Wands and First Task

24th November 1991

The day of the first task had arrived Harry, Fleur, Krum and Cedric were all standing in the champions tent down at the Quidditch pitch waiting for the heads of the 3 schools, the Durmstrang stand-in and Messer Bagman and Crouch they had been given no information except what they had been able to research about previous tournaments.

Generally, the first task was a test of wit, courage, power and cunning. It usually involved retrieving a clue for the following task from a class 1 dangerous creature e.g. Dragon, Chimera, Gryphon, Sphinx, Basilisk ect.

So now, they were being made to wait yet again before they could find out what they were going to have to face.

"Ah we are all here then, good!" Bagman exclaimed.

"So, now that we are all together we can get down to business, bagman the pouch if you will." Crouch said with hand extended to receive the pouch from the energetic man.

"Now each of you will reach into the pouch and retrieve a model of the creature you will face along with the order of competition. Ladies first I think." Crouch said holding the pouch out to Fleur.

Fleur reached into the bag and withdrew a small model sphinx with the number 2 around its neck.

Krum was next to reach into the bag. He withdrew a model Swedish short snout with the number 1.

Next was Cedric who withdrew a model Gryphon with the number 4.

Finally, Harry withdrew a model Chimera with the number 3 around its neck.

"Ah, good now that everyone has their places we will begin with Krum at the sound of the cannon you will face your creature and retrieve a scroll that is guarded by the creature you have chosen. This will be your clue for the next task." Bagman said excited that they could finally begin.

With that said everyone but the champions left the tent and the champions stood nervously awaiting their turns.

Krum and his dragon were first so after getting a good luck from everyone he went to face his challenge. The champions had all made good friends in the weeks since Harry had arrived with his school and the arrest and execution of Igor it had been an even busier day than Harry had expected.


Dinner had been going smoothly Dumbledore had made a big speech about the schools all working and trying to form more friendships during the weekend before classes begin again on Monday.

Madam Maxime was sitting at her place tenser than she could ever remember having been and it was all because of her research into the school that Fleur had said was coming. Her research had revealed that she should be as nervous as she is because she had found that Hogwarts was not the biggest oldest or best school in the world there was an older school one that had taught the founders of Hogwarts and had been opened by Merlin himself.

It had been forgotten over the years because it only took those with the highest magical power and skill range as well as no bias against any type of magic or magical being as the school accepted all creatures of magic. This had caused it to be feared and it had steadily faded from knowledge over the years until like now it was only known by the oldest of families and those whom it chose to accept. No one had ever been known to turn down an invitation and it was on a land of its own law put in place by Merlin himself so no government could override the laws of the school or enter the school in order to make changes.

So now looking down at the fidgeting Fleur she knew that soon she would be in the presence of some of the best and brightest of the wizarding world as well as probably the most dangerous since they practice forbidden areas of magic. Just as dinner was rounding off there was the beginnings of an indoor thunderstorm making everyone gasp and become silent. All except Fleur, when she turned to Fleur she saw a slight smile on her usually stoic face. This caused Maxime to prepare herself for the arrival of the students from Ad Scientiam Sorce.

Finally, there was a flash of fork lightning and when the light cleared, there was a group of 14 students. A few seconds later, there was a red flash and a wet plopping sound and two older people appeared on male, one female just as she thought everything was done another female simmered into existence and spoke.

"Dumbledore." She sneered.

"It has been too long." She said with a vicious smirk.

When Maxime looked to Dumbledore, what she saw shocked her to the core. Dumbledore was looking at the woman with a look of complete horror and disbelief.

"Th…Th…Thyra. H…How have you been?" He asked shakily. Making more than a few people not in the know pay more attention, anyone who made Dumbledore show fear was defiantly someone to pay attention to.

"Oh I have been well, or at least I haven't been double-crossed lately nor have I been trapped in a prison but do not worry I have a long memory so there will be time for me to pay you back. I believe we have other matters to discuss. Allow me to introduce Lord Potter whom has come reluctantly and less than willingly to participate in this farce of a tournament." With that, she motioned Harry to her side.

"Harry my boy it is good to see you we can talk about getting you enrolled in Hogwarts after we get done here then im sure I can arrange for a place for you to stay." Dumbledore said more joyfully with his twinkle full blast.

