
Disclaimer: I don't own anything from the Kingdom Hearts games, Final Fantasy games or Disney. They belong to people very lucky and rich.

Warnings: Homosexuality, sexual situations, plenty of casual swearing, drug use, physical abuse later and others I'll put up when they come around.

Pairings: Sora/Riku, Sora/Various, Axel/Roxas and multiple other pairings.

Summary: AU. Sora is sent to a Christian Boys School because of his salacious ways at his previous school. Instead of purging his sin, he finds that this school encourages it via a mysterious and rather lecherous organisation.

A/N: Again, sorry for the delay. Thanks so much for the support. Enjoy!

Chapter Seven

"You went again?" A slightly disgruntled female voice came from a blurry image of a brunette. "You've been going a lot more these days."

Another blurry figure ran his hand through his silver hair and turned away from her. "I can't not go. A new guy was there so I had to do the deed. Besides, father expects me to go. He still doesn't know I'm not participating in the action. He doesn't know I'm actually Christian. He doesn't know that I have to put on a certain persona just to get by."

The female voice was a bit more angered this time. "I can't believe him. Why does he pressure you to do these things just because you have a little power? You're going to lose it eventually, anyway."

"Let's not start this argument again." The male sighed exasperatedly. Even though his voice and blurry image were familiar, Sora could not for the life of him remember who he was.

"I haven't spoken to my sister in over threemonths, and I live with her! He's changed her; brainwashed her even. She comes home to see our parents lifeless and doll-like and they don't even care!"

The male sighed again. "There's nothing I can do about that! Do you really think I can go up against Xemnas and my parents, let alone the rest of the Organisation? I'm not that powerful. Just because I can summon all elements, I still have the same amount of power as the rest of them, even less than the older ones. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do."

The girl growled loudly. "Stupid powers. If it weren't for this…organisationthere would be nothing wrong with the world. Nothing wrong with you, or Namine…"

"It runs deeper than that. The organisation is just a collective." The boy started to rub her back.

"So…who's this new guy then? Has he taken Roxas' powers?"

The boy scowled. "I don't want to talk about it. He's a whore and just horrible on the whole."

"But that's not the real problem, is it? You've never really had a huge problem with your friends, why him?"

The boy physically tensed. "Why do you see right through me?"

"Because I know what you're like. Now, tell me why. You'll feel better." She smiled coyly.

"He…gets on my nerves. And no, he didn't take Roxas' powers. He took mine." The boy sounded irritated.

"You have no powers?" She sounded shocked, but relieved in a way as well.

"No, I still have powers. He and I just share the same ones. This hasn't happened before in the history of the Organisation, according to Xemnas."

She chuckled a little, which then escalated into laughter. "Ohhhh I see how it is. You're miffed because you're not special anymore. I know you're proud, but you've really got to let it go."

"He's the proud one! Wrapping the organisation members around his little finger. He even kissed me!"

She smirked. "Oh really? Look, I know you're upset he has the same powers as you, but maybe you could work together on bringing the organisation down?"

"I'll never work with him. Besides, I think he's having too much fun with them to bring them down." He scowled again.

She just patted his back in reassurance. "You could always try. He'll probably be more receptive than you think. Besides, even though he's gay, he's probably still a nice person."

Riku sighed and resigned from the discussion. "Yeah, you're probably right. I don't know much about him other than his antics. You're a good friend, Kairi." The boy kissed her on the top of her head.

"You too, Riku."

Sora woke up to feel a lot better than he had expected. He had truly slept like the dead and was now feeling particularly light and refreshed. The memories of the night before were still fresh in his mind, but he wasn't as confused about the situation as he was last night. The only thing that puzzled him was the dream he just had. When he woke up he remembered it clearly, but now he couldn't remember anything other than it being a conversation between Riku and that Kairi girl. Was it to do with that supposed bond Marluxia mentioned? Why would he have dreamed something so detailed about Riku of all people?

Axel didn't appear to be in their room, so he checked the time.

"11 am! What the hell?" Why didn't Axel wake him up?

Then a note on Axel's bed caught his eye.

I spoke to the headmaster, and he said its fine that you take the morning off, considering the circumstances. Make sure you're at lunch though.

Sora smiled a little at how nice Axel was being. He knew exactly that he only did it to get into Sora's trousers, but it was nice all the same.

Just to make sure the night before wasn't part of his dream, he imagined a flame in his palm and saw that it appeared right where it ought to be. With a new found energy, he bounced down the hallway to go take a shower and rid himself of the filth that he had accumulated the previous night.

"Hey Sora!" Axel was yelling and waving with his usual lack of shame at a table in the hall.

Sora looked around tried to find Roxas, only to see him sitting alone at another table further down. An uncomfortable feeling of guilt spiralled through him as he realised that he was pretty much shacking up with Roxas' ex-boyfriend. And he had done it so easily with little restraint.

"I hope last night didn't take too much of a toll on ya. Well, as much as it did on me." Demyx smirked, revealing red bite marks all over his neck and shoulders.

