blue eyes of the girl. My heart jumped out of my chest and I felt a pull to save the girl with the blue eyes. The water that was around her was stained red for both blood and the dye on her hair. I jumped into the water, overcome by the feeling to save the strange girl that jumped into the water. I swam around looking for her till I found her body sinking deeper and deeper into the water. I grabbed her and swam almost effortlessly to the sand in the shore. I placed her gently on the sand. I did CPR on her heart and listened for her heartbeats.

"Come on," I said, after an hour of incessant CPR. Just as I was about to give up hope, I heard it. It was small and even i had trouble hearing it, but it was there. The sound of her heartbeat.

I know the chapter's pretty short but well, tell me what you think. if it sucks, please tell me.