Chapter 1: Meeting Gaia

Shadow: I am Shadow the hedgehog and I am the CyberActors15 representative and I have been tasked by CA15 to give you info about my fanfiction.

Grover: It's not your Fanfic only; there is also Maria, Nico and Hazel. Don't forget Percy, Sonic, Thalia, Jason, Piper, Frank and Leo… and the gods.

Shadow: Shut up. You just gave people spoilers on this story. Okay first of all, all the sonic characters aren't demigods… with the exception of Maria and Eggman. This takes place between The Lost Hero and The Mark of Athena. Also Son of Neptune happened at the same time as The Lost Hero… just letting you know so there is no confusion. Nico doesn't go missing at first; he'll go missing later on in the story. Also when Grover appears in this he will be the Grover from the movie cause that Grover is cooler than the one from the books.

Grover: I don't know whether to take offence to that or be touched.

Shadow: Oh ya, CA15 doesn't own Sonic the Hedgehog, Percy Jackson, any Sega (Nintendo because of the new agreement between Sega and Nintendo) characters or Rick Riordan (Kane Chronicles) characters that will appear in this. But he does own the OCs.

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The Space Colony ARK, a once great marvel that floated in space overlooking the planet and once stood for advancements in science and medication, now deserted and stained with fear, greed, anger, power-lust, darkness and blood, began to hum with dim life.

Echoing through the dark hallways a girl called a name.

"Shadow…" The voice called making the only inhabitant of the Ark react.

"Shadow… I need you." The voice said.

The Black hedgehog stood up and looked around.

"Maria?" Shadow asked.

A shimmering image of a girl appeared in the Darkness. She had pale skin, sandy blond hair and ocean blue eyes. She was in a blue dress and blue shoes. She looked as if the Darkness was trying to stop her as well as the earth. She also kept on shimmering in and out of existence.

"Shadow… Thank Gods it's you. We don't- a lot of time." She said as her connection started to fail. "Thanatos is going - freed soon. Save me. - trust Gaia. Find Nico di Angelo - Hazel Levesque." Maria said.

"What?" Shadow asked.

"Bring me back to life." Maria said before he eyes began to glow golden. "Find me…Gaia, on earth. I… she will help you get revenge on the people who took Maria…me from you. She will contact you on Earth. If you help Gaia then you and Maria… I will live forever while your enemies burn."

Maria's eyes then flashed green.

"Ten half-bloods shall answer the call
To storm, death or fire, the world must fall
An oath to keep with a final breath,
And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death"

"Shadow… help me." Maria said as her eyes flashed back to normal before the image vanished.

Shadow then stared at the spot where Maria had just been.

His shocked expression changed to a determined one as he felt rage and hope at the same time.

He then skated to the Area that he knew would help him on this mission.

He went to the one Area that he had never been in but he knew about. The room the Gerald Robotnik left with a lot of weapons and the unstable 8th chaos emerald.

He knew he'd need all the firepower he could get to do this mission, he didn't know why but he knew that if someone was actually keeping Maria dead then he would need every available asset.

He opened the weapons vault and saw all the weapons made of rare materials like Imperial Bronze or Celestial Gold or something like that.

He then saw the dark purple chaos emerald. He then skated up to it and grabbed it and he could immediately feel its unstable power.

"Alright I have to find Gaia, Nico and Hazel to find death and bring Maria back." Shadow said to himself. "Chaos Control."

Shadow then vanished in a blue flash of light.


On Earth a deep rumbling resonated throughout all the Olympian Magical areas.

Followed by the shaking of the earth was what sounded like a woman's maniacal laughing.

All of the people who knew about the Olympian world shuddered as did the members of the world.

Hazel Levesque fell unconscious as she felt as if someone had just directly attacked death. Nico di Angelo also fell unconscious for the same reason.

Rachel Elizabeth Dare's eyes began to glow green and she saw a Black Hedgehog standing in the middle of burning earth, with the Olympians at his knees and Gaia begging for mercy.

"You Lied to me." The hedgehog said.

"Please." Gaia Pleaded as tears rolled down her cheeks. "It wasn't my fault. Maria could have lived, it was a mistake."

"You made me destroy the world Maria loved, you made me kill her family and you also killed her." The hedgehog said. "Now you're going to wish you had never tricked Gerald into making me. I am done with showing mercy to you."

The Hedgehog then lifted a gun to Gaia's head.

Rachel then fell unconscious.

In the Underworld a girl clung onto her legs because she knew that her message to Shadow hadn't gone through so she hopped her cousins could get him back onto the right path.

All over people were thinking the same thought, Gaia has found something dangerous.


Shadow then appeared on Earth in Apotos.

"Excellent you arrived in the perfect place in order to find me. I am Gaia." The voice of Gaia said in Shadow's head. "But I can't help you from here. Before I can help you I must test if you are worthy."

"What do you want me to do?" Shadow asked.

