Chapter 27: Coming Home

Normal POV

There was a sad buzz going around the house as everyone prepared themselves for what was coming tomorrow. Tomorrow was the day they all had to fly back to the Stares; the vacation was almost at its end.

"Damn, two weeks can seriously go by fast." muttered Randy as a small scowl was etched across his face. He was currently folding up his underwear and packing them into his suitcase as the starry night sky shone out the window.

"Well . . . we can't stay on vacation forever." said Amanda as she walked into the room with a Coke on hand. "Besides, we can't torture the WWE Universe forever. Two weeks of no wrestling must be tearing the fans apart, especially the diehard ones."

"You make a good point." said Randy as he folded a pair of his boxers and put them in his suitcase. "Aren't you going to pack?"

"Already did this morning." said Amanda with a shrug as she sat down on the bed next to Randy's black suitcase. "And I see your well into doing your packing."

"Just a few more clothes and I'm done." said Randy as he folded up one of his t-shirts and threw it into his suitcase. "You know I'm not that much of a fan of laundry?"

"I realized that when you tricked Monica into doing your laundry for you two days ago." said Amanda with a shrug. "How could you do that to her? You've done your own laundry before."

"I know. I just wanted to take a break from it just this one time. Still can't believe she actually fell for it though." said Randy with a shrug as he folded a pair of jeans and threw them into his suitcase. "Now I'm officially done packing."

"Good . . . now you can go help clear out the pantry downstairs. If you want something to eat, you better get down there quickly or else the werewolves will clear everything out." said Amanda as she took a swig of her soda.

"Hmm . . . let them have the food. I'm starving for something different anyway." said Randy with a smirk as he zipped up his suitcase.

"Is it time for you to feed again?" asked Amanda as she raised an intuitive eyebrow at the Viper.

"Hell yes it is." said Randy as he outstretched his hand to her. "Do you know if any of the boars have come back to their old feeding grounds?"

"Why don't we go see for ourselves?" said the psychic as she took the Viper's hand. The two walked out their room and out onto the second floor balcony, walking into a make out session between Ted and Barbie. Exchanging surprised looks, Randy and Amanda quickly bypassed the smooching couple, walked quietly down the stairs, and through the backyard till they reached the stone gate and the familiar trail past it.

"You think we're going to see the boa again?" asked Amanda as she climbed over the stone gate.

"I hope so. I want to get a photo with it before we have to go home tomorrow." said Randy as he jumped over the gate with ease, landing as silent as a cat on the other side.

"Why?" asked Amanda as she parted the bushes with her hand.

"I'd like to see the look on John's face when he sees a photo of the Viper and the Anaconda, a.k.a. us, standing side by side with a real life boa constrictor." said Randy as he walked past her. "Let me take the lead on this one. I do have the night vision after all."

"Of course you do." said Amanda as she crossed her arms. "I never really got to hear the end of Adam's joke by the way. A Viper, an Anaconda, and a boa slither into a bar . . ."

"Don't you dare finish that joke! Something tells me I'm not going to like the end result once it's said." said the Viper with a disapproving shake of his head as the two walked further into the bushes.

"Alright . . . I won't say it." said Amanda with a chuckle as she followed after him, keeping a hold on Randy's hand the entire time. The two walked along the trail and through the bushes till they reached the small field where Randy first hunted. Upon arrival, they saw at least seven wild boars grazing on some tall grasses nearby. One of the boars turned around and instantly saw the two, instantly letting out a squeal of terror as it looked at Randy.

"I think that one recognizes you." said Amanda as a sheepish look came across her face. The other boars turned around, let out squeals of terror, and ran as fast as they could away from the area.

"Yeah . . . I think that one was the one that escaped from me the first time around." said Randy with a shrug as he got down to a crouching position. "Not this time!"

Randy leapt from Amanda's side and over to the boar that escaped him in the past, clamping his fangs into the animal's neck. The poor beast let out a squeal of terror before it stopped, dying in a matter of seconds. Randy quickly threw the dead boar into a nearby bush, scaring a second boar away from the spot and out into the open. Randy smirked as the boar tried to run, but he stopped it before it can run 15 feet. He clamped his fangs onto its' neck and drank deeply from its blood, draining it dry.

"Should I go for a third?" asked the Viper as he turned to his mate, who was sitting idly on a nearby rock.

"That depends," said Amanda as she crossed her arms. "Do you like being tackled by a boar?"

At her words, and the sounds of incoming pounding hooves, Randy jumped to avoid a boar that was brave enough to try to tackle him. The boar stopped itself and quickly turned around to find Randy right in front of it. Randy smirked as he grabbed the boar by its scraggly neck and brought it to his mouth with ease, drinking deeply until it was empty of its blood. Once he was finished feeding, Randy dislodged himself from the boar's neck and threw it into the same bush he threw the second boar in earlier.

