I was crying again. I watched the tears fall onto my lap with an empty feeling flooding my mind and body making me feel numb. I was so tired and empty, a big difference from two months ago. When I was happy, when I had friends to protect my back and respect from my village. Those days seem like a forgotten memory now.

'It's their fault.'


'Everyone's, take your pick, but it began with HIM.'

Yes, I remember that day all too clear. It had started out normal enough, with work at the hospital and training with friends. I was called into Tsunade's office after my shift to deliver some security files to Shikamaru who was on duty. Walking to the gates, I pulled my long hair from its messy bun and greeted civilians with a smile. Everyone was happy, but you could feel the restless anxiety on the air. Everyone knew a war would break out but not when, the tension was getting to everyone.


Brought out of my musings I smiled at Naruto running at me at full speed. He had looked so happy as he hugged me and pointed back towards the gates.

"I kept my promise Sakura-Chan, I brought Teme back."

I froze at those words, dread sweeping through me through my body like ice water. I didn't listen to the explanation Naruto gave on how he convinced Sasuke to come back. No, my attention was focused solely on the dark haired boy walking through the gates. He has not changed at all, not from his emotionless expression or his clothing choices.

"Naruto, why don't you report to Tsunade-Sama? I'm sure she would like to know that Uch-Sasuke-kun has returned."

He ran off with a goodbye shouted on the wind. I watched him disappear with the smile still in place. I turned and walked to the guard post, not at all surprised to see that Shikamaru was sleeping on the ground. I placed the stack of files down neatly, all the while speaking.

"Why did you come back Sasuke?"

"Show some respect, you little pink bitch! Sasuke-kun~, destroyed Orochimaru and killed his brother, if you must know."

I turned at the sound of a female voice to stare at a red head. She would have been pretty with her fiery red eyes and slender black glasses, but the sneer that she wore destroyed her prettiness. Upon closer inspection, I had to wonder if she was even a ninja. Her shorts covered less than Tenten's boy-short underwear. Her shirt had long sleeves and a high collar but was a mockery of modesty, for it was so tight that it showed that she was indeed not wearing a bra. Her boots had such a high heal that I could imagine Ino cringing at the prospect of traveling in them. I had to pause at her hair for I could not understand why she kept the style. Half was neat and straight while the other looked like a blind man had cut it.

Looking away from her, I noticed two other boys coming up behind Sasuke. The shorter one had chin short white hair and was grinning, showing off shark like teeth, similar to those of a blue-skinned man. He wore a purple shirt with straps, a familiar sword strapped to his back. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was Zabuza's sword. I had thought that I would never see it again. The tall boy had orange spiky hair and wore a cloak. He was staring out into the trees distracted. I had wanted to expand my senses to see if he was looking for someone when a bird flew overhead and the tall man's eyes followed it entranced.

Looking back at the girl, I saw that she was beyond pissed at my silence. I wanted to smirk so much but I kept my face neutral.

"How long ago did he die?"

I watched Sasuke and was surprised to see his mask crack with a barely detectable emotion. Regret? However, for what? For killing his brother?

"A month."

This was all he said. I tried to keep the surprise and confusion off my face as I nodded as if in acceptance. A month could not be right, just last week I saw Itachi very much alive on a mission. It was strange for him to stumble into my camp, injured and exhausted. I was shocked enough that I only stared at him as he leaned against a tree. It was obvious that he could not attack me and was vulnerable. Any other Shinobi would have killed him right then and there, but I personally did not want Sasuke's anger directed at me. That and it would mean more paperwork.

With that thought, I offered food and assistance in cleaning and bandage his wounds. He had accepted and afterwards he stayed beside the fire. I soon fell asleep thanks to what I assume to be a gengutsu. Waking up alive and alone, I finished the mission and forgot about the encounter until I was walking through the gates that I wondered how Itachi made it past my traps if he was so injured.

