A/N: Hello, readers. Welcome to my fanfiction. This is my first Cars fic, so don't freak out if I write something wrong or something, okay? Let's get on with the story.
Siddeley always knew he wasn't special. He was never the guy who suddenly appeared and saved the day. He was not the guy everyone knew the name of, the person people celebrated and loved. He wasn't the hero. He wasn't Finn McMissile.
Finn was perfect in every way. He was skilled, handsome, charming. He had a steady, well-paying job, and even though he didn't have many friends, as they were dangerous in his line of work, he did have fans. Everyone who knew his name either greatly admired him, or had sickened themselves with jealousy.
Siddeley would never admit he was one of the jealous ones, at least not out loud. Every day he worked hard to keep the fake smile on his face, but it was becoming difficult. Over time, the pressure of living in Finn's shadow had been slowly building up. Years of anger and envy, all aimed at a certain field agent.
"Nice day, isn't it?" Finn asked.
Siddeley looked up at the cloudy, dark sky. "Sure is. Gosh, I wish the sun would go away. This bright sunlight is killing me," he said sarcastically.
Finn gave a small chuckle. "Nice day for a mission." In his hands was a large packet of papers, barely held together by a paperclip. Poor thing, Siddeley thought as he stared wide-eyed at the packet, I pity the paperclip.
"What is that?!"
"Our next mission. Prepare the jet, we'll be leaving soon." Finn gave a brief description of their destination and when they would need to be there. Afterwards, he set off somewhere else, leaving Siddeley alone with his jet and his thoughts. Here we go again. Finn getting all the glory. But what if...no. Siddeley mentally chided himself. Just stop, Sid. You'll only disappoint yourself even more.
"Hush!" Siddeley hissed. The jet continued beeping. "Yes, I know you're nearly out of fuel. I'm going to another airport to get more, what's your problem?!"
Finn looked up from his paperwork and glanced into the cockpit. "Sid, stop talking to yourself."
"I'm not talking to myself, I'm talking to the jet!" growled the irritated pilot.
"That's not much of an improvement."
Finn sighed and sat down in the empty copilot's chair. "Are you okay?" he asked cautiously.
Oh, if looks could kill. Finn raised his hands defensively against Siddeley's angry glare. "Alright, alright! Just try to refrain from killing the jet before we land, okay?"
Siddeley stopped clawing at the yoke. "Fine. But I reserve the right to kill it once this mission is over."
"Whatever floats your boat, old boy."
"Whatever flies my plane, you mean."
A/N: Yeah, short chapter. Don't kill me. By the way, the yoke is what pilots use to steer the airplane. Like how people use steering wheels to drive cars. Yes, I'm an airplane nerd. Expect more weird aviation jargon in this story. I'll try to keep myself from going all extreme pilot on you, but no promises. I am the definiton of what happens when you research airplanes every day for hours on end XD
I'd also like to point out that the short part in the beginning that's italicized is the prologue. I don't think this site lets me have a prologue, so I put it there.
Thanks for reading, and reviews are always greatly appreciated.