"That should keep me going for the next week and a half." said Randy with a smirk as he began to walk toward the psychic.

"Uh huh . . . you got a little something on your chin Snake Boy." said Amanda with a small smirk of her own as she pointed to the small blood trail that came down Randy's chin. Randy quickly wiped it away with a spare handkerchief he had in his pocket as Amanda looked up at the sky.

"Two weeks really do go by fast doesn't it?" mumbled Amanda as she looked up at the starry sky above them.

"It goes by too fast if you ask me," said Randy as he crossed his arms. "But it is going to be nice to get back into the ring come Monday."

"Yes; come Monday, we'll be back in a world filled with Superstars fighting it out in the ring on a weekly basis while the Divas act all catty with each other because of various things off screen." said Amanda with a sarcastic edge to her voice as she walked toward the trail.

"Yes . . . I have noticed the growing animosity between all you Divas and the cast of 'Total Divas'. Mind giving me some insight on it?" asked Randy as he quickly followed after her.

"Most of us don't like the idea of a reality show coming in and showcasing our private lives, but the McMahons think it's 'good for business'." answered Amanda as the two began walking along the trail. "Does it really makes sense for the heads of a multimillion dollar company, where most of its' employees are supernatural might I add, to authorize the taping of a reality show about them outside the ring?"

"As long as they don't show off their supernatural sides, I think it's fine." said Randy as he shrugged.

"You're only saying that because you don't need to worry about cameras following you everywhere you go." said Amanda as she moved a bush out her way.

"Exactly . . . besides, at least they gave you girls a choice on whether you want to be a part of the show or not instead of forcing it on ya." said Randy as he put a hand in his pocket.

"Well . . . that was nice of them to give us a choice. Still can't believe Natalya said yes to it though." muttered the psychic as they saw the house come up in the near distance.

"Me either." said Randy in agreement as they reached the fence. They quickly got over the stone structure and made their way back to the large home, just in time to see Sheamus and Layla kissing on the balcony.

"What is this, 'Make Out under the Stars' night?" Amanda quickly whispered to the vampire as the two quietly made their way up the stairs and into the house, successful in not getting the other couple's attention.

"They're just trying to make a lasting memory that's all." said Randy with a chuckle as the two walked into their room.

"They could have at least made it a little more original." muttered Amanda as she looked out the window. "Didn't we see Ted and Barbie doing the same thing before we left?"

"When you don't know the area so well, you tend to make do with the areas you do know." said Randy as he walked into the bathroom. "Got any mouthwash?"

"In the cabinet, top shelf." answered Amanda as she brought her suitcase and travel bag over to the door. "Everything is packed, the kitchen is being cleared out as I speak, what else is missing?"

"How about this?"

As soon as Amanda heard those words, she turned around to see the Viper standing right behind her with a smirk on his face as he pulled her closer.

"What do you have in mind?" asked Amanda as Randy snaked his arms around her narrow waist.

"Just a little something to cap off this vacation." answered Randy as he leaned his head towards her. He gently pressed his lips onto Amanda's own, claiming her lips in a kiss. Amanda instantly reciprocated the kiss, kissing him with that much fervor that he was putting into it. Randy moved them forward, pressing his mate into the wall with his body, smirking as he did.

"This is definitely a nice way to cap off a vacation." said Amanda with a grin as Randy moved his lips to her neck, giving it the same treatment he gave to her lips. Randy let out a low grunt for an answer as he continued to coast Amanda's neck with his lips, not really paying attention to what she was saying.

"Are you even listening to me?" asked Amanda as she looked down at the Viper.

"Maybe" answered Randy as he moved away from her neck to look her in the eye. "What were we talking about?"

"You are unbelievable sometimes, you know that?" muttered Amanda with a disapproving nod of her head.

"What can I say? I'm spontaneous." answered Randy with a grin as he followed after her and into the hallway.

"Keep telling yourself that." said Amanda as the two walked down the stairs to see everyone gathered there, all of them with a drink in hand.

"Oh good! Now that you two are here, I'd like to propose a toast." said Adam as he raised his beer bottle in the air.

"Give us a second," said Randy as he and Amanda quickly walked into the kitchen. They soon walked back out a minute later with their own drinks in hand. "Speak away!"

"As I was saying, I'd like to propose a toast," said Adam as he continued to hold his drink in the air. "To friends, wrestling, and the hope that Cody never grows a mustache ever again!"

"DUDE!" cried Cody as he spat out his drink, making everyone laugh at the sight of it. "Why'd you got to bring that up?"