Refocusing on the people in front of me, I bowed hiding a smirk as my image was scattered by the wind as white feathers.

It felt like that happened so long ago. I wish that I had realized just how much Sasuke and his team could affect my life. By the second week of his return, my life starts to change for the worse.

It had not seemed like much, seeing the red head, Karin, at training sessions. Then she started asking for special training to "improve" on her skills and that is when she started to really take action.

She stole my techniques. All of those times that she stood on the sidelines; she studied my moves and learned to copy them. Not only that though, she added extra twirls and flips to make them more impressive and disguise how ineffective they truly were without the hard training that I had done. She copied them yet no one seemed to notice, or care. Truthfully, I would have marveled at how she could copy them so quickly, if it wasn't used to replace me.

I began sitting out more and more during team training, but I ignored it and used the extra time to master a special gengutsu, that in theory would be able to counteract the Sharingan.

I didn't notice that Naruto had begun to forget about me. Invitations to team sessions and friend hangouts greatly decreased. Two weeks ago, I was fired from the hospital for a rumor that was started that I talked to voices in my head. Though I tried to deny it, I was fired on the word that it was for the protection of the patients. It was after this that I was forced to acknowledge how Karin took over my life and how Sasuke helped it along. I was forced to realize how truly alone I had become.

Today though, as they say, was the straw that broke the camel's back, it destroyed any hope I had left in getting my life back.

I was sitting in the far corner of Ichiraku's when Naruto, Sasuke and Karin walked in and sat at the counter. Naruto was loud like always and Sasuke was silent with his arm wrapped loosely around Karin. I tried to ignore them but I couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Karin-Chan, you still don't have a team right? Since Juuko and Suigetsu were put on Teams 8 and 10. You could join Team 7! We're down a member with Sai and Kakashi gone on an undercover mission."

I was so shocked. I had always hoped that Naruto still cared no matter how much of a stranger he was being.

"I would love to Naruto-kun, but don't you already have a girl on your team, um what was her name? Sakura was it?"

I was tempted to laugh at her words. She sounded so confused and cute that it made me want to vomit.

"Sakura?" "She was never really part of the team. To weak and annoying, she was just a fill-in to make our team legal." Sasuke's monotone echoed through my head.

Those words weren't anything special but I had thought the same exact thing when I was younger, but now hearing them again it was like I was twelve again body frozen in fear as Naruto and Sasuke took care of the mission. I stood up not caring that Karin's eyes watched me with a smug smirk as I walked out of the shop.

Now here I sat crying.

I sighed, feeling a small breeze drying my tear stained face. I rubbed my cheeks dry as I watched the wind move my curtains allowing moonlight to shine through. I stood up and walked towards the window, I stared out over the houses that made up my neighborhood. I searched the Horizon for the faces of the past Hokage. I found them shadowed giving the faces an almost menacing look. I felt something tug at my stomach and my shoulder blades began to ache as I continued to stare at the village that at one point, stopped being my home.

Taking a few steps back, I stripped off my shirt and wrappings before focusing chakra into the elaborate seal that ran across my shoulder blades. Pain like that of a hot blade cut through my back as my kekkei genkai released in a shower of feathers. No one knows that the civilian clan Haruno had a genkai for it was only seen every fifty years. It was a very well protected clan secret that those who aren't family were killed if they ever found out without the permission of the genkai user.

With a fifteen-foot wingspan, I couldn't fully stretch my wings while in my small apartment but at least the ache had gone away. Looking behind me, I thought of what the kekkei genkai entailed.

The genkai included wings, the affinity with wind though it's not my chakra nature, chakra control of the highest levels and what is known as the Song of Souls. I was the first of the Haruno clan to inherit this in the last 100 years. They thought the bloodline wasn't pure enough with all the outsiders marrying into the clan so most things of these abilities are only still told to those of direct descendant of the family bloodline. Stories long forgotten told of us as angels and I guess we could be considered as much. Too bad white feathers and a pretty face could be quite deceiving. Like eventual blindness for the sharingan, my genkai has crippling side effects. The side effects, of the wings are that I must paint them in blood of a human or have them burn from the inside out. Very un-angel like right?