"I have left several monsters all over the place for you to kill. Find them and end them." Gaia said.

"You better be worth making me fight your stupid monsters." Shadow said.

Shadow then began looking around before he saw a Cyclops charging towards him.

"Hm, not even a challenge." Shadow said before he pulled out a gun and shot the Cyclops in the eye. It disintegrated into dust. "Well if these things are going to be this easy then I might as well use my abilities."

Shadow then continued traveling around the city at his usual speeds taking down any monster that got in his way. The Hydras proved a bit of a challenge but he figured out how to take them, the Cyclopes were pretty strong but not fast enough to hurt him, the storm spirits proved to be a challenge but Shadow ended up defeating them either way and the other nature spirits irritated shadow but turns out that they could be killed easily with chaos spear or blast.

Shadow eventually took all the monsters down in five minutes.

"Excellent, you took down the monsters quickly and efficiently. A lot better than most demigods." Gaia's voice said. "Head to the Centre of Apotos. Once there, enter the shrine of the Gods."

"Fine." Shadow said before he muttered. "You better help me rescue Maria."

"Of course, you two are both so important to me; I would be a fool to not help you." Gaia said.

Shadow had a bad feeling about what she had just said but he shrugged it off. But there was still a small voice in his head warning him not to trust Gaia.

"Forget Gaia, just go find Nico and Hazel." The voice said.

Shadow then ignored the voice before he teleported to the centre of the city.

He saw the large Greek Shrine that was dedicated to the non-existent Gods of Olympus.

He opened the door and walked inside.

The inside of the shrine was interesting as it was designed to show the world that the Olympians ruled over.

At the top of the shrine there was a golden Zeus holding a lightning bolt, in the middle was Poseidon made of white shells and sea stones over a fountain of sea water. At the Bottom was a black stoned Hades who was shrouded by skeletons. (Bear in mind that most of these are statues). There was a bronze statue of Athena standing by a whole bunch of war scrolls. Artemis and Apollo were both at the top with Zeus on separate chariots. Artemis was Silver while Apollo was golden. Shadow all took notice that the ceiling had a rotating mechanism that turned as the hours of the day went up making sunlight shine onto Apollo making him glow and moonlight shine on Artemis making her glow. Then there was a black statue of Ares that was holding a bloody spear and was just below Athena. There was Hephaestus who had a black statue and held a hammer over what looked like a fire and was just above Hades. There was a green statue Demeter right next to her brother Poseidon and she was surrounded by real plants. Right next to her was a green statue of Dionysus that was holding a silver goblet that had wine pouring out… real wine. Between Zeus and Poseidon was a bronze Hermes that was holding a caduceus. Next to Zeus was a golden statue of Hera and she smiled with a look that said 'Mother Knows Best.' Next to Athena was a golden statue that radiated beauty; it was the statue of Aphrodite and she held a dove in her hand. Next to Poseidon there was a bronze statue of a Hestia that was sitting by a large hearth that was lit with Greek Fire.

Shadow stopped himself.

How did he know all these names? Was it something that Gerald had programed into him? How did he know that he shouldn't touch the green flames that danced in the hearth? And why was it that every time he saw the statue of Poseidon he was reminded of Maria… but felt as if he were looking at the wrong statue? Actually when he looked at the statue it looked a bit like Maria. He also noticed that the statue of Athena, Apollo and Hephaestus looked a bit like Eggman and Gerald and a bit like Maria.

Shadow then grabbed his head as he was hit by a headache.

"Okay, I have a mission to complete." Shadow said as he regained his composure. "I'm here Gaia. Tell me what I need to know."

Shadow could swear he saw all the statues, with the exception of Apollo, glare at him before reverting back to normal.

"It was hard to contact you while you were in here, but I suppose that's why they left a part of my consciousness underneath here so that I would be less of a threat." Gaia said. "Go to the statue of Hades. There should be a secret passage around his statue."

Shadow jumped down to the bottom level.

When he landed he noticed that this area was decorated like the underworld. He saw this area was darker than the rest. There were multiple rivers snaking around, a statue of Persephone, Hades' wife, was next to Hades, a mural of the fields of punishment, a mural of the fields of Asphodel, a mural of Elysium, a mural of the Isles of the Blest and a large dark hole that Shadow presumed was Tartarus.

Shadow then looked at the hole in the ground before he jumped in.

He then landed in a hallway. He then skated through the hallway until he found what he was looking for.

He found a woman sleeping on a bed. He could tell that this wasn't the real woman but a part of her as she was kind of see through but was visible all the same.

She had pale skin, black hair and closed eyes. She was wearing a black cloak that was made from the earth and was shifting. She also had a veil covering her face that was made of surprise, surprise shifting dust.

"So you must be Gaia." Shadow said.

"Yes though this is only a part of my consciousness." Gaia said.

"So enlighten me on how I can save Maria." Shadow said.