"I had to say something in the toast that was funny." said Adam with a shrug. "Cheers everyone!"

Everyone raised their glasses up in the air in response. "CHEERS!"

Two days later

"Ah . . . the smell of blood, sweat, and tears that could only come from wrestling itself. It's good to be back." said Randy with a grin as he and Amanda walked into the arena side by side.

"Yeah, but we seriously cut it close. As soon as we landed back in LAX, we had to drive close to 17 hours nonstop to get here to Seattle. We didn't even get to check in at the hotel." muttered Amanda as she let out a small yawn while carrying her duffle bag.

"Hey! You weren't the one that had to drive those 17 hours nonstop to get here! Matter of fact, you slept most of the way." said Randy with a smirk as he crossed his arms.

"Yeah . . . because the flight me and the girls rode on was filled with turbulence for most of the time." countered Amanda as she looked at him with a small scowl.

"While the flight me and the guys rode on was as peaceful as a sleeping baby." said Randy with a smirk, earning an elbow in the ribs in the process. "Try as you want, your hits will not affect me."

"Physically, no, but mentally, hell yes." said Amanda as she shrugged. The two walked into craft services and over to the match card that was posted on the far wall to see what matches were planned for tonight.

"Huh, we have a mixed tag team match against Brie and Daniel tonight." said Randy as he stroked his hand over his stubbly beard.

"This will be fun." muttered Amanda with a small smirk as she walked over to a second hallway. "I'll see you a little later okay?"

"Have fun babe!" Randy called after her as he walked over to another hallway, gaining a small smile from Amanda in the process. The Viper traveled through the various hallways till he reached his locker room, smirking when he saw that he was sharing the locker room with John and Cody.

"Anybody in here?" asked Randy as he walked into the quiet room. A door along the far wall opened up to reveal a shirtless John Cena walk out from the showers with a towel draped over his shoulders. "Oh . . . it's only you."

"Ha ha! Welcome back Ran. How was Jamaica mon?" asked the Cenation leader as he quickly put on a shirt.

"Okay, I'm going to tell you what I told my ex when she called me up while I was vacationing: You do not sound right when you speak with a Jamaican accent. Leave that to Kofi!" said Randy as he dropped his duffle bag on the couch. "How was Mexico?"

"It was pretty nice. Except for the fact Santino and Yoshi got us kicked out of every nightclub we went to down in Cancun." John answered him bluntly as he put on a baseball cap.

"Oh God, I have to hear this. What happened?" asked the Viper as he began to dig his wrestling gear out from his bag.

"Please man. Don't make me go into the details. They're not pretty. Just . . . just get dressed and leave the subject alone." answered John as he walked over the doo with a grimace on his face. Randy just shrugged before walking into the showers with his ring gear in hand. He didn't emerge until a full half hour passed, dressed in a pair of black and red wrestling trunks and his usual kneepads.


"Who is it?" asked Randy as he began to put on his boots.

"It's me." called Amanda from behind the door. "May I come in?"

"Can you guess if I'm decent or not?" asked the Viper as he finished lacing up his right boot.

"I could look through your mind to see if you're decent or not, but that would definitely be an evasion of privacy." answered Amanda for a comeback.

"That's so true," mumbled Randy as he finished lacing up his left boot. "Just give me a second alright?"

'Fine!" answered Amanda, sounding a bit peeved in her voice. Randy quickly taped up his wrists and covered himself in his signature baby oil before walking over to the door. He opened it to find Amanda dressed in a black and purple crop top with long sleeves and a detachable hood in the back, matching black and purple long pants, and black boots that went up to the knee. Her hair was still in afro form, just a lot more toned down.

"Another costume change? What happened to the leather jacket?" asked Randy in slight disappointment as he ushered the woman inside.

"Creative decided that it was best to ditch the leather jacket. They thought that it didn't really fit well with my character." answered Amanda with a shrug. "It was fun while it lasted though."

"Are you still allowed to wear the gloves though?" asked Randy as he crossed his arms at her.

"I still got my gloves, but they no longer reach up to my elbow." answered Amanda with a small sigh as she showed off the hand wear: fingerless, leather gloves that stopped at the wrists with small purple anacondas wrapped around the edges.

"The Anaconda sheds her skin once again I guess." said Randy with a small sigh.

"Yep, but I did gain something in return. Check it out!" said Amanda as she turned around to show that on the back of her crop top were the words 'Strike First', which was also usually seen on the more recent editions of the Randy Orton T-shirts.

"Hey! You're wearing my slogan!" said Randy with a small grin as he pointed to her back.

"The costume department thought it would be a nice touch." said Amanda as she opened the door just in time to reveal the Raw director coming toward the entrance. "Something up Barry?"