The legend tells of my many greats grandmother, back when the village was first formed, who became cursed by a woodland witch. It was never recorded so many details might have been changed over the course of time but the main story has stayed intact.

Yuki Haruno was a beautiful and charismatic woman. I was told often that she had blond hair like spun gold and eyes like sapphires, though in other versions it is said that her hair was white as snow and eyes as grey as clouds. Her personality stayed consistent though, polite but never overly kind. Yuki's downfall had been her lust.

Her beauty attracted many suitors and she was reluctant to choose a husband for no single man could sate her endless desire it seemed. Nevertheless, after much discussion a decision had been made that if Yuki didn't take a Husband, one would be chosen for her. Yuki finally relented and proposed that only the Strongest would become her husband. This caused a civil war among the suitors, causing much bloodshed. The number of suitors was forgotten and is still under much speculation among the elderly.

Now during all this Yuki never stepped into stop the fights, which caused anger in a woodland witch who was a silent observer. It was said that the witch was disgusted by Yuki's lust so she stepped out and stopped the fighting. She had sent the men away to never return for Yuki's hand. The witch cast a curse upon Yuki and her bloodline where all those born with wings to bathe them in blood and would not know love till she met her fated lovers. Upon the cursed child's twelfth birthday, the hungers would begin to take hold and their tongue sworn to truth never to lie again.

Yuki herself was never to feel pleasure; instead, pain accompanied ever-lustful touch, her husband chosen for her in a loveless marriage. It was said that after her first child she walked into the woodland never to be seen or heard from again. No one knows what happened to her or the witch but there were many rumors, but nothing ever was proven.

The years following my twelfth birthday was extremely hard but luckily those years had been spent with the Last Uchiha and Kyuubi container who had the uncanny ability to draw trouble, and having two extremely talented boys for teammates and the Copy-cat ninja as a teacher made me practically invisible back then making any odd behavior go unnoticed.

The tugging at my stomach came back making me sigh wearily. Going to my wardrobe, I resealed my wings and put on a full fishnet shirt not caring that my breasts were visible. I learned from experience that my money lasted longer if I wore less and easier to replace clothing. I stayed in my black spandex shorts and shoes grabbing my black hooded cloak. Pulling up the hood, I let the tugging guide my transportation jutsu to my destination leaving a few feathers in my room.

I arrived close to a small civilian village somewhere east of Konohagakure.

'Closer and closer to Konoha...'

'Yes, I've noticed as well. No one has noticed the disappearances or murders yet?'

'No, sad really, those civilian killers aren't noticed unless they kill someone important.'

'We'll have to be careful in the future, if we start killing those that live in Konohagakure then the Hokage will be forced to take action and we don't want to get caught now do we?'

I laughed quietly as I walked along the edge of the village following the tugging until I came to a building that was fancier then the rest with a few servants and even fewer guards. 'Must be the village head...'

The tugging grew stronger but none of those I saw seemed to be the one that I need.

'She's in the house, the open balcony.'

'Thanks inner.'

Inner has always been more in tuned to the instinctual side and always knew where the target would be. She had been quite useful during my teenage years with keeping my persona in check and with weaseling around the truth. As I grew, I became more logical and less dependent on her but she will always be there to for whatever reason.

It was too easy sneaking by the guards and scaling the wall to my targets balcony that I was tempted to laugh. I didn't though as I hid and looked into the room that the balcony led into.

The balcony curtains were a bright yellow and much of the décor similar in bright pastels. The room had a queen-sized bed with brightly colored sheets and blankets that were almost all the colors of the rainbow. A bright pink Loveseat stood in the middle of the room by a small brightly painted table. A vanity was to the left side of the room along with an elaborate wardrobe that was a bright purple.