"That will not be necessary MR Dumbledore, Also I do not believe we are close friends and neither have I given you leave to refer to me in any other manner than by my title. I am also not YOUR boy, I do not like the insinuation nor the fact you believe I would leave the premier school in the entire wizarding world for this decaying piece of history." Harry snarled at the shocked headmaster as everyone in the hall looked on equally shocked although most for different reasons.

Those from Harry's school for the simple fact they had never seen any other side of him but the jovial or stern duelling side. Those from the other schools because he was the first the had seen so boldly assault Dumbledore and those at Hogwarts because of the fact that he had not blindly worshiped him as they believed all should as well as his stating that Hogwarts was not the top magical school.

"You are wrong! Hogwarts is the oldest and top school for magic in the world it says so in Hogwarts a history and every other book I have read." Said a fuzzy brown haired Gryffindor.

"Ah the ignorance of the British magical's would you like to inform your students of where we are from, and the history of the magical world or shall I Dumbles?" Harry asked while the rest of the students and teachers from Ad Scientiam Sorce looked on smirking.

"I… Uh." Dumbledore struggled.

"Oh well let me." So Harry approached the stage in front of where he just noticed the chalice was placed.

"Well as you should all know Merlin was one of the first magical humans on earth. Now we all know that the founders of Hogwarts lived over 100 years after Merlin was born, So taking that into account how do you believe all the magical's of the world were taught before Hogwarts? How is it you believe the founders were taught enough magic to be able to teach new magical children?" he could see some people were listening intently trying to work out the answers, some were confused and others looked bored.

"Merlin himself decided that he would open a school that would allow all magical being the chance to gain knowledge and skills they would otherwise be unable to gain. So he opened a school he called Ad Scientiam Sorce or to those less educated the source of knowledge. He became headmaster and accepted any being capable of using magic be it vampire, goblin, elf, werewolf, wizard or witch. This was the only school for 200 years until four students from Britain decided that they would open their own school so that it was easier for the people of Britain to attend. 100 years after the four founders of Hogwarts died and the British ministry was put in control of Hogwarts via the board of governors the schools curriculum was completely destroyed and over time more and more classes have been cut and even the quality of the remaining classes has declined." There were some outraged cries at this announcement but Harry ignored them knowing his time was running out.

"Over the years the other countries France and Bulgaria decided to follow suit. So eventually, Ad Scientiam Sorce decided to only invite and accept the best and they would only be invited and accepted if they had an open mind and accepted magic in all its forms without bias. Gradually the wizarding world has become stagnant and the muggleborns do not have the inherent power or knowledge of magical culture to be accepted. So gradually Ad Scientiam Sorce became forgotten and faded into the background with very little wizard or witch intake but we still accepted all the other races since no other school was. So that is our story. Ah I believe we have guests." Just as Harry finished his speech, the doors to the great hall opened and King Ragnock entered along with his honour guard.

#Welcome, King Ragnock I was informed you would be joining us today. Sadly, I believe it would be more prudent to speak in English for the remainder of this meeting.# Harry greeted.

"It is an honour to be here Lord Potter, and I agree it would be prudent for the duration of this meeting to converse in English." Ragnock replied.

"I am sorry but I am going to have to ask you to leave. There is no reason for goblins to be in Hogwarts there is nothing for you here." Dumbledore said raising his wand and speaking with authority.

"I'm sorry but you are mistaken Dumbledore, I am here not only to participate in the tournament but also on behalf of the lords of Hogwarts in order to return a misplace relic of the goblin nation." Harry said as he walked up to the teachers table handing the letter over to Dumbledore before turning and lifting the chalice from its podium and returning to Ragnock.

"I myself and on behalf of the Lords of Hogwarts apologise for the ministries error in mistaking your chalice for a measly goblet for games. So I return it to your nation and hope that it will more solidify our friendships." Harry announced handing over the chalice with a bow to which he received one in return.

"I thank you and the lords of Hogwarts on behalf of the goblin nation and hope that you succeed in all your future endeavours." With that, Ragnock and his honour guard about turned and began a brisk walk out of the hall.

