Chapter 6

Izaya's Point of View

Waking up early in the morning, is one of my many specialties. It's actually one of the main things that keeps me motivated throughout the day. If the, Great Izaya Orihara wakes up early and haves a great morning, then he is most likely going to have a pleasant day in ruining someone's life.

Oh isn't that swell? I was so excited about waking up this morning that I woke up with an idiotic grin on my face. With the bad morning and afternoon I had yesterday, I needed a good fuck to make myself satisfied for this morning.

I roll over on my side and my eyes fixate on the sight before me. A large, muscular back is presented before me, and a mop of tacky, blonde hair resting on my pillows. The brute is snoring lightly, which to me always seems unusual. Being a large barbarous lout, I assumed that he would be an obnoxiously loud snorer, but it seems to be completely opposite. He snores peacefully and for once, he seems calm.

I smirk absentmindedly. How surreal it is with this fool. Throughout the day, he's hotheaded, vulgar, and violent, however, in his dreams he's as calm as ever. His bizarre behavior makes me chuckle. Apparently, I chuckled too loudly, because the brute stirs in his sleep. He shifts and flips his body horizontally; his face facing mine.

The look on his face makes me laugh loudly. His snoring may have seemed peaceful, but the expression on his face tells a different story. His eyes are closed, but his eyebrows are knitted together, and his face is contorted into an annoyed frown. This is what I enjoy! It may be annoying to not know how to predict someone's next action, but it is comically entertaining to observe the lout's behavior.

I continue laughing because of how humorous he is. Suddenly, his eyebrow twitches in annoyance, and he opens one eye. He narrows his eye, and somehow his frown becomes more definite.

I sit myself up on the bed, wincing at the pain from below. "What's wrong Shizu-chan? Woke up on the wrong side of bed?" I smirk.

"Shut the fuck up." He grumbles and rolls onto his back; closing his eyes again.

My smirk fades, "Good morning to you too..." I huff. What a killjoy. Here I was, having a lovely morning; enjoying myself and then he ruins it with his grumpy mood. I scoot closer to him and lean down next to his ear and whisper, "Someone's in a lousy mood," and swiped my tongue on the outer shell of his ear.

I feel him shutter and scoots away from me. His eyes opens wide and he glares at me, with the word 'killer' written on his face. My brain momentarily short-circuits.

Normal people who would see this face would be so afraid that they would faint. But, I am not normal person. I am on the same pedestal as what humans consider as 'God'. And crazily enough, I see this expression on his face and I am immediately turned on; I feel myself getting aroused.

"Why the hell are you looking at me like that?" He snaps. I smirk at him.

What an idiot.

I roll myself on top of him, trying to ignore the pain on my backside. I straddle his waist; disappointed to find that his pants are still on. Fortunately, his shirt is discarded and I happily groan at his bare, muscular, chest. Since I am completely naked, my semi-hard erection is pulsing against his abdomen. As my eyes traveled, up his waist, past his navel, above his abs, and past his chest is when our eyes finally met. My half-lidded, lustful eyes met his, somewhat annoyed ones.

His eyes narrowed as he began to speak, "I don't know what the hell you're doing, but–"I cease his talking with my fingers against his lips.

"Shizu-chan," I start, "As much I would love to explain myself, I would rather show you..."I trail off. I look at his perfectly bare neck and lick my lips seductively. I lean down and suckle on his skin, lathering my saliva and sucking hard. I feel his strong hands travel up my back, and rests gently on my lower back. Suddenly, I feel sharp fingernails tear through my skin, "AH! Nng!"I groan in pain. What the hell is this protozoan doing?

"I don't know if you've noticed this by now..."he starts, "I am not in a good mood." he growls angrily. I feel his fingernails dig deeper in my skin, shredding it inch by inch. I gasp at the pain. I feel droplets of blood trail down my backside. The sharp, burning, pain feels like hooks piercing in my back. Strangely, the sensation is extremely painful, but I do not want it to stop. His strong hands tormenting me shows how dominant and forceful he is, and as I said before, I love the way his body controls me. I get turned on even more at his dominant growling and strong controlling hands pinning my body against his.

