Hey Guys! I've written a lot of Finn and Rachel baby stories before, but I have never written one that covers the whole entirety of Rachel's pregnancy before, so I decided to try it out. I really want this story to be extra enjoyable for all of you so I will be taking chapter prompt suggestions. Also, further down the road, I will be taking suggestions on the sex of the baby as well as baby names, so if you guys could send me those through PM when the time comes, I'd really appreciate it. I hope you guys will all enjoy this opening chapter.

Finn and Rachel have been married for three years now and they are twenty-four. They have everything they dreamed of, except, a baby. Rachel flips over the pregnancy test hopeful and nervous butterflies filling her stomach, her whole world comes crashing down in a matter of seconds, it's negative, again, for what seems like the thousandth time. She hates this, she dreams of being a mother, having someone to nurture and to love instantly for the rest of her life. It also, breaks her heart because she knows how much Finn wants to be a father and how good of a father he will be once she finally gets pregnant. It just doesn't seem fair, she and Finn have been trying to have a baby for two years now, and yet again the pregnancy test comes back negative.

"Rachel, are you alright? Please come out of the bathroom. It's all okay, I promise." Finn says, having a feeling he knows exactly what just happened."
"It's negative, I'm so sorry." Rachel sobs

"Shh, it's okay. You have no reason to be sorry, you aren't doing anything wrong."
"Yes I do, I can't get pregnant, we are never going to get our baby."

"We have options if you can't get pregnant, we'll get our baby, I promise."
"I really hope so."

"We could look into to fertility treatment. That is always an option. We are not giving up on this, it is not something we ever do."
"Yeah, I know, but fertility treatment is ridiculously expensive. We can't afford it, I'm not in a show right now, and we can't spend too much money right now because of the move."
"Well as soon as we come up with the money, it's the first thing that we are going to look into, I promise."

"Finn, you don't have to do anything about this, okay?"
"I know, but I want to be able to have the money for this, I'll pick up extra shifts, I'll do anything I have to, because I want a child just as badly as you do."
"You are truly the best husband in the world, I can't wait until we are parents. You deserve this so much."

"Not nearly as much as you do."
"I know it may sound a bit silly, but as much I want to have a baby, I'm afraid that I would be a bad mother."

"It's not silly, but you will not be a bad mother, you are going to be a damn good mother because you are a naturally kind and nurturing, not to mention, the kid will have no trouble falling asleep with your beautiful voice singing it lullabies."
Rachel smiles. "Yeah, I guess. I just to make sure that I do everything right when the time comes, you know."
"You will be amazing, and no parent is a perfect parent."
"You know ,when I get pregnant I will most likely be a hormonal bitch half of the time and whine the other half."
Finn smiles at her. "So, I'm okay with that, bring it on."

Rachel giggles. "You're the best."
"I try to be."

Over the next couple of days Rachel is a mess. She wastes her days sitting on the couch and crying. All she wants is a baby. Is that really all that much to ask for? All of her glee friends have children of their own now even Quinn and Puck, and they didn't think they could have any more children after Beth . Why can't she and Finn get the blessing of being able to have children yet? That is the biggest burning question in Rachel's mind, why? Why can't she get pregnant? Why isn't anything ever happening? Why? Wiping her eyes and faking a smile, Rachel pulls herself together, because she knows Finn will be home soon and she hates it when he has to see her like this.

"Honey I'm home." Finn calls in a very stereotypical working husband like manner.

"Hey, how was work?" Rachel asks.

"Good, really good actually, I have some news and I think it's going to make you pretty happy.
"Oh, do you now? What is this good news of yours?"
"I got promoted to the school district's music department chair! Which means, I got a pretty good raise which means…Well I know you know what this means!"
"Oh my God Finn! I'm so excited for you this is amazing news! I can't believe we can finally afford to try IVF!"
"I know, it's going to happen, I promise you this is going to be it, we are going to be parents soon, I just have a really good feeling."
"You're so optimistic I love it."
"So, I take it you are going to want to set an appointment with the fertility treatment specialist soon?"
Rachel grins "Yeah."
They make an appointment for the following Wednesday and both of them are so anxious it isn't even funny.

"Finn, what if this turns out not to be a very good option for us?" Rachel says, looking at Finn nervously while in the waiting room for their appointment.

"Rachel, you are going to stress yourself out, the specialist knows her stuff, she's going to recommend that we do this okay, she is, you have to be optimistic about all of this." Finn says giving Rachel's hand a reassuring squeeze as their names are called for their appointment. After getting a bit of information from both Finn and Rachel, the doctor turns to them and smiles "Well you two, I see no problems with doing the procedure, we can do it in about a week if that works for you." Finn and Rachel are much too happy to say anything"
"Oh my God Finn! You were right. I'm so happy." Rachel says smiling the biggest smile Finn has seen her smile in a long time, as happy as can be and Finn is thrilled about that.

"I'm happy too, happy that you are happy."
"I love you."

The day of the procedure comes and Rachel is freaking out crying.

"W-w-what if it doesn't w-w-work?" Rachel panics

"Rachel Babe, look at me It is going to work, we just need to be positive, okay? Can you do that for me?" Finn replies smiling at Rachel and kissing her cheek. They are both so anxious and scared but they know that they need to be positive.

After the procedure Finn drives Rachel home and he notices how sleepy she looks. He smiles at her.

"You look really worn out. Are you feeling ok?" Finn asks

"I'm really tired but I'm fine, just really anxious to find out if it worked, if I'm pregnant." Rachel says, her smile very wide when she says the word pregnant.

"We only have to wait a few days Rach, I will fly by, I promise."

"Just think if this works we will be parents."

Finn smiles. "I know."
Finn and Rachel are growing more and more anxious to find out if Rachel is pregnant. They're basically counting down the days until she can take the test. She finds herself looking at baby things to pass all of the time. In the back of their minds, even with all the happiness, they know things might not turn out the way they want too. To add to all of that, Rachel is kind of freaking out about pregnancy side effects and everything. As much as both want to be parents. Finn and Rachel are both really scared and nervous about the idea After five days of incredibly anxious waiting they can finally find out if Rachel is pregnant.

"We're look at the results together, Okay?" Rachel tells Finn nervously

"Okay, remember, it's all going to be ok no matter what the results are." Finn assures Rachel

"Okay. I'm flipping it over on the count of three. One… two… three."
"Is that, is it what I think it is?" Finn asks, pretty sure he knows what the results are."
"Yeah, it's positive." Rachel says a wide smile on her face.

"Oh my goodness Rachel , this is actually real, you're pregnant. We're going to be parents." Finn says hugging Rachel, while they both on the verge of crying a million happy tears."

"Yeah we are, you're going to be a daddy."
Finn just stands there letting Rachel's words sink in. None of I feels real to him at all. "Oh my God, I'm going to be a father."
"I'm so happy right now."
"Me too, I love you, and so does our baby."
"Our baby." Rachel repeats. "We're having a baby."
"Yeah we are, you're officially a mommy."
"I'm so happy, but oh God I am nervous."
"Don't be nervous, you'll be amazing, the most amazing mother in the world."
"You are the best, I love you so much, but I really hope you're ready for me being hormonal and having morning sickness and all that."
"You're carrying our baby, I'll be ready for anything life decides it wants to throw at us these next nine months."
"I can't believe this is real, we are finally getting our baby, and the little thing is going to be so worth everything."

Review please, I hope you all like this story so far and you are also ready for so much more fluff. :)