A/N:Decided to post this here instead of creating a one-shot...it was easier. Here's the short continuation and wrap up of this 'verse. I hope you enjoy the fluff, it's been a while since you all got pure fluff from me, so enjoy it and thanks again to all of you for your continued support in my writings. Love and Klisses everyone. Ta!

I own nothing.

Stand By Me

Epilogue – The long road ahead

(10 years later)

"Hey. Sorry I'm late killer but seriously, you'd think with the elimination of above ground street transit there would be less cars on the road."

Sebastian sat down after unbuttoning his suit jacket and kept talking, without looking up at Justin who sat there watching him with amusement.

"I mean I thought by the time I reached forty we would I dunno, actually move forward into cleaning up our atmosphere - it just bugs me ya know? I just..."

"Sebby, shut up and open the champagne." Justin's smile only grew when Sebastian stopped his tirade on the ignorance's of the human race, and actually looked at his friend.

"Yeah, sorry J.J. Sorry. Work was just a bitch. You're right, you're right I'll shut up, and accept my birthday dinner."

Over the last ten years, Sebastian and Justin had remained close, their budding friendship was built out of the ruins of something heartbreaking and profound. In that time, neither of them knew such closeness between friends could exist, not until that faithful day when Justin broke the ice and visited him in confinement. That had been the day that had eventually brought them to where they were now.

It seemed so long ago now, that Justin was meeting Sebastian each week with a new book to read. But then he was there the day of his release, just like he promised. They went to the nearest street vendor and got the first hot dog they saw, before heading down to the pier to look at the Statue of Liberty. It had been Seb's request, the sight of a symbol he hadn't ever really appreciated before, but suddenly wanted to see more than anything else. Sebastian hadn't explained, but Justin knew there was some connection to the freedom he now felt. Justin had only been too happy to oblige his friend's request.

Sebastian had been there for Justin too. Being there after his first failed relationship since his marriage; a one month affair that hadn't been more than an exploratory experiment, but it had been something Justin had to try again; and Seb had been there to get him nice and drunk and pour him home.

Moment after moment, milestone after milestone. Losing friends, lovers and all the good moments in between were shared between them.

Justin had after many months of decision, offered the idea to Sebastian of taking the spare bedroom in his sizable condo, showing the faith he had in their friendship that they could withstand a flat-share. It had worked out obviousky, and eventually their lives had mingled into the place they were now. Both having tried and given up the many relationships they had been in, and giving up the idea that they would be forever bachelors, and deciding to just "share" their existences. Romance had always been an undertone with them, ever since that ground breaking drunken night in Tokyo, but it hadn't been touched on or even mentioned as an after thought between the two. They were just simply them, partners in friendship who loved the other without ever saying it aloud. And tonight was just another night for the corporate tycoon and privateer respectively.

"Happy Birthday Sebby. Looking good for forty man."

Sebastian for once in his life let the smirk he sent his best friend lie without comment. Justin would be turning forty next year himself, and he had to admit that the man didn't look older than his early thirties. He could always make Sebastian blush too, and now was one of those rare occasions. He tried to hide the blush but couldn't manage it especially considering what he had in mind for the evening, it was his birthday after all, and he had a request to make.

The dinner went on as any other of their Friday evening dinners would go, only Justin bitched at Sebastian when he refused dessert since it was his birthday after all, and this one time Sebastian actually let Justin win. He would need the carbs to pull off his birthday request anyway.

"So J.J, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"I don't like the sound of that. I told you, if you want to remove all your body hair that's fine, but for a man fairly devoid of hair to begin with, and you're pushing hard at middle age man, you don't want to look like an overgrown child..."

Sebastian grimaced but couldn't help but laugh into his glass. God Justin was going to kill him here. He loosened his tie a little bit and began sweating more noticeably.

"No, not that. I need to be serious for a second. Would you, I mean , it seems pretty obvious that we aren't getting any younger here..."

"Not helping with making me like what you're saying there Sebby."

"No! Shit okay, I mean we've known each other a long time now and you haven't killed me for any of my craziness.."

"Accurate but still vague hon.." Justin took a sip of his champagne.

"Will you let me finish asking you to marry me doofus, before you interrupt me again!?"

Justin spit his champagne across the table, splashing Sebastian harshly.

It was a good few seconds, Justin compressing the information and Sebastian's face mirroring his shock while wiping his cheeks and suit jacket. Then they both started laughing. It was a contented mirth that came from something spontaneous and crazy.

"Seb did you seriously just ask me to marry you? Make me believe you're serious here because that came out of nowhere." Sebastian continued to chuckle but answered honestly, something that only Justin had been able to tame in him.

"Yeah I'm serious. I mean your shit and my shit are already our shit. You're hot and ageing well, and I mean we both know the same is true for me..."

