High School DXD: A Second Chance
After reading both the Light Novel and the Fan Fiction story Celestial Rebirth by Zeke154, I decided to write this fanfiction. The setting takes place during Life 4 of Volume 11 of the Light Novels. If you haven't read the Light Novels yet, then go to Baka Tsuki website and read the light novels from there.
Also anyone who wants to proof read this story.
Chapter be edited by CrimsonxAEGIS on 1/19/14
Shalba is finally dead…. I can go back to Rias and the others… right….?
[Partner, please hold on!]
I slowly began to pant louder and louder…. The pain of Samael's curse was slowly fading away…. Isn't…that… a good…thing?
[Issei, Azazel and the others are going to open the Dragon Gate soon. If the gate opens, we can go home!]
I know that…. What's the first thing I should do… when I… get back home?
"You won't make it," Ophis stated monotonously.
"Of course…I will…" I panted weakly. "I still… haven't… had sex… with Rias… or Akeno…. I want to have… children… with Xenovia …. I… want to… catch up… with Irina…. I want to… see… Koneko and Ravel…get along…. And I also… promised Asia… that… we would… stay by…each others' side…."
"These girls mean a lot to you," Ophis noted.
I coughed out a bit of blood. "I…*pant*… also have… dreams and goals… I want… to accomplish…"
I fell on my knees and coughed heavily.
"Can you tell me these goals—these dreams, Sekiryuutei?" Ophis requested.
I smiled weakly. "Of…course. My first…goal… is to… surpass all my rivals. I need to surpass…Kiba…Saji…Sairaorg… and Vali. I want… to become… the… ultimate pawn…! I also… want to master… the power… of my Dividing Gear…. And most of all…I want to create… a harem!"
My vision slowly blurred. I didn't feel the pain of the curse anymore. My panting became slower.
"Hey Ophis… why did… someone like you… create... the Khaos Brigade?" I asked.
"Huh? Why are you asking such a thing at a time like this?" Ophis asked back.
"You saved them…. You saved Asia and Irina…."
"I was simply returning the favor," Ophis replied.
"Asia…and Irina… are important friends of mine…"
I laid my body down on the ground and stared up at the sky. It felt cold.
"You saved them… That is the reason… I came to save you…. So why join them?"
"I created the Khaos Brigade for one purpose and one purpose only," Ophis explained. "Everyone who joined the Khaos Brigade swore an oath to aid me in defeating Great Red."
"So... what would... happen...if he...were defeated...?" I asked.
"If Great Red is defeated, then I could then return to Dimensional Gap and obtain silence."
"They would never... keep that oath," I pointed out. "They simply took...advantage of you... and misused your snakes."
Ophis shrugged. "I don't care if they do. As long as they can beat Great Red and return me to my rightful home, I wouldn't care."
"The Dimensional Gap means a lot to you," I declared weakly.
Ophis nodded. "That's the reason why I came to the Sekiryuutei's home. I thought I could find something that would help me fulfil my dream. I thought I could find the secret behind the "True Dragon" and "Heavenly Dragon" that lies within you, and in turn, find the reason why I myself exist."
I took in a big breath. "…I see. I finally understand." This dragon god was the purest leader of the entire organization. It was really ironic when you really thought about it. All this time, Ophis was nothing more than a figurehead.
My body felt a bit cold. I was getting sleepy, and it was becoming difficult to keep my eyes open.
"Ophis… do you want to be my friend?" I asked.
"…Friend?" she seemed surprised when I asked her that. "How do I benefit from being your friend?"
"I could at least be someone you could talk to."
"I see. That might be fun."
I inhaled one last breath. "Hey Ophis… when we… go back…home… do you… want to… stay with me… and the others?"
Ophis seemed speechless of my request. "Live with you… the Sekiryuutei?"
I smiled weakly. "Yeah… I believe that… everyone would… enjoy your… company."
"I would love that," Ophis said, kneeing down next to my head. "But you won't make it."
"Huh?" I asked.
"You won't make it in time when the gate opens," She stated.
"I need to…" I voice slowly trailed off. "I need to…"
My life slowly flashed before my eyes; memories of my childhood until now. Was this how it was going to end?
[Issei…] I could hear Ddraig crying. This wasn't his typical cry of grief… This was a true cry of sadness. [You were the best partner I ever had. You made the impossible possible. You're truly a man of miracles. Even though your perverted nature gave me a lot of grief, you never ceased to amaze me with the miracles you preform. So please… do not die… I don't want to leave your side…]
I don't want to leave your side either.
"I can easily tell that everyone, even Ddraig, will feel sorrow from your loss. You really are a nice guy, Sekiryuutei. Perverted, but still a nice guy," Ophis remarked.
"Call me Issei," I suggested.
"Issei…" she said my name so gently.
Ophis leaned closer to my face. "Hey Issei…. I have a question I would like you to answer before you die."
"Alright… I'll answer it…"
"If I were to send you and Ddraig back in time ten years ago along with your current memories. What would you do?"
What kind of question was that?
"If… that happened… then I would… take martial arts classes… I would also visit…Akeno's…family shrine… My father… had an opportunity… to go to Kyoto…a few years back…. but he declined…. I would… convince him to…go…. If we move…to Kyoto…I would… go and find… Kunou and her mother… and hopefully train with them to… improve my fire abilities... The opportunity… to work in Kyoto… is temporary… so my parents and I… would eventually move back to our original home… and allow time to take its course… and go back to Rias… and the others."
"Alright," Ophis replied.
"Huh?" I asked, confused.
"I will send both your and Ddraig's souls ten years into to the past."
What…? Does Ophis have that kind of power… to do… that?
[Ophis, do you know what will happen to you if you do that?] Ddraig asked.
"I'll still exist in the past if I send both yours and Issei's souls back to the past. However, this will be my first time preforming such a spell. I know for a fact that this spell will rebound. So there's a possibility that those who are close to your heart will also retain their memories of the future as well."
I see… that might prove to be helpful if I'm depending on the right person.
"So Issei, do you want to go through with it?" Ophis asked.
"Yes," I answered quickly.
"Alright" Ophis said as a magic circle appeared beneath me. "Issei…. Will you really keep your promise, about what you said you would do in the past? Would you fulfil all of your dreams and goals for the future?"
"I promise…" I coughed.
I could feel something coming from the magic circle.
"And Issei," Ophis continued, "when the time comes…would you save me again?"
"Yes…" I said as I closed my eyes.
"Goodbye Issei, my friend," Ophis said tearfully with a smile.
"This isn't… the end," I murmured quietly. "We'll meet… again."
I lost consciousness after that. However, instead of looking into a dark abyss, a radiant light headed my way.
Well? What do you think? I was inching on doing a time traveling fan fic for some time and I really think doing something with HighSchool DXD will work. Another reason why I wrote this is because I'll be going on vaction for the next few days so I can't update the next chapter of my other DxD fanfic, HighSchool DXD: College Life. If haven't read it, then please do.
Forgive me for my grammar. English nor my native language aren't my first language I spoke. Sign Language was actually my first language and I almost became a mute child.
So please review, subscribe, and also ask questions.