"We're going to be moving your match a bit early. We're switching your time slot with Punk's and Axel's. You guys will be the second match of the night while Punk and Axel will be the last match of the night." answered the balding director as he crossed his arms.

"Why are you switching our time slots man?" asked Randy as he raised an eyebrow.

"Brock's here tonight." answered Barry as he let out a gruff huff.

"Oh" was what the Anaconda and the Viper said in unison as they exchanged a look.

"Yep . . . oh; Steph and Hunter think it's a good idea to revive the old Brock vs. Punk rivalry for a little while while toning down the Orton vs. Bryan rivalry a bit." said Barry as he looked down the hallway. "Plus, Brock just upped and showed up here out of the blue. Besides you two, Brie and Daniel, Steph and Hunter, and myself, no one knows that Brock is here."

"Not even Punk and Heyman know?" asked Randy as he walked over to the doorway.

"Not even Punk and Heyman know," answered Barry with a nod of his head. "Creative wants the whole Lesnar appearance to be a true surprise. And as for you two, make sure you're by the curtain in thirty minutes, no excuses."

"We hear you loud and clear man." said Randy with a wave of his hand. Barry didn't look so convinced, but he left anyway, leaving the Anaconda and the Viper by themselves outside of Randy's locker room. "Sheesh, what's got him chomping at our asses?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that because we're mates, we'll be too into each other to be on time for our cue." suggested Amanda as she began to walk down the hallway.

"Like we would ever be late for wrestling." said Randy in mock shock as he closed his locker room door and followed after her. "I'm hurt he thinks like that. I know how to keep my relationship life separate from my professional life."

"Considering the fact that the main focus of your relationship life actually is your co-worker in your professional life, how do you know how to keep these two lives separate?" asked Amanda with a playful smirk.

"Simple; out in front of the public, we act as professional as possible and don't give anyone a clue about our relationship behind closed doors, no matter how many people speculate it." answered Randy as he crossed his arms.

"Which is practically every WWE fan out there in the planet," said Amanda with a shug. "I've been getting tweets from female fans asking and asking if our relationship is actually real. Hell, even my sister is getting tweets asking if our relationship is real."

"And have you and Monica replied to them at all?" Randy asked her as he raised an eyebrow.

"Hell no we have not," answered Amanda with a shake of her head. "If we answered those fans, then that would only incite them to ask more questions and we don't want our Twitter pages bombarded on a daily basis. Plus, Stephanie thinks the speculation on our relationship will only entice more viewers from the woodwork. You know, keep them guessing on when we're going to reveal if we're an official couple or not."

"How long should we keep them guessing anyway?" asked Randy as the two walked through craft services.

"Let them guess as long as they want. I would like to keep what's been happening between us a secret from the public as long as possible. I don't want to give up our secret just yet." answered Amanda as she saw the curtain in the near distance.

"So you have wished it, and so shall it be." said Randy with a small grin as he wrapped an arm around Amanda's shoulder. She snuggled closer into Randy's chest, but soon broke away from him as soon as she spotted a cameraman walking out from an intersecting hallway.

"Close call averted." muttered Randy with a sheepish smirk as the two stopped by the TV screen next to the ramp entrance.

"Yep . . . and I just realized that I snuggled up to you while you still had most of your baby oil on your body. How do you wear this stuff man?" asked Amanda as she looked down at herself. The side of her abdomen was covered in Randy's baby oil.

"Years of practice" answered Randy as he watched as R-Truth walked through the curtain. The irrational superstar sent them a spooked look before walking toward craft services. Then, Fandango walked through the curtain, with an assist from Summer Rae.

"Help me to the infirmary. I think I pulled my quad." said Fandango as he nodded his head down the hallway. Summer nodded her head in understanding and helped the limping superstar down the hall, leaving the two snakes to themselves.

"We must have missed one heck of a match." muttered Amanda as she tried to wipe away the baby oil from her stomach with her sleeve.

"You may be right," answered Randy as his theme song began to blare through the arena speakers. "You ready?"

"Ready as I ever be," muttered Amanda as she moved her sleeve from her stomach. "Lead the way."

Randy smirked and quickly pecked Amanda's lips before the two walked through the curtain. They were met with thunderous applause from the Seattle crowd as soon as they appeared at the top of the ramp. As they soaked in the cheers they got from the Seattle natives, Randy and Amanda were totally oblivious to the dark presence that came from one of the box seats in the arena. Someone was keenly watching them.

Someone, who wanted revenge.

This is officially the end of 'Going on Vacation', but a third story is in the works. The series continues. Who is the person in the booth? We'll find out soon enough! Thank you for reading and watch out for Part 3 of the 'Going' series. Thank you for all the reviews and the favorites and follows! Miranda out!