Just as the passed the doors to the great hall and were half way out the entrance hall Dumbledore seemed to come out of his shock.

"WAIT! YOU CANNOT JUST TAKE THE GOBLET OF FIRE NOR CAN YOU GIVE IT AWAY TO THE GOBLINS!" Dumbledore raged beginning to jog to the entrance hall. However, he would be too late Harry had already informed Hogwarts to lower the travel wards so that the goblins could escape. Knowing they could sense most wards they would know what he had done and take full advantage of it.

"That is not your choice Dumbledore the Chalice is property of the goblin nation and second when it was brought onto the grounds of Hogwarts it was brought under the control of the lords of Hogwarts and as you can see from that signed and sealed letter they wanted it returned to the goblins. Perhaps in future you and the ministry will be more careful and ensure they know the origin of an artefact before claiming it as their own and using a races historical artefact for menial tasks." Harry said before stepping back into the group of students allowing Thyra to take over the meeting again.

"Well Dumbles I assume that is all we are needed for we will be taking up residence on the grounds we have our own accommodation and will only appear for a meal every now and then other than that we will be self proficient and wont disturb your classes so you should do the same for us. Oh and just so you know we have classes at the weekend as well so that is another time not to disturb us." Finally, the night was over so Thyra lead the contingent out onto the grounds and Harry directed her to an out of the way area on the other side of the lake between it and the forest where she set up a large tent that if muggle could fit 10 people but being magical could fit around 50-100 it was equipped with separate rooms a common area potions lab medical wing and classrooms.

"Well everyone classes will commence as normal tomorrow so everyone go get some rest, students choose a room to the left max two to a room just like at Ad Scientiam Sorce and teachers will be on the right side. See you all in the morning." Thyra said to the gathered group before going and choosing a room herself on the right side for herself it was going to be a long year.

End Flashback

That was the first introduction the other champions got of their competition and it did not make them feel very confident, though he was younger than them, it seemed he had a lot more training, knowledge and skill.

Nevertheless, they would need to wait and see as they only had words at the moment with no actions to back them up. The champions met and introduced themselves properly to each other a few times over the following days leading to the weighing of the wands but it was at, and after the weighing of the wands that they all formed a bond of friendship.


It was they day of the wand weighing ceremony and Harry and Fleur were heading to the area designated to the event they had been told that there would be press present so they were both in dress robes of the finest acromantula silk Fleur's was in her school colours and Harry's was sliver with a golden border. The both entered into the room together and Harry immediately sighed when he caught the reported staring at him with a hungry glint in her eye and an acid green quill in her hand.

The both started to walk to their headmistresses but Harry was intercepted by the reported.

"Ahh, Harry Potter. My name is Rita Skeeter, I write for the daily profit I will be interviewing each champion and decided to start with the youngest lets go over here shall we." She said placing a hand on his arm preparing to guide him to a more private area where she could manipulate the best story out of the young lad.

"I do not believe I will Miss Skeeter and I would prefer you referred to me by my proper title as I do not remember giving you leave to address me in any other way so it will be Lord Potter to you and as for an interview I have not agreed to this and it in not in the tournament rule so I will not be participating." Harry said turning to continue his walk to his headmistress.

"Oh and Miss Skeeter." He said turning to look over his shoulder.

"It would be worth more than your job if I were to pick up the profit tomorrow and see anything untrue about any of the champions. Have a good day." He finished with a tip of his non-existent hat.

Rita for the rest of the meeting was silent much to the other champions relief which they thanked Harry for after the fact and again the next morning when the paper arrived showing only the truth.

Just as Harry was settled in his seat beside his headmistress, Dumbledore entered with Olivander.

"Ah we are all here then, excellent we can begin right away then. Please allow me to introduce you to Britain's finest wand maker Mr Olivander he is here today to do the checking of the wands to ensure they are all in perfect condition before the tasks begin." Dumbledore said thinking he would finally find out something more about the boy that would hopefully tell him what his magical weaknesses were.

"Well I will do things simply going left to right I would like each champion to approach with their wand individually and then return to their seats and the next approach and so on. So Mr Diggory you first." Olivander said motioning Cedric to approach him.

Going by the way Olivander had mentioned it would be Krum next then Fleur and then finish with Harry and he had an idea why.

