Chapter five:

The Kiss; Lost Friendship

POV: Jack Brewer

"So you'll be gone all week?" I asked, feeling my heart sink.

"I'm afraid so." Gemma frowned, hugging my arm and leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Couldn't you stay?" I begged.

She sighed. "I wish, but it's a family reunion, possibly the last one my grandpa will be going to, he's really old, so I wanna see him." She told me.

I sighed and nodded. "Okay." I said unhappily.

She smiled sadly, taking a lock of my hair and playing with it. We were sitting on her bed in her room. I smiled, raising my good hand to brush her cheek lightly. I must have blinked, because the next thing I knew, our lips were locked and she was on top of me, kissing with a passion.

I smiled and melted into it. I really needed this…

POV: Kim Crawford

I sighed and lay back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I smiled lightly, thinking about mine and Carson's talk earlier. He hadn't lied. He hadn't cheated. He was in the right. I had every right to hate Jack now. I frowned. And yet… I couldn't. Why couldn't I? I, in every right, should be hating him!

He lied, he cheated, he, he… joined the Black Dragons, he hung out with that red-headed she-devil, he… he did innumerable other things that I conveniently couldn't think of right when I wanted to be mad at him…

I sighed again, sitting up. I glanced at my bedside, frowning at the picture. It was me and Jack. We were smiling and holding each other…

Angrily, I smashed it and it went flying across the room, hitting something and shattering. I let out a huff, turning my back on the offending picture frame.

I sighed once more, this time more wearily, letting one leg dangle from the bed, the other pulled up to my chest, my chin digging into my knee as I stared unhappily at the floor. What was I going to do…?

POV: Jerry Martinez

"Hey Kim…" I patted her arm to get her attention.

She looked up from tying her shoelaces after practice on Saturday. "Yeah?"

"Look yo." I pointed and she looked up, staring out the window where we could see, in plain daylight, Jack making out with another girl, that redhead from the Black Dragons. "Ugh, disgusting." I scrunched up my nose, glaring at the couple. Jack had never been so bold with girls like this before. Probably because of his new 'swagger' he had adopted from the swagless Black Dragons. They could take anything –for example, making out with a gorgeous redhead- and make it disgusting.

I glanced over to see Kim's face had drained of color. "Yo, Kim, are you alright?" I would never had pointed it out if I had known it would bother her so much! But then, she had always really liked Jack, hadn't she? Of course it would affect her… "Stupid jerk, don't worry about it, Kim." I tried, but it was too late, the damage had already been done.

"I'm going home." Kim mumbled, sounding faintly nauseous as she grabbed her bag and ran to the door, taking a wide girth around the intertwined couple, racing away at top speed.

I sighed, slumping down on the bench and stared at them as they shared one last hug and the girl walked away, looking sad.

"Come on man… why are you doing this?" I murmured. I thought you were our friend…

(A/N: Sorry It's been so long… again, lost my co-author and had to write it all by myself… and I've been crazy busy lately… kay, I hope you enjoyed this! REVIEW!