My character/OC: Sora, black haired blue eyed boy about 14 years old, origin unknown, since he knows nothing of his parents. He is human with a crazy amount of spiritual pressure. (Power: at the moment time travel and unnatural genius.)


-Arrancar Arc, why? Cause I want some confrontation with Aaroniero Arruruerie 9th Espada

-Miyako and Kaien's Timeline, Soul Society.

-Lastly Sora's timeline a time where the world of the living is more advance and Ichigo has already died and becomes an official Shinigami and is a romantically dating Rukia Kuchiki a very beautiful… midget.

CHAPTER 1: Time Travel Hitch Hikers

"Shit, not again," a black haired boy with blue eyes said as he appeared out of nowhere in the Goeti 13. He sighted and started to walk around the Seretei that he wasn't that use to. The kid's name was Sora and he didn't have a last name, he was human with a lot of spiritual pressure, he was an orphan and he never knew his parents, so he had no last name, you may ask who gave him his name, but it was a certain orange haired soul reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki. Sora was usually a loner, his only friends where adults and his caretakers Ichigo, Tessai, Yuroichi and Urahara Kisuke. He was a little moocher in Kisuke's little shop, he had raised him, he was his father figure, but Sora couldn't help but blame his guardian for making him this brilliant, because Sora invented a time machine. It wasn't perfected yet and he kept on being thrown through time since he couldn't find a place to fix the damn thing. He started to head to Squad 12, Research and Development. Sora hoped at least that this time the squad existed because last time he was manned by Hiyori the blond big tailed vizard though she wasn't a vizard yet… She was a third seat with her former captain Kirio Hikifune who later becomes one of the Royal Guard, but of all he just hoped that the squad captain was Kisuke, not the evil crazy scientist Mayuri. He headed deeper into the Seretei, and trying to keep himself hidden.

"Rukia-nee would be so disappointed," he lowered his head out in shame. Sora clicked his tongue in shame, he's been stealing a whole lot in his time travel adventure, but he had no choice he didn't have the resources, to send him back.

"Just go get what you need. In and out. In and out. Simple," he assured himself. Poor Sora knew that was just not going to happen. He sighted again and tried to be careful.

Kaien was out late on the Seretei and he was heading out to his house with his wife Miyako, they were heading back to their little house out of the Seretei from there long day of work in Squad 13. Their captain had seemed sicker than usual and they worried terribly of his health.

"So, Kaien how is Rukia doing in her training?" Miyako asked her husband, to start casual conversation as they headed home. Miyako was very fond of Rukia and loved to hear about her and her improvement in her training, she looked at her husband giving him her out most attention.

"She's doing well, she's asked of you, that girl admires you," he smiled down at her.

"Ha. Admires me? Boy she admires you, Kaien, but I must say it is a surprise. You a role model don't make me laugh." Miyako teases by making a fake laugh.

"What? Hm" Kaien grunted getting a tick mark for the insult/tease. He turned to face her he was about to pinch her cheeks, but hesitated as he saw a boy running out of the 12th Division with some of the officers screaming out Ryoka.

Once again Sora was running for his life, it was mostly soul reapers and he couldn't help but curse them even though Ichigo was one and his guardian Kiskue was a former one, he just couldn't help but say… "Blast you Soul Reapers! STOP CHASING ME!"

Sora got out his time machine. It was usually around this time when he was being chased that he took his blasted time machine that looked just like a normal high tech wrist watch. Sora put it on and he wasn't looking at what was in front of him. He started pressing buttons when a hologram keyboard popped up. Sora was multitasking his mind all over the place, he wanted to leave now, and with such urgency to get way from the Shinigami chasing after him. Kaien was surprised of the boys speed. Miyako had turned her head and Kaien got her wrist trying to pull her away from the boy running at high speeds, with his focused eyes at his wrists.

But it was too late the boy crashed into Miyako's back they were all in contact when Sora pressed a button that caused the couple to go through time with him.

Sora backed up from his time travel hitch hikers and his eyes widen to see the exact same face as Ichigo, but instead of seeing orange hair or amber eyes he saw black raven hair and blue eyes. Sora blinked, 'Was this really happening?' he thought. It was quite strange, but people would say that Sora was somewhat related to Ichigo, sometimes they would mistake him as his father, when Rukia was on the picture, with their black hair.

Kaien and Miyako where welcomed by the morning light of the Seretei when just a second ago the sun was setting. Kaien turned to see the Ryoka boy who was gaping at them. On instinct Kaien was on alert, since he knew something was terribly wrong even though he knew he was in the Seretei his gut said otherwise, he grabbed Sora by the shirt and hoisted him up.

"What did you do Ryoka?" he asks, Miyako instead slaps Kaien fingers from the boy and instead of going on Sora's defense since he was just a young boy, Miyako hoists him up easily with no difficulty and started shaking him while demanding him things that Sora couldn't quite catch from the constant shaking. Sora was being crazily mad handled from the female soul reaper. Sora had it, he was usually controlled his spiritual pressure since he had the training with Yuroichi-san, but he was tired of being mad handled.

"STOP!" he screamed and red spiritual pressure surrounded him, the two soul reaper backed up from the crazy amount of spiritual pressure that they had a hard time to breath in, but then they felt it disappear.

"So you came back from more midget!" Hiyori said coming out from her barracks, Sora jumped back from the crazy midget to crash into Miyako who touched her husband and they were hitch hiking once again to arrive in the Winter War, in the world of the living in front of Urahara Kiskue's store.

"Shit not again," Sora cursed sadly, so close he thought, this wasn't the right time he knew since the store was old, because he and Kiskue had upgraded it. This wasn't his home. It was the right place but still the wrong time line, it was still the same problem and now he had another, two hitch hikers that he had to take back to the past, it was such a drag.

Updated: 9-15-15