"Ah the first wand is one of my own, let's take a look and see if you have been taking care of it shall we Mr Diggory? Yes,…Yes…Very good Ash wood 12 1/2" with a core of a single hair from the tail of a particularly fine male unicorn if I remember correctly, yes and pleasantly springy. It is in excellent condition you treat it regularly I assume?" He asked eyeing the young man in front of him.

"Yes Sir I clean and polish it every second night at least." Cedric replied standing straighter.

"Excellent, it is in perfect condition." He said creating a small flock of birds before handing it back saying 'and in perfect working order.'

Victor was next to approach Olivander.

"Hmm interesting, Gregorovitch if I am not mistaken?" Olivander asks.

"Da one of the last ee made." Krum replies.

"Yes great work but not a combination I would have used, 10 1/4" hornbeam with a core of dragon heartstring from a Heberdian Black I believe. 'Meerum' Yes excellent working order." Olivander proclaims as he creates a fountain of wine.

Fleur was next and as soon as Octavious saw her wand, he gasped.

"My dear where did you get such a master piece? It is a work of art." He exclaimed not even having touched the wand yet just upon seeing it.

This exclamation caused Dumbledore and the reporters to edge closer Dumbledore to see what was so amazing and see if he could get one himself and the reporters for anything to make the story more interesting without crossing Lord Potter.

It was made for me by a new wand crafter one who has only created four wands / STAFF's so far this being the third. I believe you have met him." Fleur asked with a smug glint in her eye when the wand maker's eyes and mouth both widened.

"Mi Lord, You made this?" Octavious asks.

"Yes Octavious and I created a modified version of the curse on my staff for the wand so only the owner could bear the wand with similar consequences if that rule is broken. You may of course be allowed to examine the wand for a short time with permission but after a minute or two the curse will start to act so I advise you be quick if Miss Delacour allows you of course." Harry said motioning to Fleur brushing off the amazed and shocked looks those in the room were giving him.

"My Dear may I have the honour of examining your wand even if it is only for a brief time?"

"Certainly Mr Olivander you have my permission." Fleur said handing the wand over her words briefly muting the curse.

"Exquisite work, truly remarkable the detail and the care that must have gone into its creation. 9 1/2" some kind of black wood I believe 'Dalbergia Latifolia or a sub group of it at least. The core… Oh, my I see three separate cores, I can only identify the hydra venom and that is very rare, I also see some kind of feather and a hair. However, I must sadly hand it back I feel the warnings of the curses reactivation. Would you mind casting a simple spell and perhaps telling us the other cores?" Olivander asked like a child in a candy store.

With all of the ministry, regulations placed on wand makers in Britain it had been many centuries since an Olivander had crafted a wand.

"Certainly the cores are Teumessian Fox hair and one of my own feathers. 'Avis'." With that, a flock of snow-white doves flew from her wand.

"Astounding, simply beautiful and in perfect working order." Olivander said with admiration.

"Now for the one I have been waiting for the piece de resistance. Lord Potter if I may?" Olivander asks.

"Yes I suppose you may Octavious but you know that will happen to you if you allow the effects of the creators curse to affect you. I give you permission." Harry said extending his staff to full length.

"Outstanding!" Olivander said as he took the staff with reverence.

"It is simply beautiful 3 woods hawthorn, oak and some type of ash though I am not familiar with the species. And… Oh, Merlin 9 cores you must be powerful to be able to wield such a number of cores. It is such a mix it would take me hours to identify them all but alas, I have run out of time. If you could please show it is in working order." Olivander said handing the staff back.

"Certainly. Expecto Patronum." Harry intoned and from his wand leapt a 6ft Dire Wolf causing the room to gasp Fleur and Thyra included since neither of them had see such a large and beautiful patronus before. It was shining brighter white than any had seen and it seemed more solid than it should be.

"Well Hmmhmm. I would have to say all of the wands had passed though if it is not too much of a pry mi lord I would be interested to know what cores you have." Olivander asked Harry in a slightly pleading tone.

"I had anticipated you would so I have mad a list of the cores and woods but read it alone and I will burst into flames when you have read it I do not want my cores known yet if ever." Harry replied to a grateful Olivander.