Gaia's eyes then opened and a golden light flooded the room.

When the light cleared Shadow found himself floating in the empty void of space. But he noticed that there was nothing around him. He was completely alone.

"Gerald Robotnik programmed you with the scientific knowledge of how the world was created am I right?" Gaia asked as she appeared next to Shadow.

"Yes." Shadow said.

"Well let me tell you now that, that theory isn't the entire theory." Gaia said. "In the beginning there was nothing in our solar system, but all around us there were other solar systems. Eventually there was a build-up of power in this region before chaos was born."

There was a flash of light and there was a super large Chao that was coloured a multitude of different colours.

"What the hell?!" Shadow asked confused.

Floating around the giant Chao were the seven chaos Emeralds, the Master emerald and the unstable emerald.

"Chaos was bored as he could not go anywhere and was alone in this empty space." Gaia said. "The stars were too far to reach so he decided to do something else."

All the emeralds flew into him and he began to gather energy.

Shadow knew what he was doing and before he could comment Chaos exploded and then there was fire covering everything.

The fire stayed for a moment before it flew back to the centre and a ball of fire began to form. Shadow also noticed asteroids gathering and smashing into each other and starting to circle the new sun.

He then saw the 9 emeralds shoot from the sun and hit into one of the large asteroids.

"Wait a second, the Chaos emeralds represent life." Shadow said. "And earth is the only planet that can hold life so that must be earth."

Gaia smiled and nodded. "Yes that's me as a foetus." Gaia said.

"That would explain the name Gaia." Shadow said.

"So let us speed this up a bit." Gaia said.

Everything flashed golden and now Shadow was on the newly formed earth.

He saw a bunch of children all sitting in a field on earth… but they were all naked.

"Jeez you could have put on some clothes." Shadow said before Gaia slapped him upside the head.

"This was before clothes." Gaia said. "The oldest girl was me." She said as she pointed to the girl with brown skin, brown hair and green eyes. "The boy I'm talking to was my son, husband and brother Ouranos." She said as she pointed to the boy with, baby blue skin, blond hair and sky blue eyes.

"But he looks like a 12 year old… while you look 10." Shadow said.

"Don't ask." Gaia said. "There was my brother, Chaos," She pointed at the boy with, ocean blue skin, blue hair and green eyes, "that was my brother Helios," She said as she pointed to the boy with yellow skin, blond hair and orange eyes, "that was my daughter and niece Luna," She pointed at the girl with silvery white skin, white hair and green eyes, "and that was my brother and nephew Tartarus." She said as she pointed at the boy with black skin, black hair and black eyes.

"Hm, earth, sky, ocean, sun, moon and death." Shadow said.

"Yes." Gaia said. "Eventually we grew older and went our separate ways. I took over everything as I was the eldest and I married Ouranos. Chaos took the emeralds and created animals, the Chao, and mobians. Tartarus sank down to the inner depths of the earth. Helios and Luna travelled into the sky to be the moon and sun."

Shadow growled as he crossed his arms.

"How does this help me with saving Maria?" Shadow asked.

"Fine let me speed up the story. Ouranos and I eventually had children… that he cast into the pit that Tartarus had made. I was angry so when our next children came, the Titans I made my eldest son Kronos kill his father and trap the sky within me. I had become the perfect mother and now my children were left to rule… but then they had children." Gaia said with pure hatred as the images of this flashed around them.

"The Olympians came and took down my children and forced them to do jobs. They took over my planet and all life on the planet… with the exceptions of the Mobians and Chao." Gaia said. "They took the moon, the sun, the ocean, the sky and death away from my brethren. And locked me in a deep sleep."

The scene then changed around them to a more modern scene, before world war two.

"Hades the god of the dead had two children a while ago. Nico di Angelo and Hazel Levesque." Gaia voice rang in Shadow's head. "These two children of death can lead you to the girl that you seek. Hazel will be at Camp Jupiter in San Francisco while Nico will be in Camp Half-Blood in New York."

The black hedgehog was now in the deserted streets of San Francisco at midnight with a gun in his hand and he could feel his anger pulling him towards Camp Jupiter.

"Tearing through the underworld to find Maria will be nearly impossible." Shadow said as he started walking forward before he held his gun in both hands. "I'll take those odds."

An explosion then rocked behind him and the flames spread like wild wire and stopped right behind Shadow.

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Shadow: Damn.

Grover: Damn indeed. I feel so sorry for Hazel and whatever Roman will get in your way.

Shadow: Same here. I like how CA15 used the Shadow the Hedgehog lost CGI cut scene to end this chapter.

Grover: Why can't we have badass characters like you in our series?

Shadow: I'm guessing Rick Riordan hasn't thought that a character like me would be necessary.

Grover: It would be cool if we had someone like you.

Shadow: Yes it would.

Grover: So what will happen next time? How will New Rome react to the threat? Read, Review, Favourite and Follow to find out.