A/N: Hello everyone, I'm back! I have had so many ideas floating in my head that it physically got too hectic in there, so I decided to write this one first. It will not be a super happy story, it will actually be sad in quite a few spots especially in the beginning, but it's me, come on, I love my smut n' fluff. Depending on how much you like this, will let me know how fast to write. Updates won't be super fast because I work a lot but I will try for you guys.

Synopsis: Blaine and Kurt best friends and they have been since high school. They met and both graduated from Dalton, and despite Kurt loving his friends in the New Directions, his life was with his Dalton family. They never dated, or were each others firsts, but they love each other unconditionally and are best friends. (yes it's a BFF!Klaine fic to start :) The even lived together for a spell, but that's all I will tell you from here on in.)

(Slight spoiler) : This will have Kurt/OC and Blaine/OC in it, it won't be graphic for these alternate pairings, but if that's not your cup of tea (even if I promise some Klaine) then feel free to not read.

Multi Chap/Rated M eventually/ And should there be any triggers I will do my best to label them atop each chapter.

I own nothing aside from my imagination, and some pets and things. Review if you can, it's always greatly appreciated.

Stand By Me

Chapter 1

Today was the day that he was supposed to feel like he had won the lottery. It was supposed to be the day that his heart was so overcome with love, and affection for the person whom held his heart. It was a day of nerves and excitement, of joy and unfathomed celebration of the unity that was about happen.

Today was Blaine Anderson's wedding day, and he was indeed nervous, but he wasn't the elated bubble of excitement that he had always thought he would have been on his important day.

On the contrary, there was a small part of him that felt like he was going to be sick.

He had asked his brother Cooper and his mom to wait for him outside, needing a moment alone in the dressing room he had gotten ready in, just to collect himself that one minute more. But collected was the last thing that Blaine felt. The solitude of the room, the silence, save the raining pelting down on the one large window behind him, and the sudden tightness of the bow-tie around his neck, was making Blaine feel stuffier and more confined than ever in his life.

Before he could recognize what he was doing, he launched himself into the en suite bathroom, and despite wrinkling his suit, he knelt in front of the toilet and tried his best to hold back the nerves that his body wanted released. Dry heaves and coughs were the only thing that came out. He had been too worried this morning to actually eat anything, despite what everyone had told him, but he just couldn't stomach anything, and now Blaine was glad that was the case.

He was sweating a little when he crawled over to the sink to grab a glass of water, only to collapse back on the floor with his head against the wall beside the standing shower. He took a drink a held back a cough at the cool liquid he swallowed.

He untied his bow-tie to allow for deeper breaths, but nothing seemed like enough.

Blaine felt like he was suffocating in his own body, and he wondered if this was what last minute jitters felt like. His soon to be husband had been the embodiment of cool yesterday afternoon when they parted ways, but he always got like this before something big, and Blaine envied his fiancée's strength. Because now Blaine indeed felt like the weaker link in their soon to be marriage. He had always felt like that in his relationship. He was younger, shorter, and sometimes his insecurities made it seem like he was inferior in other ways too.

The thoughts were racing in his mind so fast that Blaine felt another wave of nausea hit him, but instead he just closed his eyes, and breathed slowly through his nose for a few seconds. He had to get himself under control. And like always, just as he was about to panic again, a smooth voice came from the adjacent room.

"Blaine?" The voice had a name and Blaine knew it better than almost any other sound in the world.

"Blaine, where are you? The guests are starting...oh sweetie."

Kurt had opened the bathroom door that had been left partly open in Blaine's haste to get there, and Blaine was thankful and yet ashamed that Kurt would see him like this.

"Hi." he croaked out.

"Oh Blaine."

Kurt opened the small cupboard without so much as a second glance at Blaine, grabbing something in there that Blaine didn't pay any attention to. Blaine heard the water from the sink turn on and then off again, and when he opened his eyes again he saw Kurt kneeling in front of him, in his matching but slightly different tuxedo, which he would complain about ruining later, with a wet wash cloth in his hand.