"Certainly Mi Lord, thank you Mi Lord." He replied before rushing away before anyone could stop him presumably to read the parchment.

The rest of the meeting passed quickly with a few photos being taken and a general interview on how the champions feel and if they have any ideas on the first task.

End Flashback

Krum left the tent and realised there must have been some kind of localised silencing ward around the tent since he had been unable to hear the roar of the crowd and the dragon from the inside.

Victor was not easily scared having gone to Durmstrang and been taught the dark arts and had them used against him, but the sight of this dragon towering over him, made him pause with a shiver running down his spine.

"…Annd here is our first champion, Victorrrr KRuuumm. As you can see, Victor will be facing a Swedish Shortsnout. Now let's see what Mr Krum will do." Bagman said from a commentator's box.

Krum approached the dragon slowly with the dragon watching his every move, His first move was to send a curse at the dragon's eyes causing them to pop.

"Ohhh my, that must have been an over powered conjunctivitis curse." Bagman said cringingly.

It was actually a for of the blood boiling curse but he would not correct them, especially when he had more important things to do.

First thing he did was to duck under the dragons flame as he ducked and dived under the swipes of the dragons tail and claws as he tried to get to the dragons leg that had the scroll attached.

Finally, after dodging a particularly hot flame he managed to swipe the scroll from the dragon's leg and roll out of the way and out of the arena.

"MR KRUM HAS DONE IT! He is the first champion and he has completed his task with only minor wounds we will let him be checked by a healer before we judge and score him."

"The results are in I will remind you the champions are scored out of 40 with each headmaster/mistress scoring out of ten. Now for the results, Strofsky 9, Dumbledore 6, Maxime 8, Thyra 7. Giving Krum a score of 30. Next up is Miss Fleur Delacour and she shall be facing a sphinx." Bagman announced.

Krum after receiving his score went to sit with the covering head of Durmstrang, Strofsky.


The introductions between Harry, the students of Ad Scientiam Sorce and the other schools and now they were all returning to their dorms and Harry and the others from Ad Scientiam Sorce had set up a magical tent out near the lake.

Harry was just walking out of the great hall when Karkroff bumped into him, remembering some of the people he had heard Sirius and his father complaining about and going on a hunch he bumped into his right arm causing him to wince and curse.

"Watch were you are going brat!" he snarled, but Harry just grabbed his arm and pulled up his sleeve quickly casting a modified 'Incarcerous' causing chains not ropes to sprout from his wand and bind Karkroff whilst he called for someone to contact the DMLE and inform them they had a man to execute.

"Now Harry is that really necessary do you not think he should be given a second chance a chance to change his ways I am sure he is sorry for what he has done everyone deserves a second chance." Dumbles said coming upon the scene using his most grandfatherly voice to try to convince Harry to release the bound man.

"First of all Dumbledore it is Lord Potter. Second, I have to wonder if you know the process one goes through to receive the mark? No well let me inform you as I was lucky enough to be told from Lord Emrys after he heard it at one of the death eater's trials. Three heinous tasks must be completed first the death eater must use each of the unforgivables on a muggle at least once, second the death eater must rape a young muggle girl under the age of 16 and then kill her finally to finally receive the mark they must torture a muggle to death without the unforgivables. Now to me that would be three separate chances. I myself don't even give a second chance you get one and that is it." Harry said before stunning his bound prisoner and dragging him to the ante room since there was a fireplace there so he could get the DMLE here and get rid of the prisoner."

End Flashback

Fleur was up next but she already had a plan that was ridiculously easy to complete. It seemed that British wizards were either stupid or not very logical as she thought that everyone knew that the easiest way to by pass, or make a sphinx docile was to quite simply answer its riddle.

So now, she was simply standing at the flap of the tent waiting for her name to be announced and the cannon to go off signalling the beginning of her task.

"Now ladies and gentlemen I give you Fleur Delacour who shall be facing a sphinx, let's hope she has a few tricks to bypass this monstrous creature." Bagman exclaimed from his commentator's box.

Fleur walked into the stadium at the blast of the cannon to tremendous applause, and shocking the audience she merely approached the sphinx and sat in front of it waiting. The sphinx seemed to grin before it began.

