"God I hate this." Iceland stated as he sat at the table. He let his head drop and hit the table with a thump.
"Hate what?" Hong Kong asked as he sat next to his boyfriend. Iceland looked up to Hong Kong with a glare and then his head on the table again.
"Being pregnant. I hate it. My mood's suck my craving's are the craziest thing's on earth and on top of that there hasn't been a night that passed that we haven't had sex." Iceland stated. "You know how sore my ass is? Damn these hormones." Iceland hit his head a few more time's before a softness replaced the hard wood table.
"Don't do that Ice. I like so don't want the kid to be stupid because you like wanted to kill your brain cell's." Hong Kong said with a straight face. Iceland blushed and sat back in his chair. He was already six and half mouth's into the pregnancy and he was sick of it.
"I don't care any more. I have been sick, I have cried, I have been mad, I have been a sex addict! God I just want this damn thing out of me so I can go back into my old self! DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!" Iceland yelled. Hong Kong shook his head and Iceland stopped his very loud rant. "Hong Kong?" Iceland asked. Hong Kong looked up from the table and raised an eye brow.
"What?" he asked. Iceland looked at him then down to the wet floor.
"I think my water just broke." Iceland stated. Hong kong looked at his boy friend for a second then to the floor. He got up and took Iceland's hand before he pulled the nation out the door. This was so wrong. "My god what if something wrong! Oh I'm so sorry! When I ment I wanted it out I was kidding! Really!" Iceland cried. Hong Kong placed his crying lover in the car and kissed his cheek.
"It will be like ok. Don't worry so much." Hong Kong shut the door and got in the driver's side. Once he started the car he took off down the road to the hospital. As the car stopped Hong Kong noticed the pain that Iceland was in. The poor nation was red from not breathing. "Ice breath." Hong Kong stated. At his voice Iceland started to breath. Hong Kong got out of the car and helped Iceland up to the door's. The two walked in and right away their doctor raised an eye brow.
"Oh Hong Kong. Iceland. What may I do for you?" The doctor asked. Hong Kong looked to Iceland and then to the doctor.
"Iceland's water broke." he stated softly. The doctor's eyes went wide ast this and he told the nurse to get a wheel chair.
"Already? Two mouth's early!" The doctor asked. Iceland looked up and glared at the guy.
"Oh don't you even start you damn doctor. I swear to god! If you knew this baby was already full term I am so going to sew your ass!" Iceland hissed. The doctor nodded and took the wheel chair from the nurse. He walked over to Iceland and Iceland sat down.
"Hong Kong come with me." he stated as the three went down the hall.
"OH GOD! HONG KONG!" Iceland yelled.
"Ice I thought you only said that in like the bed room?" Hong Kong asked. Iceland glared at him. "Not the time?" he asked.
"So not the fucking time!" Iceland yelled. The three went faster and went into a huge blue room. Hong Kong stopped and the doctor helped Iceland onto the bed. Iceland was able to relax and sighed.
"How many time's have they stopped?" the doctor asked. Iceland looked up at him with tired eyes.
"This is the second time now." Iceland said. Just then they started again and the nation was in deep pain. "Oh fucking hell! I swear to god! Hong Kong I am going to fucking kill you with your own fucking dick by shoving it down you're thought and watch you choke to death!" Iceland yelled. The doctor's mouth opened a bit at the sudden threat and Hong Kong walked next to Iceland.
"Here take my hand." he stated. Iceland did so and squeezed Hong Kong's hand really tight. After a while Iceland could breath and he looked up to Hong Kong.
"Sorry." Iceland said. Hong Kong smiled and kissed Iceland's cheek.
"It's not your fault." Hong Kong said softly.
"Alright let's get this going. Iceland we need you up here and Hong Kong put this on." Iceland nodded and put on the green outfit and mask before he followed Iceland into a large white room. The people placed a mask on Iceland and he seemed to space out a bit. He was still there just numb. They then gave him a short in his back and Iceland was looking around the room with glazed over eyes. Hong Kong held his hand and the doctor's went to work on getting the baby out. Because it came so early the two never found out the gender. There nursery was all yellow and green due to that. Iceland didn't want them to know. He wanted a surprise. After an hour or so the nurse took the mask off Iceland and he looked up at her with a dull look.
"Would you like to cut the cord?" a girl asked. Hong Kong looked over and nodded. He was then given sister's and moved to where the doctor held up the child. He had a place tied and pointed to where Hong Kong had to cut. Once that was down the doctor smiled and then the baby cried. That snapped Iceland out of his daze a bit. He was numb but still in the world.
"It's a girl!" the doctor's yelled out. Iceland looked up and Hong Kong smiled behind the white mask. The baby cried and then was taken from the room. It was crying the whole time and then when it came back in it was still crying. It was as if the baby was upset. She was so tiny and Hong Kong looked to her. She still cried and the nurse looked upset. Hong Kong held out his arm's and as soon as the baby touched him all crying stopped. The baby looked up to Hong Kong and blinked. Hong Kong then smiled down at the baby and moved so Iceland could see it. The doctor's where still closing up the cut on Iceland's lower belly and Iceland could feel a bit of pain as the numbness started to fade.
"It's a girl." Hong Kong stated as he looked down to the baby then to Iceland. Iceland moved a bit and lifted his arm's. Hong Kong let the baby rest in Iceland's arm's and Iceland smiled. The two started to get pushed out of the room and where going back to the room.
"What should we name her?" Iceland asked. Hong Kong looked at him and shook his head.
"You pick." he stated. Iceland smiled at the baby and poked her nose lightly.
"Ren. Ren Wang." Iceland smiled. Hong Kong smiled as well and kissed Iceland.
"My last name? Alright you win my love." Hong Kong then kissed his daughter's head and she looked confused before she fell asleep in her mother's arm's. She was just so cute with the white fuzzy head. The loved her and nothing could change that.
The End.
Well then! I can't think any more so here's the last chapter to this one! Thank you all for the review's I loved them! Please cheek out my other story'!