Hey everyone! So here it is, the last chapter! :( I hope to get the sequel to this story up really soon though. :) Thank you so, so, so, much for all of your tremendous support and lovely reviews. It has been an amazing journey to write this story and I'm really going to miss it. Have a merry Christmas and enjoy this chapter! :)

Rachel and Finn can hardly believe that today is Liam's first birthday. He has grown up so much in the past year, he's gotten his own sweet, funny, and happy personality. He's always wanting to learn new things and play with his toys and be all sweet and snuggly and loving with his mommy and daddy. He really is something to be proud of, he's brought so much joy into Finn and Rachel's lives and they couldn't be any more grateful to have such a perfect little son. He is the best thing in their lives and they know that for sure.

"Good Morning, Birthday Boy, Mommy can't believe you are already a year old, you've grown up so fast." Rachel says scooping Liam up into her arms and peppering his cheeks in kisses.

"Hi Buddy, Happy Birthday, my goodness you are so grown up." Finn says.

"Isn't he though?"
"Yeah, he sure is."
"Liam, do you want to open a present from Mommy and Daddy?" Rachel asks her son.

"Toy?"" Liam asks.

Rachel giggles. "I don't know baby, you'll have to open it up so you can find out."

Finn helps Liam tear the paper off of his gift and smiles when he sees Liam smile at realizing that he got more toy balls for his birthday.

"Ball." Liam says grinning.

"I see that Buddy, would you like to play with them for a little bit until Mommy goes to get you ready for your birthday party?"
Liam throws the ball for a while and Finn stops occasionally to grin at him, or praise him .

"Good job, Buddy! You are going to be my little quarterback when you get older, aren't you?"

"Okay Pumpkin, I think it's time for you to get ready for your birthday party, you can come back and play with Daddy as soon as we get done, I promise." Rachel says.

"No Mama, I pway."
"Buddy, you have to go and get ready, be good for Momma, okay? And we'll play when your done, alright, Buddy. Mwah, I love you."

"Okay Sweetie, let's get you all fancied up and handsome for your birthday party, You are going to look so freaking cute." Rachel says.

Liam fusses a little when Rachel buttons up his plaid shirt but Rachel eventually manages to get him to stop.

"Oh my sweet Prince, you look so handsome, let's go show Daddy."
"Oh my, isn't our son just quite the little charmer?" Finn says.

"He sure is."
Minutes later, there's a knock on the door. Finn opens it to see his mother standing behind the door.

"Mom! What are you doing here, I didn't know that you were coming!" Finn exclaims.

"Seeing you of course, and what kind of grandmother would I be if I didn't come to see my precious little grandbaby on his first birthday!" Carole says hugging Finn.

"He's going to be so excited to see you Mom!"
"I hope so, and I hope you don't mind the excessive about of presents that I got for him."
Finn smiles. "Of course I don't mind, Mom. He loves you."
"Hey Buddy, Grandma's here, can you say hi, she's missed you."
"Hi Gamma." Liam says cutely
"Finn! Why didn't you and Rachel tell me that Liam started talking?!"

Finn smiles. "The two of us wanted to make it a surprise for the next time you came to visit us. Did it work?"
"Yes, it did, I'm, very surprised."
"Good, we were hoping that you would be."

"He's gotten so big, and he looks just like you, he's such a handsome little boy."
"I think he looks like me too, He's a cutie, isn't he?"
"Yeah, he really is, I'm proud of you, Finn, you've been such a good father to him, I always knew you would be."
"Thanks Mom."

Fin carries Liam around, waiting for everyone to show up.

"Come on Buddy, daddy has something he wants to show to you."
He takes Liam down to the basement and smiles at him. He made Liam a lion for his wall. It's kind of cool though cause it's also a bookshelf. "See Buddy, it's a shelf where we can keep all those stories you like Mommy and I to read to you. It's your special present just from me, and you know what, every year from now on, you're going to get a special present from Daddy every year on your birthday, okay? I love you Liam, I love you so much, Happy birthday, Kiddo."

"Wion mine?" Liam asks.

Finn smiles. "Yeah Buddy, the lion is yours."

"Come on Buddy, everyone is going to be here soon and they are all going to want to see you, the birthday boy."
A few minutes later Quinn and Puck arrive with their kids, Chloe, Aiden, and of course Beth, whom they formally adopted after Shelby died.

"There's the birthday boy." Quinn says and Liam shies away.

"Come on Buddy, it's okay. Say hi to your Auntie Q." Finn tells Liam, but it doesn't work.

"Sorry, he's kind of shy, it's just his thing, I have no idea where he gets it."
"It's fine, Aden was the same way at Liam's age."

"Well we're going to go see if he'll say hi to his Uncle Kurt, we'll be back."