"Large as a mountain, small as a pea,

Endlessly swimming in a waterless sea. What am I?"

Fleur just sat and thought she knew she was in no danger the sphinx would only attack if she did or she got the answer wrong.

"It seems as if Miss Delacour has given up to her fate, perhaps we should intervene and prevent her death taking place." Bagman said only to receive a stern glare from madam Maxime that caused him to wilt.

Just as the crowd started to murmur about how useless the French were fleur stood and spoke loudly and clearly.

"You are a meteor. They can be any size as they are just pieces of rock and the float or 'swim' endlessly in space only stopping if something enters their path." she said stunning the crowd and causing the sphinx to lie down submissively as fleur approached and removed the scroll from the top of it's head to the cheers of the Beauxbatons section.

"Lets see what the judges think of that Strofsky 6 stating there was no real challenge so she should not have taken so long, Maxime 10 stating that miss Delacour kept her cool in a strenuous situation allowing her to use her logic and pass the task without a scratch, next Dumbledore with a score of 7 stating that he too thought miss Delacour took longer than was required, finally we have Thyra with a score of 9 and no comment except she thought miss Delacour did well. Well that gives miss Delacour a score of 32 putting her just above Krum and in 1st place.

It was at this that bagman announced Harry's turn and the chimera was brought into the arena causing the crowd to let out a surprised gasp.

The chimera was a creature sometimes more feared than dragons and it was rated on the dangerous creature scale in a place that showed this but harry had a plan that he hoped would work as he thought it would be a shame to have to kill such a wondrous magical being.

"Now in sure you have all wondering just as much as myself what skills lord potter has. Well we can only hope we will have the chance to witness them right here today, I only hope he has enough to survive. Here he is now exiting the champions tent he does not look too concerned in fact he looks almost relaxed as he slowly but surely approaches this monstrous beast. He has not even drawn his wand, what is he up to?"


Harry entered the arena and immediately connected to the chimera's mind.

[Don't attack my friend I will not bring you any harm, I can already detect the pain and torment you have received in your captivity and I can offer you a way to be free but you must relax and allow me to approach to retrieve the scroll attached to your snake head tail.] harry soothed as he raised his hand showing them to be empty and no threat as far as the chimera was aware.

[What makes you think I will believe you human?] the chimera replied scathingly only to recoil in shock as harry laughed.

[Do not play the fool my friend I know for a fact, that you can tell I am more than a mere human. You can sense the aura or Emrys house but if that was not enough you should also be able to sense I have been gifted the ability to become an ancient dragon. All of this should be enough to at least earn me a chance. Is it not?] he asked stopping a few feet away.

[Forgive me. You are correct I do sense these things about you but you must understand milord they do not treat us well where I have come from. I myself was born not long after my mother was captured and the second she was not in fighting condition they killed her so if I submit to you without a fight I do not know if I will survive the night.] the chimera replied sorrowfully.

"What is your name my friend?] Harry asked curiously.

[Necron, milord.] The chimera answered.

[Well Necron I hope you don't have anyone you need to say goodbye to as after I retrieve that scroll I will be transporting you to sanctuary where you may remain and live your life in piece and you never know you may find a mate and be able to start a family of your own with no fear of danger as no harm can come to beings inside if sanctuary beyond survival needs. But killing or fighting for the sake of it is not tolerated or possible as the wards will eject the offending party. So what do you say I take the scroll and you don't attack and I give you a life of peace to live as you feel best and you can leave and return at any point.] Harry explained to the curious chimera.

[You are very generous milord] Necron said bowing his head.

[But, the humans will stop any attempt you make to take me or free me. So pardon my ignorance Milord but how do you intend to free me from here?] Necron asked curiously.

[You need not worry my friend, I own these lands and control these wards, so I will just create a portkey to transport you to the lands of sanctuary and into the wards.] Harry said.

[Very well milord I shall trust you and submit.] Necron said lying down in submission allowing Harry to retrieve the scroll replacing it with a portkey that activated as harry bowed to the stunned crowd and exited the arena.

Back in the commentators box a few minutes earlier.