'Ugh, all the colors, I can't stand it!'

I ignored Inner and looked back towards the girl who sat at the vanity. I couldn't see her face but she had mousy brown hair that went past her shoulders and a very slim and petite body, barely hidden by the purple sequined strapless dress that clung to her like a second skin.

She was putting on make-up as I decided to enter the room, but I quickly pulled back as a servant knocked before entering the room. I stayed out of sight and listened.

"Maida-Sama, I must ask you not to go through with this. It's dangerous to go out without an escort."

"Yumi-san, I will be safe, it's not like anybody will know who I am. Tou-san made sure of that."

"But-"Are you questioning me Yumi-san? If you want to keep your job you will cease talking and make sure Tou-san doesn't hear of this."

"H-Hai, Maida-Sama."

I was surprised by how young the voice sounded; though it was laced with anger, it was obvious that the girl was no older than eighteen or nineteen. 'It seems like little mouse is going out tonight.'

I jumped down from the balcony and made my way back over the wall. I created clones to watch all the possible exits that the Mouse could go through. I didn't have to wait long. The clones dispersed the memories of the one stationed on the south wall showed me the girl running through a side gate that was hidden behind a bush, and headed to the town.

It didn't take too long to find the girl and to follow her into a shady bar.

'Why is Mouse running in there?'

That's easy, a teenage girl always protected by guards and hidden away by her Tou-san, she wants to rebel, and if her dress was any indication, she wants to have fun doing it in the scandalous way possible.

Hengeing myself to where my pink hair was now a dark blonde and my skin darker with a crawling rose tattoo on my forearm I walked in.

I had to stop at the door to let my senses adjust to the sudden onslaught of smells and sounds. Smoke, sweat, and desperation filled my lungs making me want to gag. Drunken laughs mixed with the constant buzzing of conversation that made cringe and force myself not to cover my oversensitive ears, or walk back outside.

"I'll take care of this, but make it fast."

Inner could block off my senses to that of a normal civilian, but it causes a sort of blindness in the body that hadn't been there since I was twelve. My chakra will then instinctively try to push at the boundaries I put to mask it, to heighten the dulled senses and rid me of the 'blindness'.

Now the air was musky but not overwhelming, the crowd was a loud hum, but now I can push it back into the background and focus.

I stared from under my lashes at the crowd, searching for Mouse as I strutted to the bar. Sitting down I ordered sake from the waddling bar man. He leered at me with rotten teeth set in his piggish face. I had to work at not throwing up. I barely managed a blank face.

I turned away from him to continue looking for Mouse and found her sitting on a table surrounded by men. They were all rough looking, probably bounty hunters, and the closest one to her was sliding his meaty hand up her pale thigh.

I watched her face morph into one of absolute disgust, but she stayed on the table with her breasts dangerously close to falling out of a dress that was hiked up so high on her thighs that a few more centimeters, and everyone would see what color panties she was wearing.

The sound of clay hitting wood came from behind made me turn. I carefully avoided looking at the Bar man as I pulled the bottle close. I turned back to the table with mouse to see her walking toward the door with a very pleased smile.

At the door stood two cloaked figures that made my stomach fill with lead. I recognized the cloaks instantly and the size of the figures were another clue. Water dripped from their hats and onto their cloaks trailing down the black material to fall to the floor.

Why didn't I sense them sooner?

"Why? Why you ask? Have you forgotten about me? I had to seal everything that made us a ninja and that means suppressing our chakra to that of a normal girl to keep it from overriding me. Or did you forget?"

I sigh internally; ignoring inner's ranting in favor of watching Mouse walk up to, the two figures that I knew were Itachi and Kisame. She swayed her hips as she walked towards them. Her back arched so that her breasts were barely held back by her dress. The dress was still hiked up around her thighs showing off almost all her legs.

Her intentions were obvious and the tugging at my stomach warned me that I was on a strict schedule.

