It is my pleasure to present you with my cute and small epilogue to my first story! Wow...70K words in one month, now I feel better :D Enjoy!
Silent hum of many machines filled the small room that was shrouded in constant twilight, the only source of light being the big container with green liquid inside and many tubes attached to it, their full purpose unknown by average Mobian. Before the hard wall made of glass, a single silhouette stood tall, observing with unreadable emotions the contents floating inside. Hand slowly lifted, she touched the cold surface, frustration slowly building up upon contact with it, yearning for the touch of silky soft black fur that was so close to her, yet so far that it was unreachable. Blaze the Cat looked with her amber eyes at the person she loved, now trapped in the medical container while recovering steady. No longer was she uncertain about her feelings towards him, as her eyes, devoid of any tears but her soul in obvious pain, cried upon looking at Shadow. It was a miracle, that he was still alive but was it really? Recalling the events of some days ago, she bitterly bit her lower lip.
- New Mobotropolis – One week earlier -
"What did you say?!" Nearly yelled the fire princes tightening her grip on the bed sheets she woke up in, just some moments ago. As information from both Sonic and Tails flooded to her about what happened, her face became more and more unreadable, tension raising with each word.
"Where is he?" She asked finally, voice dripping with concern, as she started to stand up from the bed. She needed to see, otherwise she would never believe it…it couldn't be true. Catching the glimpse of silent exchange between the two heroes, they motioned for her to follow them, serious expressions present on both faces and she did it, heart beating faster than it should, fear chilling her to the bone. When they entered the lab and when she first saw the glass container she made her way up to it, tears nearly forming on the corner of her eyes, but her stubbornness stopping them from falling down her cheeks. It shouldn't be like this…why did it happen?
"He is alive Blaze." She heard Sonic say softly behind her but the image of the man she loved that was now before her felt overwhelming. How could she believe the blue hedgehog when her eyes looked at the black hedgehog slowly floating in the liquid whose purpose was unknown to her. His wounds on whole body, too fatal for anyone to survive sent chills down her spine as it all looked as if he was scorched from the inside, a lot of his fur gone and black skin clearly visible…how was it possible for someone to be alive like this? Were her friends lying to her?
"How…" She began, not being able to take her eyes away, as her heart slowly broke piece by piece, with each memory filling her head. She blamed herself for this, if only she was stronger. This wasn't how she wanted it to happen… she was angry at him for sacrificing himself for her world like he did, but at the same time she felt weak, almost wanting to yell that the price was too high.
"We don't know…but he is slowly recovering, as if not willing to give up." Came the whispering voice from twin tailed fox, who couldn't believe how resistant the ultimate life form was. No one should be able to live through what he did, but here, he had proof, floating silently and getting better with every passing second.
"How long will it take for him to recover?" Questioned Blaze slowly, afraid to hear the answer but somehow hopeful that it would make her fears smaller.
"We don't know…it all depends on him now." Replied the young genius, seeing Sonic waving his hand from the entrance, giving Tails the clear sign that both of them should leave the fire princess alone for some time.
"Uh…we will be outside. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask." He added and excused himself. When both of them left, doors shutting behind them, Blaze finally let her tears fell down, as she sank to the ground, knees hugged to her chest. She didn't know why she cried…was it from happiness that he was alive? Was it because of how painfully his wounds looked? Or was it because she simply wanted to tell him how she felt and had to postpone it again…? Maybe all those reasons, maybe another one…for now, the only sound she could make, were not words as her silent sobs filled the empty room…
- Present time -
Looking at his floating form, she observed it closely in the dim light. Most of his wounds were already healed and yet again she was amazed about him. This abnormal recovering ability let him survive and now he was slowly coming back. If this continued she would be able to see him sooner than she expected. Smiling gently, she decided to began doing what she did everyday when coming to visit him.
"Hey Shadow…I see you are doing great. If you keep up like this soon we will met. "She began, gently caressing the cold surface of the hard glass, voice soft as if not wanting to wake him up from peaceful sleep.
"Everything goes well. My people and I are living in New Mobotropolis for the time being. Princess Sally was very helpful and the council let's me handle every matter concerning my people. It's peaceful inside those walls… we had some trouble at first, but it's over now. I even got my own house for the time being but…It somehow feels empty. Guess I got too used to live with someone." She said, as her warm smile grew bigger with every word. It felt comforting to be able to talk like this, even if he probably didn't heard her. Looking at the watch on the nearby wall, she sighed to herself as her time was running too fast. There were still decisions to be made, since she wasn't sure if her people should stay in this city or build their own…both options had their good and bad sides.
"I need to get going, but I will be back tomorrow…I lo…" She began but didn't finish, instead she smiled in his direction as she exited the room. Some words she will leave, until he wakes up and then she will tell them to him personally…however embarrassing it will be. Upon exiting the laboratory she noticed Amy Rose walking in her direction.
"Oh Blaze! I was searching for you. You still up for cooking lessons today?" Inquired the pink heroine, while trying her best to hide concern for her lilac friend. She knew where the fire feline was…she visited him each day after all.
"Sure. Same hour as always?" Asked Blaze, her eyes sparkling with interest. Upon returning she took it upon herself to learn more…girly stuff. After all she promised herself that when Shadow wakes up, she will cook him a real meal, one that he would enjoy this time. A small and silly idea in her opinion but she decided sometimes being silly wasn't so bad if it was about doing something for one you love.
"Yep!" Replied Amy. She looked like she wanted to ask about something more, but Blaze waved her hand off and speed to the council building, since she already was getting late. Looking after her the ears of pink hedgehog caught a long sigh. Whirling around she noticed that Rouge the Bat was standing near her.
"How is she?" Inquired the ivory beauty, sadness painted on her face…an expression to common to the treasure huntress,
"Not good. Not unless Shadow wakes up that is." Gave her answer Amy, while looking at the blue sky. Each day she tried to keep the fire princess company when teaching her how to cook and other tricks but she could tell she still felt depressed inside and for that, there was only one remedy.
"He IS the ultimate life form you know? I'm sure he won't let her wait for long." Said Rouge as she prepared to go back. There were new orders from HQ and now she had to work twice as much since Shadow was recovering.
"Speaking of Shadow…Why didn't you tell G.U.N. that he is wounded and recovering? I'm sure they could provide better facility." Inquired Amy, who was intrigued about the odd behavior of the white bat. It actually bothered her for some time but she didn't had a chance to get her any answers.
"I'm not sure it they could provide better, besides…Shadow already went through much in his life and I'm sure he would want Blaze to be close." Replied the G.U.N. agent as she prepared to lift of, catching the wind in her wings.
"So you DO care about others." Smiled widely the pink hedgehog while eyeing the white bat suspiciously. She had to admit, she always thought about her being selfish and only caring about precious jewels.
"Who knows" Winked Rouge, as she flew out of New Mobotropolis, leaving Amy to her own thoughts…somehow the pink hedgehog got the feeling that Shadow and Blaze will continue their adventure. It was a feeling she got, and she knew better to trust her feelings…
THE END...Or is it?
Not the happiest but full of hope, open ending. I will definietly post sequel to this story (and It will have the ultimate mushy and over cute ending) but first I have to gather the ideas into one readable story xD It was a pleasure to write this, see you soon in the is going to be better since I will take more time with it and not rush :)