"Head forward." Blaine knew better than to try and protest against Kurt's nurturing side, he had been on the receiving end of serious bitch-outs from Kurt when he had tried to refuse Kurt's help numerous times over the years.

So Blaine acquiesced to his request, and he was glad he did when he felt the cold cloth on the back of his neck, and the feel of Kurt's warm hand entwining with his own.

"Thank you."

Kurt merely hummed and Blaine knew all the small sounds of acknowledgement that Kurt could make. He knew his thanks hadn't fallen on deaf ears.

With a delicate hand Kurt dabbed the back of his best friend's neck, and Blaine could feel himself start to relax. Whether it from the cold compress or the presence and gentle hand of Kurt, he wasn't sure. But he felt more grounded than he had in the last few hours.

Blaine moved his head away from the cloth so that it was resting on the wall behind him again. He looked up into the blue eyes he had memorized so long ago, and he could see a mix of worry, love, and a tenderness that came with Kurt Hummel. Blaine's hazel ones were surely swimming with anxiety, but he tried to send back his thanks yet again toward the beautiful man beside him.

"Better B?" The nickname had been something that they had settled on long ago.

"Yeah, yeah just...tired I guess."

Kurt laughed as he placed the cloth on the counter before sitting crossed legged in a position that would make other men cringe, especially in a designer and perfectly tailored tux.

"Tired people take naps Blaine, they don't try to make their innards magically appear in a toilet bowl. You're nervous."

Leave it to Kurt to just get right to the point.

"Why are you nervous honey? You've wanted to get married since I met you, before then even probably. Just cold feet?"

Blaine tried to stand, but Kurt was up in an instant, there to hold the arm of his best friend, mimicking a gesture that Blaine had given to Kurt on numerous occasions. They had always been there for each other, even if it was an embarrassing thing, because there were no secrets between them. That was why Blaine wanted, no needed Kurt, as his best man today.

"Uh, yeah cold feet. I haven't eaten anything since last night and I've been, I dunno worried about making Justin happy today, his whole family and his father's political connections are all here and I would hate to disappoint..."

Kurt seemed to cringe for a second before recollecting himself and placing both of his hands on Blaine's shoulders.


"I mean what if I suck at being a husband?"

"B, Blaine just..."

"I just don't know if I'm good enough for this..." Blaine was gesturing with his hands wildly at this point, and Kurt would have laughed at the habit he picked up from his mother if it wasn't a serious conversation.

"Blaine shut up!"

Kurt shook his friend shoulders fiercely, getting Blaine's attention even if he had to resort to a tone of voice that was very unlike himself. His eyes burned with a fierce intensity, and it was something that shone even as he continued speaking. Kurt placed his forehead against Blaine's and Blaine smiled at the old gesture they used. They held hands, leaned into the other and spoke without looking at the other. It was something they did that they found effective when they couldn't find the words. Sometimes not looking into someone's eyes allowed you to be more honest, and this had become a tradition of sorts.

"Breathe with me B. That's it, just breathe."

Blaine took a giant breath in and exhaled slowly through his mouth. It was little shaky but it helped him centre himself a little. Kurt magically produced a breath mint from his pocket and placed it in Blaine's mouth making Blaine giggle a little.

"Now I'm going to ask you some things and be honest honey." Blaine nodded gently shaking Kurt's head too which made Kurt laugh.


"You love me though Kurtie." Kurt laughed again but it was soft and airy this time.

"I do B." Kurt took another breath and it seemed like a good few seconds before he asked the first question, almost like he was afraid to.

"Do you want to get married Blaine, not to Justin, just in general?"

"Y-yes." That was a weird question, but Blaine knew Kurt always had a reason, he always had a point. Blaine would never tell him that he was almost always right either.

"Good. Now do you love Justin?" Blaine didn't think long on this, of course he loved him, but thinking about stuff like this was what had him nervous in the first place. So he just went with his gut and stopped thinking.

"Yes." Kurt hummed for a second and as if waiting until the last second spoke again.