"I'm not sure what lord potter is planning but to me it looks like he has gone mad. He seems to be in a staring contest with the chimera just waiting for it to attack he does not even have a weapon drawn. Wait... I...I don't believe it, I cannot believe what I am seeing the chimera one of the most feared creatures in our world seems to be... Well I could only describe it as submitting. As you can see the chimera has lain down and has allowed Lord potter to approach and remove the scroll unchallenged, I really have no explanation for what is happening but if Lord potter can make a chimera submit what else can he do?" Bagman questioned the crowd. Just as harry exited the arena it happened the chimera vanished in a flash.

"Merlin! Where did it go what happened, it seems that some how lord potter has made the chimera vanish whether he destroyed it or sent it somewhere I cannot say but it is simply amazing. Lets here from the judges Strofsky 8 stating it was a very impressive show of power but he would like to be told what happened at the end sometime, Maxime 9 stating it was an impressive showing but she has no idea how he accomplished it, Dumbledore 7 stating he would like to question Lord potter in his office after the task to find out what magic was used, finally Thyra with a score of 10 stating she is proud her student was able to use the skills he has to the best of their potential to not only come out unharmed but to also cause no harm to the other magical being. Well ladies and gentlemen lord potter has a final score of 34 leaving the scores so far as thus 1st Lord potter with 34, 2nd Fleur with 32 and finally Krum with 30. As you can all see thee is not much in it anything could still happens lets hear it for our final champion Mr Cedric Diggory!" This announcement was met with a roar from the Hogwarts stands and polite applause from the other schools.

"Mr Diggory it seems will be facing a Griffin, lets wish him luck."

With Cedric exiting the tent.

His heart was pounding ad he passed the tent threshold and emerged in the arena to the roaring voices of the crowd and bagman commentating. The sight of the fully grown griffin caused Cedric to pause in his steps. He had been making up multiple plans whilst the others were facing their challenges.

But seeing that he would need to retrieve his scroll from the tail he realised that the plan he had made first seemed to be the easiest and hopefully the one that will give the best results. So he stepped into the arena and began.

He stepped up behind a rock to the side of the griffin carful to not be seen but keep the griffin in sight, he then pointed his wand at a few of the surrounding rocks and incanted to each;

" Verto caninus! Animo! A few of you distract it while the rest of you sneak up behind it and take the scroll from it's tail." Cedric ordered the grim like dogs he had just transfigured and animated from the stray rocks.

As this was going on he as also preparing a back up plan by disillusioning himself, muffling his foot steps and masking his scent. Whilst moving himself so he was always positioned near the back.

The griffin was putting up an excellent fight against 4 of the transfigured dogs they were attacking the griffin with their teeth and claws scratching and biting where ever they could get a grip of. Finally Cedric saw his chance the griffin had kept blocking the dogs getting to its back but it was backing closer to him all he had to do now was get the scroll so he leapt from the position he was in and grabbed the scroll from the tail but this alerted the griffin to something being behind it so it about turned and slashed its claws. Cedric ducked the slash but one of the claws nicked the side of his face but he could not let the bother him he himself about turned and barrelled his way towards the exit with the griffin following the smell of his blood.

The Griffin leapt at the fleeing Cedric who risked that he was close enough and threw himself forwards into a roll just passing the safety ward as the griffin crashed into where he would have been seconds ago.

Commentators box as Cedric reaches exit.

"Well, that was a close call for Cedric who only just managed to escape through the exit before the griffin could attack now I have just heard from the nurse there was not a lot of injury just a small scratch that was easily healed.

Now for the judges scores, First we have Strofsky with 7 stating it was good tactics but an injury was received, next Maxime with 8 stating the same reason, Dumbledore gives 10 stating it was good tactics and it was not a serious injury, finally Thyra gives 8. 1st Lord potter with 34, 2nd Cedric with 33, 3rd Fleur with 32 and finally Krum with 30 points.

Well folks that's it for the first task the next thing coming up id the start of the dulling tournament tomorrow so to all participants I wish you luck"


Hey all I apologise for the long wait but you know how things are everything got ahead of me and I couldn't think of how to make the tasks more interesting and I just know your going to ask about the Quidditch well im not really going to mention it till the finals as I cant really think of how to make it action filled but I thank everyone who has stayed with me all this time. 11/5/14