"You ass." Justin smiled despite trying to remain serious.

"Our lives are already entwined so much that this is the next logical step. The attraction is still there, always has been, and I mean like I said, you haven't killed me yet."

"Yet. I am a little inclined to after you made me spit at you at a restaurant this fancy, and we are drawing way too much attention now." Sebastian took the time to look around at the room, all of whom were staring. This gave Justin the idea to ask the hovering waiter for the cheque. Not surprisingly, he had it ready. It was beyond embarrassing and Sebastian was beginning to loose the confidence he had in the evening.

"We'll talk about this later Seb, lets go home, we've caused enough of a scene." Sebastian helped Justin into his coat instinctively at the coat cheque much like they always had. Sebastian put his fedora on his head and straightened the lapels on his trench as they left the restaurant.

Justin and Seb decided to walk down by the piers yet again, much like they had a long time ago and it was a quiet and somewhat tense environment. It had been an unspoken idea to walk out the tension as opposed to going home immediately.

They found a bench looking at the Brooklyn Bridge, it was starting to glow in the dusk of the setting sun, and they sat down. Neither man had said anything since they had left the restaurant and Sebastian was beginning to wonder if his request had been too far left field. Surely Justin wasn't blind to the attraction that their partnership had, nor was he the only one that could see this was the only natural next course of action. Sebastian was already at the mercy of this man in every way and he liked it. Surely Justin wanted that last step. Sebastian's musings were cut short.

"You are a giant pain in the ass Seb. You helped ruin my first marriage." Justin kept staring at the river, straight face in place.

"True, but I..."

"You leave your shit all over the apartment." Still no change in his expression.

"I know and I try..."

"And you have this insane ability to ruin all the surprises that I have ever gotten organized."

"I don't mean to but you're so...wait what?" Justin finally turned, not being able to not watch the confusing blush spread over Sebastian's' face, before pulling his hand out of his pocket, and chucking a small box in his direction.

"Happy birthday asshole." Justin smiled widely as Sebastian looked at the small box now in his hand.

"Is this what I think this is?"

"No its a paperweight captain obvious. Yes its a ring, one that I was going to give my best friend on his birthday in hopes that the giant jerk would agree to be mine on the last level possible. But that same jerk had to blurt it out at dinner instead of letting me be romantic and shit. Thus treading on the surprise with his giant ego, because he needed to be the centre of attention...mmph."

Sebastian had grabbed Justin by the tie and kissed him. They had kissed at other times in their paring, mostly chaste and a few heated when alcohol was involved or stressed induced, but this was reminiscent of their first kiss. The one that Sebastian remembered, being the more sober one after all, from that night in Japan. It was heated and full of a lust just underlying and it only took a second before they recognized it for what it was, acceptance and want.

He pulled apart from Seb's lips before his brain really wanted to.

"I'll take that as a yes then?"

"We both suck at proposals you know, but yes, that was a yes." Sebastian hugged Justin, keeping the ring in its box clutched hard against his chest, and holding Justin's neck tightly.

"Good thing we don't have to do that again then right?"

"I think I'll ruin you for other men J.J. I mean as it stands, you couldn't stay away as it was..."

"Oh shut up." And Justin kissed him again, this time tenderly and oh so briefly.

"I love you J.J. If you didn't know that already." Sebastian rested his forehead against Justin's and just smiled at the good fortune that had finally come his way, come both their ways, because honestly, there wasn't another person alive that fit him so completely.

"I love you too, you jerk. Now shut up and kiss your fiancee."

Sebastian didn't need to be told twice; now, or at any other time in their futures. They were emotionally damaged and emotionally unavailable respectively, but together they could breathe, and it only took a decade to accept the love they had created from an infancy of hurt and pain. Grow from love some say, and in this case, it was grow to love.


(39 year after Kurt's accident)

"Kurt." No response

"Kurt!" Still no response.

"KURT!" Blaine yelled.

"I heard you, I heard you. Keep your knickers on B. I'm getting older, but I'm not deaf you idiot."

Blaine rolled his eyes. "Yeah but move your fat ass, it's blocking the television, I was watching that." Blaine said it with a smile but Kurt glowered at him. That look hadn't changed in all these years, it just got seemed to get scarier.

Kurt looked over his shoulder and saw that he was indeed standing in front of the projection.

"Well move the projection, you have hands and a controller, use that wall. It's a mobile projection Blaine."

And so the bickering went on for about five minutes, or however long it took Kurt to change into his pyjamas and crawl into bed beside his partner. They hadn't gotten married but for all intensive purposes, Blaine and Kurt had been together on every level for going on forty years.

Kurt sighed as he got comfortable in bed.

