A/N~ Hey guys, I know I've got other Avengers fics to be working on (naughty), but this idea has been brewing for a while and I loved the new Star Trek film so much I had to write it. Please review, as it's my first Trek fic and I love receiving your feedback. This is going to be a whole crew fic, and I'll be updating as quickly as possible. Enjoy!

Chapter One – Candescence

The familiar tone of McCoy's communicator roused his thoughts away from the small boxes he was counting. Trust Jim to distract him now.

"McCoy." He answered snappishly, pulling the device from his belt and flipping it open.

True to form it was Kirk's cheerful call that greeted him. "Bones. Have you got everything you need?"

"I would have if I wasn't being interrupted at every turn." Bones grumbled.

"I'd hardly call contacting you once 'interrupting at every turn.'" The other man teased. Bones could hear the humour in his voice.

"It wasn't you I was talking about." The Doctor muttered thinking back to his earlier encounter with the Scottish engineer.

The Enterprise had docked to stock up on supplies and McCoy had suggested he be one of the crew to go aboard the station. As Chief Medical Officer he knew the supplies they needed better than anyone else, and the Enterprise docked so rarely, that, while he'd unlikely every admit it, a small part of him had desired the change of scenery.

He hadn't been off the ship five minutes when he'd collided, almost literally, with Montgomery Scott heading back from the engineering division. The red-haired man had proceeded to tell the doctor in excited tones about the new part he'd been looking for. Apparently there were less than one hundred and fifty manufactured each year, and the Scot had managed to purchase one.

He'd been saying something about it potentially being the key to a new element of teleportation he was trying to develop. 'Trying' being the key word, Bones thought to himself, drifting back to the present conversation.

"I've almost got everything. Give me ten minutes and I'll be back on the ship." He replied to Kirk, his eyes never leaving the medicinal boxes.

"Alright. We depart as soon as your back. Any more than ten minutes and I'm getting Chekov to beam you back."

"You know, the medical division is a lot further than any of the others." Bones huffed.

"Then start running. Nine minutes fifty two seconds."

"You better hope I don't miss anything vital or you might regret it next time you get yourself into another scrape."

"Is that a threat on my life?" Jim was audibly trying not to chuckle again, and failing badly.

"Call it a friendly warning. McCoy out." The CMO rolled his eyes and failed to suppress a smirk and he slotted his communicator back into his belt.

Finishing counting the boxes of supplies he needed, he paid for them, told the pharmacist which ship to send them to and headed back towards the Enterprise. The walk back was full of all manner of species mingling on the gangway or dashing here and there. Bones had to weave his way through them, and was jostled more than once by a passer-by.

One individual bumped him particularly roughly, hard enough to make the doctor turn to look back and see a ebony-cloaked figure heading in the opposite direction. Bones frowned and grumbled to himself about manners, but carried on, and the figure was soon forgotten as he saw the familiar sight of the U.S.S. Enterprise looming up ahead.


Once the new medical supplies and other cargo they had stocked up on were safely on board and Jim had made a few jibing jokes about McCoy's speed getting back, they took off and the doctor headed back to the sick bay.

He would have liked to stay on the bridge, but he preferred to store the new supplies away himself. By doing so he knew that next time there was an emergency, which would most likely involve Jim, he knew exactly where everything was and could retrieve the necessary treatments without impediment.

As he neared the medical bay he felt the almost imperceptible jolt that meant they'd hit warp. He doubted many of the other crew members noticed it, but the ship seemed to hum at warp, almost as if it were as alive as they.

Kirk would say she was. He had always seemed more in tune with the ship; Bones had noticed it just after Jim had become Captain. He seemed to understand her and have compassion for her as if she was a being, a part of his crew. While he might not always know exactly what was wrong, or how to fix it, he had proven during their battle against Khan that he was willing to go to serious lengths to save not only the crew, but the Enterprise itself as well.

Bones shook his thoughts away from Kirk as he entered the medical bay. It would only serve to inflate Jim's ego if the blonde man knew Bones was thinking about him. And he was egotistical enough already. The bay was empty of other crew, unsurprising since there were no current injuries or illnesses, so the doctor set to work filing away the new stock.