I stood a hand still wrapped around the neck of sake bottle as I strode purposefully toward Mouse hoping to cut her off. However, she was already in front of them obviously flirting. Kisame had taken off his hat and was leering at the small girl. I would have thought that the girl would have run off at the sight of all that sharp teeth and blue skin but she was determined.

"She must really be mad at Tou-san…"

"Ah! Sweetheart that is no way to flirt."

I swiped another bottled of Sake before coming up behind Mouse and wrapping my arms loosely around her shoulders.

"You must keep it subtle and graceful. These men are so very attractive and not stupid or dunk like the other buffoons in this joint."

Mouse turned to look at me sharply and angrily. Probably thinking I was going to steal her targets.

I laughed cutting off any response that she was about to make. I transferred both sake bottles into my left hand and used my right to skim her thighs. She jumped, and backed up.

"Tch, sweetie, are you sure you want a big man to please you?"

I stepped forward pressing my fishnet-clad breasts against hers gently. "I could pleasure you like no man can, but I'm a generous girl. If you really want cock they," I gestured behind her. "They can watch, as long as I get you all to myself later." I ran my right hand along her side brushing the side of breast and cupping her flushed cheek. It was so cute, her blush. Her eyes, all sparkling with curiosity and determination. I could just hear the gears turning in her head. It's scandalous to sleep with a criminal but it was even more taboo to sleep with a girl and a criminal, all the while drinking.

I played on that rebellion. That need to go against her father's wishes.

She nodded very quickly. Very eager. I smiled and kissed her. She was inexperienced so I led the kiss, making it a soft press of lips before deepening it. I ran a hand down her spine making her back arch into me. My hand cupped her butt squeezing it gently causing her to moan into the kiss.

I am surprised by how receptive she was, especially with another female. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched the men.

Kisame visibly gulped eyes widening, Itachi remained stoic but eyes became half lidded and his lips parted slightly, before he asked, "You ladies know each other?"

'Mm, oh man please! Let's have hot sex before the kill'

'No, the moon won't stay out forever and let's not forget that they are killers!'

'Oh but I think we'll have to play sex kitten to get the job done, ne?'

"N-no I don't know h-her." Mouse stuttered, breaking the kiss.

I pouted looking over to Mouse "Oh, Sweetie, does that mean that you don't want my company?"I moved forward, my hand sliding down her neck over the fabric of her breast until I found her nipple, which was straining against the fabric. Using my nail, I drew my finger teasingly around her nipple until I heard and felt her whimper. I pull away from her a little and whisper huskily in her ear, "That sound was cute but if you do it again we might have to put on a show in front of all these horny apes and I believe there is still an open table in the back. Why don't we just show these two fine men you picked out?"

I pull back to see her brown eyes hazy and her cheeks flushed a light pink. She nodded and looked over at the Akatsuki pair and asked, "You coming?"

I nearly laughed at how they looked. Kisame was trying to stop a nosebleed and Itachi was blushing ever so lightly. If it weren't for that hungry look he was giving us, I probably would have.

"Fuck him!"

"No! he can't figure out who we are."

Staying in character, I waved the sake bottles in a 'follow us' gesture as I walked to an empty table I had seen when I came in. I didn't care if they did follow but I couldn't help but laugh inside at the fact that these people haven't asked for each other's names but were willing to sleep with each other. Not that that was the plan of course.


"Shut up! Blame the moon."

Making it to the table, ignoring all the noise, I set down the sake and sat in one of the booths pulling Mouse with me. That didn't work though. I was pushed into the booth and Mouse was pushed into the other. Itachi slipped in beside me and Kisame mirrored him. I was pissed but kept it off my face the best that I could. Instead, I giggled and leaned forward on the table. Giving Itachi a view of my ass, I snatch a sake bottle but before sitting down again, I pulled Mouse forward gently so I could kiss her again my lips ghosting over her jaw and down her neck before biting her neck gently. Sitting back down I offered Itachi the sake not looking him in the eyes hearing Kisame exclaim, "Shit, you girls are hot!"