"B we are getting too old for little league games. I feel ancient."

Kurt curled into Blaine's welcoming arms, the argument all but forgotten, as they contemplated indeed calling their son to tell him that very thing. But then Blaine remembered their son Ben wasn't in town.

"He's in London Kurt, that's why we're going to the games this weekend. Plus he did ask us to come."

"Oh yeah." Kurt's memory had been a little sketchy since the accident as predicted, but even Blaine's memory was fading with time, and something like Ben's photo shoot in London should have been an easy thing to remember.

"Prissy model just like his daddy." Blaine knew the small smack was coming even before Kurt decided to send it.

"He's handsome, took after you so I'm not surprised."

"He only looks like me a little, he's more handsome that I ever was Angel." Blaine stroked the head of hair that he loved still to this day. Even though the hair line was thin and the hair mostly grey, he loved it still.

"Get your head out of your ass B, you're still more handsome. Now shut up and watch the show."

Blaine squeezed his love and best friend. "Bossy queen."

"Grumpy hobbit." Kurt giggled in a way a younger version of himself would have found embarrassing, but after this long, there wasn't anything to be embarrassed about anymore.

"Shush you. We have grandparent duty again tomorrow. Rest, I know your back is bothering you." Blaine turned the volume down a little on the projection and dimmed the lights in the apartment.

"Hmm you always know me so well B." Kurt yawned and slowly, but very definitely started falling asleep just as the programme was coming to a close. Blaine mused on those words for a while until he was sure that Kurt had fallen asleep with Blaine's hand in his hair.

Carefully but efficiently, Blaine slipped out of bed and wandered into the living area shuffling his house coat behind him. Sitting at his desk, Blaine unlocked the drawer and pulled out his leather bound journal. It was the one his mother had given him a year before her passing, and he had taken it upon himself to keep a written journal on the things that had happened in his life, giving his mother's legacy of the written word a continued life.

Dear Journal,

Today was a hard day. Kurt's memory is getting worse, and I have to say that I am becoming more and more unsure if mine is as reliable as it once was.

We are getting older and the bones are creaking more with everyday, and since the heart attack scare I'm finding myself more tired, but I find myself not regretting a moment of each entry that I write in here. Ben is all grown up, and Cory is not only going to be a big brother soon but he's getting so big himself. A family, my imminent retirement next year, a loving better half...I really couldn't ask for anything more. I almost lost what I didn't know I was going to have, and it's a humbling thought to write down here journal. Truly humbling.

I don't know how many more entries I have to write down in here, I don't know if I'll remember to write them as often as I have in the past, but I do know that everything I put in here is important. Every dinner we had with Kurt's family, seeing Sami graduate college and graduate school, seeing our Ben grow up to be a successful model and entrepreneur and not shallow about it. He's loving and married to a sweet woman and a father himself. It's insane that it felt like yesterday when I got divorced, never mind when I threw up all lover Kurt's carpet at the apartment and he nursed me back to health. It wasn't so long ago that Kurt and I danced around to ABBA in the living room dressed in horrible seventies pants and scarves. It was just the other day that him, Jeff, Nick and I were watching the Harry Potter films...on DVD of all things, and thinking it was the coolest shit ever.

God it was the blink of an eye ago when I was shaken into a new life by the sweetest voice I had ever heard when Kurt got my attention on that staircase at Dalton. My life has gone by so fast and I've stood by everything as best as I could.

Friends, family, love...it's all been so intense and yet so fast moving. Maybe this will be my last entry, maybe I'll write something random again tomorrow, or maybe I won't write here again at all and the next entry will be from my son when I go. But who knows? No one.

You can never anticipate what struggles life will present to with, you can never know how long you have to enjoy the love of your life physically, because you may never get the opportunity to worship a body and soul you love in such ways again. Time is a constant but it seems a fast moving one, and one that shouldn't be taken for granted.

So this is me, Blaine Devon Anderson, lover/common law partner to one Kurt Hummel, father to Benjamin, grandfather to Cory and a soon to named newest addition in a few weeks, and very shortly a retired teacher at the age of sixty nine. I've done everything I wanted and held on as long as I could. I was, and am happy with the life I chose.

And I guess that's the only thing that anyone can say about a life. It was lived to its fullest.

"Get your old handsome butt back in here B, I'm cold!" Kurt would never cease to amaze everyone with his ability to throw his voice.

"Coming Angel!"

Blaine closed the journal, satisfied at the poignancy of his musings, and turned off the small desk light with a tap, to head back to bed. He had spilled his heart out on paper, and now, and from everyday henceforth, he would continue to make sure his heart remained attached to the man in bed, and the life they had created together, all bumps and issues included. It wouldn't be life without the obstacles after all.

Review? One last time - xo