Axel chuckled. "Larxene is a handful."

"I'm fine." Sora smiled and sat down next to Axel, allowing him to put his arm across Sora's shoulders. It wasn't like they were dating…was it? "So…when is the next gathering?"

"Ready for more?" Demyx grinned. "It'll probably be on Friday night."

"Oh…" Axel smiled down at him.

"Don't worry; I put my name in. It cost me a bit, because Zexion was willing to raise the stakes. I think he rather enjoyed you." Axel was smiling way too much for Sora's liking.

He could feel eyes on him that weren't the usual ones from the organisation. This time Roxas was looking at him from across the tables. With a small yank of his head, Sora knew he was inquiring about Axel.

Sora just frowned and shrugged, the guilt flooding through. He had just successfully taken away Roxas's ex. One that he was still in love with by the looks of it. There was nothing he could do to tell Roxas nothing was going on. It was pretty damned obvious. There was nothing he could do now.

"How was your second day?" Axel was lying on his bed staring at a magazine when Sora got back from his classes.

Overall it had been a good day. He received a few curious glances from both Mr. Leonhart and Strife but they didn't ask why Axel was being so affectionate towards Sora (or vice versa). The organisation gave him no trouble; in fact, he was starting to feel like they would become his new friends. They were nice enough, sure, but there was still that underlying suspicion that all of that was false. He had learned never to trust people fully, and this was no exception. It was a group of people that indulged in sex and other things, so why should he trust them? He should be more careful, he could be getting himself into a trap.

"Fine. Same as usual." Sora put his bag down at the end of the bed and removed his shirt. It was still hot, but noticeably cooler than the day before.

Axel sat up and inspected Sora closely. "Geez, he was rough on you."

Sora knew he had welts and all sorts over his back, but he shrugged anyway. They didn't hurt that much any more. "I like it rough. What's your point?"

"I was worried about you." Axel smiled. "Is that so horrible?"

Sora couldn't help but get all happy over that comment. Axel had increased his susceptibility to all things cute. "No. I barely know you, though. How can I know you're telling the truth? That you're not just out to fuck me?"

"But I am out to fuck you." Axel smirked, putting his magazine down on the bed and rolling onto his side. "My intentions may not be pure, but I can assure you that I am telling the truth."

Funnily enough, Sora did trust him somewhat. He seemed genuine enough. With that predatory glare, he did believe him as well.

"Have you tried using your powers at all today?" Axel stood up and ran his hands over the muscles on Sora's shoulders, being careful to avoid the welts. "I'm so envious that you got the power of all. All I have is fire."

"Fire can be powerful, though." Sora turned to Axel, feeling the craving destroy all sense of reason within him. Axel's hand on his shoulder was hot and the other on his side was even warmer. He knew what he was doing to him. "Heat means so much more than destruction."

As if Axel was thinking the same thing, he smirked and pulled Sora to the bed. "Are you sure about this?"

"Axel. I'm not a little boy, don't treat me like one. Okay?" Sora climbed onto Axel's hips and ran his fingers down his chest.

"What about your boyfriend?" Axel cocked his head to the side and pursed his lips a little.

Sora sighed, feeling the flame between them diminishing as soon as he said that. Sora was starting to think rationally. He had completely forgotten about and nullified the promise he'd made to Sephiroth. "He's not my boyfriend. He's not even my lover, okay? Give me a break." He climbed off and brushed his hair out of his face, feeling slightly annoyed now.

"I'm sorry." Axel pulled Sora by the arm so he fell back onto the red-head's chest. "I didn't mean to bring that up."

"What about yours? Have you any clue how Roxas feels about this? I don't really feel like being a replacement for him." Sora was suddenly not in the mood for anything amorous.

Axel's face went stone cold instantly when he heard that name. "We broke up a long time ago."

"Psch." Sora scowled. "I'm not stupid. I look, and act like him."

Axel smiled, not exactly what Sora expected. "Don't be stupid Sora. I might have thought that at the beginning, but now that I know you, you're actually very different. You're more immature, less serious, you like to have more fun. I like that more. Besides, we're not going out, are we? All I want from you is sexual gratification and a good friend."

The brunette started to feel better after that answer and he knew that all he wanted from Axel was the same. So he allowed himself to melt into Axel's strong but lithe arms again. Axel shifted up so that he was seated on the side of the bed and Sora was straddling his waist.

"Now gimme." Axel stared into Sora's royal blue eyes before kissing him softly and entwining his burning fingers within the strands of Sora's hair.

"Fine…" Sora had once again forgotten about Sephiroth's promise as he found himself to be moving against Axel without much thought and with heightened urgency.

Axel removed the rest of Sora's clothing and pulled him closer, so that their bodies were rolling against each other. The brunette felt his pulse quicken as he soon desired much more contact. With the removal of Axel's clothing they fell into a rhythm and started to drown in the pleasure they exacted from each other's bodies.

