They entered the flat laughing. John Watson turned from his station in his armchair at the sound.
"Well. All sorted then?"
"Yes. Sorted. Save one thing."
John crinkled his nose at Sherlock. "Just one?"
"I'm here to collect. Taking Molly to dinner."
"For the love of god!"
Molly smiled & gave John a peck on the cheek."I'm going to run to the loo. Be back in a flash."
John took out his wallet. "I'm shocked. I really didn't think you had it in you. How are you feeling?"
Sherlock thought a moment. "I feel...content."
"That's not a word I'd've chosen, but Ok."
"When you feel as I have for so long, contentment is an entirely desirable state to be in."
Molly emerged, & the pair took the 100 quid to be used on their first date.