He didn't notice a small oval-shaped object, black in colour, but cloaked to hide its presence, detach itself from where it had been pinned on his blue med division shirt, and fly out through the bay doors as they closed behind him. As the Enterprise progressed on its way, the concealed probe began to scan the ship's crew and equipment, all the while sending signals back to its proprietor, for the entity being sought.


Pavel Chekov sat in his usual seat to the right of Sulu, studying the panel before him. The bridge was a picture of tranquillity for once, the usual frenetic activity calmed to a minimum. Sulu was piloting in comfortable silence next to him and the Captain had just been talking with Spock behind them.

The young ensign's attention was drawn swiftly back from the background to the panel in front of him. The radar was bleeping impatiently, suggesting an incoming ship, but when Chekov studied it nothing indicated one was actually there. Puzzled, he glanced up at the glass screen separating them from the stars beyond. They weren't at warp any longer, and the expanse of space ahead was clear.

"Captain." Chekov called as the bleeping became more incessant. He half turned in his chair to seek guidance and the Captain met his gaze, vibrant blue eyes looking almost luminous in the light of the bridge. "Ve are receiving a signal zat zere is an incoming ship ahead, yet it iz not showing up on ze radar."

"Switch to infra-red." Kirk commanded, showing only the briefest hint of a frown.

Chekov spun back around in his chair and carried out the order. "Ze infra-red iz showing a ship straight ahead Captain." He said quickly inhaling a breath as he studied the radar. "Zey're powering up firearms sir."

"Sulu raise shields." The Captain said without hesitation.

Sulu swept his fingers across the console several times before he too turned to face the Captain.

"Shields are offline sir. I can't raise them manually either."

"Chekov contact engineering, someone raise Scotty. Uhura try and hail the ship. Request that they disengage their weapons. Find out what they want." Kirk fired off, sitting forward in his chair. "If they're cloaked, and stay that way, we won't have any idea which direction they'll fire from." There was an urgency in his voice now. "They could hit us anywhere."

Kirk tapped a few buttons on the Captain's chair. "Attention all crew, this is your Captain speaking. We have a potentially hostile ship straight ahead. Shields are currently down and unresponsive so prepare for possible incoming fire. Strap in or find somewhere safe. Kirk out."

Just then Chekov opened a line to Scotty.

"Scotty! Shields are down and we can't raise them, what's going on?" Kirk called loudly, wasting no time.

"Captain!" The Scotsman's thick accent came through. "Something's interfering with our mainframe connection. It's jamming the shields, I can't get them back up."

"Can you fix it?"

"Aye, I should be able to. But I need someone to man the control panel here while I reroute the central wiring to manually refresh the connection between the mainframe and shields. Someone needs to lock onto what's jamming the signal, and override it. They have to be done simultaneously, otherwise there's no guarantee it'll work."

"Don't you have someone in engineering who can do that?" Kirk asked, his voice betraying traces of concern.

"There's only Stephens here with me and he doesn't know the system well enough yet."

"Chekov!" Kirk turned, pinning his eyes, now the colour of ice, on the young ensign. "Can you do what he's asking?"

"Yes sir, I sink I can do zat."

"Good, go!" Kirk fired off, and the young boy leapt out of his seat, sprinting towards the bridge doors. As they opened for him, Spock appeared in their entrance, the Russian nearly colliding with him, before altering his course and running past.

The Vulcan turned to watch him go before looking back towards the Captain, one questioning eyebrow raised.


"Spock, take over from Chekov, and strap in." Jim interrupted. "That goes for everybody. Sulu will fill you in. We're about to come under fire. Scotty!" He bellowed at the open line, breaking eye contact with his second in command, and looking up as if he might see the Scot's face on the glass screen ahead. Spock stroke across the bridge towards Chekov's vacated seat.

"Do you-" But he never got to finish his sentence, as at that moment the first round of gunfire came from the cloaked ship, striking the starboard side of the Enterprise.

Spock was thrown to his knees, having not yet reached his chair, and several others who had not yet managed to strap in were thrown out of theirs. Uhura landed painfully on the floor, and Sulu was jerked forward, his head jarring against the panel before him. As the explosion crested, the bridge began to shudder vehemently, before the eruption slowly petered out.