A/N Okay, I totally get it, you all hate me for not updating in what seems like forever, trust me, I hate me too right now. And I'd like to say how sorry I am. I get that there's no excuse, so I'm not even going to attempt one.
And now I'm going to stop here before I go on and say that if you haven't already started reading this you don't need to read the A/N as it isn't important.
Back to what I was saying.
But in September up until now, I kept getting the odd email saying I had reviews for this story and I was getting really conscious of it as I knew I wasn't working on it because I couldn't think of what to write next. And to be honest, I'd kind of been inactive on the site for a while, so I decided that, because I'm a horrible person for not updating, I would not only write the next chapter, but rewrite the whole story, mainly keeping the speech from the characters the same as it's an actual movie, but add little bits, because let's face it, my writing was great to me then but now it seems kind of shitty, to me at least. I've changed my style of writing too, so for me to start writing in a completely different style wouldn't make sense, it would just be easier to write it from the start.
Those "little bits" that I've added are pretty much more Lacey/Seth moments, because I, as both a reader — I've read it millions of times to improve it, trust me — and writer, would like to see their relationship develop more.
I've actually not had chance to write this yet, but I really appriciate the reviews I get. I read every single one, I promise. And that's kind of what made me want to start writing again. And then I noticed the followers and favourites and I kind of realised how many people were actually reading this and possibly waiting for the next chapter. So I'd like to thank every one that's reading my story. Even the people who read it without following, favouriting or commenting, it means a lot.
And I promise that chapter is coming, but I've spread all of the chapters out a bit because they're massive and it's hard to keep up. So the first chapters I'm updating are only the first two spread out over 4.
So, even though you may want to, please don't kill me because I'm going to try and update more regularly, though I'm sorry if I don't, I'm terrible at keeping a particular pattern to updating. I hope you like it better now. Tell me what you think.
Lucy :)