"Okay then. Today isn't just your wedding day, it's the day where you get to tell Justin how much you love him, and see how much he loves you, by saying so in front of all your friends and family. It doesn't matter if there's ten people there or five hundred. What matters is that it's you, Justin, and a minister. No one else matters. I, of course and always, will be there one hundred percent of the way to help you in any ways that you need, so you can marry the man of your dreams. It's what best friends do."

Blaine was just so overwhelmed by everything that was his best friend at the moment, that he couldn't hold back the hug that threatened to crush them both right at that moment.

His arms slipped around Kurt's waist as he felt the wave of anxiety leave his body. Kurt always knew what to say, and how to calm him. He was his best man, his best friend, his best...well everything and it was all that mattered today.

Kurt's arm slipped around Blaine's shoulders and for a brief second Kurt squeezed him so hard that Blaine almost looked to see if Kurt was okay because it was that intense.

"I'm so proud of you today B." Kurt sniffled against Blaine's shoulders and Blaine had no choice now but to look at him. He pulled back and crouched a little to lock eyes with Kurt's downcast ones.

"Kurt?" Blaine touched Kurt's chin and raised it slightly to see a smile on his face, a small one that was accompanied by tears in his eyes threatening to spill over.

"I'm just happy for you B."

"It wouldn't be the same without you Angel." Angel had been Blaine's nickname for Kurt for so long that Kurt was actually used to it now, and didn't blush constantly at the sweetness that was never ending with Blaine. He really was sweet, caring, loving and just so Blaine, that Kurt couldn't help but...

Now was not the time for that. Kurt squared his shoulders and grabbed back onto Blaine's.

"I wouldn't be anywhere else. Who else could tell you to stop being an anxious douche and go out there and marry that man before he has an aneurism?"

"He's worried I don't want to marry him? He's actually worried?"

Blaine couldn't believe his ears. Justin Mr. Collected-Under-Stress Lefebvre was nervous that Blaine would no-show his own wedding? Kurt nodded.

"Yeah he looked worried about you. Hence super hero Hummel to the rescue." Kurt really hadn't seen anything nervous on Justin's face, but a little lie wasn't so bad when he knew it was what Blaine needed to hear. He was the best man after all right?

"You are pretty super. Well...I guess I should get out there huh? How do I look?" Blaine backed up and did a little twirl that only confirmed Blaine's sexuality but it gave Kurt a giggle nonetheless.

"Fabulous, but that's self gratifying, I did make your suit."

"It's still amazing, and so are you...Kurt."

Blaine hugged his best friend again before being dragged out of the bathroom by him.

"You're pretty awesome too B." Kurt turned Blaine around so that he was facing him and began to fuss over him.

"There...you look more presentable now."

Kurt had been adamant about retying Blaine's bow-tie and Blaine just let him. There had been many a day in their small apartment when they lived together back in New York, that Kurt had insisted on fixing his outfit before he left. It was a comfort thing. But since Blaine had moved in with Justin, and across the country just over a year ago, there had been fewer chances for such things, for those small comforts. Kurt looked at Blaine, from head to toe and admired how grown up he looked, how stunning he was today, and yes Kurt Hummel was definitely proud of the more confident men they had both become in their 12 years of friendship.

"Thanks Kurt, for everything." Kurt had been trapped in his own musings for a little too long and Blaine was now standing near the door with his hand on the handle.

"You're welcome. Ready to get married B?"

"I think I am Angel. I think I am."

Kurt smiled but it was then that his heart sunk. He had always been in love with Blaine, but today would be the last day in his life that he would harbour feelings for him. Today he would be marrying and giving himself to someone for the rest of his life. So yes, today for Blaine was the beginning of his new life, but it was also the day that Kurt Hummel, would lock away his heart, for it would never truly belong to another in the same way.

I know. Unrequited love sucks, and a Klaine wedding without Klaine? Please review and tell me if you want to know where I'm going with this.

Hint* The next chapter is a year in the future.

*throws muffins* You guys still like my cyber baking?