I want more of his powerful nature. The want and need of him controlling me is adamant. I grind my pelvis into his, hoping to arouse him. I hear him grunt in annoyance, "I told you that I am in no mood." I hear him hiss. Then, somehow his fingernails digs deeper into my lower back.

"Nn-Ah!" I cry out in pain, "Sh-Shizu-chan, please...."

"What did you say?" I hear him chuckle darkly. He drags his fingernails across my back. He expects me to beg for him, but I'm not going to give up so easily.

"S-Stupid brute..!" I whine. This is torture. It stings. I may eventually die of blood loss if this continues any further.

"Does it hurt, Izaya?" He growls, "Does it feel uncomfortable?" He says and digs his fingernails further down my backside.

"Aaghn–!" I yelp. What's gotten into him? Why is he so...

"Answer, flea!" He barks, and pierces his fingers deeper.

"Y-yes.." I mutter between my gasps. He sits his body upright, so that his back is against the headboard of the bed and I'm sitting in his lap. His muscular arms are pinning me to his body and his fingers are still clenched in my back. I raise my hands to hold onto his muscular arms for support.

"Don't touch me." I hear him say in a dark voice. I open my eyes, not knowing when I closed them, and look at his face. Murderous eyes appear before me. His face is red from anger, and his teeth were grinding together. I don't think I've ever seen him so angry before. He wants me to obey. He wants me to be afraid. But, as always, I am up for a challenge, and I know that the next two words I'm going to say is going to make him explode with rage.

"Make me," I coax and smirked challengingly.

And just as I thought, like a ticking time bomb, he explodes. Everything moved so quickly, that not even I, Izaya Orihara, could keep up with it. I end up on my stomach on the bed with my ass in the air. My arms are pinned behind me, as if a police officer is arresting me, but instead of handcuffs, there are a pair of strong hands, holding my wrists in place. I feel his erection haphazardly push inside of me, stretching me painfully. Just like last night, he refuses to prepare me properly, and I deal with the pain.

He plunges into me, and a stinging pain is all I feel, aside from the other stinging pain in my back. His hips rocks against me, first in a slow motion, but seconds later, it quickens.

"Ah-Ahhn!" I moan in pain and in pleasure. The stinging feels like it's getting worse, and my head is pounding like crazy.

I feel his teeth rake against my shoulder, then feeling him biting me. Hard.

"Ah!" I moan, in ecstasy. It hurts, but it feels so...good...!

He bucks against me two more times, then stops. His member is pulsing inside of me, and I feel like I could burst.

I close my eyes and see the stars behind my eyelids, each time he pounds into me. I yelp in pain, with a mixture of moaning in pleasure. I hear the brute say, "I'm going to break you in two." My heart skips a beat, wishing that he follows through his words. I formulate the words, 'Tear me apart, limb from limb~!' But the only thing that escapes my lips is an audible scream of pleasure, as his member hits a sensitive area. He hits my prostate over and over again, "Ah! Sh-Shizu–hardeeer..! Ahn~! More, more! Mmn, God..!" I moan.

And as the pleasure builds up inside me, I feel like I could easily climax , but it never comes. Instead all I see is darkness.

I can't feel anything. I don't feel thrusting, or any of the refreshing pain I felt just minutes ago.

It's just blank.

"Izaya...?" I hear my name. I wince at the voice.

"Oi, Izaya..." I hear again. The voice sounds intimidating, but also sound genuinely concerned. I grunt in response.

"Hey, Izaya, get the hell up." The voice growls. It seemed annoyed at my unresponsiveness. 'I see that his bad mood hasn't changed,' I thought. Hesitantly, I open my closed eyelids, hazily. My vision is blurred, which is often a bad thing.

I frown at this, and blink a couple of times, and rub the back of my hand on my eyes. My vision slowly returns to normal. I see the brute hovering over me, with an annoyed, but confused look on his face. I feel that my body is completely naked, and I'm on my back, like a defenseless turtle.

I groan and raise my body from the bed and immediately regret it. A fresh wave of vertigo hits me, and my head and back hurts. I groan and hold my head with my left hand, "What the hell..?" I mutter.

"You passed out." I hear the lout say, bluntly.