"Well look, it's my adorable little nephew, look how big you've gotten, you sure do look like your daddy." Kurt says.

"Buddy, can you tell Uncle Kurt hi."
"Hi." Liam says quietly.

"Sorry Kurt, he's usually really talkative, I think he's just anxious with all of these people around."
"It's okay."

"Liam, do you want cake and presents?" Rachel asks her son.

Liam just smiles. "Well okay then, come on Pumpkin, because I know you want your cake."
Finn places Liam in his highchair while Rachel sets the little lion shaped cake in front of him.

"Happy Birthday dear Liam, Happy birthday to you." Rachel sings smiling at Liam.

"Go on Buddy, blow out the candles and make a wish." Finn says.

Liam eats his cake making a complete mess all over his face and his hands.

"Mama, I messy." Liam says with a grin on his face.

Rachel giggles at her son. "You sure are, Sweetie. Now let's get you all cleaned up so you can open up your presents."

"Look Buddy, Grandma got you more dinosaurs, can you tell her thank you?" Finn says.

"Twank wu." Liam says.

Carole smiles. "You're welcome, Sweetheart."

"Okay Buddy, you ready for more presents?" Finn asks.

"Yes." Liam says.

"Okay, you want this one, it's from me and mommy."

"Mama and Dada?"
"Yeah, that's right, Buddy. It's from Mama and Dada. You are so smart, look at you."

"Look Little Man, its cars, you like cars, don't you?"
"Vroom vroom."
Finn laughs. "Yeah, that's right, that's the noise that cars make. You are so smart."

After everyone starts to leave Liam's fast asleep on the couch.

"Aww, look how precious, we wore him out. Didn't we Finn?" Rachel says

"Yeah, he's pretty sleepy, we did good, didn't we?"
"Mhmm we sure did, I can't believe he's a year old."
"Me either, he's grown up so fast, it's been a lot of fun watching him grow up though."

"I know, he's so smart."

"He is, he's always learning new things, and he's so much fun to teach new things to."

"You are such a great dad, Finn. I am really, really proud of how good you are with him, you are a complete natural."
"You think that highly of my parenting skills?"
"Of course I do, you are always gentle and loving and kind around him."
"He just likes to be hugged and cuddled and kissed and I just want to make sure he's happy."
"Trust me, he's happy."

Liam wakes up a bit later.

"Hey Buddy, your finally up, did you have a good nap, sleepy boy?" Finn asks Liam.

"Hi Dada." Liam says

"You are just the cutest little boy." Finn says tickling Liam's sides.

"Dada, stop it."
"Oh, are you ticklish , Liam? Alright, I'll stop."
"See, that's exactly the kind of things that you do with Liam I was talking about." Rachel says.

"I don't want him to grow up Rach. I wish he wasn't growing up so fast. He's my little boy, our little boy." Finn says, a few tears falling from his eyes.

"Hey, shh, cheer up, he'll always be your little boy, I know that, you know that too, and think about it, when he's older the two of you can play football and do all of that cool father son stuff together"
"But Rach, what if he gets older and then he doesn't love me anymore."
"Honey, don't worry, he wouldn't do that to you, he will always love you, he will always love his daddy."
"I'm scared of losing him, what if something happens to him?"
"Finn, look at me, what brought this on?"
"Just, looking at him, he's just, so tiny but, I just love him, so, so much but I feel like I'm not doing the best I can do for him, what if I am a horrible father?'"
"You aren't, you are a wonderful father, you know that."

"Can I hold him, please?"
"Of course you can."
"Can Daddy give you kisses, I just want you to know how much I love you, I love you so much Liam, I'll never let anything happen to you, I love you more than anything else in the whole wide world." Finn says kissing Liam's cheeks.

"So, can I take some pictures?" Rachel asks but it's not like Finn and Liam have any choice.

"Of course, come on Liam, smile for your mommy."
"Oh look how precious you two are. My two favorite boys."
"Aren't we just charmers, Righ Rach?"
"Of course you are."
"Hey Liam, do you want to play with your new toys with Daddy?" Finn asks Liam.

"Pway?" Liam asks with a mile wide grin.

"Yeah, were going to play."
"Oh look, Daddy can throw you the ball. Would you like that?"
"Okay Buddy, here we go, one, two, three, catch the ball."
Liam catches the ball in his little hands and grins."
"Oh, good catch Buddy. You are good at this aren't you? Daddy's proud of you.'

"Look at how happy he is, Finn!" Rachel says.

"I know, he has had a smile on his face all day. I love to see him with that cute smile on his face."

"I can't believe he's a year old already."
"I know, me either, the time has flown by so fast."
"Happy Birthday Liam, we love you so much, sweet boy."
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