"Sora." A voice alerted him as he left the dining hall. He looked around to see who it was, but it was getting so dark these days at 8 o'clock.

"Who is it?" Sora kept his voice low. Who knew when the rest of the organisation would come out too.

A blonde boy with the same look as Sora came out of the shadows.

"Roxas." Sora's heart started thudding in his rib cage. He was instantly reminded of what he had done this afternoon. What was he going to tell Roxas?

Nothing was going on? No, that was far too obvious.

The boy just looked at him coldly and grabbed his arm. "We need to talk. Let's go."

"O…okay." Sora stammered and followed him to an area he hadn't seen before. It was behind the gym and looked like a horticultural area.

"You need to tell me what happened last night. In all seriousness." Roxas looked stern and about to crack.

Sora really wasn't expecting that. He was expecting more of 'Are you and Axel together now?' "Well, I went to the organisation, got settled in, Zexion fucked me, Riku awakened my powers, Saix fucked me, I talked to Xemnas, displayed my powers, and went home."

"Did you receive my powers?" Roxas enquired; his voice a little strange.

Sora shook his head. "No."

"I thought so." Roxas smiled. "I still have mine."

"Oh?" But wasn't he meant to get rid of it before he left?

"Let me show you, assuming you bear the marks of sex with Zexion." Roxas lifted up Sora's shirt and saw that he was correct. He placed his hand on one of the welts on his stomach. Two seconds later, and after a faint white glow in the area, he pulled it away. The welt was gone. "I have the power to heal, or more commonly known as the power of light. I can dispel all powers because all of the other powers are technically destructive. They saw me as a threat. That's why I left, because of the jealousy and my life was on the line. I was the antithesis of Xemnas. I was the only one that could defeat him. He wanted me out. That's also why we broke up…" Roxas started chewing on his fingernail. "So, if I still have my powers, what do you have?"

Sora put his hand out in the air, palm skyward and imagined the trick he learned the night before. It was getting much easier and was becoming a lot less taxing on his energy. He could even summon larger elements.

"But…Riku?" Roxas was confused. He apparently didn't know much more than Xemnas about these powers.

Sora giggled. "The poor bastard. I stole his powers. He still has them, but now he's not the only one."

"Ouch. I can imagine how that went down." Roxas was staring into space. "But that's never happened before."

"I know. Apparently they're going to speak to the elders about it."

"Keeping my powers has never happened either. Maybe I screwed your inheritance?" Roxas continued to ponder. "Anyway, I know it seems all fun and games at the moment, but shit will hit the fan and something will go wrong. You'll see the organisation for who they really are. Xemnas now has three threats and he's afraid of losing his powers, so he's going to do something drastic." Roxas started healing all of Sora's welts and bites.

"Three threats?"

Roxas stared at Sora like he was a dumbass. "Xemnas has the power of dark matter or anti matter if you will. If you and Riku both have the power of all matter and I have the power of light, then we are his antitheses. We definitely pose a threat. Don't trust him, no matter what you do."

"I see." Sora cursed at no one in particular. "I'm still trying to get used to this power thing…I'm not strong enough yet."

"Then practise. That's all you have to do. Anyway, I also want to talk to you about Axel."

Sora visibly swallowed and looked away, embarrassed. "What about him?"

"You really are an idiot. I do know about you two. I just want you to protect him from the organisation. He's been brainwashed and doesn't know what's right from wrong. Please look after him…" Roxas trailed off. "He's very important to me."

That was so sweet that Sora couldn't refuse. He was feeling insanely guilty now.

"I know that you like him and he likes you, so I don't mind if you guys…you know…" Roxas' sadness really was the final kick in the gut.

"It's just a physical thing," Sora assured Roxas, not knowing what good it would do, "we don't really like each other in that way. We're just two horny guys."

"That's good to know." Roxas smiled with obvious relief. "But I'm still fucking pissed."

As if Sora expected any differently from him.

"Any word on the Sephiroth front?"

"He called me today." Sora's voice had dropped an octave lower. "He knows about the organisation. Apparently he knows Mr. Strife."

Roxas' eyes lit up. "Oooh, I wonder if they were lovers at some point."

"That's beside the point." Sora glared. "He warned me not to get involved as well."

Roxas looked at his watch. "I need to go. The organisation should be leaving the hall now. Remember what I've told you and trust me."

Sora nodded as Roxas pulled up the hood of his jacket and strode away.

So Sora was left alone by the horticultural area. He hadn't done any study at all since he'd been here so he returned to his room, noticing how it was getting colder as the days went by. He preferred winter, anyway.

Axel wasn't there when he returned, which was good. He liked being alone and didn't think he could manage a talk to Axel right now. So Sora wasn't hated too much by Roxas for getting with Axel… which was interesting considering how much they cared about each other. It was sad how the only reason they weren't together was because of the organisation.

Sora was quite thankful of the conversation he had with Roxas. He now knew that Xemnas had other motives and he had to be cautious about this. He picked up a maths text and started to read it, feeling sick of thinking. He had done enough of that today.