I scowl at him, and now notice that he's fully dressed, "No, shit, Shizu-chan." I huff. I rub my stinging, and sore back, to feel the streak of blood running down my backside. That brute sure did inflict actual damage upon me. the skin on my back is so sensitive from the pain, that even gently touching it makes me cringe in pain.

He huffs back at me and crosses his arms, "Wise ass," he mutters, "You shouldn't have provoked me, if you knew you were gonna pass out then." he counters.

Could the brute get any stupider?

"If I knew I were to pass out earlier, I would've admitted myself in a hospital, you, Neanderthal." I sigh, holding my pounding head. I don't understand why I passed out, I just know I did. The last thing I felt was the feeling of myself about to climax

"You were bleeding a lot." He pointed out, not feeling the least bit of sorrow. Even if my passing out was completely his fault. "Anyways, I want you to return whatever you took from me, asshole."

"What?" I inquired, not focusing on him, but more on my back, and my throbbing headdache.

"The. Shit. You. Took." He clarified, "What did you take from me?" He exclaimed. Ugh. Must the brute always elevate his voice?

"I didn't take anything. You left it here," I corrected him, as I scowled at him, "Look in that drawer." I say, pointing to my nearby end table.

Like the monster he is, the brute rummaged through my drawer as if his life depended on it. "How long was I out?" I ask him, closing my eyes.

"'Bout 30 minutes..." He mumbles. I hear him still rummaging through the drawer. Half an hour? Did I really pass out for that long? It literally felt like I was getting fucked mercilessly only five minutes ago...

"My glasses!" I hear the lout roar. I pinch the bridge of my nose, annoyed by his cacophony of phrases.

"That's all you took from me? My glasses?" I hear him growl. I open my eyes to see him, with annoyance etched on his face, and glasses in hand.

I chuckle. His face is priceless. You'd think the brute would be happy for me to give it back to him, but as usual, Shizu-chan is unpredictable, "You left them here." I smirk.

"And instead of giving them back, like a normal person, you dragged me over here to your horny ass, and made me have sex with you to get them back?" He yells, angrily.

I smugly smile. This is what I thrive for. His erratic temper, that elevated over the most simple and basic things. It feels me with joy, much like when a prankster pulls a prank on his victim.

"Tch." He snorts, "I'm out of here." He says and turns on his heel to leave out the room.

Oh no.

He can't leave, again.

"Shizu-chan, what about our arrangement?" I quickly say, hoping for a good reason for him to stay. After all, how am I gonna get this semen out my ass.

His head sharply turns to look me in the eye, and once again, he's given me that annoyed look, "I don't need to stay here. You've got what you wanted, now just leave me the hell alone!" He barks, and leaves out the room, slamming the door so hard that the apartment rattled.

What the hell was that all about?

Leave him alone?

He's obviously delirious. We obviously have some sort of arrangement where he comes over and we screw around for hours. What an imbecile.

And now that feeling is consuming me, again. That feeling of annoyance, anger, and emptiness. It happens every time when that brute leaves. When he's here, I don't want him to leave. But when he's gone, I wish he gets blown up by a nuclear explosion.

He's such an idiot with his, erratic moods, especially when he seems annoyed.

Why can't he feel a bit appreciative, for me being his 'fuck buddy'?

Or, why can't he just be 100% compliant when we finish having sex?

Why isn't he ever calm with me, but is calm with others? Shouldn't there be a passionate enjoyment durning sexual intercourse?

The only thing he's passionate about is inflicting me with the worst pain possible, and I don't care. But when I do care, the feeling of me not caring vanishes.

I do care.

But of course, not about him. I don't give a flying shit about him. I care about myself. Myself because I can't trust anyone to assist me.

Not even that monstrous brute.

I am so late ; m ;

I'm trying. I really am.

You know, I actually dreaded writing this chapter. It's one of this boring chapters that I didn't feel like writing, but was essential for the story.

(Instead of writing this chapter, I skipped ahead and wrote the climatic part of the story, which means that I wasn't completely useless)

You now begin to understand how I'm portraying Izaya.

Take a guess! I'll give you a hint of what he's turning himself into: It starts with an 'm', and it's a noun.

I'm trynna posst chapters! bear with me! Sorry for boring..filler chapter