Mouse laughed a little with an embarrassed flush on her cheeks making her look cute.

"Why don't you lose those cloaks? Let's have a look at what they hide shall we?"

'Meaning are you hung like a horse hehe'

'Shut up! I thought I silenced you!' but inner just snickered enjoying her perverted thoughts.

Putting a knee on the booth and leaning forward a hand on Itachi's chest the other the zipper of said cloak. Mouse had followed my lead but had actually sat on the shark man's lap while giggling and playing with his cloaks zipper. Kisame laughed pulling Mouse in for a deep kiss. Itachi had grabbed my wrists in a tight grip but when I gave a pout, he let go, so I gave him a grin.

I was pulling the zipper down and pushing away the cloak when I felt his breathe on my neck. I couldn't help but shiver.

'Shit, shit, shit! Careful sakura! Don't go too far, we are on a tight schedule and if Itachi finds out who I am…damn it!'

All this was running through my mind when I felt hands ghosting down my sides before grasping my hips and lifting me on to his lap so I was straddling him. Feeling his erection against me I couldn't hold back the shiver or the sharp intake of breathe. Taking a chance, I looked up meeting two intense black eyes that made my lower belly tingle and send goose bumps up my body. He was leaning in for a kiss when, BAM!

Turning my head sharply towards the front, I saw the guards that belonged to Mouse's father in the doorway looking around. Having spotted what they were looking for they started shouting, drawing swords, and running towards us. Mouse shrieked and tried scrambling away from Kisame.

Cursing under my breath, I jerk away from Itachi's suddenly strong grip. Jumping onto the table, I grab Mouse lifting her up easily. Hugging her close I make a hand sign and disappear.

When we reappeared, I dropped the other girl and almost collapsed myself. Inner unblocked my chakra too fast. The rush of everything coming into focus so suddenly had me wobbly.

Mouse was looking up at me in confusion. I dropped to my knees in front of her, pink hair falling into my eyes.

"Who are you?"

A strange sound came from my throat. I thought it was a giggle but it sounded wrong. I leaned forward still making that awful sound."

"shhh, hehe. you should have stayed in your room."

another fit of that horrible giggling came but I calmed down my body relaxing as I look down at her and her confused face.

"Don't worry, I'll make it painless."

With the last word said Mouse's eyes widen in horror. My hand was through her chest, blood sprayed everywhere, coating the front of my body. She whimpered with blood falling from her lips. I push her body off my arm; it now shined darkly in the moon light. As the light in the girls eyes faded, I made the strange sound again. I slowly lifted my gaze watching the shadows dance and change in the clearing. I never understood why the shadows would change after I killed. At the beginning, I was frightened of them but they didn't harm me, no, they were just here to hide the body. .Chakra freed my wings destroying my shirt, pieces of netting clung to the feathers as I stretched them out.

I looked up at the moon and said the incantation.

"The Moon bleeds

Our feathers stained

Evil deeds

Forever chained"

It was a strange spell, one that I was told to always say after a hunt. I shivered feeling my wings get heavier with the blood that rose up from the girl. My feathers would be stained for days, a reminder of who I was, even by ninja terms. A cold blooded killer.

I watched the shadows creep closer. I stepped back wings still hanging behind me glowing a dark red with wisps of red smoke trailing into the air.

I watched as Mouse's brown eyes were covered by shadow after shadow till there was a black moving mass in her place. Then the shadows pulled away from each other, racing back to their respectable places among the trees. Leaving me alone in the clearing, I shook off my wings. Flapping them to rid them of a fine brown dust, though now the feathers were a dark pink color.

I searched the clearing once more as my hands made the signs of a transportation jutsu. My eyes connected with red for a half second before my vision blurred. I blinked my eyes and stared at the wall of my bedroom.